Member Reviews

3.5 stars!
- an architect trying to get ahead tries to impress boss by running nyc marathon & falls for her trainer
- this book was written specifically for me, so i had a GREAT time
- lydia's naivety was grating at times but helped the plot along
- forbidden romance was FAB

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Lydia is an architect in NYC with a huge crush. When the office crush suggests everyone sign up for the marathon, she jumps at the chance to impress him and the higher-ups, but the one snag is, that she isn’t a runner. To overcome this hurdle, she enlists a hunky personal trainer, Luke, who takes her from someone who has never run a mile to someone who is prepared to run a marathon. Instead of helping her win over the man in the office, Luke muddies the water and confuses Lydia and what she really wants.

While I enjoyed watching Lydia improve herself and go after her architectural dreams, I didn’t like both male love interests. Jack, the office crush, was two-dimensional and very clearly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Luke was just boring. I mean, really boring. I felt the whole novel suffered from a bit of blandness - I finished it, but it was only because it was a fast read. In the end, things were just wrapped up in a bow so quickly, everything had its super easy ending that just fell out of the sky, and when Jack was called out on his deception, he just said, “Yes, I did that.” It was weird. Honestly, this book was full of red flags for me: Lydia’s attitude toward relationships was a bit off-putting, her willingness to flirt all over the place no matter the situation was weird, and how the book opens with a random one-night stand - all of these things just added up to her not being ready for romance, and I don’t see her being in a relationship. I didn’t believe it - it isn’t that she can’t sleep around or have that sort of attitude - it’s that if she is that way, I don’t believe that she would stay/be with Luke at all. It was odd. Maybe I’m not the audience for this book?

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for a DRC of this title for review.

So fun and charming! Would definitely recommend to patrons looking for a breezy contemporary romcom, and I'll look forward to reading more from Hrib.

4.5 stars/5.

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📖 Meet Me in a Mile
✍️ Elizabeth Hrib
🗓️ Sep 24 2024
📝 Harlequin - Romance | Afterglow Books by Harlequin

Lydia and Luke, what shall I say… this was such a fun read! I liked this so much more than I initially thought I would.
I especially loved the banter between these two, so funny. You could feel the sparks of their chemistry. Maybe Lydia was a bit too willing to do anything to impress her crush. Of course then things didn’t go as planned and the crush was left behind.

The spice was nice, but it could have been more for my taste :)

All in all this was a really quick and fun read. If you like a cute and fun romcom with a solid story, this is definitely the book for you ❤️

⭐️Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my advanced copy. All opinions are my own, I was under no obligation to review.

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This was a super fun and easy read. The cover drew me in but the banter kept me reading! I thought the idea of the book being around a marathon was so fun too!

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Okay- this was cute CUTE cuuuuuute. Lydia and Luke had incredible chemistry. The jokes, the teasing, the banter!! But st the end of the day, they genuinely cared for eachother.

I’ll be updating my review shortly

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The cover and the title got me interested in this one, as a (former) runner. This was a super quick read that was fairly cute, although problematic in how much the main character was willing to change about herself for a guy. It was predictable from the first chapter (which isn't a bad thing) but engaging. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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this one was sadly a DNF at about 30%…

I just physically can’t bring myself to love a character who is ready to change everything about herself just to get a man to like her… and the fact that she offers to run a marathon just so a guy will notice her??? no thank you.

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Super fun quick read! Lydia’s dedication to her architectural career lands her volunteering for a marathon to impress her boss and her workplace crush. She hires Luke, a personal trainer, to help her train for the marathon. Mile after mile they get to know each other, and in more ways than a trainer-trainee type of relationship. But Lydia has her eyes on the prize and doesn’t seem to notice what’s right in front of her all along.

If you like feel-good, low drama, light reads, this one is for you! You’ll quickly fall in love with Lydia and Luke and will root for their happily ever after.

Question- should the text messages look different than the actual book text? Sometimes hard to decipher narrator versus text messages.

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I received this book from NetGalley as an arc.

Listen. This book had me smiling, kicking my feet, giddy. I really enjoyed this book. It was relatable and I totally suggest reading it!

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This was a really cute romance! Lydia and Luke had an adorable meet cute; Lydia is training for her first ever marathon and Luke is the personal trainer helping her. Lydia's motivation for signing up for the marathon is to impress her office crush but the more time she spends with Luke, the more she realizes that he might be the right person for her instead. This is a light and quick read that is just a fun time. There is some spice too, and Luke really had me believing that I could run a marathon! This is low angst with small conflict, but overall a really cute romance that can put you in a good mood.

Thank you to NetGalley, Elizabeth Hrib, and Harlequin for the eARC of this book.

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This was pretty good. Training for a marathon and meeting a trainer? I would say this is a grumpy sunshine book.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I want to say thanks letting read this ARC.
I went to it blindly. It was cute workplace romance book. Lydia decides to run a marathon for charity for work.. Then mets Luke a trainer to help her run for the marathon. It kinda gave off Grumpy sunshine vibes. Overall it was cute romance novel.
I hope it has good review for this indie author.

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It was ok, I was honestly really reeled in because of the cover and sometimes cartoon covers just don't do much for me. With this one, it was very surface-level and basic, it wasn't necessarily bad or good. Definitely something you want as light reading and a filler book. It was easy to follow and see where everything was going, so again it's not a negative critique or a positive one.

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The book isn't too long, making it a fun and quick read. I love Lydia and Luke's meet-cute which literally had me smiling for so long. They have really great chemistry and funny banter. The things that happen in this book felt so real and so relatable. In some parts when Lydia and Luke share from their heart, it almost felt like I was hearing the experiences of a friend. The beginning of the book starts with Lydia who seems to know exactly what she wants, but as the story progresses, her growth and realization of what she truly desires is very encouraging. Luke comes off as a very passionate and kind guy. They both want to prove themselves by being successful at what they want to do. I liked that throughout the story, they faced failures, but they were there for each other.

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A cute, breezy read about a talented and under-appreciated architect who signs up to run the NYC marathon to impress her colleagues (especially her workplace crush).

Lydia is determined to literally go the extra mile to get the attention of the leadership team at her firm. She hires a personal trainer to help her prepare to run 26.2 miles. As Luke helps Lydia improve her mile times, they grow closer together, despite their reservations.

I thought this was really sweet and both Lydia and Luke are likable and make a good match. There is little conflict, which is lovely when you’re in the mood for an easy read. I do not like running at all but Luke had me believing that I would be able to successfully train for a marathon!

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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Lydia and Luke's story is a sweet romance taking you through beautiful places in NYC. There is a lot of push and pull and some spice that keeps things guessing. I loved reading as Lydia grew as a person and demanded her space and finds confidence. Liam is an awesome book boyfriend.

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Cute and satisfying romcom with solid plot and characters you will engage with and relate to. Surpassing personal obstacles, chasing your dreams, chasing new dreams, and finding yourself. Maybe we can all run a marathon!

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I was intrigued by the cover and title and immediately wanted to read it. I thought that the book was fast paced and easy to follow. I especially liked how both Lydia and Luke had their own dreams and aspirations separate from each other. This allowed them not to become dependent on each other and was a nice change of pace from other books.

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