Member Reviews

My Own Private Lyon
thoroughly enjoyed reading My Own Private Lyon! This time Mrs Dove-Lyon is helping her cousin, Mr. Pendergast find a bride.
It's a confusing web Augusta and her twin sister weaves when the they must find husbands quickly. It will keep you spellbound from the moment you begin the journey with Augusta and Mr. Pendergast until the very end! Katherine Bone's story is filled with characters that come off the pages and pulled me into their tale, surprising secrets are reviewed, and that is well-written.

Note: Pretty Little Lyon as by Katherine Bone is about the Steere's eldest daughter Charlotta and Lord Grey's story.

I received a ARC copy from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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Ahhh…so sweet and romantic. The kind of story that’s good for the heart and soul. Loved it and all the feel good vibes that came along with it. Thanks for this arc in exchange of an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for an enjoyable read. Mr Prendergast has come to London looking for a bride but isn't sure about how to meet one. When out walking in Hyde Park he meets a young lady who stops to pick up his cane and immediately he is attracted to her. He decides to see his distant cousin Bessie who though they haven't seen each other in years he was once close to and has heard she can he him.
The young lady and her twin are looking to marry quickly. Augusta cannot not think about the man she met in the park. They make a list of men who might be of interest to Augusta and since she did not know Quinton's name she is not aware his name was added to the list. They find themselves in a position where they have to marry at a ball. On the one hand Augusta is happy but she has never left her twin. Now they will be apart. Augusta and Quinton have an interest in horses and that will bring them closer together.

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Mr. Quinton Prendergast is in want of a wife. He has wealth and prospects, but no title. It must be fate that he meets the young lady in Hyde Park that grabs his attention, but it's only a brief moment and no names are exchanged. Miss Augusta Steere and her twin sister Delphi are in the middle of a scandal. To marry quickly is their only choice. Augusta hasn't stopped thinking about the gentleman she briefly met in Hyde Park. Enter Mrs. Dove-Lyon with her matchmaking skills. Secrets of her past will play a part in Quin and Augusta's future.
Not a 100% clean romance, but almost.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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A Chance Encounter

They met, by chance, while walking in Hyde Park. They both felt instant attraction. However, there was no chance they would meet again, or was there? They never exchanged names, but one should never underestimate Mrs. Dove-Lyon. She turned out to be Quin’s cousin. How did she find Augusta, and what happened when the two met again? For the answers, you would want to read this entertaining historical romance. Love often strikes when you least expect it.

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Mr. Quinton Prendergast Is looking for a wife but although he makes more per year than a majority of the ton no one will even think about him. Until……
Thee second eldest girl is stuck to fix the rumor mill that her eldest sister started. Which helps Mrs. Dove-Lyon do what she does best….. Match make.
A wonderfully intriguing book that will keep you on your toes and of course Bessie wouldn’t accept anything less than romantic too.
I received a complementary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review.. the opinion I have given is my own. I am disclosing this according to the guidelines.

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My Own Private Lyon by Katherine Bone

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me this ARC. It’s now published and you can read it on kindle unlimited. This book was amazing! Such a fun historical romance, it was a quick read only about 200 pages. If you like romance and not spice then this book is definitely for you. It was very easy to read for me, I find the Bridgeton series hard to read.

This story is about the Steere family who’s already gone through scandal and wants to make sure their twin daughters are able to be wed. Mr. Quinn Prendergast is the handsome candidate in this story who’s looking for a wife and because of fate he’s infatuated by one of the twins and seeks help from the Lyons den.

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Quin Prendergast is handsome, friendly, wealthy. Why then is he having a hard time finding a wife. He has no title, a must among the Ton. On a walk through Hyde Park, he meets a young woman he is quite taken with. Just before he gives up and decides to go home, he thinks of someone who might help. Bessie-Dove Lyon is his cousin, and she is a great match-maker. Will she be able to help Quin find the woman of his dreams? This story is a bit different than other Lyon’s Den tales. This one doesn’t have a wager or a couple chosen to match, no contests or wagers. In this one, Bessie is doing a favor for a favorite cousin. I love it when Quin and Augusta meet at the ball. They are a little unsure of each other even after they marry, but with fate and a mutual love of horses, things will come as they should. This story also revealed several secrets of Bessie Dove-Lyon. Interesting.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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I thought that this was a really good book. There is a very seductive and tension filled balance between desire and doubt in this book that gives not only your heart but also your mind a workout as you read it. Once I got a taste of the steamy/sweetness that this couple generated I was addicted.

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Mistrust, Insecurities And Prejudices

I enjoyed this new installment of the series which tells the story of the next Ms. Steere who is set up by Mrs. Dove-Lyon. The plot is nice with themes of class disparity and love at first sight, likable characters, more insight into Mrs Dove-Lyon's character and a bit of steam.

Quinton Prendergast has come to London to find a respectable young woman from society, but unfortunately he is ostracised because of his low birth. Whilst walking in Hyde Park, he meets a young lady and is instantly smitten with her, but he doesn't know her name or whether he will see her again. He decides to ask his distant cousin Bessie Dove-Lyon for help, and indeed she succeeds in finding the woman.

Due to their older sister's scandal, Augusta Steere and her twin sister Delphi must marry as soon as possible. Augusta is afraid to leave her twin sister, especially as Delphi is not well.
She dreams of the young man from the park who immediately captivated her, and when they meet again at a meeting organised by Bessie, they find themselves in a compromising situation while tending to her sick sister and are forced to marry immediately but misunderstandings, insecurities, past lies and mistrust threaten a happily ever after…

Overall, a charming addition to the series!

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A commoner comes to London to find a wife. He wants one from the ton, yet even with his fortune made and all the correct education, clothes, etc., he is shunned by the ton. After meeting a young woman in the park, he turns to Mrs. Dove-Lyon for help. This isn't the usual Lyons story with gambling and opportunities of chance. Instead it's a story of family, honor and secrets. Nicely written, yet for me entirely too much rhetoric and not enough interaction between people.

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My Own Private Lyon by Katherine Bone is another of the Lyon’s Den Connected World books and of course, features Bessie Dove-Lyon. It turns out Mr. Quinton Prendergast is her cousin and he is going to her for help after the ton has shut him out of the marriage mart. He had come to town for a wife and was making no headway. To be honest, the only woman who had attracted him was one he had met for a short moment in the park. He didn’t even know her name. Bessie could find anyone, though, and this wasn’t even difficult. She arranged from them to meet at a ball and for him to be introduced and let nature take its course. That was before it all got very complicated and he almost lost her because he had left out some important details, not about himself, but about his family, and hers.

Quin seemed like a nice guy. He had earned his money honestly and was willing to be a good husband. He would prefer love, but he could settle. One Bessie was involved, he didn’t need to settle. They were both very young and Bone portrayed that perfectly. She also did a nice job with Bessie Dove-Lyon, a character who stays mostly in the shadows. It was a charming story of true love, just as readers have come to expect from the Lyon’s Den books. I always look forward to a new one, no matter the author. Thanks, Katherine Bone, for an enjoyable afternoon!

I was invited to read My Own Private Lyon by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #KatherineBone #MyOwnPrivateLyon

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Quin is not titled but well settled and rich enough to care for a wife.
He enters the marriage mart but is disappointed by their response until he encounters a girl in the park and becomes smitten with her eyes.
He turns to his cousin Bessie Dove-Lyon for assistance.
Augusta is stymied by her family’s desire to marry her off quickly but quickly changes her mind when she finds out Quin is a suitor.
Some twists to the story and misunderstandings lead to strife.
Filled with quotes and fun sayings to fit the circumstances.
Quick easy readable addition to the Lyon’s Den saga.

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This is a great addition to The Lyon’s Den Connected World Series. Anytime Mrs. Dove-Lyon is involved, love and happiness follows but this time it’s not that simple. Augusta and Quin have a chance meeting and an instant connection was made, but it takes planning and a little luck that brings them back to each other. All along their journey there are unexpected surprises that adds to the story and that makes it worth reading. One thing I really enjoyed about this story is the fact that Mrs. Dove-Lyon plays a larger role than in most of the others and more is learned about her. I loved the story and highly recommend it as a great read.
I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and are voluntarily leaving a review.

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A hasty marriage...

Arranged by Dove-Lyon...Quinton meets Augusta in Hyde Park, but they are not introduced. He then goes to seek an arranged marriage and of course, its to Augusta, who must wed in a hurry to avoid family scandal. But once wed, doubts arise.

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A chance encounter in the park, leaves both Quin and Augusta mourning that they don’t know the other’s name and will probably never see each other again. However Quin’s talent for drawing the unusual brooch worn by the lady who has captured his interest, enables Bessie Dove-Lyon to arrange a second, introduced meeting. Both Augusta and her twin Delphi need to be betrothed to avoid their sister’s scandal affecting their reputations but just like her sister before her, an indiscreet kiss leads to a whirlwind marriage and two strangers, one with secrets, attempting a new life together.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A chance meeting in Hyde Park sparks an attraction between the main characters in this novel. However, I found the plot a little convoluted with all the twists and turns in the relationship between the various characters, although Quinton and Augusta are clearly meant for each other. However, I was disappointed that they seemed to have second thoughts upon meeting one another again and their betrothal came about in an awkward way. Nevertheless, this romance comes to a sweet conclusion. I received a copy of this book as a gift and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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True to the Lyon’s Den series, Bess is at it again. Quin is a self-made man whom the ton has done its best to stay away from. He seeks a bride, only to find a young lady in the park he can’t forget, nor knows the name of. The secrets that abound in Augusta’s life is unknown to her, but her sister’s scandal means she must marry quickly, only she can’t forget the man she met at the park! I loved how the author weaved the tale of how they got together, but her overly descriptive style got somewhat frustrating to me. The use of Aesop’s morals and other quotes got old quickly, but some readers may enjoy it. I truly didn’t understand the major upset that Quin caused when he spoke of his family to Augusta, but the way the problem was resolved was quite ingenious! All in all, a good story, just not my favorite from the Lyon’s Den series.

I received the book for free and these are my own opinions

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When Quin and Augusta meet by accident in the park, sparks fly. When Mrs. Dove-Lyon matches them, they are convinced it is a right match. However they both must get over their insecurities to make the marriage work. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for my honest review.

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