Member Reviews

Jack of all Trades by Jack Wells was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never read this author before and I will search out some of his others works. This book rarely had any slow moments (there were a few though). The seven stories kind of worked around one central story, with short stories about a Victorian novella of death, intrigue, and forbidden experiments, a short story of seduction in the heartland of post-WWII America, a short story of mass murder in the City of Angels, a short story of addiction and regret in the Appalachian Mountains. There were also stories about savagery on the high seas, a story of dark discovery in the snowy peaks of Norway, and a novelette of spirits and six-shooters in the Wild West. If you, or someone you buy gifts for enjoys reading shorter stories, give this book a read.

4 Stars

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Jack of All Trades is a collection of short stories with dark themes and twists, as well as a healthy dose of mystery and intrigue.

I really wanted to love this collection, but I really struggled to get into any of the stories. I don’t think this is any fault of the author’s— considering I fell in love with the way he uses words and melody so beautifully— I just think I’m not made for this material / story structure. I really did like the idea of an overarching story that connects the book together, but I just struggled to be invested due to its being chopped into parts.

Despite this review, I would totally recommend it to anyone whose reading tastes shift toward darker and more bizarre subjects, and I would be interested in checking out this author’s other works myself.

Thank you NetGalley and Last Waltz Publishing for the arc!

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Absolutely loved this! Well written and probably one of the most comedic titles you can give this subject.

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An interesting collection of short stories set around a main story. The stories are intriguing and will hold your interest. The only criticism I have is the ending to the main story felt rushed. Overall, I found the book enjoyable.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion .

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