Member Reviews

(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

Riktor doesn’t like the way the policeman storms into his home without even knocking. He doesn’t like the arrogant way he walks around the house, taking note of its contents. The policeman doesn’t bother to explain why he’s there, and Riktor is too afraid to ask. He knows he’s guilty of a terrible crime and he’s sure the policeman has found him out.
But when the policeman finally does confront him, Riktor freezes. The man is arresting him for something totally unexpected. Riktor doesn’t have a clear conscience, but the crime he’s being accused of is one he certainly didn’t commit. Can he clear his name without further incriminating himself?

Okay, I am done with Karin Fossum. The last three books of hers I have read have been dreadful. This was the worst of them.

A main character who is just cringe-worthy - not necessarily his crimes, but just as a character. I got the impression that the author was just trying to make him as horrid as she could...

I was bored, I couldn't tell you how many times I wanted to just shut off the kindle and find something more exciting to do - like watching paint dry, for example...

Never again.


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