Member Reviews

Six books in and I'm still really loving this series! Each book pulls me in with the historical details and the mysteries that keep me guessing. At this point, I'm really attached to the characters but especially Ruth. I'm invested and always looking forward to picking the next book up as soon as I finish. My one complaint continues to be the negative focus on Ruth's weight. If that is triggering to you in any way, I sadly wouldn't recommend this series. But if you can look past that, there is really a lot to love about this series. Great characters, historical details often about events or people I've never heard about, and page turning mysteries are all features of this series. I'm also six books in so talking specifically about this book is a bit difficult as I don't want to share any spoilers. I will say that this book was especially hard to put down as I needed to know how it was all going to end. But that's all I can say about that. This is one of those series where I definitely think you need to read them in order - events that happened in previous books continue to play out as the series goes on. Especially in this book. And it's a series I continue to recommend with the caveat about the constant negativity towards Ruth's weight which I try to ignore.

Readers who enjoy mysteries with well thought out characters and storylines that keep you invested need to gives this series a try. The first book is called The Crossing Places if you are interested. Four stars.

CW - Fat phobic comments, suicide, death of a child

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