Member Reviews

This was an interesting book. In the book Dovie can find buried bodies because their bones start a kind of singing that causes the bones in her body to vibrate and she has to follow them and dig them up with her bare hands. The book is set in a very small town in Arkansas in the Ozarks. Her best lifelong friend Lo and his grandmother do country magic and potions. Why are there sooo many dead hikers in this one area. Dovie and Lo decide they need to see if they can find who is killing all these hikers. It's never locals only visitors. The town looks down on both of them but they don't care, they are who they are. Interesting characters and story.

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This was a beautiful story! I loved all of it, especially the characters. It was done so well and combined the natural and supernatural in such a seamless way. I was suspicious of mostly everything in the course of the story, which is what should happen. I did t know what was going to happen. Kudos to the author for that! Great work and would highly recommend!

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Many YA books can easily be classified adult fiction and this is one of them. Dove has the ability to find buried dead bodies because the bones sing to her, and there seems to be a serial killer in the mountain killing hikers on the trail. Her best friend Lowan is relentlessly haunted by the souls of the dead hikers and will be until they find the killer. A Magic, mystery, character driven novel that’s hard to put down from beginning to end.

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This author is always an auto read for me! I have enjoyed every single one of their books. But this one is officially my favorite. This book was SO spooky and kept me up all night with the need to finish it.

Dovie lives in a small mountain town in Arkansas. The town may sound charming and idyllic. But over two dozen hikers have gone missing from the trails. Could it be the Ozark Howler? Or is this something more human and sinister? Dovie with her ability to hear bones sings sets on a path for the truth along side her best friend, Lo. What can the dead tell them to help them uncover the truth?

What I enjoyed:
- the pacing was incredible. You immediately are sucked into the action in the first chapter. I was able to devour this book in less than 24 hours.
-the atmosphere is creepy and such a good book for spooky season! But for anyone who is in the mood to be a little spooked.
-the friendship between Dovie and Lo was one of my favorite parts! Their friendship and love for each other was truly beautiful and adorable
-the dash of romance!
-the twists! I thought I had it figured out. But nope, I was super surprised by a big twist

Overall, this was just such a good book! I absolutely have a book hangover after reading this. 5 stars out of 5! Thank you Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Pub Date: March 04 2025 

That was incredible! It was a captivating paranormal YA tale set in the haunting town of Lucifer’s Creek, Arkansas. The atmosphere is so vividly crafted that you genuinely feel immersed in the community. There's a strong sense of self-righteousness among the townsfolk, deeply rooted in their religious beliefs, mixed with hints of magic and legends that seem to linger in the air.

The narrative was truly haunting, and I was fascinated by Dovie's unique gift of hearing the whispers of the dead. The pacing of the story was somewhat fast, yet I never felt overwhelmed or rushed. The mystery was intricately woven, filled with unexpected twists that kept me on my toes, leaving little clues to discover until the very end.

In the end, this was such a compelling read, ideal for the spooky season, with its chilling setting, supernatural themes, and spine-tingling mystery. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group for the ARC!

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Ginny Myers Sain is just incredible at mixing in depth characters and a truly riveting supernatural plot. Every single time I find myself completely entranced with the setting and the atmosphere. This one pulled me in with the darkness and the melancholy of the Ozark mountains.

Dovie can hear bones, a gift passed on to her through many generations of women in her family. She has become an integral part of body discovery with the drastic amount of hikers who have gone missing in the area.

Local urban legend tells of the Howler, a beast who preys on people, but Dovie doesn’t buy it. Strangely, even with her ability, she doesn’t believe in any of the unexplainable… but her best friend, Lo does. He is tormented constantly by something only he can see, the ghosts of the hikers. They demand the truth be set free and Dovie and Lo must brave intense dangers to uncover the truth…

This was so dark and moody. I absolutely LOVED it!

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Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Group for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

“When the Bones Sing” by Ginny Myers Sain is a captivating YA paranormal mystery set against the haunting backdrop of the Ozark Mountains and the eerie town of Lucifer’s Creek. With its atmospheric setting, dark secrets, and intriguing supernatural abilities, this book is a thrilling ride that keeps you engaged from start to finish. This book reminded me of the “Body Finder” YA series (by Kimberly Derting) with the overall premise, but Sains really shines with her immersive settings, and this book also focuses more on local magic.

The story follows Dovie, a young girl who can hear the bones of the deceased calling out to her—a gift passed down from her mother and grandmother. Alongside her best friend Lo, who is haunted by shadows tied to the unsolved mystery of murdered hikers, Dovie must use her unsettling abilities to uncover the truth behind the disappearances in her town. The mystery of the dead hikers and the subplot involving Dovie's mother add layers of intrigue that keep the plot moving at a brisk pace.

Sain’s talent for creating vivid, immersive settings shines throughout the novel. The descriptions of the Ozark Mountains and the small-town dynamics of Lucifer’s Creek are brought to life in a way that pulls you into the story's world. The portrayal of religious fanaticism and small-town gossip adds a layer of realism that highlights the judgment and suspicion faced by those who are different, like Dovie and Lo.

The plot is fast-paced, with very little downtime, which can be both a strength and a weakness. While the quick pacing keeps the suspense high, it also leaves little room for deeper character exploration or quieter moments that could help balance the intense tone of the story. The mystery itself is well-constructed, with enough twists to keep readers guessing until the very end. Although the identity of the culprit might be predictable for some, the dark motives behind the killings are genuinely surprising and add a chilling twist to the tale.

Dovie and Lo are well-developed characters, each growing and evolving as they face the town's secrets and their own personal struggles. However, the story could have benefited from Lo's perspective, as his insights and feelings toward Dovie remain somewhat of a mystery. The relationship between Dovie and Lo teeters on the edge of romance, but it wisely avoids becoming a central focus, allowing the mystery and supernatural elements to take the lead.

The book’s pacing does slow down at certain points, particularly when delving into the town's religious fervor and the role of the local pastor. While these sections may feel a bit heavy-handed, they serve to build the underlying tension and suspicion that pervades the town’s atmosphere.

Overall, “When the Bones Sing” is an engaging and well-crafted YA paranormal mystery that blends supernatural elements with human emotion and small-town drama. It’s a story that’s perfect for the spooky season, with its eerie setting and bone-chilling mystery. Ginny Myers Sain has crafted a book that not only grips you with its suspenseful plot but also leaves you pondering the darkness that can lurk in both people and places. If you enjoy fast-paced YA stories with a hint of the paranormal, this one is definitely worth adding to your reading list.

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When the Bones Sing by Ginny Myers Sain follows the story of Dovie and Lowan as they try to investigate what is happening to the hikers going missing in their hometown. Dovie has a special "talent" - more like a curse really. She can feel the bones planted in the ground as they hum around her bones, each striking a different chord until she pulls the bones out of the dirt. Written beautifully, this down to earth novel - no pun intended - was thrilling from start to finish.

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You know the author has written a superb book when you are reading and you can actually hear the southern twang of the characters talking while you are reading!
Part thriller, ghost story, and folklore all rolled into one making this an incredible book you won't want to put down!

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A very intriguing book with elements of the supernatural. Dovie feels a singing in her bones that lead her to where the dead are buried. Lo is her best friend that is haunted by the dead. They work together to discover the murderer. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

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Where do I even begin with this book?!? I couldn't put this one down, it was that good!

I loved the storyline, the character development and literally everything about this book. I recommend everyone to read this one! I loved it so much that I pre-ordered it so that I have a physical copy!

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A beautiful well written Southern tale. It took me a couple of pages to get used to the writing, it has a Southern drawl, but so beautiful and perfectly suited to this book. I was so drawn into the tale of Dovie, her family, friends and the town she lives in. Fairy tale, myth, murder mystery and horror combined into a a story line that kept me reading, and wanting to know "the rest of the story". Dovie is such a strong character, you really want everything to work out for her. The author did a great job of combining all the elements into a final ending that was perfect. Recommended.

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I was hooked from the very first sentence. A bit of magic and the paranormal. Two of my most favorite things. I instantly fell in love with Dovie, Lo, and their families. I'm really looking forward to reading more by Ginny Myers Sain!!

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Dovie has a gift where she can feel the dead. This book was a really really great story. I couldn’t stop reading. I wanted to see what happened. The surprise was at the end. Thanks netgalley for the book.

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Dovie has the “gift “ of being able to hear the dead speak, or rather, their bones speak to her. Having possessed this talent since she was a toddler, Dovies abilities are well-known, and she has teamed up with the local sheriff more than once to locate the remains of the missing. Now, hikers are disappearing from the mountain trails in the area and Dovey and the sheriff are working together to not only the remains of the dead, but also the killer before he can strike again. This was an enjoyable, southern Gothic, perfect for the spooky season.

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This book was a pleasant surprise. The characters were wonderfully and the world building was handled well. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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I really enjoyed When the Bones Sing. When reading the premise I thought it was very intriguing and caught my attention immediately. That continued to follow through the first few chapters. Then something happened and I started to have a bit harder of a time with it keeping my attention. This town seems to be one that the inhabitants are very religious and when you mix that with people who are different and have more of a magical type aspect to them like our main characters like Dovie ,who can literally hear the bones of the deceased singing to her to come find them like her mother and grandmother before her, you can imagine how well that will play out.
Since the age of 4 Dovie has heard bones sing to her. Since then she has found over 30 deceased people bones in the OXard trails. When a stringe of murders, that is original thought to be the world of a monster, start to happen the local sherif enlists her help to find the deceased and with the help of her best friend Lo to figure ouut what is really happening.
The first 15 percent or so of the book I was good. Then it for me started to slow. I hard a harder time becuase when it got to the portions were we kept getting to the parts were they talked about the town and the religion and the pastor I started losing interest and that was becuase of my own hang ups personally. I kept reading becuase I really wanted to known what was going on and when I got back to the half way mark on the book it really started picking back up for me again and I was so focused that I breezed through the rest of the book with no issues and was so sad when it had ended. In the end I did have it figured out who but not really why and throughly enjoyed the read. I have been eyeing the other books that have been put out by Ginny Myers Sain for a while now and after reading this I am definitely going to be putting them on my TBR to be picked up and read asap!

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Since she was four years old, Dovie can hear the bones of people lost in the Ozarks around Lucifer's Creek and she must go dig them up. Only the last three years there have been so many more disappearances of the hikers on the trails by the town. Dovie is so good at finding the bones that the local sheriff uses her to locate the missing hikers once their bones begin to sing, but why are so many disappearing and what could be behind it? Some blame the Ozarks Howler, but something or someone is killing hikers. Dovie's friend Lo starts seeing the ghosts of the hikers and they are demanding that he solve the mystery. Can Dovie and Lo solve the mystery without becoming casualties themselves or will the howler claim another life?

This book kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened to the missing people and solve the crime. Dovie is a relatable character and readers will root for her. I loved the "magical" aspects of the story as I grew up in Southwest Arkansas and would camp in the Ozarks during the summer with family. A good addition to any middle or high school library for the students that love a good mystery to solve.

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I was pleasantly surprised to find that this book was set not very far at all from where I grew up. Most people don’t know this area exists, so to see it in a book was fun…even if it was fictional…there were many places the author wrote about that I used to go to often. That always makes things a little more fun.

I did enjoy this book. It had a nice southern gothic feel as well as some supernatural elements. I think it was a unique idea as a plot.

The pacing seemed a little off at times in the beginning, in my opinion, but after it got going, I felt like everything evened out pretty well.

I think this is a great book for the Halloween season. The author did a good job creating an eerie atmosphere in Lucifers Creek.

Alas, I knew who the killer was as soon as they were introduced. I just think I have been reading too many thrillers. I haven’t been shocked in a long time, so I don’t hold it against this book. Maybe I need to switch genres for a while.

I really enjoyed When the Bones Sing. I thought it was a unique, emotional, eerie read that kept me captivated the whole time. It wasn’t just a thriller but a story of grief and how it weaves its way into every part of your life and how it affects your belief system. I think it’s also a story about the judgment of others. Someone can look good and be bad. Someone can look bad and be good. It was a meaningful story as well as a mystery and thriller.

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Like all books by this author, I was hooked immediately. She one hundred percent knows how to captivate readers from the first page and never let go.

When the Bones Sing is a haunting mystery with a hint of magic. It has a great family dynamic and I loved the friendship between the two main characters.

The plot was engaging and kept me entertained the entire time.

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