Member Reviews

There were parts of this book that resonated with me so, so strongly (especially as someone who grew up with church--but thankfully got out before high school). The way the author depicted the little hypocrisies of those who claim to worship God while projecting an holier-than-thou image was spot-on. The way the church and those in it rely on methods of guilt and fear to make their messages stick; the conflict that a young person faces when coming up against the wall of reality versus faith; how it's difficult to stick with faith when parts of the church believe you or your loved ones are "wrong"; but also how there's a sense of kindness and community inherit to faith that often gets lost because of some bad faith (ha!) actors. All of this was just really spot-on and spoke to an author who Gets It.

I think, though, where I struggled a bit was the romance didn't quite feel as fleshed out as I wanted it to be. I think the ending of the book both came on a bit too suddenly and also seemed to smooth things over too quickly to be satisfying.

I definitely appreciated what the author was trying to do (and what they did well), I just wanted and needed a bit more to really make it hit for me. Still recommend it, though, especially if you're someone who struggles or struggled with faith and the community surrounding it.

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This book is so relatable and laugh out loud funny. Truly fantastic. Growing up in a small town church I totally relate to this book. The feelings of anger and resentment... Why does one small town pastor get to decide who we are? If we're good people?

This book met all of my expectations!

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! Summer camp excitement is present, but it strikes a balance between serious content and lightheartedness to keep the topic approachable. People can relate to and believe the characters. I was a little concerned that it would be a biased tirade about everything religious, but faith is not demonized; instead, difficult problems are discussed and considered. This was a well-written, entertaining, and captivating story!

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I loved basically everything about Say a Little Prayer, to be honest.
First of all, the chapter titles hooked me from the jump. I usually don't pay attention to chapter titles at all, but these were hilarious and I couldn't wait to see what each one was.
I loved the dialogue. It felt real and was equal parts heartfelt and hilarious. I literally laughed out loud on multiple occasions. Riley's voice felt so true and authentic to me, and I found the struggle she and her friends faced about their church community and wanting to belong and not get kicked out -- to be so honest and real. Riley's family was amazing and I love her parents. We don't often get great parents like them in YA, or if we do, I'm not reading the right books, but I loved them so much. I loved the nuance imbued in every page of this book. I am definitely in the "Good Book Afterglow," but I can't think of anything I didn't love about this book right now.
Thanks so much to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Riley is a teen struggling with her faith. She left the church after feeling like there truly was no room for a girl like her in the congregation. When her sister is removed from the church for getting an abortion Riley is questioning faith even more.

After getting into a fight at school and being given an ultimatum: attend church camp and write an essay or no spring play (she's worked really hard on this play) Riley is headed to church camp for spring break.

Once at camp she is reminded of the fact that nothing has changed with Pastor Young since her family left the church. He is still preaching sermons that are aimed more at harboring fear, guilt and shame than really spreading the joys of faith to the young people in the congregation. This is where Riley's great idea comes into reality. Seven days, seven deadly sins for her to commit, this essay is going to be great!

I loved this book! It is my first read by Jenna Vortis and I truly enjoyed it. This is truly a story of putting yourself out there, finding yourself, standing up for what you believe in and making friends along the way. The way the teens came together in this was so heart-warming. I found myself rooting for the characters.

Althought I wouldn't classify this as a HEA ending I am very happy with how it ended and would love to see a follow up on these characters in the future!

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there is a phenomenon that happens in some young adult novels in which the author is trying to “connect with the kids” and fails miserably. Say a Little Prayer is a perfect example of this phenomenon. i can tell that the author has good intentions with this book, but it just comes off as cringe instead. the amount of times variation of the phrase “Daddy Christ” appeared was WAY too many. i simply couldn’t take it anymore. yet another book delicious sounding premise ruined by millennials trying to connect to gen z 😔

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Jenna wrote this beautifully from the perspective of a queer teen navigating so many heavy feelings and also church trauma. I laughed out loud a few times, but mostly just wished this book existed 20 years ago when I was navigating those feelings and church trauma myself. She nailed the heavy and lasting effects that the church can have on so many people and did it by simultaneously telling a great story. Would highly recommend this read to any person, queer or not. Loved it!

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This was really well written, I was invested in what was going on with the story and characters. It had a fun concept that I was hoping for and enjoyed getting to know these characters in this setting. Jenna Voris does a great job in writing this and I can’t wait for more.

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UGH. this was SO GOOD. and that says a lot because i’m not usually on the friends-to-lovers bandwagon. but this was EVERYTHING - even though i’m biased because i did get an ARC 🥰 the only critique i really have is that i would want to see more of riley’s story wrapped up at the end. overall i’m so lit for this to come out so i can buy a physical copy 💖

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Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group for this ARC.

WHAT A FUN BOOK! I usually stray away from YA but this premise had me extremely curious. I thought this book handled serious topics (abortion, coming out, religious intolerance, etc.) extremely well while also maintaining a fun, campy vibe. Bonus points for funny chapter titles! My only gripe is the Kentucky slander!! 😔

Perfect for Casey McQuiston and Julie Murphy fans.

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3.75 stars.

First off, a thank you to Penguin Group for providing me with an ARC of this book.
I believe this is a good book for anyone who's ever had to deal with the conflicted with their sexuality and religion. I think a lot of people will relate with Riley's struggles with her religion and church - not only because of how they treated her when she came out, but also how they reacted to her sister's abortion. My only critique of the book is that the romance felt a little underdeveloped. I would have liked to see more of a build up to it. That being said, I think the book overall was still enjoyable.

Currently only on Good Reads but will be on my bookstagram as well once I'm able to post.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Viking Books for Young Readers for an ARC of this title! I actually enjoyed the all the little jokes and references to memes in the chapter titles, they weren't too ham-fisted and made me laugh. Riley's character at times felt a little TOO self-righteous, especially with the whole "I'm gonna write a bomb essay and expose this pastor who everyone knows is an asshole but is too afraid to stand up to" thing. Sometimes the religion itself isn't toxic, it's the harmful rhetoric spread around it, and this book understood that. Being queer and having faith can go hand in hand, and Jenna Vorris wrote from that angle rather than the same "God sucks and I'm an atheist now" comparison. That's fine and all but religion is something that brings people a lot of comfort so I found this particular story pretty true to life. A 3.8 out of 5 stars!

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I had such a good time reading this book! It has the excitement of summer camp but manages to tow the line between a heavy subject matter and levity that keeps the subject approachable.

The characters are believable and relatable. I was a little worried going in that it would be a one sided rant about all things religious, but faith is not vilified, rather complex issues are grappled with and examined.

This was a fun story that was engaging and well written!

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Church used to be a comfortable place for Riley—until she realized that her queerness would never be accepted, and until the pastor threw her sister Hannah out for getting an abortion. She doesn't regret leaving and not going back...except that she's been quietly in love with the pastor's daughter for years. And except that the pastor isn't happy that she left without his say-so. And except that after an altercation at school, she's been banished to church camp in Kentucky for a week...and now things are just a little bit awkward.

This is so far up my alley it's basically in my backyard. I love that although Riley feels rejected by the church, she isn't rejected by the people she loves most; her family has zero problem with sexuality, and neither does Julia, her best-friend-slash-crush. Better, the deeper into the book we get, the more complicated she finds her relationship with the teenagers who have been making her life, and her sister's life, difficult since they found out about Hannah's abortion. Riley is very much a teenager (her rantings in her notebook are *ever* so slightly cringe, which fortunately I think is the point), but on the whole things feel balanced.

Readers who have read Voris's "Every Time You Hear That Song" will be pleased to find a few easter eggs (though this is not a sequel and can be read 100% independently of "Every Time"). I read "Say a Little Prayer" partly on the strength of "Every Time", and I'm pleased to report that "Prayer" lives up to the standard set by its predecessor.

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley.

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This was a sweet and fun story, with some silly moments and believable character development and relationship dynamics. The commentary on religion and queerness was hilarious at times!

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This book was delightful! Funny, sweet, and full of yearning. As a person who grew up bisexual in a church congregation that condemned being gay, I really related to Riley’s struggle. I will certainly be purchasing this book for my home and classroom libraries!

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One of the funniest and most heartfelt books I've read all year. Voris did an absolutely wonderful job of diving into the ways some religious communities rely on conformity to function and how teenagers are uniquely impacted by these situations. Each character was so well written and their bonds with each other felt completely authentic. I will be recommending this book to every teenager I know.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the editor and the author for this digital ARC.

I didn't read YA books for a while because the ones I read before always felt like something was missing or they were written for people who could not have complex thoughts. From people who think young adults, teens, and children are dumb and are not worth the effort to write complex and good stories made to make you think and relate.

I'm happy to say, it was not the case for this book. It was well written, had good characters, a great story and it was highly relatable even for someone who is out of the target demographic for a long time.

I think lots of people have met someone like pastor Young in their life. I have rarely been to church during my life and I have. I clearly remember one of the parents of my brother's classmate standing in the frame of our front door and saying to my mother that my brother was going to hell and trying to convince her to baptize him to save his soul when she learned he was not. Or when, not so long ago, I read in the news that Pope François Ist said that Abortion was a sin and that the people who performed the procedure were murderers. I think that's why more and more people are distancing themself from religions.

And I have to say, this book is spot-on at portraying it. But it also makes you realize that all religious people aren't like that. And I forget sometimes.

This book makes me think, laugh and cry. The relationships between the different characters were so good and the titles were everything !!! We see the characters grow a lot and It's also one of the best romances I've read. I think the author knows her audience and what they seek when they read a book.

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What a fun book! I thought the story was interesting and important, the characters were lovable and funny. It was an interesting premise and I really loved it. Thank you to NetGalley and Viking Books for Young Readers for this ARC!

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I was so excited to receive this ARC after reading and absolutely adoring Every time you hear that song a few months ago and you'd be mistaken if you didn't think I was gonna read it IMMEDIATELY. And this one absolutely lived up to my expectations, it was a delight to read from beginning to end. I think I can consider myself a big fan of Jenna Voris's writing now for sure.

There were very few moments where I wasn't laughing while reading this, there were constant jokes or offhanded comments made by every character and not to mention the chapter titles which were amazing. Its very rare YA books even do chapter titles anymore but I'm glad they were here and I'm glad they were so unhinged lol. Petition to put them back into books permanently please?? There are totally heavy moments and parts where it'll definitely hit really close to home for some readers though, no book is without those tougher conversations. I was never religious so I cant totally speak to any of it, but I know that even so there were a few things that sat with me and made me think. Riley was a great MC, she kind of wanted to set the world on fire and if i'm being honest she was kind of valid for it? But props to her for not doing it, more self restraint than I have on any given day lol. She was very strong willed and always stood up for people and the things she believed in no matter what the consequences may be. She questioned a lot and it was interesting to see her attitude towards things change throughout the book. I think that Julia, Greer, and Hannah were my favorite side characters. They all faced unique and also some of the same conflicts or were wronged by somebody and even so it didn't make them unredeemably mean or cruel. Sure they made mistakes but everybody does and they do admit and own up to it. I also liked Riley and Hannah's family dynamic, it showed the contrast between unconditional love like they had and conditional love like Julia and Ben had and how that can affect somebody in the long and short term.

The camp setting was super fun too. All these kids come together and even though some might have different opinions on faith or be in different social circles at home etc they still all love the vibes, friendship, and community that camp brings them. I loved all of the side characters tbh they were just funny and their personalities meshed well together. And the ending was truly heartwarming to see and made me love them even more if that was even possible. Like I said, I loved every second of this and I could keep talking about it but I think ill leave it here. Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin for the ARC, all opinions have been my own!

Review is now posted on both my Goodreads and Storygraph.

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