Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Allen & Unwin for providing this e-ARC.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children was one of the defining books of my childhood, and it cemented Ransom Riggs as one of my favorite authors. As a result, I was absolutely thrilled when he announced that he was writing a new young adult book. After finishing Sunderworld, I am happy to report that the novel met and exceeded my (pretty high) expectations. Riggs's new series is a must-read for all Miss Peregrine fans or anyone who loves portal fantasy.

Sunderworld Vol. 1: The Extraordinary Disappointments of Leopold Berry follows the main protagonist, Leopold, as he begins to discover that his favorite childhood TV show, Sunderworld, is more real than he could have ever imagined. Like in his other young adult novels, Riggs is a master of creating rich and detailed worlds that draw the reader in and make you want to know more. The 90's aesthetic made the world of Sunder feel innovative and unlike anything I had seen in a fantasy novel before.

I also loved Riggs's characterization, especially the relationships between Leopold, Emmet, and Isobel. All three characters were fun and energetic to be around, and my favorite moments in the book were when these characters were together. I thought that Leopold was a very interesting protagonist, and someone I was constantly rooting for despite his flaws.

Without getting into spoilers, I found that the ending was gripping and left me eagerly awaiting the next installment. The ending left me with a lot of questions, and I feel like there is still much more to discover about the world of Sunder. I am very much looking forward to reading the next book in the series to see where Leopold's journey takes him.

My main criticism is that the novel is very similar to Miss Peregrine's, sometimes to its own detriment. The relationship between Leopold and his father and some of the plot points in the first third of the novel were nearly identical to Miss Peregrine's. Although I still enjoyed the story, the similarities meant that throughout the first third of the novel, I felt as if I had already read the book.

Overall, I thought that Sunderworld Vol. 1 was a great read, and I cannot wait to read the next in the series. Riggs's easygoing prose and the fast-paced story meant that I finished the book in under two days, which is a testament to the world the author has created. This series has the potential to be the next young adult hit, and I will definitely recommend this to anyone who read Miss Peregrine's or is just looking for a new YA read. I would also recommend this to anyone who has an interest in portal fantasy or has ever dreamt of being sucked into their favorite fantasy world.

I would like to give a massive thanks to Allen & Unwin and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC.

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