Member Reviews

I loved the love position! The forbidden love trope was done well.

Very spicy and I love that the love interest is a yoga teacher! The perfect fun rom com.

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I like this book a lot. It had a lot to do with romance and feelings, but was also very funny. I really related to the yoga and physical parts of it a lot as that is a big part of my life. I. swooned a lot during this book and would definitely recommend it

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I say this every single time I read one of Evie’s books but listen this was absolutely amazing! Potentially a new comfort read(as if all of her books aren’t already my comfort place!). This story was oh my goodness so beautiful! Issac was wow he was a character that i definitely needed a story from after the upper crush! This book has it all! A celibacy vow that is wavering because of a beautiful woman! Is there anything more beautiful than the idea that someone can’t keep to a celibacy vow because of an attraction! But it’s not just a physical attraction it’s the emotional attachment that they have to one another! This book is number four in the foxbrooke series, but could 100% be read as a standalone however if you want my opinion id read them in order because wow the impact the characters have on you, unimaginable. I like to think somewhere in England they’re all out there, having an amazing time and thriving. That’s how well Evie writes that you feel like these characters are out there in the world, every time I finish one of her books I’m left wanting more, I don’t think it would ever be enough!
I think for me this one was so impactful because of Sophia’s character, first off…close to my name so obviously has to be a fave but her vulnerability was so emotional to read about. This book truly has something no other romance books have to offer( again I feel that way about all of Evie’s books!). Also Evie is the QUEEN of slowburns! Ugh so good!

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This is my first time reading Evie Alexander and will be definitely reading more of her books soon as I especially loved the parts of the book set in Foxbrooke.
The Love Position is the 4th book in the Foxbrooke series but set predominately at a Yoga retreat in the British Virgin Islands. It follows Sophia an Archaeologist who discovers her boyfriend cheating in her as well as stealing her finds.
Yoga seems to be the way forward to find inner peace. In steps Isaac the hot instructor, instant attraction but he’s off limits as she’s healing plus the small fact that he took a vow of celibacy 10 years ago!
I loved Estelle in Foxbrooke as well as her new friend on the retreat Jessica. They both provided some lol moments in a book which covers some pretty heavy topics (sexual harassment, workplace harassment, drugs abuse)
Isaac fought hard for Sophia, facing his own demons along the way, the epilogue was a beautiful ending and warmed my heart.
Thank you NetGalley, Evie Alexander and Emily Press for this ARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

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A beautiful, funny and heartfelt read! I loved getting to know Sophia and Isaac - both are main characters that are flawed but easy to love. I loved how the author weaved their independent journeys together - both of them needing to find their own truths on their own, but having each other as support.

Many thanks to Evie Alexander, NetGalley and Emlin Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I feel like I read a completely different book to everyone else. To me there was nothing 'laugh-out-loud' about this book and the cutesy cover did not match the contents, in fact I found it both tedious and disturbing. I only finished it because it was a NetGalley ARC.

Apart from the trigger warnings of attempted sexual assault and forced vomiting which are flagged by the author, this story centres around a cult-like yoga ashram in the Carribbean where people are treated appallingly. Chores designed to improve your mindfulness are one thing, underfeeding people to the point of nearly fainting is quite another. This is part of the plot but covers most of the book - a joyful romcom it is not.

My biggest frustration though is that the main characters spend very little time together in reality. After meeting in the UK they both find themselves at the ashram but are mostly kept apart. We get a lot of information about how the ashram runs, and life there, but not the two of them alone together until Sophia has an accident and has to be taken off the island. As a result, there's an odd moment where Sophia says how much she trusts Isaac and how that trust has been built because she knows him. But as a reader we've had a time jump and haven't seen the months he was teaching her yoga in the UK and they were becoming friendly. It felt to me like she almost just met him.

Sophia can see the ashram is a terrible environment but Isaac lost all credibility with me by being entirely blind to the issues until it's too late.

And don't get me started on the inadvertent transcendental tantric orgasmic connection when they are doing a breathwork exercise together shortly after they meet, because they are just 'so meant to be'! (Rolls eyes).

I'm so disappointed to find The Love Position not only not to my taste but disturbing (and not in a fun way!). The author is a fellow Brit and it's so hard to find great British authors who can cut through in such a North American-dominated market. I may give another one of her books a try for this reason as I really wanted to like the author and the unusual topic. I also think it really does a disservice to yoga generally but that's an entirely different issue.

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He’s a 10, but he’s taken a vow of celibacy! And you’re trapped on an island where sex is forbidden. This is an insta-lust, slow burn romance where the barriers to romance are both internal and external. They were great characters and they will definitely have you rooting for them to get together.

I liked the two MCs. The MMC was so earnest and caring. And the FMC was extremely relatable. The side characters were fun and quirky as well. This was a slow burn that completely paid out. Very passionate writing!

The setting was well done. An idyllic yoga retreat. Or is it? No spoilers. But let’s just say there were some red flags!

This is the fourth book in a series of stand alones. I haven’t read the first three, but I was able to enjoy the book regardless.

Thanks to Netgalley and the author for my review copy. Review has been posted to Instagram, Goodreads, StoryGrapgh, and Barnes&Noble. On pub day review will be posted to Amazon and Applebooks.

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There is nothing on God’s green earth that could have prepared me for what I was getting myself into here.

2 stars for entertainment but

Hoooo boy.

Sometimes you finish a book and it’s like “well, at least I’ll never think about this again” but I fear I’m going to think about this every time I do yoga for the rest of my life.

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I read the first book in the Foxbrooke series and thoroughly enjoyed it. This is the fourth book and I was really looking forward to seeing what happens when local yoga teacher, Isaac meets Sophia and reconsiders his vow of celibacy.

It sounds like a light premise, but just like in the first novel, the characters carry plenty of depth. Isaac has a good reason for taking his vow of celibacy. Sophia has been through her own terrible break up and her self esteem has taken a beating.

These two fight their physical attraction to each other, but this perhaps is part of the reason they fall in love on a much deeper level. And when these two finally do give in to their instincts, they connect on all sorts of levels.

I don't want to give too much away but the author does touch on the subject of exploitation and abuse. I thought this was handled well.

The was a very touching read - I loved how Sophia and Isaac slowly exposed their vulnerabilities to each other. And there's plenty of steam if you're willing to wait for it!

I also want to mention Sophia's friend Jessica, who lit up the page - I hope we see more of her in future books in this series.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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The Love Position
Evie Alexander

Just finished The Love Position by Evie Alexander! Talk about forbidden love! Sophia is fresh out of a relationship with the absolute worst kind of guy and Isaac is her new yoga teacher who has taken a vow of chastity… nothing could happen right? This book was soooo good, it was fast paced and easy to read, the sort of book where you keep saying ‘just one more chapter’ but then it’s 4am and you have accidentally finished the book (oops)! I loved so many of the characters, especially the loud, extroverted, would chop your balls off if you hurt her friend character, Jessica. I hope she gets her own standalone in this universe! I thought this book was witty, funny and had good banter, as well as dealing with recovery from traumatic relationships and having to learn to believe in yourself and trust your gut! 4.5 stars for me!

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Sophia's year starts very rough and blow after blow is coming especially when she arrives on the island to do her yoga for one month. Isach had thought that he escaped the temptation of Sophia but is shocked to see her on the same island where he sought inner peace. This is really emotional story about inner growth, about change, and friends and family.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgalley

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The Love Position was I little touch and go for me at the beginning. The classic catching the cheater scene can put me off. But I love Evie Alexander’s writing, so on I went. And was glad I did. This book s funny and heartfelt. There is a bit of instalove, but neither Sophia or Issac are quite sure they are ready for a relationship. Their journey takes a bit of an odd turn at the yoga ashram, but I kept me reading. I will say, I think Ms Alexander is well crafted, with characters you enjoy getting to know. But do read the content warnings, if there are things that stress you out when reading. Having said that, I am glad I read past my uncomfortable point. It is a good weekend read. I received an ARC.

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This was my first Evie Alexander book and will NOT be my last. I will definitely be reading the rest of the books in this series. She did an amazing job on this one.

I will say I would not consider this a RomCom. There wasn't many "funny" parts to me. Some humor, yes, but that's about it.

On the other hand I related to Sophia so much. I loved the way Evie explained Sophia's anxiety attacks and how she dealt with them. Or how insecure she was after her long relationship she just got out of. I feel like we had so much in common - minus the whole yoga thing lol.

The connection between Sophia and Isaac is electric honestly. They were definitely meant to be. I can not express how happy I am that he finally saw who his Guru really was.

Thank you Evie Alexander and NetGalley for my ARC (:

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I loved this book! It was such an eye opening read and truly did handle topics that need respect and care so gracefully!
This is my first book by this author and most definitely won’t be my last, I look forward to going backwards and reading the rest of the series as-well.
I’m in the midst of posting a review on Goodreads, and I will post it by tomorrow at the latest, once posted I’ll link it back here or email the link.
I connected with Sophia and her story the most in this whole book, you could really get an insight into her mind and how the manipulation from her ex was mistaken as love, I think both mcs helped each other navigate life, while respecting each others needs!

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a really good book. It is the first book that I’ve read by this author, and I really enjoyed it. The plot is well written and interesting.

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I had a difficult time following the pace of the story. The story seemed to drag at times. I did enjoy Isaac and Sofia's connection.

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Read if you like: vow of chastity, forced proximity, teacher/student, age gap, mental health rep, instalove
TW: cult, SA, lots of vomiting, torture, abuse,

This book wasn’t for me. This was 100000% a cult. Am I on drugs? It was all very woo-woo 😅

This is definitely not a lighthearted book/romcom. I know there were TWs for the SA and vomiting but I wish I knew I was picking up a book about a cult. The practices? The torture and abuse??

Their romance was very much instalove, we get zero build up and no chemistry
I also have a lot of unanswered questions - especially about Anisha

What I did like:
I adored Jessica, she was the only character I could connect to. She was such a hoot, I was giggling at everything she said 😂

While I was waiting for Sophia’s character development, we actually got Isaac’s instead. I grew to like him a lot and he when comes to his own realisation it was great

If you’re fine with the TWs I would give this book a go, I was definitely hooked and I wanted to finish the book. I’m just upset because I was expecting lighthearted romcom, and instead I got a cult that abuses everyone and heavy spiritual talk

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Thanks NetGalley for the chance! This was my first exposure to this author and while I would definitely read her work again, I felt this one got a little too into the weeds of yoga terminology. This could be preference only, not a big yoga fan myself. The romance was solid but didn’t love certain plot points - like the reason Isaac decided to go celibate seemed a little over dramatic. Overall easy read and sweet and steamy! 3.5 rounded down.

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The love position is an intoxicating blend of passion and tension, centered on the forbidden romance between Sophia, and Isaac, her serene yoga instructor. Their chemistry is electric, and the author’s portrayal of their emotional journey is both heartfelt and compelling. All in all, beautifully written tale that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

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