Member Reviews

I wanted to love this, however it was just not enjoyable so I did DNF at 30%.

Thank you to Netgalley & the publisher for my early arc copy of this!

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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Natalie and Hudson go away to what they think is a pretty deserted island to spend time together (and Natalie hopes get engaged). They soon realize it's not as secluded as they hoped. There are some twists and turns, overall a quick read

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This thriller is one by a new to me author and a book I thought I had figured out rather quickly.
But I was very wrong!

It was a twisty ride, filled with intrigue and suspense and turned out to be a story that I throughly enjoyed.

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Thinking you are alone on an island is already scary enough, then finding out that isn't the case - yikes. This did not quite hit for me but was almost there.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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What a ride! What starts as a romantic getaway for Hudson and Natalie turns into this almost far fetched crazy plot for revenge. It was a fast read, not terribly long a book and fast moving. My first by Cupps; definitely interested in more. Thank you NetGalley for the Arc

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Okay being someone who isn’t a thriller reader but wanting to expand, I must say this author is great! Beyond words with the imagination she has! Defined kept me hooked and not afraid to say it, kept me awake scared! If you are a lover of psychological thrillers go grab this one now!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Leah Cupps, and Inkubator books for the ARC in exchange for my review. This is a first read from this author and I was impressed! The book is a page turner, it’s a quick read but keeps you interested. The story is broken down into three parts and has two character perspectives. While the twist I figured out quite early on, it was still a good read. We learn a lot about the characters as the book progresses. The characters were fairly likeable for the most part. The story itself is not overly realistic but it was still quite captivating. I will definitely be reading more from this author!

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A roller coaster thriller ride that did not disappoint with many twists throughout. This was a fast gripping story that kept me guessing in each chapter. I enjoyed it was set in Montana on an island making it a secluded vacation with a haunting past. What begins is a relaxing vacation quickly becomes a live-out-the-storm survival vacation. The characters were very well-developed and easy to relate to. If you want a fun and fast thriller then You Are Not Alone is where to start.

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A young couple goes for a romantic retreat to an island in a Montana lake. Soon there, Natalie finds a diary from what appears to be the missing woman who used to live in the island house. Moreover, she feels like someone else is on the island watching them.

I thought this one was pretty fast-paced and easy to read, but Natalie and Vivian were just so hard to read as female characters. Natalie just felt really artificial and shallow, so it was hard to sympathize with her. Vivian was also hard because she was just so bent on revenge and did not have many other dimensions. If you are wanting just a fast paced thriller with a few decent twists, then this is for you. However, the characters are not the best overall. Also, the epilogue doesn't add anything so feel free to skip that.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 Stars.
You Are Not Alone is a twisty read set on a remote private island.
Natalie and her boyfriend Hudson have gone away for a weekend break to a private island for some alone time, and Natalie is excited because she thinks Hudson is finally going to propose. But when odd things start happening that can't be explained, the couple begin to wonder if they're alone on the island after all, and they begin to suspect a missing girl may be there with them. As Natalie slowly begins to slot pieces of the clues around her together, the life she thought she was living starts to quake at her feet.
I enjoyed this book and the little twists that occurred. However, I wasn't fully invested in the characters, and I felt something was missing but couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. The island setting was great and was the perfect setting for the story.

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A quick and enjoyable read. A couple goes away for a romantic weekend that turns out to be not what they thought. The characters have secrets and I don’t quite know what their end goal was. I loved the way the book came together.

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This book was really engaging and I had no idea where or when the next twist was coming. I found this book easy to read quickly as I wanted to find out what would happen next.

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I was instantly into this story and trying to get an idea of what might be going on to figure out who did what. I was surprised when the twist hit and didn’t see that coming and really liked how the story played out.

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I enjoyed how it started off full of action and wonder in the prologue. Sometimes prologues are repeats of a section within the book and to my delightment it was not. The book was fast paced and full of lies, deceit, revenge and love. I would recommend this book to those looking to get into psychological thrillers. It was easy to follow and kept you interested to the end.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me access to this book.

I feel like I’ve already read this book before. The storyline feels a bit dragged out and a bit boring. It’s also very unlikely and not realistic in my opinion. The characters were also very predictable and one dimensional. Sad.

The writing style was also not for me, felt a bit juvenile and if it weren’t for the sex I would’ve marketed it for a younger audience.

I did like how short the chapters were and how easy it was to read. That made it worth it for me.

Overall it was okay, nothing special.

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I'm a sucker for everything that just remotely feels like 'And Then There Were None', and this did NOT disappoint. I absolutely loved the setting, the idyllic island that slowly became a place of danger and threat, and seeing Nathalie slowly unravel and doubt herself and her boyfriend was wicked fun. This is the perfect thriller to enjoy on a sunny day. Or perhaps on an island holiday ;)

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'You Are Not Alone' was an interesting, atmospheric & easy thriller that captivated me from the get-go.

Overall, I enjoyed the story. It was fast-paced & with plenty of surprises - I'm usually pretty good at guessing plots now, but even I didn't see the mid-book one, so that was impressive!

However, there were a couple of niggles for me which knocked off some stars when rating. Firstly, Natalie was grating. She seemed too immature & was very annoying throughout (IMO). Secondly, the second half of the book, although good, was incredibly unbelievable. Whilst I appreciate a lot of thrillers are unlikely to happen, this one felt a little too far-fetched & at points, a bit too 'clean' (everything was working out too well for certain characters when it shouldn't have been), even for me (someone who adores a decent mystery & suspense read).

Because of those, I'm going for 3.5 stars but rounded up.

Thank you to NetGalley, Leah Cupps & Inkubator Books for allowing me to read & review the ARC of 'You Are Not Alone'; all views are honest & my own.

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This was my second book by Leah Cupps. I wasn’t a fan of the first, but the synopsis for this one immediately caught my attention and I figured I would give the author another chance. I don’t always love every book by an author and was hoping it was just a case of not connecting with a specific book instead of the author’s stories in general. After reading this one there’s no question. This author just isn’t for me.

There was not one likable character in this book so it was hard to connect with or root for any of them. Hudson was kind of one-dimensional. For a character whose actions played such a pivotal role in everything that happened on the island there was very little substance to him. Natalie was a shallow, self-centered train wreck and being in her head for half of the story was not a positive. Vivian was a delusional, overdramatic train wreck and being in her head for the second half of the book wasn’t much better.

There’s a lot of telling instead of showing in this one, which made it even harder to connect with the characters. There were also a lot of plot holes and twists that made no sense. The prologue was the highlight of the book and drew me in immediately, setting an ominous tone right off the bat, but it ultimately didn’t correlate with what actually happened in the book. The epilogue was also a little out of left field, coming from the POV of a secondary character that we didn’t even know we were supposed to care about.

This was an intriguing premise and a quick and easy read. Unfortunately, it just didn’t live up to its potential.

Thanks NetGally and Inkubator Books for the advanced copy.

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