Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this fast paced thriller it is well written with lots of twists that will leave your jaw on the floor . This book had me hooked from the first page until the last and I highly recommend it for all thriller and mystery lovers!

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I'm a suckered for a creepy secluded cabin thriller and have very high standards for them and I'd say this one performed pretty well! The characters are well written and the book has such a good pace. It's written from dual povs which kept it feeling like it had a good pace but was maybe a bit repetitive at times. It did a really good job building the tension and creating that feeling of anxiety and being trapped and cut off. The plot kept moving forward and I was really sucked in and flew through it within a day or so!

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This book tells the story of Natalie and Hudson who head to a private island for a romantic getaway. Natalie was looking forward to this trip thinking that Hudson is finally going to propose. As they get started on their holiday, Natalie can’t help but feel that someone’s watching her and they’re not alone. To make matters worse, she gets a call from her assistant who claims that her business partner whom she recently ventured into an investment with all her life’s savings has absconded. As she is scrambling with unsettled thoughts, she comes across a diary of a woman who apparently went missing a year ago and the diary entries gets creepy the more she reads it. What happened to her business partner? Who else is on the island? Why is Hudson behaving strangely? Most importantly, why is she being targeted?

I absolutely enjoyed reading this book. It was so interesting right from the beginning. Every single chapter just left me wanting more. I believe I finished this book in three days. It was very well written and each character felt very significant to the plot.

The writer had written the book with so much suspense that I kept trying to figure out on what’s coming next. I had some suspicions initially and I’m so glad that the book turned out to be different from what I had in mind because it’s always a joy when a mystery thriller is not predictable and it leaves you shocked from the result.

For those of you who enjoy suspense thrillers, I highly recommend you checking this book out because it was indeed very captivating.

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Super fast-paced and it kept my heart racing. I kind of spoiled it for myself with my prediction be cause of the name of part 2. But still a few unexpected reveals. Very similar to Freida McFadden.

Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC

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4.5/5 stars (I was surprised to see such low ratings), I felt this was a fun, fast-paced thriller.
The story is based around Natalie and her boyfriend Hudson. He wants to have a secluded, romantic weekend on a private island in rural Montana (she thinks it may be a proposal, yay). Hudson books a stunning Airbnb for them, however, strange things start to happen as soon as they arrive, and they realize that they may not be as *alone* as they had expected to be. With a storm brewing, power outages, spotty Wi-Fi and no landline … things get scary.

I found this to be an evenly spaced thriller, with some twists and turns along the way. I liked that the story was pieced together nicely at the end. It was a quick read and kept me wanting to see what was going to happen next. It was split into 3 parts; the 1st 2 being from separate POV’s and then the 3rd alternating chapter POV’s (I’m a sucker for the multi POV). None of the 3 female characters are very likable, but this did not take away from my enjoyment of the story. I don't think I fully understood where the lack of trust between Hudson and Natalie was coming from (wishing there was a little more backstory or depth) so this made the book a little overly dramatic because pieces of their relationship didn't make sense.

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I am sure this would have been a good read, but unfortunately I did not get a chance to get to this before the title was archived. I would be interested in finding a reasonably priced physical copy when I get a chance!

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On a vacation with her bf Hudson in a remote airbnb on an island, Natalie begins seeing shadows lurking around the property and a storm knocks out the electricity. Natalie finds the diary of Tess, a woman who disappeared on the island a year before. The synopsis drew me in but the writing was flat and repetitive at times. The story was still good and kept my interest throughout.

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A fast-paced thriller that I thoroughly enjoyed. The story pulls you in from the very first page and keeps you hooked. Hudson had planned a weekend away at a fantastic luxury Airbnb that was on a private island in Montana for his girlfriend Natalie. They had been together for almost a year and Natalie just knew this would be the weekend when he proposed.

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This is an edge of your seat read. Before you realize it, you are reading as fast as you can to find out what is going to happen, to the exclusion of everything around you.
You Are Not Alone is a story about a couple taking a weekend trip to a deserted island with the possibility of a wedding proposal looming. But, right away it takes a turn and the twists keep coming. It was like riding a roller coaster, even though parts of the story were past tense. I enjoyed it tremendously.
The book is perfect for mystery/thriller fans but also readers who wish to delve into this genre, as it is an easy read. I think cosy readers would enjoy it, as well, since it is not focused on blood and guts.

I received an ARC from Incubator Books through NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinion or rating or this book. I am voluntarily submitting this review and am under no obligation to do so.

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Natalie and Hudson are off to an Air B&B on a private island for a relaxing and romantic weekend. But what was supposed to be a fun trip turns deadly when they realize someone else is on the island with them. Whoever it is knows their secrets and wants to make them pay.

The description of this book and the cover art excited me. I love a secluded thriller, even if it’s not an overly original concept. And unfortunately, because of this, You Are Not Alone is a book that’s been done before and has been done better.

The writing is very simple and repetitive. For example, in one chapter a character will discuss with another character about a plan they have. In the next chapter, they will act out said plan, describing it all again even though we had just gone through what the plan was. Or a character will think something, for example, one character thinks to herself “Hudson is impressed with me”, and two lines later Hudson will say aloud “I’m impressed with you”.
The main antagonist speaks mostly in cliches, such as “the higher you are the harder you fall” or “big risk, big reward”, making them a pretty dull and shallow villain.

The character of Hudson is pretty bland and one-dimensional, but still better than his counterpart. I thought maybe Natalie was intentionally unlikeable because her inner monologue was so similar to the antagonist’s inner monologue. Still, the author makes it clear that we’re supposed to be rooting for her. She is superficial and selfish, obsessed with looks and money. I was not rooting for her at all, so that stripped away a lot of emotion from moments that were supposed to be tense.

My biggest issue was that this book relied heavily on coincidences to propel the story forward. A prime example of this occurs in the first 20 pages. The couple are driving to their Air B&B and they hear on the radio a girl has been missing for a year. They get there, start exploring, and without any precedence, Natalie thinks “I wonder if this house belonged to the missing girl”. Moments later she finds a diary and before she even opens it she thinks “this must belong to the missing girl and will tell me what happened to her”. I reread the first couple of chapters because I thought I’d missed something, but there was no setup for this. The only reason Natalie has these thoughts is for the sake of the plot and because the author needed to get the story going. The book is filled with this. It made me think of a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Giles says to Buffy “Let’s not jump to conclusions” and she says “I didn’t jump, I took one step and there conclusions were”. That’s basically this book in a nutshell.

Overall I give this book a 3/5 stars. It’s a quick, easy read and was an enjoyable enough way to kill some time. Ultimately though this book was pretty forgettable and I don’t find myself rushing out to read any of this author’s other works.

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This book was a quick and easy read that kept my attention from the beginning. Natalie and Hudson both have secrets that slowly unravel as they spend a romantic weekend together. While they get cozy they feel like they’re being watched, but are they? I would definitely recommend this book!

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A fast-paced thriller that I thoroughly enjoyed. Natalie and her boyfriend Hudson have planned a romantic getaway on a private island in a Montana lake. Natalie is sure Hudson will propose and she's excited to plan their future together. But when they get to the mansion on the island, Natalie finds they are not alone. Lipstick on a wine glass, sounds from the basement. Clues appear that point to a missing local woman. As Natalie begins to fit the clues together, she feels her world crumbling around her.

The book has dual POVs, and I enjoyed reading the events surrounding both characters. There were a few unexpected twists. Overall, it was a really great read.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books.

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I loved this book so much! I was getting so angry with the author that she kept twisting me around and around again in each chapter. When I got to the ending I love how she wrapped up the story! I’m definitely buying a copy!

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This book started out a little predictable, slow and seemed like I read the first chapter some where before. But I didn't let that bother me. Once I started reading and getting into the story I couldn't stop reading. There were some parts that seem way too repetitive but again I didn't let it bother me. The way everything fell into place at the end and the twists, turns and lies made my gasp the whole time. As it turns out I actually really liked this book. I can't wait to read more from this author..

Thank you for this arc!

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This was such a good read. It had me hooked from the beginning and all the plots were mindblowing! I highly recommend this one to read this summer! I already added Leah Cupps here other book to my wishlist because here writting is so good.

Thank you Netgalley and Inkubator Books for this arc.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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You Are Not Alone by Leah Cupps was a great thriller.
It was fast paced and had me hooked right from the beginning. It was a brilliant plot. Played out well. Very well written.
With lots of twists in this book to keep the reader guessing. The characters were brilliant, and all complemented each other well.

Thank You NetGalley and Inkubator Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the Arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Natalie and Hudson have a romantic weekend planned at an Airbnb on a private island. It completely secluded and will hopefully give them the break they need from their hectic work schedules. But, when the storm hits on the first night there, things turn sour. The power goes out and Natalie sees a shadowy figure. They are alone on this island right?

I devoured this book. From the creepy setting of what was described as a mansion on a secluded island, to the suspicions thrown on characters I thought I knew, and the twist at the end, I was entertained through it all. Even though I did end up guessing the twists, I did still really enjoy the story. The author did a great job making certain characters really unlikable towards the end. I did find that Natalie was a little bit naive for her age, but nothing that made me completely hate her.

This book was so much fun and everything I could want in a thriller. With the twists and turns and everything in between, I found myself completely immersed in the characters lives. When little things started happening and they would brush it off, I would always think YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance ARC in return for an honest review.

You Are Not Alone was your typical claustrophobic thriller, set in a mansion on a lake during a storm,.

There is a missing woman, a strange figure in a trench coat, the perfect woman (her words not mine) with a rich boyfriend all tied into a loved up weekend that goes wrong.

A missing woman who may not have disappeared after all.

I enjoyed this good, quick read with its twists and turns.

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I’ve read this book and I loved it.
The story was so addictive, the plot twist was amazing.
The characters prove us that sometimes, we need to pay attention to the first impressions of people.
Danger is everywhere, also in people you maybe know.
Love can do crazy stuff to certain peoples, crazy as killing someone by jalousie.
It was really a good book.

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