Member Reviews

This was a very fast easy read for me. I loved the set-up of the story, a secluded cabin, a getaway and a storm. It definitely gives off thriller vibes. I also enjoyed the different POV in the book. I was surprised by some of the twists in the story. I recommend this book and I will definitely read other novels by Leah Cupps.

Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an ARC copy of this novel.

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what a fantastic read - edge of the seat all the way, read it in a number of hours - could not put it down. such a talented writer, highly recommended.

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Natalie and Hudson stay in an airbnb on a remote island. Natalie is excited for a nice vacation until she finds the diary of a missing girl, Tess. Things then start happening and clicking for her and she doesn't know if she can trust Hudson. This was a good book. It wasn't a thriller that kept me guessing or anything but it was a quick read! I think that with some more depth and growth to the characters it could be really amazing!

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You Are Not Alone held my interest from beginning to end. It is about a couple Natalie and her boyfriend Hudson, they have a vacation away on an island. Natalie is hopeful for a nice getaway but when she comes across a diary from a missing woman she starts to find out her boyfriend Hudson has not always been honest.

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Natalie and Hudson's romantic weekend at a secluded Airbnb in Montana turns terrifying when a storm cuts off power. Natalie discovers suspicious lipstick marks and a diary from Tess McDermott, who vanished last year fearing for her life. To survive, Natalie must uncover the island's dark secret.

I found the premise of the book intriguing, but the characters lacked depth and didn't deliver any "WTF" moments. Despite some errors that need editing, the plot still has potential. Overall, it's an easy-to-read thriller.

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3.5 ish stars. A quick, fast-paced read. I wanted to give more stars but I didn’t like the resolution and character development was inconsistent.

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You are not alone by Leah Cupps was the first book I read that the author Leah. This was a great psychological thriller. I was able to guess some of the twist but not all of them. If I get stump then the book is worth a read.
Nathalie Aka Nat is a real estate woman that wants to get rich fast and get to the top. She is in love with Hudson and they go on a romantic Airbnb trip on a island. On the island they are not alone and the thriller and twist begins.
I really liked that it was divided in 3 parts and it gave me a better understanding of the twist and thriller. The only thing that I did not like was that there was too much repetitive. I understand is to link and close the loops on the story. I felt that the story was being retold without needing to be retold.
Overall, I recommend the book if you are looking for a quick psychological thriller that takes place in the middle of an island. If you don't mind the repetition then you would not mind it in the story. I will absolutely read another book by Leah Cupps.

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This was a perfect pool read. There is nothing better than laying by the pool getting lost in a thriller and this book delivered. It kept me engaged and turning the pages.

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I instantly hated our homegirl, which I think is the point, but she is the worst. "I am everything a man could want." then admits she can't cook and spends all her time and money working on looking pretty. she is just very superficial, which is basically how women are supposed to be here in Utah and it is silly and annoying.
And then Tara's diary is like "I invited two women I actually don't like for a fun girls' weekend. One of them is ugly."
Love the ending. Especially love the cat.
This was a fun read.

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Natalie and her long time boyfriend Hudson take off to a private Island in rural Montana where Natalie is hoping for a proposal of marriage. As they are arriving to the Island, Natalie catches a glimpse of what she believes is a person in a trench coat and plaid beret. No one else is to be on this Island so she chalks it up to it being just her imagination. But unease grows stronger when she finds lipstick on the rim of a champagne glass that was waiting for them upon their arrival. To clear her mind, Natalie decides to explore the house further discovering a diary hidden in the Master bedroom written by a woman who has been declared missing for a year now. Deciding to read the Diary in secret, alarm bells are set about her boyfriend in ways that she never believed possible and why is Natalie still sensing that they are not alone on the Island. This book had me wanting to devour it in one day. The big twist about 2/3 of the way through will throw you for a loop!

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I found the epilogue to be a bit strange. I know it tied up a loose end, but I feel this could have been included in another part of the book rather than adding an epilogue from the perspective of character who had a relatively minor part in the book.
I honestly think this book had so much potential, but it just wasn't executed as well as it could have been.

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I always have a weak spot for thrillers with a remote setting and/or bad weather angle, so it's easy to understand why You Are Not Alone ended up on my kindle. I was intrigued by the isolated private island in Montana and the promise of a horrifying secret, and it sounded exactly like my kind of thriller. I've been looking forward to pick it up, although I admit I was a bit worried after I saw the lower ratings coming in... Sadly, I ended up agreeing with those ratings, and I can't say I had a great time reading this book.

Don't get me wrong, I still like the premise of this story, which had a lot of potential. The Montana setting is great as well, and I do always love a good storm to add more tension to the plot. BUT. Sadly, I found the execution to be rather lacking. First of all, there was just something about the writing style that simply didn't work for me. I can't exactly put my finger on the why, but it just all felt rather simple and almost juvenile? Or at least the main characters in play all felt rather immature, and it was very hard to imagine them as successful real estate agents, lawyers etc. The simple style did mean that You Are Not Alone ended up being a quick read, but that's just about the only positive thing that came out of it.

As for the plot... It was both extremely predictable and somehow strangely dull for a couple trapped on a remote island in the middle of the storm. I think this has again something to do with the writing style, which somehow didn't manage to properly portray the acute situation and the danger the characters might be in. There were quite a few plot holes, and the plot 'twists' were both extremely easy to spot, too convenient and not exactly credible. I know that I read a lot of thrillers and it is hard to properly surprise me anymore, but You Are Not Alone was just one cliche after the other. Also, it somehow really bothered me that the prologue didn't fit the rest of the story, or at least wasn't an accurate portrayal of what happened.

The characters... Let's just say that they all seemed to be in some kind of competition for most despicable character, and I'm not sure who won. Seriously, they were all so incredibly cliche and extremely hard to like, and I honestly couldn't care less what happened to any of them. Natalie is extremely superficial and seems to think that if she has the perfect body and image, her boyfriend suddenly has no other option but to propose? As if men are only looking for some eye candy on their arms? She sure doesn't have the personality nor redeeming character traits... I never liked Hudson either, and this is with him being rather one-dimensional in the first place. In fact, I only started to dislike him even more after certain things were revealed. I couldn't even bring myself to root for Vivian, who was both your cliche villain and all kinds of crazy.

On paper You Are Not Alone and me should have been a perfect match, but sadly I found the execution to be rather disappointing. Extremely unlikeable characters, simple and unpleasant writing style, weak plot, lots of plot holes and an unbelievable ending... Sure, it was a quick read at least, but that was probably for the best because I just wanted it to be over. I'm honestly surprised I didn't DNF it instead.

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The concept of this book pulled me in right away, I loved the idea of a thriller taking place on a stranded island, surrounded by luxury but having that eerie creepy underlying feeling. The characters were hard to connect with initially, it all seemed very surface level and the plot moved quickly, I would have preferred a lot more description and detail to really set the scene and setting. There was just something that was missing for me, the concept was there, the plot was interesting but I just needed a little bit more overall.

I did enjoy the twists and turns and change of POV throughout the book, there were some twists I saw coming and some that came as a surprise, the ending was wrapped up too quickly for my liking however. Overall this was an entertaining thriller, I just don't think it was for me personally.

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I was quite disappointed by this book. I really liked the premise of the story and was excited to read it, but it fell a bit flat. The main character Natalie and her boyfriend Hudson go for holiday to a secluded luxury AirBnB. However, as soon as they arrive Natalie starts to discover that nothing is as it seems. The first part of the book is told from Natalie's perspective and I struggled a bit with this as I didn't find her particularly likable as a character. She came across as really shallow and superficial. I know this was part of her character, but I felt it was pretty unnecessary and just kind of annoying. There were also quite a lot of discrepancies with time frames etc which I found quite distracting as well. I think the author did a good job of creating suspense throughout the book and although I wasn't really enjoying the book, I did keep reading to find out what happened.
I found the epilogue to be a bit strange. I know it tied up a loose end, but I feel this could have been included in another part of the book rather than adding an epilogue from the perspective of character who had a relatively minor part in the book.
I honestly think this book had so much potential, but it just wasn't executed as well as it could have been.

Thanks Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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This plot intrigued me from the beginning. Romantic getaway + Secluded location + bad storm + shadowy figure + diary of a missing woman - sign me up! I read this SO fast. It does read more YA - which I like! In the beginning and through the middle I had a ton of questions and I wasn’t sure where the story was going. But the ending wrapped up everything nicely and left no questions unanswered. For me, it was the perfect summer thriller and I really enjoyed it.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this arc. This is a great palate cleanser book. The story of a missing woman, a secluded island, a romantic vacation, and the common bond that binds them together. Some of the plot felt predictable but that didn’t take away from the fun. I will revisit this author’s work when I need something to get me out of a slump.

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This was a fast, easy read, very good! This story has a surprising twist and a huge scandal. I love the development of the one character into a more confident woman. This one kept me guessing, I thought I had it figured out, but I didn’t. I love when that happens. If you like suspenseful mysteries, this book is for you.

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This book sure made me glad that my dating days are behind me! Natalie and Hudson have been dating about a year. Hudson invites Nat to a private island for a romantic getaway. But the couple gets much more than they bargained for on this secluded island. Or is it? Is someone else on the island?! Enjoy this great and wild read.

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This would have been 5 stars if the last 50% was the whole book. This was so slow to start and the development of the characters are very self centered.

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You are not alone
by Leah Cubbs
A breathtaking, genius and thrilling book.
The characters are relatable and I live the plottwist and how everything came together eventually. I like the variety of characters, their realities and their story. I love Natalie and felt connected to her from the beginning. The setting is a private island, surrounded by thundering waves and the great nothing. The book is written in the parts: Natalie, Vivian and the showdown. That showdown is quite epic. Favorite character? Gucci🐱

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