Member Reviews

Imagine expecting to go on a romantic with your boyfriend. You are sure this will be the time of your life and for the most part it truly is a blast.
However, not too long into this you find a major secret, but can you trust what you found? Who is lying and where are you really? This is one of the top books I have read this month. I loved the quick speed, constant twists, and ending. I did not see any of it coming and I loved how there was multiple POV's. Absolutely recommending this because it hits all the major key notes. I will also really say the ending was beyond appreciated since too many authors would have taken it in a different direction.

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Honestly, there’s nothing quite special about this book. Had twists and turns, but I felt they were all pretty obvious. Just mid all the way around. But if you like thrillers on islands cut off from the world during a storm, this one scratches that particular itch.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. This will be out in July.

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I enjoyed the book overall. The ending felt a little rushed after all the build up and the twists were pretty predictable. Especially with the word choices to describe characters making it pretty obvious. Overall a quick, good read but predictable.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advance reader copy in exchange for my free and honest review. Phenomenal novel with twists and turns every time I flipped the page. Amazingly created story that I couldn’t stop reading until my eyes closed of their own accord and then I was immediately drawn back in the next opportunity I had to do so. The characters and storyline was well created and rang true through the entire book. Can’t wait for more books from this author!

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It has been such a great few months for thrillers. This one was added to my favorites list. It was so good. A do not miss!

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The plot of this novel seems very promising and sounds like it would be a fast-paced and entertaining thriller to read this summer. However, unfortunately it felt impossible to get into the thriller aspect of this book. The writing felt very immature and the buildup of the plot felt incredibly rushed. Right off the bat, Natalie’s obsession with the diary and with Tess felt super unrealistic, with Tess consuming all of her thoughts.

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The characters in this book are not what they seem and melted me on my toes and made reading this book fun and something I looked forward too. I liked that the chapters were short and how the story was spilt in to two separate points of view.
I would of given this book give stars but the two thing's that let it down were at the 47% Mark I noticed a typo but From the readers point of view when you are with Natalie at the mansion and she comes across ' Tess diary ' she is not shocked,stunned or scared that she is reading a missing/presumed dead women diary as chapter one makes you aware that a local women named Tess has been missing for a year. If I was Natalie I'd be thinking I need to get out of here it at least question the chances of being in the missing women's house and supposedly reading her diary.

There are lots of twists and turns which I liked and could picture the island/ mansion,overall a good read considering I have not read anything else by the author.
Thanks netgalley for allowing me to read it and finding new author.

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I enjoyed this thriller. It's a quick read and similar to NEVER LIE by Freida McFadden. Some parts of the premise are hard to believe but the overall twist was good. I think the main problem is the protagonist is one-dimensional and hard to root for.

Thanks Inkubator Books for the digital review copy.

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You Are Not Alone is the standard - you are on a deserted island but someone else is there formula. It happens to be a formula I rather enjoy when the book is good and this book is just that.
Natalie and Hudson travel to a remote, isolated island to rejuvenate their relationship away from all the hustle and bustle of their every day lives. Then they begin to realize they are not alone when they find a wine glass with lipstick and other tell tale signs. A storm knocks the power out - increasing the spooky atmosphere.
Natalie finds the diary of a woman who disappeared from the very same island a year before.
She must then try to solve the mystery of the island and the vanished woman before she, too, falls victim to the darkness.

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Mae’r stori hon wedi bod ar fy meddwl ers i mi ei dechrau! Awn i ynys breifat gyda Natalie a’i chariad Hudson i fwynhau penwythnos rhamantaidd…. Ond nid dyna a gawn yma o gwbl. Mae’r naratif cyflym, llawn digwyddiadau cwbl annisgwyl yn sicr o’ch synnu. Oni’n bendant fy mod wedi dyfalu sut y byddai’r stori yn gorffen ond roeddwn ymhell ohoni. Mae Leah Cupps yn wych am sicrhau nad oes modd gweld beth sydd i ddod nesaf, nofel yn llawn dirgelwch, gan brofi pa mor ddwfn yw cariad a pha mor bwysig yw gonestrwydd. Gwych a dw i’n edrych ymlaen at weld be ddaw nesaf.


Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for the ARC.

This story has been on my mind since I started the first page! As we travel to a private island with Natalie and her boyfriend Hudson to enjoy a romantic weekend away… but that’s far from what can be expected here! The fast paced narrative, full of unexpected events will certainly shock you. I was certain I had guessed the ending, I was so wrong! Leah Cupps is excellent at ensuring we can’t guess what comes next, a novel full of mystery, testing the depth of love and the importance of honesty. Fantastic and I can’t wait to see what comes next!


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Sadly this was not for me.
The characters grated especially the main one.
The storyline was so same-ish that i thought i had read the book before.
I have to admit i flipped through here and there.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.
Hopefully others will find this more entertaining than i did.

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While showing promise, this book falls short due to inconsistencies and plot holes. The premise lacks originality and the main character, Natalie, comes across as shallow and lacking depth. The story rushes towards its conclusion, leaving major characters undeveloped.

Despite these issues, unexpected elements involving the antagonists add intrigue. Natalie's focus on physical appearance and a jumbled timeline regarding her relationship with Hudson contribute to the confusion. The hurried resolution and lack of depth in character development leave much to be desired.

However, the character of Hudson stands out for his compassion and growth. A deeper exploration of characters, particularly Hudson, in the closing chapters would greatly enhance the story.

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Natalie and Hudson are away on an island for a weekend, and she is hoping that he proposes.
The island is secluded and they are supposed to be the only people there, but there are strange things happening - noises that are unexplained, and a white cat that looks well fed.
The woman who owned this house went missing a year ago, and Natalie finds her diary, and makes some frightening discoveries.

I felt that this started out a little slow, and Natalie's constant preening and narcissism really grated me.
However, the twists made up for that annoyance, and I honestly will never look at a weekend in a remote spot the same way again.

3.5/5 stars rounded up to 4 - although I did enjoy the book.

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator books for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book was just ok. The writing felt very YA to me and lacked depth. I felt like there were some gaps in the plot and the story didn't flow right at times. I also find it very hard to enjoy a book when the main character is so unlikable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This is an enjoyable read with many familiar tropes: everyone has secrets and not alone are the main ones. And while the tropes are familiar, it is entertaining nevertheless!
It was interesting as the plot developed to see how all the storylines and characters were interconnected. It was cleverly done.
While there were a few plot holes I was able to ignore them and just focus on the suspense and mystery of the plot.

Overall, Leah Cupps has written another good and clever thriller!

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I really wanted to love this book, but I do somewhat like it. It had a lot of holes in the plot and some were just not adding up to me.

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This book has promise but is ultimately hindered by inconsistencies and plot holes in its execution. The premise of the book lacks originality and is overused, making it challenging to differentiate it from others in its genre. However, writer Leah Cupps successfully introduces some unexpected elements involving the antagonists that add intrigue to the storyline.

The female main character, Natalie, is portrayed as shallow and lacking depth. Her tendency to overlook the broader context in various situations is a prevalent motif in the narrative. Natalie’s emphasis on physical appearance may be perceived as frivolous and superficial, as she appears to be convoluted and believes her looks are the primary factor in attracting and maintaining her romantic partner.

The book's resolution and conclusion felt hurried, and as a result, less impactful given the buildup. As a result, there was a sense of lack of depth and development, particularly regarding major characters in the books' outcome. That said, this left me with a desire for a more thorough exploration and elucidation in the closing chapters.

The narrative in the story contained inaccuracies and intentional misdirection that led to confusion and unresolved plot elements. One notable instance of this was the inconsistent timeline regarding whether Natalie and Hudson were living together. In the early stages of the book (4% into the book), Natalie mentioned that she and Hudson had moved in together after a month of being together. However, later in the story (at 24% completion of the book), Hudson expresses a desire for them to live together. Discrepancies in the portrayal of Natalie and Hudson’s relationship timeline contributed to disorder in the plot and detracted from the overall storytelling.

Nevertheless, despite its shortcomings, this book proved to be an interesting read. I was particularly drawn to Hudson, appreciating his compassion, complexity, and growth throughout the narrative. As previously mentioned, I eagerly desire to see a deeper delve into characters in concluding chapters, with Hudson’s being of particular interest to me. Otherwise, it feels as if there is unresolved business regarding his character.

I received an advanced reader copy (ARC) of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own, and I am providing this feedback voluntarily.

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Twisty story with found journal and double cross-triple cross!

Natalie and Hudson are off to a private island Airbnb in Montana. Natalie is hoping for a proposal but Hudson has other ideas.
Right away, there seems to be signs...there are clothes in the closet, a pet cat and no cell service. Fortunately Natalie finds the journal of the last homeowner and has a hint of what's to come. Because this might be a private island, but they are not alone!

Fun read for any summer get away!
Was Tess murdered? And is h #inkubator #leahcupps #youarenotalone

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3.5 stars, rounded down. 3 felt too harsh but 4 felt too generous.

The storyline was great (albeit not overly original; there are only so many tropes within one genre), but the editing fell short for me. The subject matter was not YA but the writing style was. The characters lacked depth.

All the “twists” were very predictable and without giving anything away, I wish the ending wasn’t wrapped up so neatly with a bow. It deserved a little more chaos.

I am, admittedly, a bit of a grammar snob, so I’m easily bothered by inconsistencies and small grammatical errors. That said, this book was far from unreadable and I would still recommend it to someone looking for a specific flavour of thriller.

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An easy read to blow through. The writing felt...I don't know..I want to say juvenile but also that doesn't seem right. Just easy. There are some errors that an editor needs to go through the book before the final publish.
This is a trope those of us who read this genre know well. So it's not hard to guess certain things.

The book is a bit superficial with the way Natalie paints herself. Botox, surgeries, tanning...that's all a man wants to look good? I mean I guess some men only want arm candy.

I'll be honest. Every single character was simply unlikeable for me. Enough so that I was almost rooting for pie culprit. Not that the culprit was any better of a person. Still a satisfying end to the read.

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