Member Reviews

THE PAIRING by Casey McQuiston is theeeee boooooook of late summer. Fully equipped with all of McQuiston's snark and whit and genuine understanding of what drives the human heart, THE PAIRING is a spectacular read that will make you laugh, cry, and order all of her future books on pre-order.

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A mixed review from me this time. I've previously enjoyed many of the author's books. Mostly, I struggled through this one. Premise was good. Characters as individuals without some of their obsessions had merit to a degree. Yet the thing I focus on is how non-stop sexual they were... both Kit and Theo were obsessed with one-upping each other, and every person they met was hot, horny, and bisexual. This was really less about proving how they'd grown up in the years since their relationship ended and more about how many times you can nail a stranger in Europe. I skimmed so many scenes because it was the same thing over and over again. Had it been 30% shorter, a few of the supporting cast would have stood out, and I would be cool with each having 2-3 hookups over the course of 3 weeks on tour in Europe. Unfortunately, I felt the repeat button happening too often, and in the end, I didn't really care if they got back together. All that said, the progression of feelings, the description of food/wine, some of the sex scenes, were appealing. I'll still read more from the author but hoping the characters and plot have more substance.

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The Pairing by Casey McQuiston
Narrators: Emma Galvin; Max Meyers
Rating: 3 stars
Pub date: 8/6

Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press for my advanced copy and Macmillan Audio for my complimentary audiobook. #macaudio2024

I need to start by saying that I love Casey McQuiston and that Red, White, and Royal Blue is one of my favorite romances of all time. The Pairing is one of my most anticipated reads of 2024, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me.

In The Pairing, Casey McQuiston takes readers on a bumpy ride through a European food and wine tour, where exes Theo and Kit unexpectedly reunite. Despite a messy breakup, they find themselves trying to mend their friendship by competing in a hookup contest to prove they're over each other. But as they travel through stunning cities and savor delicious cuisines, it's clear their feelings are anything but resolved.

The book sets up an enticing premise that I could not wait to dive into: a hookup competition between exes who are still pining for one another…in Europe?! That sounds great, right? Unfortunately, the story ends up being a whirlwind of superficial experiences, with the characters hopping from one meaningless hookup to the next while claiming to still be in love with each other. My poor romantic heart just couldn’t take it.

And while I laughed out loud a few times at Theo's antics, the portrayal of Europe as a utopia for young, beautiful people ready to party feels a bit over the top and unrealistic. Everywhere Theo and Kit go, there’s someone there who’s willing to sleep with them. Also, while the food sounds delicious, the whole first half of the book is about eating, drinking, and hooking up with strangers. That’s it, in that order. There’s very little substance to Theo’s character, and I found them to be a bit insufferable most of the time.

The second half switches to Kit’s POV, and I enjoyed his character a lot more. Unfortunately, the romance lacks the emotional depth that I expected. For a second chance romance to work, there has to be some on-page conversations about the past relationship and why it didn’t work, etc. Most of the relationship’s history and feelings happen off-page, making it hard to root for these two and connect with their love story.

I enjoyed listening to the audiobook and I would recommend reading it that way! Both of the narrators did an amazing job bringing the characters and the European countryside to life.

While the idea of a second-chance romance is appealing, the lack of meaningful moments makes it fall flat. This book is getting great reviews, so you should still check it out and form your own opinion!

Read if you like:
*snappy one-liners
*bisexual representation
*books about food and travel

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I loved it with my whole heart. There was such an earnestness about both Kit and Theo that made them lovable, even with all their flaws. I wanted all of the good things to happen for them. And the spice was chefs kiss. Their love for each other made it all the more passionate.

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3.5 rounded up!

This was such a decadent read. I saw a few readers complaining about the excessive sex, and I'll admit that I'm not normally one to enjoy a sexually gratuitous read that does little to advance the plot, but I felt that this wasn't the case here. The whole premise of the story is indulgence. In the story, they remark how the Renaissance was all about indulging in art, pleasure, food, and sex, and essentially they're here to do much of the same. I'll admit that parts of the story seemed to drag on, and I found the consistent miscommunication (lack thereof) a bit frustrating. But it was a delightful read and I enjoyed the complete whirlwind of bliss that this story takes you on.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book ahead of publication! The review will be live on my blog on 8/01/24. I will also feature the review on Instagram that same day and post my review to Goodreads, The Storygraph, Fable, and retail sites.


If you've not read or heard about Casey McQuiston's "Red, White & Royal Blue," then you're either new to reading, from another planet, or have been living under a rock. I was super late to the game with that one, and once I finally read it, I understood why everyone loved it so much. I was excited to get an ARC of this one, and while I enjoyed it, I didn't love it as much as I loved the former. Still, if you're looking for a steamy, hilarious, and heartwarming read to add to your summer TBR pile, look no further. This best friends-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy will have you laughing, swooning, and rooting for Theo and Kit to find their way back to each other.

In this book, Theo and Kit are former best friends turned romantic partners turned exes who find themselves on a European food and wine tour together a few years after their messy breakup. Forced to spend several weeks in close quarters with each other, they decide to turn their trip into a hookup competition after they each notice that they're both lusting after their sexy tour guide. What starts as a friendly wager soon turns into a chance to rekindle their lost friendship, but when old feelings begin to resurface, they need to decide if they will keep the competition friendly or if they'll allow themselves to cross the friends-with-benefits line - and if that happens, will they be able to avoid falling for each other all over again?

From the picturesque landscapes of France, Spain, and Italy to the mouthwatering descriptions of wine and pastries, McQuiston effortlessly transports us to a world full of beauty and indulgence in a story full of humor, romance, and so much food. It's almost like "Eat, Pray, Love" but with more sex and a lot of longing. As expected, McQuiston's writing is witty and engaging, with a tone that feels like chatting with your best friend. The dialogue crackles with energy, and each chapter is a delicious blend of humor, romance, and food that will leave you hungry for more. (See what I did there?)

What makes the book work is the dynamic between Theo and Kit. Their banter is razor-sharp, and their chemistry is sizzling. They felt real, and I firmly believed that these two had a special bond and history. As they navigate the highs and lows of their relationship, you'll find yourself rooting for them to overcome their past and find a way back to each other.

I was also lucky enough to receive an advance listener's copy of the book, so I could listen and read at the same time, and both of the narrators were great. Emma Galvin voices Theo, while Max Meyers voices Kit. I've experienced Galvin's narration in Kresley Cole's "Arcana Chronicles" and Veronic Roth's "Divergent" series, and I always enjoy their performance. Meyers was new to me, but I enjoyed his performance as well.

Overall, this is a delightful romp through Europe that will leave you laughing, swooning, and maybe even craving a glass of wine and a pastry. If you loved McQuiston's "Red, White & Royal Blue," you'll likely enjoy "The Pairing." While I personally preferred the latter, I still enjoyed this book and have no doubt that McQuiston's fans will eat it up.

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4.5⭐️ this was an absolutely lovely story of lost love and a second chance at romance. I adored both the MCs, Theo and Kit, and their lifelong relationship gave such beautiful depth to the story. I am a huge foodie at heart so the concept of a European Food Tour had me from the very beginning. I need to do one of these! This story was heartwarming and also HOT! Another great book from Casey. I listed to the audiobook and also really enjoyed the narration from both narrators.

✨Second chance romance
✨European Food Tour
✨Self Discovery

Thank you to the author, MacMillan Audio, and NetGalley for the advanced copy. My opinions are my own.

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I will not be reviewing nor promoting any St Martin's Press titles until they address the racism, Islamophobia and all over reprehensible behavior of one of their employees.

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If I were to describe *The Pairing* in one word, it would be "decadent." Everything, from the wine and food pairing epigraphs to the pining of our main characters, is exactly what I need from a swoony romance.

Depending on your mood when you start this book, you will either appreciate or lose patience with the languid pacing. It excels at providing rich relationship development and quirky side characters, but it can feel a bit drawn out for a lighter style romance.

Overall, I am thrilled with this read and cannot recommend it fast enough for your next heartfelt romance. But you absolutely have to be comfortable with spice. I’m not in the habit of rating spice, but I feel like this is at least a four-pepper read.

Huge thank you to Casey McQueston, Macmillan Audio, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for my advanced review digital and audio copies. My opinions are my own.

Plot - 4
Writing and Editing - 5
Character Development - 5
Narration - 5
Personal Bias - 4
Final Score - 4.6

The Pairing is out Aug 6th, 2024!

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Womp womp. More like a 2.5- very VERY sadly.

Because I adored One Last Stop SO fucking much, I keep thinking Casey McQuiston and I make a good team, always forgetting that I have felt pretty mid about every single other thing they've come out with. This one unfortunately gets to be tied up with those. Actually, I think this may be my least favorite.

Things I liked:
- European food and wine tour setting (makes for a great summer vibe)
- Second chance lovers, also kind of friends to lovers, also kind of enemies to lovers. All of it!!!!!
-Cheeky, clever, writing style. I will always love McQuiston's writing style.
- Kit's parts were definitely my favorite. There seemed to be more development there.

Things I disliked:
- Theo. Period. As a character. They were very annoying.
- The hypersexualization of queer characters. This is already a huge stereotype in the community and this book just feeds right into it. I hated it. SO much. It wasn't even written in a badass sexual liberation kind of way. Sex was literally all these characters thought about, to the point they even made a game out of it. And the book mentions SO many times how their queerness just ~allows them to fuck everyone~. Sure, pal. Sure.
- The way that apparently every single person in this book wanted to fuck one of our two MCs at some point??? So just every person they found attractive wanted to sleep with them too? Magically? LMFAOOOO ok. The stereotypes about Europeans and European summers and everything were just MADDENING.
- There wasn't a lot of development in general. Side characters? Bland. Side quests? Only involved sex. Relationship building? Was all prior to the book's beginning and we're not privy to any of it. There just lacked... a LOT. This book had potential, but it needed some editing and development for sure.

Okay. Maybe I'm realizing this should get an even lower rating. I don't know! But I did not enjoy this book, which I'm VERY disappointed about since it was a most anticipated release. Can't win them all, boys.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are, as always, very much my own.

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I really enjoyed “The Pairing”. Kit and Theo are incredibly charming, along with all of their found friends/family brought into the story long their travels. This is a deeper RomCom (Theo’s wit is there. Idk if this is a real RomCom situation, but I’m saying it is because I laughed a lot.) than some readers may typically go for but its worth it! I feel both characters go through impressive personal transformations on and off page. The food and wine tour was a lovely backdrop for this journey; this very horny and universally attractive cast (anyone who wants to get some does, always) have GOOD time at every stop.

Emma Galvin and Max Meyers provide a dual POV narration. Both narrators provided a great performance to guide the reader through the story. For Theo’s narration though, it felt off to me. The narrator’s performance isn’t in question; its more that Theo’s voice/tone in my head was vastly different than what was chosen for them. It often pulled me out of the story. For that reason, while the audiobook is a great option, I do think I’d recommend eyeball reading this one over the audiobook.

Thank you NetGalley, Casy McQuiston, and Macmillan Audio for this audiobook ARC.

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brb gonna go drown my sorrows in Aperol Spritz.

I'll get the good stuff out of the way - queer rep, delicious sounding food, and a way for me to personally relive my trip to Italy.

Now the bad... the first half of this book is told by Theo who is inherently unlikable, immature, and pretentious. When the narrative flips to Kit, it is MUCH more enjoyable but at that point you have him longing for Theo and you're kinda like "but, why?" There's a lot of stereotypical portrayals of characters, side characters don't add to the story, and the hook-up wager comes off as try hard and strange.

The real big issue is that too much of the romance with Theo and Kit happens off-page, and I think this really hurt the story of their relationship getting back together. I didn't feel that I cared one way or another if they got together in the end. It lacked that "will they, won't they" feeling that second-chance romances thrive on. It was just ... boring?

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I’m a big fan of Casey McQuiston, so I was thrilled to be able to listen to this book! The Pairing follows two exes, Kit and Theo, as they run into each other while on a European food and wine tour.

Theo and Kit broke up at Heathrow Airport some years before the start of the book, and the next time they see each other is a tour bus in London. We then follow the two around Europe on a three-week tour as they get to know each other, and others, again. The fabulous backdrops of the novel were intoxicating! What perfect settings for Theo and Kit to find each other again.

Both Theo and Kit are bi, and Theo is non-binary, and I really appreciated the many representations of queer identity and queer sex in this book.

While I think Red, White, and Royal Blue will always be my favorite McQuiston, this is a close second. Thank you for bringing us their story!

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Who needs airport delays and cancelled flights when you can read about a food and wine tour through Europe. Lots of mouth watering food mentioned so maybe don’t read with an empty stomach.
The format of having the first part in Theo’s POV and Kit’s POV in the second was a great way to get to know each of them and their personalities.

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The food vibes and travel vibes are BEYOND dreamy in this book. I could barely focus because all I could think about was how I needed to travel to every place in the book. This was just written so beautifully. Some of the metaphors throughout the book gave me goosebumps. I personally was not a fan of the challenge between Theo and Kit, but that doesn’t over shadow any of the really amazing things about his book.

I loved the transition music at the start of each chapter and I love when authors take part in the narration as well. The two narrators were new to me but I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation.

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I listened to the audiobook of this and with a really strong beginning, I expected this to be a favorite, 5 star… but the middle was really a slog to get through. I’m not sure why, maybe just the lack of stuff going on besides the most graphic, kinda cringe sex scenes I’ve ever listened to in a book??? 50 shades of grey who.. I don’t know if it’s just the second hand embarrassment I get from that content or if it really was just too spicy for my taste. Just let that be known going forward. I did love reading about the queer romance, I thought it was cute and I did love Theo! I also loved the interludes between chapters, I thought that was really fun on audiobook. Overall I give it a 3.75 I think people really will love this book though!

St. Martin's Griffin & NetGalley thanks for the arc!

🎶this book sounds like: Goodluck, babe! - Chappell Roan.🎶

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This was one of my most anticipated book of 2024 and to say I am disappointed is an understatement.
Kit and Theo are so insufferable especially Theo that it was so hard to have any connections or feelings towards either of them. All they cared about was sex which includes their sex competition. This is not the spice that I like as they just seemed like horny teenagers. I am not sure what type of story she was trying to get across but this just wasn't it.

Guess I will be returning my copy when it arrives

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I will be withholding my review of this book as it is under the St. Martin’s Press imprint. Book influencers are urging St. Martin’s Press for many months now to address 1. are influencers safe with SMP? 2. what are you doing to protect influencers? 3. who has access to influencer information? and 4. what happens when an SMP employee misuses that information? These questions follow an incident with a Wednesday Books employee back in October 2023 who posted anti-queer and anti-Palestinian hate online.

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Casey McQuiston knows what she's doing. She writes in a manner that allows us to be so connected to fallible and perfectly imperfect characters. This was a beautiful queer story. Buckle down with this book and some great snacks!

I enjoyed the audiobook of this story, but I did find myself occasionally switching to the eARC I received because the characters' voices just weren't quite how I imagined them.

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I can think of nothing worse than being stuck with an ex on a European food and wine tour--but, I mean, at least there's alcohol? Theo and Kit, two chaotic bisexual disasters, in order to survive the trip, challenge each other to a hookup competition because they're soooo over each other (spoiler alert; they're not). I really wanted to love this one, but it was just too horny for me. The Pairing has all of Casey's classic humor and heat, just turned up to a ten.

Also, to be fair, this probably colored my perception of the entire story--I'm demi. I have a hard time relating to/enjoying "hook up" scenes as compared to scenes where the characters already have an established connection. If you've loved McQuiston's other books AND love spicy spice, then The Pairing should be on your menu, I mean TBR in August.

The narrators Emma Galvin and Max Meyers are FANTASTIC--if you love audiobooks, consider listening to this one. Thank you MacMillan Audio and Netgalley for my ALC.

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