Member Reviews

Uggh… I wanted to love this book! But unfortunately I just didn’t. It could be a “me” thing but the more I think about it the more I focus on the challenges.

I am so thankful to have gotten the audio ARC for free from Netgalley and MacMillan Audio so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

I was especially grateful for getting this early copy as I have a personal goal of consuming 10 LGTBQIA+ books during Pride month and this fit right in. I previously read and loved Red, White and Royal Blue which was my introduction to McQuiston as well as I kissed Sarah Wheeler which I didn’t love. So I went in with realistic expectations.

The overwhelming feeling I got whilst listening was that it was pretentious. I don’t want to give specifics as I don’t want to give spoilers but it seems like things that are mentioned or the description of a setting is done simply because it’s the popular thing of the moment rather than an organic addition to the story.

I also couldn’t stand Theo and Kit wasn’t much better. I could not identify with either of them in anyway which made me not care what happened to them. Had this not been an ARC, I would have DNF’d it but I don’t do that when I’m given an ARC.

As for the audiobook specifically I had a huge issue partially with the male reader (who was narrating Kit), Max Meyers. The characters are on a food tour through Europe and every time there is something from another country like a food name in French or Italian or geographic locations, Max would put on a fake accent. It added to the feeling of it being pretentious. Also the amount of drama he interjects into the prose completely removes the listeners own experience of how they interpret the material. He crosses over the very fine line that narrators must walk.

Lastly, the issue I have many times is with the second chance lovers situation where the author relies of all the emotional connections to have happened in the past and thus skips over it all and it’s just a given. This makes it really hard to connect with the relationship and root for it.

One thing I really liked about Red White and Royal Blue was that it seemed very natural. It was easy to fall in love with the characters and want to see them succeed. In this book, it comes off like they’re trying to hard and writing for a different purpose and to have some shock value.

I am sure other will love this book and devour it, especially those that need a connection to gay literary characters to see themselves depicted.
For me it was an ok read but not something I’ll go out of my way to mention.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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I really really wanted to like this but man did it drag on for way too long. I think it could have been 2-3 hours shorter and we still would've gotten the same story. It started to feel repetitive and I found myself zoning out at times. I also didn't enjoy the narrator for Kit, when they were doing Theo's voice, I found myself bothered by it. This is a second chance romance but you get pretty much no flashbacks or anything to help you see how they fell in love and got where they are now. It's also one huge miscommunication trope, which I also do not usually enjoy. I do think I would have enjoyed this one more if I would have had the physical version. I know a lot of people will love this one, I just don't think it was the perfect book for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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Alas, this one was sadly one big disappointment for me. In part, I'm perhaps not hedonistic enough to buy into a lot of the premise, but I also found it difficult to get invested into our protagonists' POVs (Theo moreso than Kit), and also think it's funny how so much of the reader's suspension of disbelief relies on choosing to believe that Europeans dislike Americans a good bit less than I'd believe to be true.
Overall, a miss for me

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I knew in my bones that this book was written especially for me. I don’t expected, however, it would infiltrated so much under my skin. It become one of the “book for life” for me. I love it even more than I love RWRB (and I’m obsessed by RWRB. RWRB has my soul and my heart).
This book collects all my favorite tropes (except for age gap) and the food is also a main character alongside the cities of the trip.
I love the way the book is split in two parties, the first from Theo’s pov, the second from Kit’s pov. I can see how each of them think of the other and I love that.
The slow burn is reeeeeeally slow burn. Thank you Casey for this. You are the best. It’s frustrating but really rewarding.
I love this book more than life itself. And I love the narratore, they did a really good job!

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One of my friends said this book is "not a book, it's an immersive sensory and emotional experience." and I think that is a better summary of the book than I could ever hope to provide... so I'm stealing it. Thanks, Nell for your contributions.

Jokes aside, there is nothing more true about this book than that statement. Casey McQuiston really stepped up their writing abilities because The Pairing is leagues above anything on their backlist. I think Red, White & Royal Blue will always be a favorite of mine for nostalgic reasons (it was the first romance book I ever read), but The Pairing is a very close second. It has something very different to offer than RWRB as well. Its not as humorous, but what it lacks in humor, it makes up in heart.

This is one of the most heartfelt books I think I have ever read. Emotion leaks off every page. Casey has joked and called this their "bisexual horny mess book," and while it is that, it's also a book that is so full of yearning it might as well be Pride and Prejudice (2005).

I really appreciated what this book had to offer stylistically. It is a dual POV, but it's not done in alternating chapters. The first half of the book is Theo's POV and the second half is Kit's. Part of me wishes it had alternated just because I loved Theo's POV so much, but I also see why Casey decided to tell the story this way.

Basically, The Pairing is the best book I've read this year and because of that, we're going to have a moment for one of the most breath-taking lines I've read in a while (it literally knocked the wind from me).

"Love took root in me before I even knew its name. Theo was a superbloom. The petals stayed."

Thank you Casey McQuiston. (and also Netgalley for giving me an ARC! MWAH)

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2.5 stars

I'm struggling with this review because I have loved everything Casey McQuiston has written until now. But I got about halfway through the book and wanted to walk away. I finished because it's a NetGalley ARC, but it took me 4 days to do it. And that's a very long time for me and my reading habits.

I think the major problem was that McQuiston made the decision to start with Theo's POV. Unfortunately Theo is prickly and insecure. I usually like seeing a flawed character who grows during the course of the book, but Theo remained childish, and to my mind, unlikeable. And once I actively disliked them, it was difficult for me to want to continue with the story.

Kit is certainly more likeable, but a bit OTT in his feelings towards Theo. And even his sweet puppy-like adoration of them didn't change my mind. Both of the MCs were incredibly immature and so many of the decisions they made along the journey reflected that.

Another problem for me was that they fell in love off the page. That whole process was glossed over and did nothing to help invest me in their relationship.

Most of the action takes place during a food & drink tour of western Europe. Normally this would be enough for several stars from me, but I was left unsatisfied. And I'm a big foodie! Everything happened in such a blur that I wasn't even particularly hungry when hearing all the descriptions. That, along with the blur of sex with pretty people who seemed to all crave both Theo and Kit, had me thinking 'privilege' almost constantly. This was a book filled with indulgences and not in a way that endeared me to the characters or the plot.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this audiobook. All opinions are my own.

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Wow, DNF @ 60%.

This book started off SOOOO strong, but started to flail when it turned into an orgy. The chapters are too long. The characters are unlikable. The second narrator did not suit Kit at all. What the heck happened?! McQuiston is one of the best queer authors out there right now and this book is a complete disappointment. Utter disappointment. I’m at a loss for words.

Would only recommend to queer people who are obsessed with food, world travelling, complicated feelings, smut, and… well that’s pretty much it. Even then, there’s no guarantee they’ll enjoy it. Sigh.

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I don’t read a ton of romance novels, but there is just something about Casey’s books that I enjoy so much. I was so thrilled to receive the ALC of The Pairing especially because I am seeing Casey on her book tour in August!

The Pairing is a beautiful romance that is filled to the brim with stunning imagery of Europe, descriptions of food and wife, humor, and self-discovery. The story follows Theo and Kit, on a European food tour that they planned to take four years ago when they were a couple! It is the final chance to take the trip before the vouchers expire, so after four years not speaking to each other, Theo and Kit end up on the same trip. Theo and Kit are very different than they were four years ago so they must navigate rediscovering their friendship as they enjoy the wine and food of Europe.

I understand some people won’t like this, but I loved the pretentiousness of this story. I mean discussions of extremely expensive wine, Michelin-star restaurants, and partying on a yacht in Monaco, are a combination for a perfect summer read. This is a real character driven story and I so deeply enjoyed the dual POVS (the first half is Theo and second half is Kit). Theo comes from a very wealthy and privileged family, so sometimes their complaining can be off putting but I do think it really made sense to the story. I immediately loved Kit, he is self-reflective, kind, and passionate but flawed. Getting to experience this story from Theo and Kit’s perspective was great.

Now, the audiobook is absolutely incredible. The narrators do such an excellent job adding emotion into the reading. Also, I loved Casey’s little interjections throughout the novel when the food tour would move to different European cities. I was so captivated by the audiobook and kept finding places in my house to clean, just so I could keep listening!

The only thing I did not like about The Pairing is that the story could have reached a conclusion quicker. Things started to get a little repetitive in my view - especially the casual sex competition that was happening. Overall, a great romance novel especially for summer!

Thank you NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Casey McQuiston for the ALC.

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As a Casey McQuiston completionist, there was never any doubt I would read The Pairing. I will admit, I didn't much care for Theo and that didn't change by the end of the book. I'm also not a giant fan of a miscommunication trope, although I realize there was more going on here. That said, I loved Kit and the banter between the characters was some of McQuiston's best. The star of the story, for me, were the locations, the food/drink descriptions, and the romanticism of a life changing romp (literally and figuratively) through some of the best spots in Europe. It for sure made me want to book a trip and wish Fabrizio would show me around.

Net Galley gifted me an early audiobook copy of the story (many thanks!) and the narrators were both quite good, especially Kit.

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I went into this book ready to roll with quirky romcom antics. The Pairing definitely delivered on that front, but I just couldn't get into these characters.

I'll start with my favorite part - Theo and Kit's flexible dynamic, including in the bedroom. Their interactions are refreshingly free of gendered stereotypes and roles. The spicy scenes are fun, inclusive, and creative.

My main hangup is Theo. They came off very abrasive...often pretentious and braggadocious. I couldn't shake this impression even after backstory I think was meant to make them more sympathetic. I did not like how they treat Kit at all...Theo lashes out when their decisions are questioned and Kit has to acquiesce or lose them. By the end of the book, I was convinced their relationship is too unhealthy to suspend disbelief.

I listened to the audiobook version. I really did not vibe with the accents in Theo's portion, but I liked the narrator for Kit's portion.

I think this book has its just was not for me. I'm happy to see so many people loved it! I hate to give low reviews but I strive for honesty and hope my thoughts help the Pairing find the right readers.

I'm grateful for the chance to check this audio ARC out for free. I'm leaving this review of my own accord.

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I’m giving The Pairing by Casey McQuiston a middle rating to embody my ambivalence. It was well written and had great narration. I knew going in that this book had a hook up competition and it might not work for me. Second chance romance is hit or miss, depending on how it’s handled. That said, I’m sure most will love it!
*Thanks to St Martin’s Press, MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for the ebook and audiobook copies for review

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DNF at 72%.

Casey McQuiston has become a very hit or miss author for me and, unfortunately, The Pairing was a miss. In fact, I don’t think I would’ve finished it if it weren’t for the audiobook.

I’m not a big fan of second chance romances because I find that they lack the emotional build-up that I need to care about the relationship. You can’t make me invested in a story about two people getting back together through off-the-page assumptions and flashbacks of their past relationship. What makes them work now? Show me how they have evolved in a way that makes sense for them to find each other again. Casey McQuiston didn’t sell it for me here.

It also didn’t help that I found Theo completely insufferable. There’s nothing I hate more than a whiny nepo baby constantly crying about how unfair it is that they have a wealthy family willing to help them finance their business. Just take your sister’s money and shut up! Anyone who was truly struggling would gladly accept it and move on. And the whiny voice used for their dialogues by the narrator of Kit’s part of the book only further cemented my hatred of their character.

Kit is also incredibly bland. I remember practically nothing about him except that he is handsome, French and a baker… that is, if there was more to him to remember. It seems like his character only served to be in love with Theo and go on and on about how great and beautiful they were. Which, when you find them as insufferable as I previously mentioned, got annoying really fast.

If you want an amazing Casey McQuiston book, read One Last Stop, not this one.

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The Pairing is the perfect summer read! I am familiar with Casey McQuiston and her books, though I had no idea about this book and its existence until I saw it on NetGalley. I was not sure what I was getting into but I was fully abord for whatever was planned. I enjoyed it!

I really enjoyed the upbeatness of the story. It was funny and I felt like I was on the beach side of Spain soaking up the sun while drinking some refreshing cocktail. McQuiston captured the vibe perfectly with her storytelling.

Both characters were interesting and well-written. This could have easily gone into a moppy and sad path, however, I am glad it remained on the positive (with the perfect tone of emotional inner turmoil). As much as I liked Theo, the book really picked up when the POV changed to Kit.

All that being said, it is another hit for McQuiston! I really enjoyed the audiobook format and would read more of her books in the future as they have not disappointed me.

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Warning: do not read on an empty stomach! This book will make you extremely hungry!

The Pairing is a breathtaking, transportive, immersive experience for all the senses while having a dreamlike, ethereal feel. I think this story is remarkable in how it will connect with a multitude of readers as McQuiston builds this story around memories. McQuiston presents readers with the opportunity to journey back into our own personal experiences through certain dishes, drinks, and time we’ve spent around the table with friends… memories tied to food are so powerful and can transport us to pivotal moments of joy, heartbreak, and comfort in our past through a single bite or sip.

The collection of characters McQuiston crafted were so colorful, vivacious, and endearing and I loved how they became a family throughout their travels. Witnessing the characters break bread, swap stories, and share in joy and laughter felt magical and like coming home.

So. Much. Longing. I didn’t know if my heart would survive this second chance story and I found myself on many occasions holding my breath. The journey of healing and growth, of sharpening communication, and baring of souls that Theo and Kit went on to find their way back to each other was such an emotional experience and so honest, raw, and moving. The processing of feelings and internal debate of how much and what and when to share was so palpable and I was on the edge of my seat wondering will they or won’t they?

The Pairing is a beautiful love letter to creatives and artists who pour out their passion, inspiration, dreams, and their very souls into the art they create and share with the world. This story will turn your heart inside out and truly take your breath away with its incredible vulnerability and depth of intimacy shared.

This book was just so good with all the delectable pining and angst, one bed situations, dual POV, sex positive discussions, and beautiful ending… it was a remarkable experience!

I was able to read along with both my eyes and ears and really enjoyed the dual narration and getting to hear the story in both Theo and Kit’s voices, but I didn’t love all the choices Max Meyers made when reading Theo’s lines. It made Theo’s character sound a little out of touch and slightly flighty. But, I loved loved Emma Galvin’s narration.

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The narrators did a fabulous job bringing this book to life! They both created very distinct voices for each character which made for a nice immersive listening experience. And I really enjoyed the music between each part along with the authors comments on each pairing!

As for the story, I'm already a fan of Casey's writing so I knew I'd like this book. But I wasn't prepared for just how much I'd absolutely love it!

This book was beautiful! I loved the characters, their journey and everything about it. I started listening and just couldn't stop, I finished the whole book in one sitting. It's just that good!

If you love romance books with heart, this book is for you! Thank you to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen this book ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I absolutely adored Casey McQuiston’s Red White and Royal Blue but unfortunately, I did not mesh well with her newest release. This book follows two exes on a European tour, both of whom are trying their hardest to convince themselves and each other that they are over their failed relationship.

The Pairing was far too overly-sexual for my liking. Not even “smutty” really, but just two adults who are constantly talking and thinking about sex with nearly every person they encounter. I’m no stranger to sex in books, but I was sooo over the constant horniness halfway through the book.

I also just really struggled to find proof that Kit and Theo were ever good for each other, both in their previous relationship and in their current lives. I feel like we were never shown any true bond between the two of them that amounted to anything more than sex.

Definitely a miss for me, but hopefully other readers are able to connect with this story more 🫶🏼

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Theo-and-Kit, Theo-and-Kit, Theo-and-Kit. It just makes sense.
It’s a tough competition to be in, and maybe I’m overcome by recency bias, but I believe this may be my favorite CMQ book so far. The characters gripped me instantly: the intricacies of their lives intertwined with their shared history revealed in bits at a time, their striking humor and witty banter, the way they are head-over-heels for each other from the very beginning—I’m obsessed. The split novel dual POV is a delectable choice to let readers into Kit’s mind after getting the scoop from Theo first.
The narrators did a phenomenal job—especially with the accents—in bringing these characters to life, and the music intro with each chapter was the icing on the cake.
This novel is sweet, spicy, savory—a whole feast, truly. I devoured every bit.

Thank you to Macmillan and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this title.

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I hated it! And I hate that I hated it because I was so excited for this but the plot felt so aimless, the story lagged majorly by the half way point, the side characters lacked spark, the main characters were insufferable and I just couldn't bring myself to finish it

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I loved this audio - hearing the characters' voices.
The tension between Kit and Theo. Gah smoking! Learning about each other, reconnecting and a new maturity. Loved it.
Second chance. Miscommunication. I was HOOKED.

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First thing’s first: thank you Netgalley for the ALC of this book!
The Pairing was a second chance romance about two lifelong friends/exes who accidentally book the same European food tour. As the only two single people on the tour, they’re forced to interact for three straight weeks all while pretending they’re not still in love with each other.
This book was HORNY with a capital H. Double underlined. Italicized. Both main characters were just always doubled horned up on a Tuesday. The whole time I kept thinking “aren’t they TIRED???? Aren’t they HUNGOVER???? How do they have so much ENERGY for this???” The food and drink descriptions were really interesting and I did really like the secondary characters. Second chance romances aren’t my favorite and Theo wasn’t my favorite character. I found them sort of annoying and pretty crass often, but maybe I’m just a hater. I really love Casey mcquiston’s books and this one was unfortunately my least favorite so far. I still enjoyed it, but compared to her others I just didn’t love it.

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