Member Reviews

Easiest five stars I've giving in awhile. I was instantly immersed in the worlds of Evelyn and AArden.i loved the back and forth timelines. I will definitely be recommending.

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Absolutely loved this read! What an intriguing and unique plot. The writing was impeccable with wonderful character development. Definitely recommend!

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This was the most original romance I've read in a long time. The plotline initially intrigued me and it didn't disappoint as we learned Evelyn and Arden's love story throughout the ages. I laughed, I cried, I screamed (you know at what) but overall, I loved it. There were points where I would have liked the story expanded on a bit (especially when we got to The Underrelm) but as it is YA, I'll forgive it. That ending was bittersweet and honestly a bit gut-wrenching.

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How do I start?! The premise of this book, my goodness. They marry and on their wedding day they are forced to kill each other, and repeat this cycle in every life before their 18th birthday. I loved it all, from start to finish. Our Infinite Fates was so beautifully written, I was hooked! You could feel the love these characters had for each other from the very first page and all I wanted was for them to have a happy ending. The story’s progression is slow and as we reach the top, it’s like watching a thriller where if you blink you’ll miss the most important scene! I just loved everything about it!!

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Evelyn and Arden have loved each other in every lifetime and in each lifetime, they are fated to kill each other. Evelyn doesn't know why this is their fate, but when her path crosses with Arden yet again she is determined to find a way to change their destiny.

I enjoyed reading Evelyn and Ardens story and particularly enjoyed seeing the chapters that showed their lives in different eras. You see how they are drawn to each other in every lifeline and how they meet their end. When you are in the current lifetime you see, Evelyn is determined to save her sick sister and in doing so she has to find a way to elude her fate. As Evelyn digs deeper you learn about how they ended up with this tragic fate.

This was a quick and enjoyable read.

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Devastatingly beautiful, heartbreaking, epic, and yet searing hopeful. What a book! This is going to be an instant classic. I fell in love with Evelyn and Arden and their journey through time and am still thinking about it days later.

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OMG I finally was able to read it! This book was my most anticipated books to read! I couldn’t wait for 2025 but I’m so happy that I was able to read the advanced copy of it!

Two souls that reincarnate for a thousand years, love each other, find each other but before they turn eighteen, they have to kill each other.

Arden and Evelyn have been in love with each other for… well, for a very long time, hundreds of lives spent together in all of the parts of the world, they had different bodies, genders, names, backgrounds, stories… even lived apart for a long time before meeting, but in every life, Arden was able to find Evelyn and before their eighteenth birthday, they had to die from each others hand.

Through the book, we have a Present Day, a story about a girl named Bran, she lives a normal life with her mother and little sister Gracie that has cancer. Bran remembers a lot of her past lives and knows that Arden will find her soon and kill her, their eighteenth birthday is around the corner but Bran needs more time in order to save her sisters life by donating bone marrow.
Bran sees Arden in everybody, afraid he’s hiding somewhere close and waits for the perfect time to kill her and reincarnate again and again… but Bran is sick of it, she wants to live, she doesn’t understand why Arden has to do it…

So, who is Arden in the Present Day? Will Bran (Evelyn) get her answers of why he is hunting her? Why he has to kill her while the love they have for each other is bigger than the universe? Did they make a deal with some old gods, witches or maybe with the devil himself? Will she be able to trick him, or maybe convince him to continue living this life?

In the book there are a lot of time jumps into their past lives, we learn who they were, how their love was growing, in each chapter there are small hints of ‘why’s and when’s’ …

The story and the idea of the book is PHENOMENAL!!! I adored each chapter!!! Such a tragic love story, full of hope and trust! Arden was my favorite character in all of their forms.

However, I have to put my two cents because for me, the book wasn’t a complete 5 stars as much as I wanted…
I feel that the ending was rushed! The last few chapters when we finally understand the “Why”, I just didn’t like it, it didn’t click with me… Evelyn’s true Mother, why it was so rushed and short?! Thousand of years, hundreds of reincarnations and just as Arden enlightened Evelyn, so simply and fast they resolved the issue?! (I’m trying to write this review without any spoilers).

No, it was strange to me… and so easily giving up on their Love? I honestly didn’t like it, I expected more, expected the plot to be more complex and unique giving such an amazing story of love and reincarnation !!!

Also, with such a unique, deep and profound love, I expected to have a little spice and it was none! I understand it’s a YA book, but honestly, with such a plot, it NEEDED to be an Adult Book!

<b> <i> Publish Date: March 4, 2025 </b> </i>

<b> Thank you @NetGalley for an eARC of this book! </b>

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ahhhh. i really liked the idea of this (& the ending!) but i think my favorite thing about reincarnation stories is seeing people fall in love over and over again—but most of the romance in this was based on the history. as well, i think the book leaned too much into the fantasy, as i think it could've been so much more poignant if it focused on the reincarnation as a speculative element, because it wasn't 10000% a high fantasy, but the elements of it in a story like this felt out of place—but i suppose i was too focused on the addie larue comp in the beginning, as i thought it'd be more of a divine rivals/addie kind of book, where the fantasy is secondary to the romance. however, it's a really great story, i think i was just confused by my expectations!

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The most romantic book I've read all year is one in which two soulmates reincarnate and murder each other for a thousand years. Who would've thought?

This is a romance that transcends time, culture, gender. It's about hope, despair, devotion, betrayal. I've always wanted a love story where two soulmates are reincarnated and always find each other (and are in love regardless of gender), and this novel is IT. "The love of all my lives"!

My least favorite version of Evelyn and Arden, surprisingly, was the modern day one we got the most of. I found their journey through the centuries more compelling than the supernatural explanation and resolution. After following the two of them for lifetimes, the ending was a bit sudden and a little anticlimactic. Still, this book was beautifully written. My absolute favorite parts were Arden's poems. I cried.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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"They've loved each other in a thousand lifetimes. They've killed each other in every one."

I mean, who wouldn't want to read this book after seeing this quote? The concept of fated lovers reincarnating only to kill each other again had me immediately intrigued.

The brief chapters of their past lives in between the main chapters were definitely my favorite to read because each one was so different and unique. They kept me wanting to read more. I also really enjoyed learning how Evelyn and Arden rediscovered each other and observing how their dynamic had changed during their many lives together.

That being said, the concept of alternating between their past lives and the current timeline gave me a hard time finding any real connection or chemistry between Evelyn and Arden. Each time we were transported back in time, I felt a sense of disconnection from the story. Additionally, the incorporation of these flashbacks did not seem to contribute significantly to the overall plot or discoveries later in the book. The ending also felt somewhat rushed, leaving me wanting a bit more in the end, but that might just be me being greedy.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely adored this book and the world Laura Steven created. The relationship between Evelyn and Arden is both tragic and beautiful.

This book blended components of mystery, romance, and fantasy novels and turned it into one super original books. I haven’t read anything like this before!

The only issue I have with this book is the ending, which is why I have it four stars. I feel like it was a bit far fetched and came out of nowhere. I would have loved to seen more hints throughout the book about what was to come. But overall I really enjoyed this book!

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This book. THIS book is why I read. To feel all the things that people hide from. The hurt the beautiful the sad the grief just LIFE. Omg I’ll never get over this book.

I bawl whenever I even try to explain what this is about.

They love each other. Deeply. For thousands of lifetimes, literally. But they don’t survive it. Not past their 18th birthday. Every single lifetime ends in the same results. They leave behind their families and each other repeatedly. CAN YOU IMAGINE??????

Just go read it immediately. It broke me and put me back together over and over and I loved every minute of it.

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The easiest 5 star rating I've given all year, and I've already read over 200 books (so that's saying a lot). This was so moving, deep, raw, and intriguing. You'll instantly be swept up, and it just takes you on a journey, bending time, and what you think could be real. Told in many time settings, it was truly remarkable how the author weaved all of them together. The twists gutted me, then fixed me to make me whole again solely to leave me wounded in the next scene. The ending was quite lovely, and I'm so thankful it ended in this way. I will forever think about Evelyn and Ardan. I want to quote so many things from this due to how poetic this book was with words. However, I'm not allowed to while it's in the ARC stages. Just know this IS a fantasy novel that will sweep you off your feet and linger on your mind for a while after you've finished it. Beautiful, breathtaking, painful, eye-opening, and inspiring all at one time!

I received this ARC from NetGalley and St Martin's Press to read/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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I am SO glad I was able to snag Our Infinite Fates as a 'read now' on Netgalley- I have heard nothing but incredible things about this book from close friends, and the more I heard about it, the more desperate I was to get my hands on this book. Laura Steven absolutely lived up to my expectations- this book is nothing less than stunning. It's taken me a few days to gather my thoughts enough to even write this review, but the fact that I genuinely can't stop thinking about this book should say something!

Our Infinite Fates is the first book I've come across where comparisons to The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and Divine Rivals actually ring true. The concept, the characters, the pure lyricism of it all- my chest physically ached finishing this book in the best way possible. Laura Steven writes in such a way that had me yearning and hurting and FEELING right alongside our two main characters, Arden and Evelyn. This is one of those books that caught my attention by the first page- the souls of two people fated to kill each other, reincarnating over and over throughout hundreds of lifetimes? This is the kind of book you get sucked into without realizing how beautiful and devastating it is (until its punching you in the gut). And honestly, that's my favorite kind of book.

Laura Steven has some of the most beautiful, poetic writing I've come across, and I think Our Infinite Fates is one of those books that will haunt me for a long time (in the best way possible). I cannot wait to see this book released in March of 2025. Truly one of the most delicious reads I've had the pleasure of indulging in this year.

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This book reminds me of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue in all the best ways! Laura’s writing style is so beautiful and I loved the way reincarnation was explored!

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Incredibly fascinating, captivating writing. The cover art is attractive and well done, the formatting of the book is just as satisfying. If this is a debut work it is beyond expectations.

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I loved The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Dare I say I liked this more.

A love story that transcends generations. Tells the story of two soulmates who find each other in many lives but only to kill each other before they turn 18. Part of the book is finding out why that is, and Evelyn herself doesn’t understand why it has to happen. It’s evident even with this forced arrangement Arden loves her and she loves him. It’s heartbreaking. Evelyn finally finds a life she wants to remain in, especially to save her sick sister. Once Arden finds her in this life they make a deal to stay by each others side until she can have the procedure to save her sister, then go together into death. When one dies the other dies, their souls are eternally intertwined.

It was such a beautiful book I highlighted so many quotes that were so deep and meaningful.

“No matter how many lives I lost, not matter how many families moved on without me, I would always be know by Arden. Perhaps her was my true homeland; our existence a language only we could speak”

The only thing I didn’t love was the mixing of genders through each life. Sometimes they were both women, both men or opposites. Not that it was bad but got a bit confusing and kind of took away from the soul of them. I know many won’t be bothered by this but I think I would have preferred they stayed a bit more of themselves. Ending was also such a weird but interesting plot twist

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early.

Our Infinite Fates follows Evelyn and Arden, two souls cursed to find and kill each other in each life, except this time, Evelyn has a little sister she wants to save before she dies.

I loved this book so much. Each chapter with a part from their past lives was beautiful and really showed how much Evelyn and Arden loved and found each other in each life. The side characters were also fun, as well as the story within their present day.

My only wish was the book was a bit longer or that the final reveal in the last few chapters didn’t feel as easy. But it was such a beautiful world and story I couldn’t tear my eyes from the page.

Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley again for the chance to read this early.

4.5 rounded up to 5

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The premise of this sounded great but unfortunately I found this to be suuuuper boring. I was excited by the Addie LaRue comparison, but I could never connect with the writing or the characters the way I did with Addie. Bummer!

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for a honest opinion.

Our Infinite Fates is a tale of reincarnation and love across lifetimes. Laura Steven has crafted an intriguing tale that is good but is not great. The main issue is the repetition of killing each other and why. While for some it may add to the story but for me, it is rather grim.

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