Member Reviews

the way the last chapter made me bawl my eyes out 😭😭😭😭
no idea how i'm gonna write this review, but this book deserves all the stars just for its prose alone

"My heart clenched in a fist as I released our lips, pressing my forehead against his, gazing into those furnace-like eyes. There was always so much behind them; emotion churning and writhing, so rarely given a way out. I often felt like I could spend another thousand lifetimes trying to coax it free, and it wouldn't be long enough."

I have no idea where to begin or how to put into words what this story was like without spoiling everything.
I think that readers who love The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and Divine Rivals will love Our Infinite Fates as well.

This story is so achingly beautiful and tragic and tormenting and haunting that I know it will stay with me.
The writing was exquisite, I highlighted so many soul-burrowing quotes I could've highlighted the whole book.
Our Infinite Fates is about world-bending death-defying love that transcends time and gender but also about hope and dreams and the pain we can endure.
It brought me to tears so. many. times. as early as 30 pages in which I didn't think was possible but there was just something about Laura's prose that wove itself around my heart before I even realized.

the MCs and their love were so complex and layered I wanted to explore every intimate seam.

The twists shocked me, the tension had me glued to the page as the story unfolded.

I don't wanna give away too much and I don't think I can adequately convey the depth of this story even if I tried.
I can't wait for everyone to be as obsessed and as heartbroken as me in March '25.

eternal gratitude to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC

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I will absolutely be purchasing a physical copy of this one, that’s how much I enjoyed it!

The very premise of this book is so intriguing from the jump—reincarnated lovers fated to kill one another—and it maintained my curiosity throughout without getting stale. The snippets into other lives was my favourite part, and I applaud the author for being so creative with some of those reincarnations! Our main characters are sharp and well written, with flaws and multifaceted personalities.

This book made me angsty in the best way. A must read for fans of the genre.

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5 ⭐

"They've loved each other in a thousand lifetimes. They've killed each other in every one."

What an absolute thrill ride! It follows Evelyn and Arden, two immortals who are destined to love and fight each other in every lifetime. Their story is timeless and beautifully written, making it a joy to read.

The writing is stunning, the characters are deep and real, and the plot is wild! I couldn't put it down, and the twists had me reading late into the night.

If you enjoyed The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue , This Is How You Lose the Time War or Divine Rivals you will adore this story! The characters felt so vivid and unforgettable. Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this story! ⭐

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I loved everything about this! Evelyn and Arden’s story was beautiful, creative, and left me wanting more.

Thank you, NetGalley and Wednesday Books, for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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“They've loved each other in a thousand lifetimes. They've killed each other in every one.”

This book comes out in March of 2025, and hear me out: it’ll be a popular book.
It’ll be all over bookstagram. I predict lots of 5 star reviews.

If you like Addie LaRue, and magical realism wrapped in a beautiful romantic story, this one’s for you!

Arden’s soul has been tethered to Evelyn’s for a thousand lifetimes. They always find each other, and Arden always kills Evelyn before she turns eighteen.

Why? When did this start? And why does Evelyn keep loving Arden so much, no matter what?

The development of the story is incredible. The ending is perfect. I looooved it!!!

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Thank you for the early review opportunity to read this novel! This story held such incredible premise, but was unfortunately disrupted by plots that didn't move the story forward and a magic system that I was struggling to understand.

I really loved the baseline story with Arden and Evelyn in present day. I could feel the sense of urgency and understood Evelyn's frustrations and wants very clearly. Another stellar part of this book was the prose - incredibly well written and descriptive!

When the story would flashback to past lives, I found myself starting to skim over many of the chapters. There wasn't a lot of meaningful information in them that moved our plot along or gave use any more information that we didn't already know. It again was a back and forth of Evelyn begging Arden to tell her why he continues to kill her on her 18th birthday, and Arden refusing to answer. It almost felt like these chapters were giving us entirely new characters, so it remained difficult to be invested.

The biggest issue for me was understanding Evelyn's plan to kill the mother. Evelyn knows that if she dies, Arden dies and if Arden kills Evelyn, he dies. Therefore, I was struggling to understand why the same logic was not done with the mother and why Evelyn wouldn't assume that the same logic applies. The mother kills Evelyn, they both die. Evelyn kills the mother, they both die. It wasn't a fully tight ending so I struggled to really feel like we came to a satisfying ending.

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Thank you netgalley for this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I'm absolutely speechless. This is definitely going to be securing a place as one of my favorite reads. It's unique, mesmerizing, and romantic. It's just an absolute masterpiece. I will be recommending this to every human I know.

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I didn’t finish, because itended up not being for me. However, I really loved the reincarnation and enemies to lovers x fated mates premise of the story. The beginning hooked me in right away. I liked the alternating timelines that outlined their story and the angst throughout (from what I read). Although this is YA, I wish the characters were a bit older or the curse gave them more time to mature and grow into themselves.

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Such beautiful love start that spans across Centuries

They loved each other in every lifetime but they killed each other every time

Full review on my TT/ IG

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I definitely can see why some people will love this, for me I didn't connect with it personally because Arden and Evelyn's love was supposed to be so monumental but I didn't *feel* it develop over time even though we were objectively shown some of those scenes in the flashbacks. I appreciated the gender fluidity this book explored and found that super refreshing and beautiful, but the chemistry wasn't quite there.

The ending and reveal that Evelyn was a "devil" was also fine and the magic system was so soft that their defeating The Mother with "love" felt a bit hollow since it's all quite handwavey.

Honestly I think this would have worked better as an Adult book because if the characters have lived hundreds of lives I would expect them to be more mature

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I really struggled with this one - do not worry I am not sharing this review on Goodreads due to the fact I don’t think I was the audience for this book. The premise was interesting but I really struggled to connect with the characters or root for their story.

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I was drawn into this book from the synopsis detailing a love that spans many lifetimes. I thought it would be beautiful to watch the same souls fall in love again and again. Unfortunately, that wasn't my experience. I felt like the felt 30% of the book was the prologue. We were told the same thing over and over and over again. Even the flashbacks didn't provide any new information. I did love the poetic tone to the story. I wish the plot moved a bit faster so it didnt feel so drawn out.

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I finished this book two days ago, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. The longer I sit with it, the more reasons I find to love it. It's the kind of book that moves me to create art, but I am not an artist.

So I sit with images of winding red ribbons and cold, muddy trenches and sun warmed sand and a frozen wilderness and the steady beeping symphony of hospital rooms playing on repeat in my head with nowhere for it to go.

I think of the magic and devastation of two souls fated to love and destroy each other in every lifetime.

Our Infinite Fates is a standalone fantasy for readers who live for the second book in a trilogy- those who love a story with angst and pining and grief and joy and heartbreak and seemingly.inconquerable odds.

It's for the hopeless romantics and those who seek catharsis through stories.

This book is character driven, not action driven, and the timeline shifts combined with the many different lifetimes may be disorienting for ADHD readers or others who have trouble focusing to follow a story, but it's worth investing the energy to finish.

I've read a lot of YA fantasy in my lifetime, and this is by far one of my favorites

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I was so drawn to the description of this book and it 100% lived up to my expectations. I loved how there were multiple timelines and “characters” but that the main Evelyn and Arden current timeline remained at the forefront. It was so heartwarming and heartbreaking to see their love story time and time again rise up and perish. I was left at the edge of my seat wondering what the true backstory was and it did not disappoint, even with a twist at the very end! While this book definitely had its sad moments, it definitely ended on a good note and didn’t leave me distraught. Fans of Addie Larue and any Adrienne Young book will resonate with this one!!!

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This novel weaves a spellbinding tale of two souls whose love defies the boundaries of time and death. The writing is lush and evocative, transporting readers through centuries of passion and heartbreak. The depth of the characters and the poetic narrative make this a truly unforgettable journey. A stunning exploration of eternal love and reincarnation that will captivate and move you.

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One of my favorite books of ALL TIME. I started this book in the morning and I just finished it at almost two in the morning. Laura has created something so painfully beautiful and brilliant. I can see this book being a total hit when it comes out. I loved, I loved it, I loved. It's perfect.

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