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Rating: 5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Pub Date: 9/17
How in the world was Such Lovely Skin a debut?! This book was absolutely phenomenal. I loved every single second of this book.

Anyone every play P.T.? It was an exclusive game that was taken off of consoles because of how terrifying it was. THIS BOOK REMINDED ME OF THAT and I’m not going to lie, it scared me half to death. Regardless, right from the start I was totally invested and the story only got better as I continued to read it.

This is a YA horror, centered around Viv, a high school senior who recently lost her younger sister, who is a twitch streamer. She gets an invite to a horror game, she plays and once she gives this game her deepest darkest secret, her life flips upside down.

Listen, there is about damn near nothing YA about this book, except for the fact the main character is a teen. I’m not kidding when I say it was absolutely terrifying. Tatiana does a fantastic job at creating such an atmospheric and all around creepy story.

This is told in a dual timeline; the now, where Viv is trying to right her life and, the past, where we get glimpses into that terrible day that she lost her sister. Each one of the past chapters gives you JUST enough information about Viv’s sisters passing that you are flying though more pages just to figure out what happened. I loved how this story was pieced together bringing everything full circle.

While yes, this is a horror, this story also has deeper elements to it such as dealing with grief, honesty, friendships and touches on influencer / social media. The character growth is *chefs kiss*. Also, I need to add that this book was so unique that it was refreshing to have something this different to read.

Such Lovely Skin is thrilling, suspenseful, scary and absolutely perfect for spooky season! I know that I will be thinking of this one for a long time. This is a book you are going to need to add to your must read list!

Huge thank you to Tatiana Schlote-Bonne, NetGalley and Page Street Publishing for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

Whats the scariest book you’ve read? Don’t do scary? Tell me about your weekend!

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as an adult, I had a really great time with this YA read.
I loved the cover, and when the description mentioned videogames I knew I had to read it. My initial thoughts were that this will give off major vibes of "Stay Alive" horror movie from 2006 but the book went in a very different direction than the movie.

I was just a little disappointed that there wasn't as much involvement with the videogame itself in the story as I expected.

read this if you love: YA books, demons, sinister games, videogames, dark secrets, supernatural, trauma & grief, doppelgängers, self reflection.

Two YA books that come to mind that you may love if you enjoyed Such Lovely Skin are;
Find Him Where You Left Him Dead by Kristen Simmons
When Ghosts Call Us Home by Katya De Becerra

Thank you to Netgalley and Page Street YA for sharing a digital copy. As always, opinions are my own.

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After spending her summer wracked with guilt because she caused an accident that killed her baby sister, Viv wants to get back into her Twitch streaming. Viv never told her parents the truth about her sister, and hopes being back on twitch will make money to help out her parents as penance. The weekend before school starts Viv finds she has been sent an email inviting her to play a horror game called LOCKED IN, and thinks it would be the perfect game to make her Twitch comeback. During an offline practice run, the game asks her for a secret and she confesses what happened on the day her sister died. Somehow this releases a demon that is a copy of herself, a doppelgänger, who is out destroy her life by exposing the liar that she is.

I’ve always said kids are selfish, and Viv’s character shows just that. The lies she gets caught up with put a strain on her relationship with her parents and her friends, and all she’s worried about is her Twitch follower count. I thought she was a great character with a realistic personality and problems. She was very relatable. At times I was mad at her for all her lies, but then at times I also felt sorry for her and then at other times I was rooting for her!

I myself am not a gamer, and still appreciated the online obsession. It’s a very real thing these days and can be very dangerous. There were also themes of grief, guilt and self acceptance, but then you still got some humor and some creepy horror. It felt like the right amount of reading, not to long or drawn out but long enough to make you a part of the story. Well done in my opinion .

Overall I had fun with this one and thought it was a great debut from the author 🙌. I definitely recommend it!

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I was really vibing with this in the beginning: we had really awesome video game narration (between MC Viv’s Twitch-centric narrative voice to the level of detail and description of the movement/jumpscares/dialogues in the game itself), we had a deep sense of guilt, we had a less common story focus (Twitch streaming horror games! Rather than, like, social media influencer).

But as we stepped away from the game, things didn’t hold up as well. I found myself frequently not buying people’s responses to what was happening (mostly the adults) and lots of the consequences seemed very short-lived and easily reversed. I wanted more horror things (like when her closet became the spooky hallway from the game? Stellar) and much more time spent in the game itself.

Also Viv being a known liar should have been played up much earlier. By the time it became relevant it felt almost like an afterthought.

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Viv will do anything to keep the viewers and subs to her streams climbing. She has high hopes for her Twitch career and nothing is going to get in her way when she has so much to prove. Not even killing her little sister?

Indie horror games are Viv’s brand, so what better way to get back into the streaming swing of things after a horrific accident than picking up a new one. When opening a possibly dodgy link to a game she’s been sent she thought nothing too bad could come of it, right? But what if she’s just opened the doors for a hungry demon! Can she stop it before it ruins every aspect of her life?

This book haunted me. I honestly became slightly concerned about my probability for accidentally encountering a demon that would wreak absolute havoc on my life. Reading it while travelling alone on a train at night had me looking out for beady yellow eyes on every platform.

Much like one of Viv’s games it felt like there were multiple levels of horror in this story. Whilst starting off creepy, by the end it was brutal with a certain description that made me visibly shudder. I also really enjoyed the relationships between Viv and the other characters. Throughout I was feeling fear of “what if this happened to me?” “How could I possibly get anyone to believe me?” “Would anyone even believe me?” “Would I be completely doomed in this situation?” I do know that going forward I will definitely be more cautious of opening links “just in case” as this definitely feels like something that could happen. This was exactly what I was looking for and I am so glad that I read it! Will definitely be recommending this fear inducing and well-paced YA horror.

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Tell me a secret. Darker. And true.

If you want a fast-paced horror book with Stay Alive and The Ring vibes, this is for you.
Such 90s nostalgia!

Story revolves around Vivian, a live streamer/horror gamer girl. She must figure out how to stop an evil doppelganger hellbent on tormenting and destroying her life. How did she come across it? By handing over her identity and darkest secret on a silver platter to a virus from hell. ⬇️

Introducing LOCKED IN: An escape room horror game. To escape you must:
Tell your deepest secret. The darker the better.
The problem is, you can't kill it for it is not alive to begin with. An undying evil that feeds on pain and guilt. It only moves on when it takes what it wants. Someone's sanity, pain, and life.

Thank you to NetGalley and Page Street publishing for approving this arc. Ginkilig ko when I received the email. The moment I saw this cover, I knew I just had to read it. 🖤

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This one deserves allllll the stars!!! Holy creepy vibes!!! I was hooked from the start and did not put this one down!!! 🙌

And this is a debut novel?!?! 😱 After reading this, I will read anything this author puts out!!! Had me at the MST3K and Crime Junkie references! 🙌

New auto-buy author for me!! It’s YA, but I didn’t feel like I was reading YA! Highly recommend this one, my book peeps!!! 👏

Thank you so much to Tatiana Schlote-Bonne, NetGalley, and Page Street Publishing for the opportunity to read the eARC in exchange for my honest review! Easily one of my top reads of the year!! ❤️

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Such Lovely Skin begins with the heavy fog of grief. The pain of loss which leaves holes in conversations and nights in making up excuses. With this tension of what exactly happened in the past, Such Lovely Skin manages to balance horror and mystery. What exactly is this secret haunting Viv? What could have been so bad to have it hanging over our days and nights? And why can't she tell the truth? Such Lovely Skin feels relatable - maybe not in scale - but in the secrets we hold close to our chest and what we would to prevent them from getting out.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC! This book had me finishing it in just a few hours because of how suspenseful and gripping it is. I absolutely loved that even though it was a horror novel it also navigated themes of grief, loss, guilt, and how Vivian grew by the end of the novel.
Thinking of a rating between 3.5-4 ⭐️ for now because while the horror and supernatural aspects were amazingly written, the dialogue could’ve used a lot more work in my opinion. Otherwise, such a great read!
More in-depth review on Tiktok

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When a twitch horror streamer plays a video game the last thing she expects to unleash a demon that is hellbent on getting her to confess her darkest secret...or take out everyone she cares about until she does. Viv has a terrible secret.... she killed her little sister and made it look like it was an accident and never told anyone. Viv was an online horror twitch game streamer but took a break after her sister's death but three months later she decides to get back in.... yet the game she plays is a lot more than she could ever imagine. She unknowingly unleashes a demon that is a doppleganger of her and it wont stop terrorizing her until she confesses... but if she lets the truth out her entire life could be destroyed. The demon is destroying her life and has begun to hurt those around her and if Viv wants to get rid of it she'll have to kill it.... and that means she'll need the help of Ash, a cute social outcast whom Viv once bullied. Things are only going to get worse before they get better... that is if Viv can confess. This was a quick spooky read and one I'd recommend for spooky season. It definitely felt like a teen horror story and would make a fun horror movie. It's a fairly easy to follow storyline and the premise was fine, as a huge horror fan myself I think this was just alright but it'd be one I'd recommend for younger YA readers who want something spooky this halloween season!

Release Date: September 17,2024

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

*Thanks Netgalley and Page Street Publishing | Page Street YA for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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Thanks to Page Street Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Such Lovely Skin was a fast and fun read, centered around a great protagonist with a really solid / consistent POV.

I had no idea what this was about when I initially requested it (I liked the the title and cover) and usually stories where no-one believes a person experiencing supernatural stuff really stresses me out, but the confident writing kept me going with it. It's an impressive debut, Tatiana Schlote-Bonne is a talent to watch for sure.

This will be a movie at some point, I'll sell my soul to Sega if I'm wrong!

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Such Lovely Skin burrows under your skin and heads straight into your nightmares. It is a chilling and carefully considered look at grief, guilt and the ghosts we carry with us.

I heard that concept and saw that cover and I was sold. That haunting image perfectly encapsulates this tale of deception and dopplegangers. Viv is such a layered protagonist and inhabits a space that allows for nuance. You may not agree with everything she does but you can understand her motivations behind most of her actions, especially as the narrative unfolds. The horror aspects are so well executed, blurring the line between fantasy and reality in a seamless manner. It is a concept that is just terrifying and embodies that lack of control that grief can wreck your life with. Alongside this, the pacing is relentless and the stakes are always increasing as more of Viv’s life is taken away from her.

Viv is powerless, constrained by her emotions and the secret she is carrying. It matches her life as a gamer, caught between the virtual and real spaces. I thought the depiction of grief was handled sensitively, particuarly with showing the differing reactions of the family. There is a lot to unpack there and it shows the scale of it and how it is always different for each person. We flip between the past and the present, allowing the ghosts to infect the narrative and have that trauma almost bleed through the pages. You want to uncover the truth but are a bit concerned about what you may find in the process.

Such Lovely Skin was a wonderfully unnerving horror that delved into guilt and grief, spilling your darkest secrets and having them come back to haunt you. After all, it is often the ghosts of ourselves that scare us the most.

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Imagine harboring a dark secret, one that eats away at you, leaving you guilt-ridden and hopeless. That’s exactly what the main character, Viv, is dealing with when she’s given the option to lay it all out there in a way where no one else will find out…or will they?

In Such Lovely Skin, Viv has been hiding the truth about her little sister's death. She throws herself into Twitch streaming, hoping that success will act as a form of penance. During a practice run for a new indie horror game, she confesses her secret to an NPC, thinking it’s harmless—only to accidentally invite a demonic mimic into her life.

What really struck me about the book is how it blurs the lines between reality and fiction, especially through Viv’s connection with the video game. It cleverly uses the game as a metaphor for her inner turmoil. The introduction of the mimic adds a fresh supernatural twist. I liked how the novel doesn't just rely on traditional horror scares but digs into psychological terror.

Viv’s relationship with Ash, the one person who takes her seriously, added depth to the plot. I found their dynamic engaging, especially with the history of bullying that complicates their newfound bond. The book forces Viv to reckon with the damage her lies have caused, making it more than just a supernatural thriller but a story about redemption and self-awareness.

This book is a well-paced mix of horror, emotional depth, and self-reflection. While the supernatural plot is chilling, the emotional layers really anchor the story, making Viv’s journey resonate in unexpected ways. If you enjoy psychological horror with character-driven depth, this is a worthwhile read.

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. I read this in one sitting. I couldn't stop, and it was fast paced. I loved absolutely every part of it. I got honest to god "The Ring" vibes, and really loved the way that the doppelganger was presented to the readers. I felt for the character when it intentionally made each step in her tumultuous relationship with her parents that much worse, and honestly really loved the way the ending played. It left us with questions, but not too many. Is it over? Or will it never end? Those are my favorite endings, as it makes the imagination SPIN. Can't wait to read more by this debut author!!!! A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my e-ARC of Such Lovely Skin!


1. Have you ever wanted to be a Twitch streamer? Come see how Vivian does it!
2. Dark secrets can’t remain hidden forever. Just ask Vivian.
3. If you enjoy reading YA with a horror theme, this one is for you!
4. Short chapters are a must for me and this one has them!
5. Do you have a doppelgänger? You might not want to after reading this horror story.


After spending the summer wracked with guilt about causing the accident that killed her little sister, ambitious gamer and chronic liar Viv returns to Twitch streaming. She never told her parents the truth about the accident, but she hopes that maybe making it big in streaming and giving the money to them is penance enough for her mistakes.

The weekend before school starts, Viv finds the perfect horror game to make her Twitch comeback, and during an offline practice run, an NPC asks Viv for a secret. She decides to tell them the truth about her sister’s death since a game could never share her secret―in doing so, she accidentally welcomes a demonic mimic into her life.

No one believes Viv when she tells them about her evil doppelganger. Viv has lied to get her best friend’s sympathy and has spread rumors for attention, so why should anyone trust her now? The only person who believes her is Ash, a cute social outcast whom Viv once bullied. In trying to clear her name and kill the mimic, Viv discovers that her lies have hurt people who never deserved it, herself included.


This was a debut?! I’m shocked! This story was so original and entertaining! I loved every single thing about it. The opening was immediately intriguing and the story starts and doesn’t slow down. I really appreciate my novels being faster paced. I loved the horror elements and got a little creeped out a few times whenever Vivian would see her doppelgänger around. I thought the demons tricks were all just cruel enough without being completely over the top. Overall, I recommend this one to everyone who loves horror!

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This was an absolute thrill ride from start to finish. If you love fast-paced, plot-driven creepy stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, this book will not disappoint.

The story follows a high school Twitch streamer who is always on the hunt for the next big horror video game—one that will boost her subscriber count and help pay off her parents’ mortgage and forge.her career. But when she stumbles upon a mysterious game sent to her through a random email, it begins to bleed into reality, and starts to turn others against her. Now she must work against the clock to erase this sinister force before it's too late.

The author describes it as “The Ring, but with video games,” and honestly, that’s spot on. The tension is relentless, with plenty of spine-chilling moments that had me genuinely creeped out. As someone who loves a good, fast-moving plot, this story hit all the right notes for me. It’s easy to get lost in the story, and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.

I’m already wishing for more stories from this debut author because Such Lovely Skin was such a fun and gripping read. If you’re into horror with a modern twist and love a good scare, this one is definitely worth picking

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Thank you to Tatiana Schlote-Bonnie and Page Street for the ARC!

“Tell me a secret…”

Viv, an avid gamer, has spent the summer wracked with guilt over an accident that killed her little sister. She has kept the truth about the accident a secret, and is hoping that if she makes it big with streaming her video gaming, she can earn a decent enough living to support her parents to assuage her guilt. When she finds the perfect horror game to make her streaming comeback, an NPC asks her to tell it a secret…so Viv finally unburdens herself with the truth of her sister’s death. She could have never known that by doing so, she’s welcoming a demonic presence into her life - one that feeds on her guilt and pain. Soon disturbing things are happening, and no one believes her.

I cannot believe this book was a debut! It was absolutely perfect - the mystery, the horror aspect, and the emotional impact it left on me took my breath away. The story flowed flawlessly, at a quick pace that kept me thoroughly engaged. Viv’s flashbacks of what happened to her sister and subsequent feelings were so gut wrenching and permeated the entire story. The concept of facing your inner demons (both figuratively and literally!) was my biggest takeaway and I loved how the author worked that into every part of the story.

Though it was a YA book (which I don’t read often), it was easily relatable (even for an old lady like me - LOL!) I found the gaming/technology angle refreshing and different from anything I have ever read. The idea of a dark entity preying on your weakness really gave me food for thought too - how often do we trap ourselves out of guilt, fear, etc? I know I said it already, but this book truly was perfect - it had everything I love in a good horror/thriller story and lots of surprises too. I truly can’t wait to see what this author comes up with next, and I will be first in line to read it!!

“Such Lovely Skin” release September 17, 2024. This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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I loved this book so much I bought a copy.
Intense. Creative. Creepy. Cringe. Definitely one of the best horror I've read this year.
Viv escapes via horror games - Locked In her newest thrill. It unravels her life - one dark secret shared and her life is no longer her own.

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I could not put this book down! The story has a fantastic sense of dread throughout that never flagged. I love the concept behind the ‘big bad’ and how it was executed. The main character was at times hard to like, but that was key to the plot. And they suffered all the way up to the moment of redemption. I would definitely recommend this to a wide range of readers.

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I was so pleasantly surprised with this one! I loved the nostalgia with teenage life and dramatics, because it felt so relatable. The dynamics between the friends, parents, and crushes were definitely spot on. The personal growth had me tearing up and cheering for Viv all the way to the end, even with her teenage attitude. The mimic concept was so interesting with how it connected with the gamers/people. My only complaint is Diet Pepsi???? COME ON, DIET COKE, MY GURL.

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