Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this read. I thought the pacing was great - made it hard to put down - and the plot moved well.

My main gripes were the lack of character development for all the secondary characters, the lack of consequences for any of Vivian’s actions, and the ending fell a bit flat considering all the build up.

I think Vivian’s actions were so manipulative, it just wasn’t realistic for everyone to just forgive her like that. She should have had to earn forgiveness from the people she wronged but she didn’t. The book could have done with being a bit longer in order to build that out.

The ending felt a bit anticlimactic - would have loved a bigger payoff for all the tension built.
But I liked the open ending of the epilogue, and overall this was a compelling read!

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SUCH LOVELY SKIN by Tatiana Schote-Bonne
Thank you to the author, Netgalley, and the publisher for the ARC (Sept 17)

Creepy. That's really the only way to describe SUCH LOVELY SKIN. It was undeniably creepy.
SUCH LOVELY SKIN follows Vivian who is reeling from a tragic accident. When she downloads a game, and tells it her darkest secret, the bad gets worse: a demonic presence has latched onto her, and it'll stop at nothing to ruin her life.
SUCH LOVELY SKIN had me hooked from page one---the grief felt by Vivian, the longing to stay a homebody because of her guilt---I just felt like it was described so well. Then came the chapters that followed. Chapter 5 was when I really started to believe the reviews I had read: this is creepy, with a original horror movie vibe (a few of the scenes had me thinking A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Kruegar and what he can do) From there, the creepiness grew. Seriously, I never read horror because it takes a lot to creep me out, to scare me, but this book had me on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Literally I read this book in a few hours. There were times when I just couldn't help but gasp at the craziness that was happening.
Throughout SUCH LOVELY SKIN, I was rooting for Vivian, hoping someone would believe her. I was shocked, and I was at a loss for words. This book definitely hits the points needed for a horror story that may or may not have the capabilities of freaking someone out.

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This was a surprise because YA horror doesn’t often keep my attention. I caught 90% of the game references which had me feeling worthy of some horror gaming street cred which is probably much of why I liked it. Also, to date myself, I watched the Ring in the theatre in college and this had the same eerie vibes. Nostalgic, yet currently relevant. Well played.

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SUCH LOVELY SKIN by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne

Pub date: Sept. 17, 2024
Publisher: Page Street YA
Rating: 4.5 / 5

Chat, you ever play a video game that asks for your deepest secrets and unintentionally release a demon who steals your identity and drives you to the brink of insanity?

17-year-old Vivian is a horror game Twitch streamer looking to reboot her channel after a family tragedy. The perfect way to end a hiatus? Playing LOCKED IN, a new indie game that promises unparalleled frights. Once Vivian has played the game, uncanny things start happening in her life. The strange soon turns terrifying as lies, blood, and secrets are shed. Viv has an evil doppelganger who preys on her misery. And it will stop at nothing to devour and destroy everything Vivian loves.

SUCH LOVELY SKIN is a fantastic, horrific, and deeply emotional debut from author Tatiana Schlote-Bonne. Schlote-Bonne is truly gifted at crafting an atmosphere of terror and playing on the conventions of streaming and gaming culture. The story moves with a quick pace to build up tension and suspense, and perfectly intertwines teen angst with grotesque and chilling moments of horror. Viv's battles against her demonic doppelganger keep the reader invested just as much as her personal growth– with her relationship to herself, her parents, and friends. This book is perfect for readers wanting a cybernetic scare reminiscent of The Ring and Truth or Dare, with a vulnerable and hopeful arc of forgiveness and acceptance at the heart of the story.

(Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review!)

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review!!

This was an interesting look at demonic presence and doppelgängers. Viv is someone you want to hate but at least she gets redeemed in the end. I felt like maybe things were a little too easy for her, however. She never really had consequences for her actions. People forgave her too quickly and her life didn’t really change too much with what she had gone through. With the big and serious issues she was having and the things her other self was doing, I would expect way more. And Ash seemed way too forgiving as well. I didn’t really like his character at all the way he was written. Too much of a stereotype and just a huge pushover. The horror elements were pretty cool and I liked the vibes of it, though.

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This book is fantastic. It certainly felt YA at times, so if you're not into that you may not enjoy it. However, it did not personally affect my reading experience at all. Vivian, a Twitch streamer, is a bit of shit teenager (weren't we all) but she's also incredibly relatable. I was totally engrossed in this book and had a blast reading it! Each chapter ends on a cliffhanger so it felt like reading a thriller. Wonderful creepy descriptions as well as some good body horror for a YA novel. I love a good demon story and I loved the use of "guilt" as something that can be truly scary. The less you know going in the better!

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Thank you very much to NetGalley and Page Street YA for the e-ARC of SUCH LOVELY SKIN by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne!

Note: This review contains spoilers.

Tell me a secret…

Horror video game streamer Vivian is a liar, but for what she thinks are good reasons. To protect herself, her parents, and her relationships at all costs. When she tries to make her reappearance into the streaming world after the horrible tragedy of her sister’s death with a free indie horror game she was sent by an unknown contact, everything changes. The game asks for a secret – a true, dark secret. So she gives it one, one that could uproot her entire life even further, and thus begins the nightmare.

Soon, her best friend, Bri, abandons her after discovering some suggestive texts between Viv and Bri’s boyfriend, Eric. But Viv never sent those messages, despite it coming from her phone. Things of hers keep disappearing, she is supposedly having interactions with her parents that she wasn’t present for, and she is seeing and hearing things, often at night in her room. Soon enough, she’s alone, convinced that someone is stalking her, and the only one who believes her is social outcast, Ash. What she discovers is more than she bargained for, and it might just destroy her.

SUCH LOVELY SKIN takes a look at grief and guilt through the lens of someone who is a compulsive liar, an imperfect and unreliable narrator. Viv is a good person at heart but has a lot of faults, which makes her path to redemption and acceptance such a visceral experience. I could feel the tension she was feeling, could relate to the guilt (not to the extreme event that had happened in SUCH LOVELY SKIN, but I’ve felt a similar kind of guilt), and could feel the relief wash over her in the final act of the book. Author Tatiana Schlote-Bonne does a great job getting the reader invested in Viv’s story through her character arc, providing a relatable character for the modern day and one that diverts expectations through her actions in her timeline and in the flashbacks that show what happened months before the main plots of the book.

I love horror, and this new addition to the YA Horror genre did not disappoint. The demon was freaky, disgusting, and very compelling. I found myself drawn to it, waiting for it to appear with bated breath every moment. Schlote-Bonne was able to create a villain that psychologically attacked its target, isolating the main character and making her more susceptible to its influence. The imagery used to describe the demon in the final act was very Ring-like, but also felt reminiscent of an otherworldly entity mixed with it.

While I thought the speed of the book could’ve been slowed down a tad, I was overly impressed with this debut. Schlote-Bonne made a tense, chilling, and haunting nightmare (positive!) of a book, making reading this at night a dangerous task. I couldn’t stop reading, though, and this book was well worth staying up late, even though I am now slightly afraid of the dark corners in my apartment. If you’re looking for a young adult horror novel with an Asian MC and lots of great imagery and characters, I 100% recommend this book.

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I saw a review for this on Twitter and it sounded so interesting and I am so glad I requested it! I love adding new authors to our library and this will be a must add. I don’t normally even read a lot of horror but this had me gripped! It is so vivid and imaginative something that I find horror novels to be lacking at times as opposed to watching a horror movie. Viv is such an interesting character I would recommend this to everyone and will be adding to our library!

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Looking for your next YA horror read? Or maybe even your first?

This one is a must-read.

Okay, I was totally hooked on this one.

But it was so frustrating!! I just wanted everyone to believe Vivian!!

Great pacing, an awesome plot, and that ending!! I need more.

I really want to read more horror, and this feels like a perfect start.

Thank you to the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

A super creepy YA read about an evil doppelgänger who takes over our main character’s life when she plays an indie horror video game. Loved the Twitch streaming element and really enjoyed Viv’s scenes with Ash. I did find Viv’s big secret quite disturbing and it kind of took me out of the story a bit. Though maybe that was the intent. Overall, though, I really liked the spooky vibes and look forward to more from this author!

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Read this book in less than 24 hours, I was HOOKED. It was deliciously creepy, but Viv's backstory is also filled with so much pain and treated with the nuance it deserves. The horror game setting was vivid and immersive, the demon so disgustingly real, I could not look away until I finished the entire thing. Absolutely 5 stars, can't wait to read absolutely anything Schlote-Bonne writes next!

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This is an excellent first novel from this author and it's frightening enough for adults but not gratuitously bloody or gory so it's also great for teens.

This is about a teen who dreams of fame and fortune from her horror game streaming channel on Twitch. Her younger sister died and she's hiding a dark secret about that, one that tears her apart with guilt and grief.

When she plays an indie video game before streaming it, something is unleashed which will put her and everyone she cares about in grave danger. An evil doppelganger reeks havoc causing broken relationships and a stressful home life.

But it doesn't stop there. There's nothing she can do and seeks help from an unexpected source and the only person who believes her. But she just might be putting him in the thick of the horror. And then things get much worse!

This novel feels like The Ring but with a technology boost if you will. This doppelganger is terrifying and it's only goal is destroying her life piece by bloody piece. And it's very effective.

The characters are diverse and act like teens would and with the added realism of modern day sites, apps, and terminology, this book will especially be enjoyed by those who do this kind of thing in real life. But even if you're not up to date with some of it, you'll find a fantastic, thrilling, and well written horror story that is sure to raise your hackles and creep you out. I highly recommend it.

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This book sucked me right in. I love the pop culture references, and that the MC is a twitch streamer whose niche is horror games. This was such a cool concept! Familiar, but fresh. Fast paced and thrilling. I’ve always found doppelgängers unsettling and this book really solidified that feeling. I was anxious, full of dread and totally creeped out. YA horror has really been stepping up its game. I was in one hell of a slump when I decided to start this and it pulled me out of it like a jump scare.

If you like demons, video games and modern YA horror — this one’s for you!

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Oh man I LOVED this book!! I cannot wait for the movie version that should definitely be made. The MC was ACTUALLY flawed in incredibly realistic, relatable ways: she spreads rumors, obsesses over her follower count, lies for attention and to cover up her mistakes - and yet all of it is so refreshingly honest. Every single one of us has behaved like Viv at times if we're real with ourselves, especially when we were teenagers.

The plot stressed me out THE ENTIRE TIME, in the best way. I literally sobbed with relief when <spoilers about her best friend>. I also sobbed at all the stuff with Viv's sister (which was portrayed with incredible nuance and depth). I sobbed nonstop is what I'm trying to say.

The side characters were great. It brought me so much joy that the love interest was the creepy weird satanic kid who turns out to be a sweet guy who takes care of injured animals. And her best friend Bri was so supportive and loyal but also imperfect herself, and not without her own fuck ups.

It was also scary as shit!!!

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC!

I really wanted to love this, premise wise it's fun. I think the references will unfortunately date this really quickly, and the dialogue got kind of repetitive in sections. I think there were some really bright spots, but could use some editing.

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Absolutely loved this book so much and everything this publisher is knocking out has been a jam!

This book caters to those who love video games, horror movies, and a super fast read that reads like the best movie. I cant wait till everyone has their hand on this.

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I loved this book! I felt so much for the mc, and the ending had me in tears (something about well written parent/child relationships always gets to me). Will be recommending and I can't wait to see what the author writes next!

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Demonic haunting but *make it Gen-Z*
I mean..lets go, press play baby! this was a fantastic YA horror that touched on important themes such as grief, guilt and identity whilst managing to be creepy, humourous, tense and touching all at the same time, I love horror that focuses on the darkside of social media and I thought this was an utterly unique storyline that was executed well, Viv was a relatable character and the depth of her authenticity is what made this such an engaging read, for me this was a story about facing our fears and ultimately letting them go lest they destroy our lives.

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4.5 ⭐

"Such Lovely Skin" is a ya horror novel written by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne, here at her debut.

What a delightfully eerie book! Fast, captivating and engaging, it pulled me into the vortex of the narrative and pushed me to finish it in a few hours. Seriously, thanks to the stimulating pace, short chapters and thrilling story, I couldn't tear myself away from the pages, eager to know!

The sinister, dark and ominous atmosphere of the tale won me over! I don't usually scare myself with horror books (unlike movies of the genre), but I admit I found it amazing! I really liked the idea of a demon who chooses its victims through a game, taking on their appearance and destroying their lives. I found it a modern twist, really well handled, which leads to some interesting reflections on the use of social media. The inherent part of the horror game thrilled me so much with its detailed, curated and vivid descriptions and its intricate mechanism. But then do we want to talk about the more classic elements of the genre? Sudden macabre visions, creaking, rustling and other treacherous noises, eerie shadows, sinister lighting effects, and much more (in a possible film adaptation, there would be material for many jump scares!)! These are all components that I adore and that I found definitely incredible! Also, remaining on the topic of movies, this book has vibes and scenes that reminded me of "The Ring," a movie I appreciate a lot!

The story proceeds full of action and events, without moments of boredom or heaviness, resulting in a deeply immersive experience. The tension is palpable, the scary moments are convincing, but the novel does not stop there. No, "Such Lovely Skin" deals with important themes such as the death of a loved one, grief, and guilt, treating them intensely. In practice, I found it a great mix of tense situations, touching moments and lighter, funnier scenes!

Viv, protagonist with her only first person pov, convinced me. Determined, intelligent, and courageous, she struck me with her frailties, with the guilt that consumes her. She seemed to me incredibly realistic in her representation, in her evolution, in the way she decides to face her fears, her secrets, and her demons! I also enjoyed the secondary characters and the pinch of romance present!

All in all, "Such Lonely Skin" is a fantastic ya horror novel that I recommend to fans of the genre!

Thank you to the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What if The Ring and Jumanji had a baby? I never thought I needed an answer to this question but here we are. No, actually that’s not a fair comparison because even though Such Lovely Skin creeped me out like few stories ever managed to do before it, it is at its core a very powerful story about grief and guilt. Let me explain.

The reason why I watch horror way more than I tend to read it is because horror at its core has a simple formula: something creepy disrupts the protagonist’s normal life, the protagonist overcomes the monster, and life returns to normal. Schlote-Bonne took that predictable formula and used it to her advantage. Viv, our protagonist’s “normal life” starts with her dealing with the guilt of the accident that killed her little sister. Her monster is a demonic dopplegänger she accidentally welcomed into her life by confessing her secret to an NPC. Already, as you can see, Such Lovely Skin follows the horror formula but a distorted version of it so when the plot reaches the final step it unfolds in a unique and exciting way that I haven’t seen in horror so far. Of course, I can’t explain this in detail because of spoilers but you’ll understand what I mean and appreciate the author’s work when you read the story.

I am not usually someone who gets scared easily but this one really creeped me out in a good way. It’s a horror story after all. Not just because of the fantastical nature of the threat but because of how grounded it felt. Schlote-Bonne’s use of video games, social media, and tech in general, made the danger feel so real and so imminent because the attack can happen at any time. This also helped me try to figure out a solution alongside Viv and share her frustration whenever she failed and whenever she had to face the consequences of her failure to confront the demon.

As for the characters, I loved them all. Viv’s pain felt so real and her struggle to confront her demons—both literal and metaphorical—was my favorite part of a book that gave me a lot to love. I also loved the exploration of how her defense mechanisms against her pain often led to more pain, trapping her in a vicious cycle she struggles to break free from. Ash was another standout character for me. I really can praise the character work for the entire day but what can I say more than that Schlote-Bonne made me care deeply about a character we didn’t even see in the story.

Such Lovely Skin is an incredible debut by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne and while it delivers spectacularly on its horror aspects I encourage you to dig deeper into the themes of this narratively rich story.

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