Member Reviews

A story of immigrant who worked from debts to owning businesses in America.
It is inspiring. Go far, Give Back, Live Greek is a political memoir by George E.Danis. The title is largely metaphorical as readers will find. The distance covered geographically, financial development and connecting further into humanity and their intricate lifestyles. Give back is the serpent biting its tail not in the destructive sense but to keep a balance that might shift if one is not careful. I will let you discover what is to Live Greek!
I appreciated the personal story and closeness with family.
Equally I disliked this memoir for heavy commentary on political statuses. It felt like a dual book where one is a beautiful story to encourage and challenge and the other a copy of directives on what citizens should do and leaders should follow.
I hope the book will undergo another revision before hitting the shelves.

I recommend this book to lovers of America politics, and memoirs. Historical fiction readers will find this book a masterpiece in a introductory to Greek life right in the land of birth few miles from historical Athens.

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