Member Reviews

When I read what this book was about, I picked it right up! A woman's body is found at a dolmen (a neolithic burial site) on one of the Jersey Islands. However, there is no head! Then another body is found without a head. Then a head is found later, but it does not match up with the bodies. Detective Winter Labey is heading the investigation, and calls Saskia Monet, a forensic psychologist that he has worked with previously, to help. The two have become attracted to each other, but Saskia has secrets: she is the daughter of a serial killer, and her brother is a psychopath.
I mean who wouldn't want to read this story!!

I did not realize this was the third in a series, but it can be read without reading the others.

Alas, this did not hold up for me. I liked the mystery, when it was the focus in the story. There were
a couple of twists.

Here are the things I struggled with:
1. The description of the man who found the first body was very interesting. However, we find out about the other body and the head in conversation between 2 characters. Part of the fun of reading mysteries is being the omniscient third person traveling with the characters, and witnessing the shock of discovery.

2. The love/attraction between the two lead characters. We witness how they feel and think about each other through their POV. And it is a lot!! This seemed more like a Romance/Mystery- heavy on the romance. I do not mind romance in my stories, but I guess I like a subtle approach with build up. I also like the mystery to be front and center when a book is labeled as a mystery. I skimmed 2 whole chapters due to each of these characters pontificating over the loveliness of each other and their feelings. This really took me out of the story, and this was a bigger part of the book than I thought it should be.

3. I could not connect with Saskia. She covers her brothers true nature, and treats him herself. This made me question her professionalism and objectivity. Especially with their family history!

I did like the letter from that author describing what the dolmens were, and how they are believed to have been used. I always like it when I learn something from a book, so this was very nice.

I think if more detail had been given to the build up of the mystery, and the romance had a back seat- this would have been a very good read. I am not at all opposed to romance, but when it detracts from the mystery aspect and detecting, then I cannot stay engaged because I have to shift my brain to the genre that is being told in the chapter!!!

However, I have friends who love it when the romance takes center stage. They love a good Romance/Mystery, so if that is your preferred genre you might really like this book!

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC. This is my honest, voluntary review.

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Island of Graves by Gwyn Bennett is a riveting crime novel set on the island of Jersey, where Detective Inspector Winter Labey and forensic psychologist Saskia Monet investigate the brutal murders of two women found at neolithic burial sites. Saskia's dark secret complicates the case and her growing feelings for Winter, adding emotional depth and tension. Bennett expertly balances the suspenseful investigation with rich character development and atmospheric descriptions, making Island of Graves a compelling and well-crafted mystery.

Full Review:

Island of Graves by Gwyn Bennett is a gripping mystery that takes readers on a chilling journey through the neolithic burial sites of Jersey, where two innocent women have been brutally murdered. Detective Inspector Winter Labey, determined to solve the case, enlists the help of forensic psychologist Saskia Monet. Saskia's expertise proves invaluable, yet she carries a dark secret that threatens to undermine the investigation and her growing feelings for Winter.

Bennett masterfully weaves a tale of suspense, intertwining the complexities of the investigation with the deep personal struggles of the characters. Saskia's connection to a suspect linked to the prison where she works adds an intriguing twist, creating tension and raising stakes as the story unfolds. The chemistry between Winter and Saskia adds a layer of emotional depth, making their partnership compelling.

The novel's pacing is relentless, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Winter and Saskia race against time to piece together clues left in ancient burial chambers. Bennett's vivid descriptions of the island's eerie landscapes enhance the haunting atmosphere, immersing readers in the mystery.

While some might find the focus on Saskia's secret occasionally detracts from the central investigation, it ultimately enriches the narrative, providing a deeper understanding of her character and motivations. Island of Graves is a well-crafted, suspenseful read that fans of crime fiction will thoroughly enjoy.

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A work of fiction, stuffed full of facts, with believable characters. Gwyn Bennett has done it again with book 3 of the Saskia Monet series, and this time Saskia herself starts to emerge from the shadows of the ‘hiding in plain sight’ position she has adopted in order to deal with the trauma of her life. The sense of danger grows, as does a burgeoning love affair. Can the two co-exist? I suspect we will find out in book 4!

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Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read "Island of Graves" in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is the third book in the Saskia Monet series and each book added to this series is better than the previous and they have all been brilliant.

This story starts off with an archeology volunteer from the Soci­été Jersaise finding a body at La Blinerie. He'd been investigating an email about vandalism at Le Dolmen de Mont Ubé.

DI Winter Labey arrives at the scene and see that it was a headless body that was found. This means that he calls in Chief Forensic Psychologist Saskia Monet from La Moye Prison to help build a profile of the killer. When another body is found at Le Couperon, also missing a head - they realize they are looking at a serial killer. They learn that they were both elderly ladies in their 70's who lived alone - Mrs. Barbara Smith and Mrs. Sandra Cunningham - they both seemed to have had someone come by to help them fix things around the house.

The story of Saskia's brother continues. He's a psychopath who killed Allan Hall - the driver that lived on the property of Jackie (his girlfriend) and manipulated it so that Allan's boyfriend was arrested. Now he's planning on getting rid of Jackie so that he can inherit her business and property. When he announces to Saskia that he no longer needs her monitoring him - she decides to meet Jackie and warn her that she might be in danger. But she might have just put herself in danger if David figures out what role Saskia played in what Jackie does next.

Winter and Saskia continue to be attracted to each other but neither is willing to admit it so there are misunderstandings. There are a few red herrings thrown in - as to who the Dolmen killer might be. There are plenty of loose story threads which hopefully means another Winter and Saskia story will be written soon.

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The third book in the Saskia Monet series I have read and really enjoyed. Beautifully written and I look forward to a developing relationship with Winter and Saskia in future books in the series. Could be read as a standalone but if you do you will soon want to read books 1 and 2. Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the chance to ARC this book.

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This is the third book in this series, I hadn't read the previous two but I found the story easy to pick up..
A macabre killer was on the loose, when the headless bodies of two women were found in two ancient burial sites and the head of one of them in a third, Detective Inspector Winter Labey, who was in charge of the investigation, knew that he would need the expertise of Forensic Psychologist, Saskia Monet......the beautiful island of Jersey was rocked to it's foundations by these discoveries.
Saskia worked in the prison with psychopathic inmates, Saskia's life had been tough, she had reasons for choosing the career path that she had taken, reasons that she kept secret, reasons that could shatter the life that she had built.
Winter was attracted to Saskia but she kept him at arms length, Saskia in turn was attracted to Winter but she knew that she couldn't risk getting involved, she couldn't risk him finding out her secret.
As this story unfolds it becomes even more gruesome, the fear of the ancient burial grounds is palpable, what deranged mind could be committing these atrocities ? could it be one of their own ? When someone close to them disappears the fear turns to terror.
This is a fast paced, page turner with enough suspense, twists and turns and red herrings to keep you reading, although at times I did want to bash Saskia and Winters heads together,
I really enjoyed the author's picturesque description of Jersey and I loved how she had obviously done much research into the troubled mind. I look forward to the next book in the series, I can recommend this one.
Thank you Storm Publishing and Net Gallery for this ARC, my review is totally voluntary.

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Although this is book 3, there was no problem following the story and the relationships. My favorite part was the setting, the Island of Jersey, and the neolithic burial sites. Would have loved more details on them. Forensic psychologist Saskia Monet helps the police, especially DI Winter Labey on cases. This case has elderly women murdered and left the neolithic burial sites. They are very attracted to each other but tend to just be weird to each other. Monet has a secret past and an awful brother that she uses as an excuse not to have relationships. This was my least favorite, and least believable part of the book.
Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this DRC.
#IslandofGraves #NetGalley

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This is the third book in a series but the first I read. I received an advance copy of the book from Storm Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

It was clear in the book that the characters had a history from the earlier two novels in the series but I did not have any issues following the story. So this can be read as a stand alone but, having said that, I will likely go back and read the first to novels. There was good character development in this novel but I think I would understand and connect with the characters more if I “knew” them from the first two novels.

In this novel, Detective Inspector Winter Laney and Forensic Psychologist Sasha Monet are investigating the murder of two women. If you enjoy a crime novel, this won’t disappoint

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Bodies left among the Neolithic burial sites on the Island of Jersey set the stage for this third book in the series featuring DI Winter Labey and forensic psychologist Saskia Monet. She’s hiding family secrets and neither are good at personal relationships, so the murders forcing them to work together once again makes things hard for them both. The various suspects, wonderful descriptions of the dolmens and their use as ancient burial chambers, surprisingly interesting descriptions of different psychopathic personalities, and the dynamics between Winter and Saskia made for a great police procedural, especially with the added psychological input. The author leaves us with a cliffhanger, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how it’s resolved.
Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for an advance copy, I’ve enjoyed discussions about the series with several book clubs, both on line and in person.

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a great engaging read - the first ive read by this author and I was hooked from the first page. really engaging characters and I loved the twists and turns in the story

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Island of Graves is a fast paced police procedural story following Saskia Monet, a forensic psychologist with family secrets, and inspector Winter Labey. Although this is the third book in the series, it is easy enough to catch up with the dynamics between the characters.

In this installment, older women are being abducted and killed and it is up to our two main characters to quickly decipher what's going on before someone - maybe someone close to them - is next.

I enjoyed the writing and the pace of the book, but I couldn't get past Saskia's character. Her behavior is professionally questionable and personally immature, and it just doesn't make for a heroine I can root for.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which is available 7/24/24!

Another UK crime cop procedural with another female cop lead but this time add in a forensic psychologist Saskia Monet in the kid who has a dark secret and you get a book that has so many twists and turns I had to write them all down.

This was like watching an episode of CSI mixed with Criminal minds and I loved it.

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Island of Graves by Gwyn Bennett is a gripping and atmospheric thriller set against the haunting backdrop of Jersey's ancient burial sites. The story kicks off with two brutal murders that send shockwaves through the island community. Detective Inspector Winter Labey is tasked with solving the case, and he enlists the help of forensic psychologist Saskia Monet. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover chilling clues that point to a twisted killer with a penchant for neolithic symbolism.

One of the book's standout features is the complex relationship between Winter and Saskia. Their dynamic is charged with tension and unspoken emotions, especially as Saskia harbors a dark secret that threatens to derail the investigation. Bennett masterfully weaves Saskia's hidden past into the narrative, adding layers of intrigue and suspense. This subplot not only deepens the character development but also heightens the stakes, making the reader question whether Saskia’s secrets will jeopardize the entire case.

The pacing of the novel is relentless, with each chapter ending on a cliffhanger that makes it nearly impossible to put down. The vivid descriptions of the island's neolithic sites add an eerie, almost mystical quality to the setting, making the reader feel the weight of history and the macabre significance of the murders.

Bennett's writing is sharp and evocative, capturing the bleak beauty of Jersey and the psychological complexities of the characters. The narrative deftly balances the procedural aspects of the investigation with the personal struggles of Winter and Saskia, creating a well-rounded and engrossing read.

Fans of Rachel McLean, D.K. Hood, and J M Dalgliesh will find much to love in Island of Graves. It's a thrilling, emotionally charged ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. As the story races towards its heart-pounding conclusion, you'll be left eagerly anticipating the next installment in this unputdownable series.

Overall, Island of Graves is a must-read for thriller enthusiasts looking for a story that combines dark secrets, intricate mysteries, and compelling characters. It's a testament to Gwyn Bennett's skill as a storyteller that even as the final page turns, the echoes of the ancient burial sites and the secrets they hold will linger in your mind.

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Jersey, forensic-psychologist, island-life, procedural, law-enforcement, revenge, revenge-killings, psychopath, psychotic, crime-fiction, thriller, family-dynamics, family-drama, family-history, unputdownable, siblings, secrets, lies, murders, investigations, historic-site, riveting*****

Forensic psychologist Saskia Monet is called to assist in the investigations of several buried murder victims on the island of Jersey. DI Winter Labey leads the investigation and they have worked together before on difficult cases. There is the thread of this investigation, threats to her work at the prison, and all the secrets and lies of her past family life and those consequences. The characters and the investigations drew me in and wouldn't let go!
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Storm Publishing via NetGalley. Thanks

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Definitely unputdownable! Wow what a book

Great story and love the main character, Detective Winter and forensic psychologist Saskia Monet., working together to unravel the killers motives with twisted tale

I can’t wait for the next book but more interested if Saskia and Winter will develop any progression towards a relationship whilst working together against the criminals in society

Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing

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Two bodies are found in different Neolithic sites on Jersey, their heads are found in two others. They are elderly women, who have been frozen before being buried in the ancient sites. DI Winter Labeynis the investigating officer and he recruits prison psychologist Saskia Monet to provide a profile of the killer.. When Winter’s own mother becomes a potential victim the search takes on an added urgency. There is a simmering sexual tension between Saskia and Winter, but as the daughter of a psychopathic serial killer father Saskia is reluctant to get involved, add to this her brother who show similar tendencies is going off the rails.

This book is part way between a cosy crime and a gritty police procedural. I was hooked from the first page and read it all in one go. It’s an entertaining read and I will read future ones

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Intriguing murders where remains are left on Neolithic burial/ritual monuments in Jersey. Descriptions of Jersey are brilliant. DI Winter Labey brings in Saskia Monet, a forensic psychologist, to help profile the killer/s. She has psychopaths in her family and has feelings for Winter. Winter has feelings for her. These just take over and the murders seems side-lined as far as I was concerned. Yes, he did do the obvious house to house, forensics and the like but it all just felt bland, as did he. It is, however, almost nice to see this blandness because so many police procedurals have damaged senior detectives. I've no idea what the author saw them as character-wide. Saskia obviously had empathy with psychopaths including the prisoners she was work with - red herrings or what? 'Unputdownable'? Nope, sorry. After I'd finished the book I discovered that it was number 3 in the series so perhaps lack of description of the main characters is more understandable. Mind you, if the 'will they, won't they' started in earlier books ..... 2.5* rounded up because of Jersey descriptions. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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This is book 3 in the Saskia Monet series.
Saskia Monet is a chief forensic psychologist at La Moye prison and she also helps out DI Winter Labey with the profiling of criminals. The story begins with a body found at a Neolithic site in Jersey. This starts an investigation into how the killer placed the victim here, why they did it and how they did it? All the sub plots come together with a climatic conclusion that I never saw coming and I even failed to identify the killer!! It's a fast paced read and I read the book in a day! I highly recommend this book.

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Another brilliant read from this author, pacy and full of tension with an obvious love of Jersey and respect for its past. What an ending though…. hoping the next one arrives quickly.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Gwyn Bennett for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Island of Graves coming out July 24, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I haven’t read the other two books. I received this directly from Storm Publishing. I don’t know a lot about Jersey, so I was interested in learning more. This was a pretty quick paced short book. I enjoyed the characters. I thought Saskia was a strong character who wanted to get things done. I appreciated the romance aspect as well. I think it was a lot like British police procedural TV series.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys British crime books!

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