Member Reviews

(I received this book from the editor and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
Let’s start by stating that I’m a huge fan of The Watchers and The Creeper and that I consider A.M. Shine to be one of my favourite horror authors at the moment. I haven’t seen the Watchers’ movie but I am really looking forward to it.
I had no idea there was a Watchers’ sequel in the making until I saw the cover in Netgalley. The quickest request of the West, let me tell you.
Now, to the novel itself: I read the Watchers when it came out (2022) and had not read it since, but I was immediately in the atmosphere two pages on. Hello, Mina, long time no see, let’s hope you have a more relaxed… oh, never mind.
If the sensation of being constantly watched, observed, monitored, was huge in The Watchers, it is multiplied by one million in Stay in the Light. The author is indescribably amazing when writing horror scenes, when there is something in the shadows and it is going to jump and try to kill you; the character knows it, you know it, the author is very possibly grinning. I know there is a gif that perfectly summarizes what I am saying.
And then there are some chapters from the point of view of Sean. A Kilmartin. Yes, that Kilmartin. And I must say that at the beginning I was not sure whether I enjoyed his point of view or not, too much information, too much explanation, but there were many amazing horror highlights, most of them towards the end.
Because that is what this is, a story that starts kind slow, almost predictably, accompanied by some information that kind of breaks the spell of what The Watcher was… and then all hell breaks loose, and there are not enough pages to tell the story. We must wait and see.

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A sequel that doesn’t disappoint!

We pick up after the events of The Watchers with Ciara living a life of pretence, Mina hiding away in fear, and Madeline hovering doing we aren’t sure what.
Meanwhile it transpires Kilmartin had a son- Sean- who shares the same obsession of Changelings as his father, and is beginning the excavation of a tunnel that goes a long long way down.

A thrilling read, which sets up for a third book. This makes me very happy!

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A great continuation from The Watchers. Was a little slow to start with, but the tension definitely ramped up towards the end - I even jumped when there was a random noise in the house whilst reading!

I don't know for definite if there is a 3rd book, but I feel it has been set up for a trilogy. Can't wait to find out how the story wraps up!

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I enjoyed The Watchers. This sequel was okay. It was like most horror sequels, trying to continue the momentum of the first and not quite hitting its stride. It was enjoyable enough, though rather predictable.

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Possible spoilers

3.5 ⭐

Very much the follow up to The Watchers, I'd say don't read this unless you've read the first.
Whilst it doesn't have the feeling of dread throughout that the previous book had, it certainly has its moments of tension, especially towards the end, as it builds up to the finale.
I feel there's an epic third book coming, if not, there should be.
Good to revisit the characters, and see how they're moving forward, how they view life now.
Some nice surprises and great ending.
All good .

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