Member Reviews

This book definitely sucked me right way, which is how I often feel with Audrey’s books. I really liked the last book in this series and was super excited to see the continuation of it. The audio was really well done. There were a few twists that felt a little predictable but I still really enjoyed reading it

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This story had the suspense factor that you really look for with this genre and will have you suspecting everyone. For me it didn’t really pick up until closer to the end when it was really jammed packed with everything you wanted from the beginning. I just wish there was more throughout the story

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This series reminds me a lot of Rachel Caine's "Stillhouse Lake" novels, and I am here for it.

I can always sink my teeth into a good whodunit with a badass woman at the wheel. Don't you hate it when the main character is some bubblehead who makes all the obvious mistakes? That is certainly not the case here, as Cameron is smart and steady, as she navigates some pretty crazy action in the tiny town of Tok, Alaska, where she's decided to try to make a safe home for herself.

This follow-up wasn't as compelling or shocking as The Final Hunt, the first in the series, but it was just as satisfying. The twists were believable, and packed a good punch.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of The Last Hunt by Audrey J. Cole.

I have an issue that I can't get past. This is the sequel to The Final Hunt. Shouldn't it be the other way around? What am I missing. First is the final hunt, but now, FOR REAL, this is the last hunt. I don't know, but it does hurt my brain.

I didn't dislike this book, it was fun to see Dane and Cameron's relationship develop, despite all of the drama and suspicion. However, I'm just not convinced that this was a sequel that needed to happen. How many killers can one woman date? It just started to feel like every desperate last drop was being squeezed from this plot. It wasn't bad, just waaaaay overworked.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Spotify Audiobooks for an audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

Second book in The Final Hunt series. Cameron is living in Alaska getting her life together after her serial killer hubby is gone. When young women are killed in a similar manner, she wonders if he is back.

Quick read. Leslie Howard did a good job with the narration.

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I liked The Last Hunt quite a bit, and had no idea that this was a sequel to The Final Hunt before writing this review.

The Last Hunt was a thrilling, mysterious adventure and the tempo was just perfect. The characters were full of flavor and I questioned every single one of them while trying to find out what was going on!

If you love thrillers set in a remote village in Alaska, with twist and turns, characters you can’t trust, this one’s for you.

Also, the narrator Leslie Howard was absolutely perfect for this one, she made the whole experience ten times better.

A huge thanks to NetGalley, Spotify Audiobooks, Audrey J. Cole and Leslie Howard for this incredible thriller!

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I had no idea this was a sequel to The Final Hunt as I started reading it. But right away I recognized those characters and I was excited for where this one would head. And even though I am a fan of books being stand alones, I really think this is better with the first one. The plot really relies on a lot from that first book. And with only two books, this is an easily bingeable series and totally worth the time

I really like Cameron and Dane. They have so much history and yet they can keep going. They are a big part of me loving this series. Along with the supporting cast. I wanted to know more about them and really wanted to root for Cameron to be able to get on with her life,

I am going to be careful so I am not spoiling book one, but the author does such a great job at casting doubt. On everything. I suspected everyone. I would figure it all out in my mind and then back pedal with a new solution. I must have “solved” this one a dozen times. Murders like in book one are happening again and then we find out there have been similar murders over many years. Can Cameron trust Dane or will he let her down like the others have?

I was invested from the very first sentence. Seriously. The remote setting is great. Of course there is a storm that hampers travel. (Isn’t there always in books set remotely?) I didn’t know who to trust (again). There is tension from the start that carries over until the end. I did not want to put it down.

Leslie Howard narrates this one and lets the story shine. She does an excellent job of expressing the tension and anxiety Cameron faces. She had the perfect voice to fit Cameron and does an excellent job bringing all the characters to life. Even the male ones.

If you love rich characters, a remote location and a pulse pounding thriller, you need to read this series.

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This is a fast-paced thriller set in Alaska, and though it's the second book in the series, having not read the first, I can say it stood alone well.

There are three crime sprees to be aware of. Historically, Cameron's husband was a serial killer and there are his crimes; there were a set of crimes in Tok, Alaska a few years ago; there is a new set of crimes happening in the present that resemble both the ones in Tok a few years ago, and also are similar to the murders of the supposedly dead serial killer. Cameron thought she killed her husband, but could he have survived and is not only still killing people but also after her for revenge? Or is someone else in law enforcement, namely her boyfriend, behind the newer killings? It's a story about distrust, not knowing, danger around every corner, and self-preservation.

I breezed through this book and was shocked when it ended because it felt too soon. (The magic of audiobooks and not knowing where you are in the story.) The twist, the setting, the closure, the finality of it all, worked out beautifully and I was very satisfied.

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In Book 2 of this series, Cameron Prescott has pulled up stakes and moved to Tok, Alaska, to start over with her state trooper boyfriend Dane Waska following the revelation that her husband John was a serial killer. Although John is presumed dead from a bear attack near his cabin in northern Washington state, a fresh killing in Tok resembles her late husband’s grisly signature. Tok is pronounced "toke" in case you wondered. I was pronouncing it as "tock" throughout the first book but this time I had the audiobook so now I know better.

I enjoyed this book but was getting annoyed by the constant repetition of certain threads, especially the fact that Cameron believes John is still alive and is responsible for recent deaths in the Tok area. Overall though it was a fast-paced read with some pretty tense moments. I loved the setting. This could probably be read as a stand-alone but do yourself a favour and read "The Final Hunt" first.

When I first started listening to the audiobook I didn't think I was going to like the narrator because she had a kind of whispery voice but once I got used to it I quite enjoyed Leslie Howard's narration.

My thanks to Spotify Audiobooks via Netgalley for providing a copy of the audiobook. All opinions expressed are my own.
Publication Date: June 25, 2024

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I really enjoy this author and this book as a continuation of the first was very fun to read. I was surprised how well I remembered the first

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While it's not necessary to have read the first book and this series, I was glad that I had because it added a lot to the character development. This was an entertaining read and I enjoyed the atmospheric small town Alaska setting. I did find Cameron's decision-making poor and annoying at times. I also figured out things earlier than I would've liked.
I usually don't like it when audiobook narrators are different within a series but the narrator's voice was similar enough that it didn't make much of a difference to me.
Overall, I liked the first book in the series better but this was still a compelling, quick read.
A big thank you to Spotify Audiobooks for this audiobook. All opinions shared are my own, shared willingly.

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I had the pleasure of reading an eARC of Audrey J. Cole’s The Last Hunt, the follow up to The Final Hunt, earlier this year. I enjoyed it tremendously, so when I had the opportunity to listen to advanced audio copy I couldn’t pass it up.

Cameron Prescott thought the nightmare was over. She thought her murdering psycho of a husband was dead. But when a new killing occurs, she begins to question everything and everyone she thought she knew. This is an intense, fast paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

And as much as I enjoyed reading this one, I have to say think I enjoyed the audio version even more. Leslie Howard’s narration is excellent and she does a wonderful job bringing the characters and story to life. I’d like to thank Spotify Audiobooks and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review an advanced copy of the audio version of The Last Hunt.

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In the book The Last Hunt, author Audrey J. Cole writes about Cameron Prescott, who has a bad record of choosing the wrong man. She is trying to start over with her new state trooper boyfriend in the town of Tok, Alaska. But when the killings start again, Cameron is afraid her deceased husband is not really dead. Or maybe with her track-record. could new boyfriend be involved? This was a good psychological thriller. I would recommend this book. I received a copy of this audio-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such an addicting listen!!

When I saw that the author was writing book 2 in The Final Hunt series I was so excited! The second installment didn't disappoint. Returning to Tok, Alaska is such a wonderful and suspenseful thriller read. We follow alongside Cameron along with a few more detectives and it was such a fun ride! I honestly couldn't figure out who was behind it all. The red herrings in this book were great. The narrator, Leslie Howard does a wonderful job portraying Cameron along with many of the other characters. I was engaged till the very end. If you're looking for an addicting listen that's suspenseful and in the Alaskan terrain be sure to check this series out!

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Although this didn’t suck me in like I thought it would, it was a well done thriller. Lots of twists that I didn’t see coming. I listened to the audiobook and while the narrator was good, there was just something that didn’t catch my attention 100% of the time.

Thank you to Audrey J. Cole, NetGalley, and Spotify Audiobooks for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Clever and threatening in equal measures, demonstrating that cold cases can certainly come back to haunt. The Alaskan terrain and fierce weather conditions make a fabulous backdrop ensuring the ambiance and fear factor coax you into a frightening tale. Love it!

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This is the second book in The Final Hunt series and I would recommend reading them in order.

I found this one to be just as predictable as the first book and unfortunately slightly less entertaining and for me a little more confusing. As I had mentioned in my review of the first book, this one is single narration, but multiple third person POVs. I didn’t feel like the narrator changed how they spoke enough for me to differentiate the characters.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! I LOVED this book so much! I loved that there was a lot of action in this book and so many chapters ended on cliffhangers. This book kept me guessing and had me on the edge of my seat. I loved that the book started off in the middle of one of the murders and was so action packed that it pulled the reader right into the book. I really enjoyed this reading experience and want to read more books from this author.

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"The Last Hunt" is a gripping thriller filled with new murders, cold cases and mysteries. This is the sequel to "The Final Hunt", which I highly recommend you to read first or you will be somewhat confused and spoil yourself for "The Final Hunt." Cameron's life in Seattle went bust when it was discovered that her late husband was a serial killer. So she moved to the remote town of Tok, Alaska to build a new life. When a girl is murdered in town, it stirres up old memories. The MO is strikingly similar to two murders from the 90s. When Cameron's boyfriend starts behaving oddly and becomes a suspect, her life is turned upside down once again...

I listened to the audio version of this book and really enjoyed it. The narrator did a fantastic job bringing Cameron's feelings to life and setting the tense atmosphere.

The story was suspenseful and quite dark. There were so many suspects and I kept on guessing who'd done it! I'm happy to say I guessed wrong and I really enjoyed the twist at the end.

I've read the first book I the series right before this one and didn't enjoy it all that much (partly, because I spoiled myself by starting this one and being too lost to read it as a standalone.) I really didn't like the FMC in the first book, but she grew on me in this one. I also liked the FBI agent much more. Her actions were much more plausible.

So, while not a perfect book, this was a good thriller. 4.25 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and Spotify audiobooks for the download of this audio book!

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I will pretty much read anything that Audrey J. Cole puts out - and The Last Hunt was another example of why that is true!
This was an awesome book - twisty and mysterious - I just could not put it down.
In Tok, Alaska, Cameron Prescott (a widow twice over) has started over with her state trooper boyfriend. She is hoping that her serial killer ex-husband's secrets died with him. But, when a new murder harkens back to his modus operandi, she is scared that she is next.

Cameron was a really cool character, and I LOVED how she evolved as we learned more about her history and everything that she endured in her marriages. The ending was perfection.

I would listen to Leslie Howard read the dictionary, her voice is just that perfect. Different characters were clear, pitch and pace were excellent.

Thank you to NetGalley and Spotify Audiobooks for this ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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