Member Reviews

Lucy Score has hooked me on another series!! Blue Moon series continues Lucy Scores talent of drawing you in to wonderful characters in beautiful settings. This book is about a successful magazine editor. She goes to immerse herself in an organic farm that she is writing about for her posh New York magazine. Need I say more. Fun, hot read. Thank you to Net Galley and Bloom Publishing for this read.

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This was a quick and lighthearted read from Lucy Score. It didn’t have the depth of her more recent titles but was still a fun read.

Lucy writes great small towns and Blue Moon Bay is one of them - I found myself loving the entire Pierce family and all the side characters in the town just as much as the main couple. I wanted more backstory from both Carter and Summer to motivate their actions more. Once we find out their “secrets” the story took on additional depth that I wish had been there for more of the book. I would probably read others in the series since the Blue Moon Bay characters are so intriguing.

I read a gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my

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Okay so maybe I could be into farmers afterall

This book was SO cute. I read it in one sitting. Lucy Score could make me fall in love with anyone.

Small town
Dual POV
He falls first
She’s writing an article about his farm
Silly smalltown match makers
He takes care of her

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This was my first Lucy Score book!!

This has a beautiful cover and when I saw it was a small town romance, I knew I needed to read it!

Summer Lentz is sent to write a story on the Pierce Family farm. This big city girl gets just a little more than she bargains for when she spends a week with Carter Pierce and his two brothers. And did I mention there’s a goat with personality and a love for denim?

It seems the whole town can tell it has been written in the stars for Summer and Carter, but can they get past their own personal traumas to find happiness.

This story was so many things…raw, emotional, steamy and don’t forget laugh-out-loud funny at times. You don’t want to miss this feel good story!

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Before I get into my review, I wanted to say a big thank you, NetGalley for this e-ARC copy! All opinions in this review are my own!

Okay. Man, I won’t lie. This one was a tough one to get through. No More Secrets by Lucy score is a rerelease from 2016 I believe- after doing more research I learned that there are 7 more books in the blue moon series which makes sense from the side characters we were introduced to throughout this novel!

Was it a cute book? Sure, it’s very much a hallmark story! I liked the fact that we briefly get a look into all the characters stories while still leaving room for wonder and mystery. The banter was funny and honestly I wish there had been more! The FMC, Summer is a journalist from the city working on an magazine article, conducting interviews and crafting a story about a small town farm where she meets our MMC, Carter, and his entire family who run's the farm. These two are polar opposites (grumpy/sunshine) and over the course of approximately one week as Summer immerses herself more into the everyday lives of the people in Blue Moon Bend for the sake of her story, both her and Carter seem to fall fast in love. Though there were moments in this book I really enjoyed this was one I did not love. This was such an instant love which did lead to a third act break up. It was almost inevitable in my opinion. I do wish we had gotten a better backstory to our main characters before it led to love but it is what it is. The first half of the book was pretty tame and PG then after our main characters {intimately} get together, that’s pretty much the rest of the story. Since it is third person, it made those particular moments feel very cold and distant. Towards the end, it also seemed like our FMC’s illness was randomly thrown in there. After all of that, I don’t particularly think I will be reading the rest of the series but who know's.

Sparknotes: it’s a small town, farm boy/city girl, grumpy/sunshine, war/ptsd discussion, cancer diagnoses discussion (sorta), 3rd person POV, insta love story.

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DNF'd at 79%. I honestly don't even know how I made it that far. I really tried to like this book, but in the end I just did not want to pick it up. I don't often DNF books because I want to know how the story ends, but I literally had zero cares at all about how this book ended or what happened to the characters. This is my first Lucy Score book, but I don't think that I am going to read any more of her books after this, because it sounds like they are all the same.

The first thing I did not enjoy was the fact that there was no plot. To be honest, I think I knew that would happen from the first few pages of the book. It jumped right into the "story" without any background on the characters or explanation into what was happening ("story" in quotations because there was none). The story itself didn't seem to build at all, I kept reading hoping that something would happen to catch my attention but it never happened. Truth be told, I would have been more entertained watching paint dry.

The second thing was that the characters were flat and had no personality or depth. There was no backstory to any of them, and I just didn't care for them at all. There was nothing to them, they were so boring.

The last thing that I really didn't enjoy was the smut. It was so cringy and it ended up taking over the entire book. Every single page was a new spicy scene, and they weren't even good spicy scenes.

Honestly don't know why this book is rated as high as it is. There are so many books out there with small town and city girl/farmer boy tropes that are so much better than this.

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Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for this e-ARC. All opinions are my own.

The story follows Summer, a journalist from Manhattan, and Carter, a scarred veteran looking for peaceful life on his farm in his hometown. Summer and Carter meet when she is assigned to write a piece on Carter, his experiences, and his life on the farm. Their relationship beings with Summer wanting to pry into Carter’s personal matters, which he doesn’t enjoy, so he hopes to push her away.

There’s instant attraction between the two characters. Despite their attraction, neither makes a move because they know that after a week, they’ll be living completely different lives hours away from each other. But that doesn’t stop them; within the week, they’re together. While the romance was passionate, it seemed superficial to me. There’s a ton of sex scenes scattered throughout the book, but I barely found moments where their love was developed. There were so many moments of attraction: Carter thinking about Summer’s eyes and lips and Summer thinking about Carter’s looks and muscles. Other than that, I couldn’t understand what made them really fall in love. I felt that like there were no special moments, yet when it came to confessing their love, they talked about each other beautifully. I just couldn’t see that love developing.

The plot was fast paced. A good chunk of it took place in the span of a week, yet I didn’t feel bored. There are so many characters and events, which kept me entertained the entire time. And the setting, and all the characters, are the reason why I enjoyed this book so much. The town’s people and the community they’ve built is very wholesome. They embraced Summer while barely knowing her, they helped fellow members of their community without expecting anything back, and there is no hostility amongst them. This is what made this book such a sweet, beautiful read to me and influenced me to want to read the rest of the series. I was invested in the town and its people more than I was in the main characters’ romance.

Overall, I enjoyed this book but wish the romance was developed on a deeper level. Definitely going to continue the series since I love the setting!

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He's a farmer....

She's a reporter from the city. They clearly are opposites.
Carter is settled into his life on the farm. But things heat up a lot for him when Summer breezes in.
She's a nosy reporter there to write a story. and staying with him, which is convenient for all the nooky going on.

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Thank you to the publisher, Lucy Score, and NetGalley for this e-ARC of No More Secrets.

Lucy Score is an auto-buy author for me for many reasons. Naturally when I saw this one I HAD to read it, and I am SO GLAD I did! If you love small towns with hilarious antics, a dash of suspense, and a good ol' grump this one is for YOU! No More Secrets is Book 1 in the Blue Moon series, and I cannot wait to see what comes next!


-Grumpy x Sunshine
-Slow Burn
-City Girl x Country Boy
-Opposites Attract
-Small Town
-Forced Proximity
-Prolonged spicy scenes

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Carter is a farmer, and is talked into allowing Summer, a magazine writer, to stay with him and write about the farm. A good and easy romance (although the details of intimacy could have been toned down a little, might just be me) and one that was fun to read. There are two other brothers, so expect at least two more books to come. Easy read and fun characters. Would highly recommend.

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Cute, fast paced story about a small town farmer and an editor from Manhattan. Exactly what you’d expect for a Lucy Score romcom 💕

I can’t wait to read the rest of the series! Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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No More Secrets by Lucy Score is a captivating and steamy romance novel filled with gripping drama that kept me on the edge of my seat. The intricate plot and well-developed characters left me yearning for more.

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This story was like a warm hug. It was jam packed with all the small-town charm, lovable characters, and a lot of heart. This book reminded me a little of Whiskey Chaser. If you like that book you’ll love this one. Can’t wait to read the other books in this series!

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for the arc of this book.

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Lucy Score is an automatic read for me. I devour her books. I was grateful to be able to read this ARC and review it. Blue Moon Bend and its list of characters are people I genuinely want to meet. Score does an amazing job and describing details and characteristics, that I felt like I was visualizing it the entire time I was reading. I immediately felt the connection between Summer and Carter, and enjoyed their playfulness and connection to each other. I look forward to reading the rest of this series!

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Just the sweetest feel-good small-town Rom-Com.
I love Lucy Score's writing and ability to make you fall head over heels for her characters.
A quick read that was romantic and funny with a touch of spice.
I felt all the emotions and loved the main characters.

Chase is a grumpy farmer who is rough around the edges but has the history to explain it all. The Pierce brothers all have such a fun group dynamic that leaves you wanting more.

Summer is the complete opposite of the Pierce brothers, but she is a sucker for a good story and that is what brings her to Blue Moon Bend.
The instant chemistry brings major conflict to Summer's heart and mind.

I thoroughly enjoyed the peak into Beckett's story and cannot way for the rest of this series.

Thank you, Lucy Score, Bloom Books, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a cute book. I loved the small town of Blue Moon and the community there. I loved the Pierce family and how the brothers interacted with each other.

I liked the relationship between Carter and Summer. Though I also don’t quite buy into how quickly they fell for each other.

I like that the 3rd act break up wasn’t due to miscommunication but fear and one individual’s choices about their life. It was also resolved pretty quick.

I look forward to reading more in this series and returning to town.

[cw - discussion of PTSD; cancer]

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So beautiful!

Sweet, funny, emotional, enchanting, endearing. I got swept away and pulled in. Carter and Summer are amazing characters and I can’t wait to read more in this series.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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This is a fairly early Lucy Score book. It had some hot, but was also very sweet. The main characters are Carter and Summer. Carter is former military with PTSD. Summer is a writer for a magazine who is going to write a story featuring Carter's farm. For me, the insta love was just too fast. I didn't believe it.

The story was lots of fun, but had some depth too. I loved all of the animals and the chaos they caused. I also loved that Carter's brothers gave him a hard time about falling in love. The family ribbing was great! Score's portrayal of Carter's PTSD was also very good (I have a husband with it from Afghanistan). The retelling of what had happened was very believable.

Thanks to Bloom Books and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts are my own.

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This was a super cute book! I really loved the tension between Summer and Carter and the farm setting was just adorable. Clementine is chaos and I loved every minute of it! The dual third person POV was a little odd but it didn't distract too much from the story. What did feel weird was just how quickly the end wrapped up. It was like SURPRISE, and then end. So I would have liked a little more wrap up of the overall story instead of it feeling rushed. However! I still really enjoyed it and would recommend it for lovers of country boy x farm girl trope!

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Thank you to Bloom, Lucy Score, and NetGalley for giving me an eARC of No More Secrets in exchange for my honest review.

No More Secrets is a delightful small-town romance featuring Carter Pierce and Summer Lentz. Summer is a journalist from NYC who is in Blue Moon for the week staying with Carter to interview him and his family about his farm. Summer is out of place in Blue Moon, wearing designer clothes and working non-stop. She is also hiding a secret both from Carter and everyone else in her life. Carter is someone who has PTSD after returning from Afghanistan. He has no intentions of opening up to this reporter, and is only doing it because he knows it will make his mother happy. Throughout the course of the week together, Carter and Summer are drawn to each other in ways neither of them could have predicted or could have asked for.

Honestly, this is an insta-lovers done right in many ways. I loved Summer and Carter together, I thought they complemented each other well while also pushing each other to be the best versions of themselves. I just wish that we would have gotten more about their backstory. I wanted to know more about their motivations and why they behave the way that they do. I would have loved just a little bit more about each of them. I also feel like given the tension with Summer and her parents, that is something that needed to be flushed out more. It felt like that was thrown in there and while the explanation behind it made sense, the resolution to it felt rushed and forced in a way. I just feel like there were conversations and details that were left out in general when it came to the characters and the plots. I will say that I LOVED Blue Moon. There is something so endearing about a small town romance. You fall in love with all of the characters in the town and their roles trying to play match makers. I want to return to Blue Moon over and over again. Score did a great job creating a town that felt real. I was sad to leave it when the book ended and cannot wait to return to it for book two and learn more about side characters from this book.

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