Member Reviews

I loved this book! City girl comes to the country meets country boy falls in love. So freaking good and the spice was chef's kiss!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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First off, Lucy Score is an auto-buy for me. She writes such cute, sweet, and spicy romance novels and this book is no different! I loved the small town feel with the country boy and city girl romance. Carter and Summer are so good together and I loved every second of their relationship in this book.

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When Lucy Score gets into her small town romance groove, you feel the love. The characters are slightly kooky, and in the small town of hippie-filled Blue Moon that certainly applies, but these same people also fill the pages with a lot of heart, making the reader want to travel to a similar type of small town and soak in the love. No More Secrets and the Blue Moon series, is not a new novel from Lucy Score, and in fact, I read this novel five years ago when it came out. I only vaguely remembered the story, but I definitely fell back into the charm, no problem.

Carter and Summer, despite the synopsis of grumpy guy and city girl, actually hit it off right from the start. She may be a city girl but she’s got some insecurities that make her perfect for the love of this gentleman farm, and Carter doesn’t fight his attraction, at all. For all that he’s recovering from his time overseas, he is a pretty charming guy who knows what he wants when he see’s it. He quietly woo’s Summer right from the start. I loved how Carter, his family, and the town all broke down her defenses. The story was simple, sweet, and even thought it was a second time read, I enjoyed it again.

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I’d read Lucy Score’s shopping list. Everything she writes is romantic gold. This is no exception. The characters, the plot, everything is just *chef’s kiss* No notes.

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This was such a fun and sweet read! I loved that this was low angst but also had some tension. This was what I would consider a comfort read and one that I could read over and over again. I can’t wait for more of Carter’s family and to continue this series!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to give one of my favorite authors another read!

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Lucy is an auto-buy and auto-read.

Summer heads out to Blue Moon Bend to do an article on Carter Pierce's farm and it's all over from there. Carter is a rugged veteran with two brothers and a mom everyone wants and the attraction is immediate. Over her time there, Summer learns to slow down and that her priorities might not be what she thought they were.

Both Summer and Carter have demons that they're facing and like every true romance, they're able to fight them as a united front.

A cute, light romance and a great introduction to Blue Moon Bend and I will 100% be returning.

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I really liked this book! The pacing just everything. I hope to see more from this author in the future! Thank you for the ARC

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No More Secrets by Lucy Score was a captivating read. I loved Blue Moon Bend and I too wanted to move there. I love the dynamic of the trio and cannot wait to read more in the series. This was the PERFECT romcom. Thank you to NetGalley and to the publishers for the free advanced reader's copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was a cute book! Quick and easy read with a little suspense and lots of romance. Lucy score is an auto buy author for me!

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Thank you to NetGalley & the Publisher for this ARC of No More Secrets by Lucy Score in exchange for an honest review! This is probably closer to a 3.5 than a 3, but not enough to round up. It's not my favorite Lucy Score book, but she is a really talented author and I enjoy her writing enough that even her work I like less is still pretty good. No More Secrets is definitely a quick and easy read, and I really appreciated the lack of unrealistic or obnoxious drama between our two love interests. Everything felt very grounded and human between them.

It's a city girl./country boy romance, and I think this book will meet your expectations on that. It's really just a sweet and cute small town romance. Carter and Summer are likeable enough characters, though they fall for each other a little quickly. But like I said this felt like a quick book to me in general. If you're a fan of Lucy Score, I'd definitely give this book a read. And if you're just looking for a simple romance to enjoy, this is probably a good choice for you as well!

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3/5 ⭐️

•small town romance
•love at first sight

I wanted to love this book, but I just couldn’t get excited about it. It was a quick and easy read, but I felt like everything that happened in the book was so random.

My first question is… WHY did Summer even randomly end up at this man’s house? I know she was writing an article on him… but the way she just came to Blue Moon Bend and STAYED at this man’s house was just not realistic to me.

Maybe I’m a fan of slow burns, but Carter and Summer fell in love WAY too fast in my opinion.

I LOVE the brothers, Carter, Bennett, and Jax and the mama of the boys, Phoebe. They have the cutest small town relationships and these small town romances do something to my heart 🩷

I felt like I needed to rush through though because nothing spectacular was happening. And then you get to the very end and BOOM, they tell you she has/had cancer!? That was also just very random IMO.

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This was a light and enjoyable romantic read for me. My first book by this author and I’m looking forward to reading more.

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i love love love love lucy score and i love love love this series

carter and summer are so special to me

i can’t wait to get through the rest of this series and live forever in lucy’s writing

i love this new edition of no more secrets, the cover is so so cute

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Carter is a grumpy farmer and former veteran who loves his family. He has his demons, work and no time for a distractions.

Summer lives in New York City, working to the bone as an editor for a fashion magazine. She works hard and is good at what she does - but is that enough?

Blue Moon Bend is a small town full of hippies and well-meaning busy-bodies with a particular penchant for match-making. It also happens to be the site of Pierce Acres where Carter lives and works and Summer has been sent to interview Carter and his family.

Carter and Summer couldn’t be more different, but sometimes different is exactly what you need. Despite their differences and with the help of loved ones and a particularly nosey small town community, Carter and Summer begin to fall in love.

As they fight against the odds, each of them will have to share parts of them they keep hidden from the world in order to make their relationship work.

This was my first read by Lucy Score and I am hooked! I particularly enjoyed the characters that Score has crafted. The quirky small town folks have stories of their own and help in small, but meaningful ways to drive the story forward. Even the animals on the farm have unique personalities that will have you giggling.

Despite the seriousness of some topics and struggles the main characters face throughout the story, I enjoyed that it was fairly light and an easy read. I definitely found this to be a palate cleansing read in comparison to some other books of the same genre.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Carter’s two brothers are equally intriguing in their own ways - I can’t wait to read about each of them in the next books of the series.

This book does contain a fair amount of open-door spice. While it is not dark or extremely graphic, if you do not like spice, this book may not be for you.

Thank you to Bloom Books and Lucy Score for providing me with my copy of No More Secrets in exchange for an honest review.

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Lucy Score has hooked me on another series!! Blue Moon series continues Lucy Scores talent of drawing you in to wonderful characters in beautiful settings. This book is about a successful magazine editor. She goes to immerse herself in an organic farm that she is writing about for her posh New York magazine. Need I say more. Fun, hot read. Thank you to Net Galley and Bloom Publishing for this read.

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This was a quick and lighthearted read from Lucy Score. It didn’t have the depth of her more recent titles but was still a fun read.

Lucy writes great small towns and Blue Moon Bay is one of them - I found myself loving the entire Pierce family and all the side characters in the town just as much as the main couple. I wanted more backstory from both Carter and Summer to motivate their actions more. Once we find out their “secrets” the story took on additional depth that I wish had been there for more of the book. I would probably read others in the series since the Blue Moon Bay characters are so intriguing.

I read a gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my

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Okay so maybe I could be into farmers afterall

This book was SO cute. I read it in one sitting. Lucy Score could make me fall in love with anyone.

Small town
Dual POV
He falls first
She’s writing an article about his farm
Silly smalltown match makers
He takes care of her

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This was my first Lucy Score book!!

This has a beautiful cover and when I saw it was a small town romance, I knew I needed to read it!

Summer Lentz is sent to write a story on the Pierce Family farm. This big city girl gets just a little more than she bargains for when she spends a week with Carter Pierce and his two brothers. And did I mention there’s a goat with personality and a love for denim?

It seems the whole town can tell it has been written in the stars for Summer and Carter, but can they get past their own personal traumas to find happiness.

This story was so many things…raw, emotional, steamy and don’t forget laugh-out-loud funny at times. You don’t want to miss this feel good story!

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Before I get into my review, I wanted to say a big thank you, NetGalley for this e-ARC copy! All opinions in this review are my own!

Okay. Man, I won’t lie. This one was a tough one to get through. No More Secrets by Lucy score is a rerelease from 2016 I believe- after doing more research I learned that there are 7 more books in the blue moon series which makes sense from the side characters we were introduced to throughout this novel!

Was it a cute book? Sure, it’s very much a hallmark story! I liked the fact that we briefly get a look into all the characters stories while still leaving room for wonder and mystery. The banter was funny and honestly I wish there had been more! The FMC, Summer is a journalist from the city working on an magazine article, conducting interviews and crafting a story about a small town farm where she meets our MMC, Carter, and his entire family who run's the farm. These two are polar opposites (grumpy/sunshine) and over the course of approximately one week as Summer immerses herself more into the everyday lives of the people in Blue Moon Bend for the sake of her story, both her and Carter seem to fall fast in love. Though there were moments in this book I really enjoyed this was one I did not love. This was such an instant love which did lead to a third act break up. It was almost inevitable in my opinion. I do wish we had gotten a better backstory to our main characters before it led to love but it is what it is. The first half of the book was pretty tame and PG then after our main characters {intimately} get together, that’s pretty much the rest of the story. Since it is third person, it made those particular moments feel very cold and distant. Towards the end, it also seemed like our FMC’s illness was randomly thrown in there. After all of that, I don’t particularly think I will be reading the rest of the series but who know's.

Sparknotes: it’s a small town, farm boy/city girl, grumpy/sunshine, war/ptsd discussion, cancer diagnoses discussion (sorta), 3rd person POV, insta love story.

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DNF'd at 79%. I honestly don't even know how I made it that far. I really tried to like this book, but in the end I just did not want to pick it up. I don't often DNF books because I want to know how the story ends, but I literally had zero cares at all about how this book ended or what happened to the characters. This is my first Lucy Score book, but I don't think that I am going to read any more of her books after this, because it sounds like they are all the same.

The first thing I did not enjoy was the fact that there was no plot. To be honest, I think I knew that would happen from the first few pages of the book. It jumped right into the "story" without any background on the characters or explanation into what was happening ("story" in quotations because there was none). The story itself didn't seem to build at all, I kept reading hoping that something would happen to catch my attention but it never happened. Truth be told, I would have been more entertained watching paint dry.

The second thing was that the characters were flat and had no personality or depth. There was no backstory to any of them, and I just didn't care for them at all. There was nothing to them, they were so boring.

The last thing that I really didn't enjoy was the smut. It was so cringy and it ended up taking over the entire book. Every single page was a new spicy scene, and they weren't even good spicy scenes.

Honestly don't know why this book is rated as high as it is. There are so many books out there with small town and city girl/farmer boy tropes that are so much better than this.

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