Member Reviews

Alex Evanovich delivers a fun and fast-paced debut with Keeper Chance: The Chaos Conundrum, a delightful mix of action, fantasy, and humor. The story follows Keeper, a teenage genius who keeps his intelligence hidden while living with his hobgoblin nana. Determined to stay under the radar, Keeper unexpectedly finds himself recruited by E.V.I.L. (Evil Villains International League) alongside his new ally, Toby, for an unusual heist—stealing the world’s best cookies. However, what starts as a lighthearted mission quickly takes a dangerous turn when the boys uncover a plot to destroy their local E.V.I.L. chapter. Meanwhile, Keeper is being secretly watched over by Whylene (Y) Love, who has her own reasons for protecting him.

This book is a fantastic adventure filled with likable characters, witty dialogue, and a refreshing take on the idea that maybe villains aren’t always as evil as they seem. The action keeps the story moving, and the humor adds just the right balance to the intrigue. Marketed as a great pick for Percy Jackson fans, I absolutely agree, and I’d also recommend it to readers who enjoy James Ponti, Stuart Gibbs, Jenny Nimmo’s Charlie Bone series, and Harry Potter.

I truly enjoyed this debut and hope the series gains traction—Evanovich has created a world and characters that deserve more books! I hope to see this title on many state reading award lists.

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I have to say that even thought I wasn't in the age range for this one, it keep me turning pages because of the adventure. I will say this would be a good one for those readers who have finished the Percy Jackson series. And looking for something along those lines but a little bit older.

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So many books are compared to Percy Jackson, this one included. Really, the comparison leaves a lot for a book and it's characters to stand up to. Keeper Chance lives with his very controlling Nana, who everyone knows to be afraid of. Chaos has followed Keeper all his life and has long admired Keeper's father who disappeared mysteriously when Keeper was very young. Chaos is head of Chapter 626 of Evil Villains International League, an organization described as “necessary evil”. Really, they appear to be an organized group of misfits who do not mean harm to anyone except those with ill intent. Keeper is recruited into the organization, because really, what other choices present themselves to him? He and another new recruit, Toby, work well together and a chance discovery leads them to solving their first case.

This is a refreshing look at villainy. It seems to me that Keeper, Toby and Y - along with Chaos, really are kind of the good guys in a villainous world. It's a fun, not-to-serious look at the life of those who might just be labeled misfits in the ordinary world.

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Keeper Chance doesn't know what life holds in store for him, but he does know that he isn't enjoying school and he really isn't enjoying his grandmother nagging him about it, so when he's approached by a member of E.V.I.L. (Evil Villains International League) with an offer to join their ranks (as a trainee). It sounds interesting enough that he chooses to move forward, meeting another trainee, Toby, who's excited by the opportunity, having wanted to join EVIL for as long as he can remember. Their first EVIL mission, which could dictate whether or not they'll ever become full members ... steal enough cookies for the membership meeting. This should be pretty easy and straightforward, but the life as an EVIL henchman always takes disastrous turns.
During their EVIL efforts, Chance and Toby encounter the enigmatic girl, Y, who's perhaps more capable than either boy. The simple crime of stealing cookies quickly snowballs into something much more dangerous and Keeper Chance, Toby, and Y will learn more about themselves, and each other as they look to a future with E.V.I.L.

I was not enthralled with this book.

First, I have to admit that I am not a fan that in any way supports or makes heroes of criminals. This can be a gray area, I know. Is Robin Hood a criminal? The difference is that Keeper Chance is willingly choosing evil and crime for selfish purposes rather than doing something criminal for moral good. Keeper's moral compass, at least, is still seeking its direction which provides some hope for a positive outcome, but it looks like we're going to have to read more than just one book to see that come to fruition, which is, frankly, more than I'm willing to give.

Aside from what I would consider a questionable lead character (the best character in the book is Y - now if this were HER story, I might have much more positive feelings about the book) we really have some goofy scenarios. E.V.I.L. comes across more like C.H.U.M.P. - Criminal Headquarters for Underworld Master Plan (anyone else old enough to remember Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp?). Okay, I get it, this is a light-hearted, YA, spy-comedy, but ... is it really?

I'm not clear on whether or not to take any of this seriously (stealing cookies is the big mission?) or not. It's goofy and silly, and yet Keeper Chance is making a big, life-changing decision. As is Toby (though he's made that decision long ago). Evil is where it's at! Let's be bad guys! Yeah! ...This is not simple comedy.

I have no doubt that there's an audience out there for this book. Kids who read are always looking for books with characters who 'get' them. But I have to think (or hope?) that kids who read aren't also the same kids who are thinking that 'evil' is the more fun way to go.

Looking for a good book? Keeper Chance and the Conundrum of Chaos by Alex Evanovich is a YA adventure with 'bad' boys and a club geared toward evil as the central figures.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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I barely got through part of this book and was already looking forward to more. A whole series of them. Also I felt so satisfied by the end it'd be ok if there weren't. It took a little bit for me to unravel the ins and outs of all the different "teams" of people but all together this was a fun read.


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Thank you net gallery for the advanced copy of this book. I found this a fun read, Sometimes the book was a little silly but overall, a good time. I would definitely recommend.

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First, I am not the target audience. Although my favorite book genre is middle grade and I read it widely, sometimes a book doesn’t work for me as a reader when I think the target audience wouldn’t have a problem with it. I think this may be one of those books.

I was bored reading a lot of this book. It wasn’t necessary because things weren’t happening. It just seemed like it was trying so hard to be quirky, fun, and adventurous that I was annoyed. Again, there’s a decent amount that I could attribute to not being the target audience. But I love the Percy Jackson books and others that this book has been compared to, and I thought those books did it well without being annoying.

The adult characters all seemed like over-the-top Batman villains. The kid characters don’t make sense to me. They’re just too old to be acting the way they are, and why are high school characters the main characters in an obviously middle grade book? The age mismatch with the story makes it hard to figure out the best audience. Middle school boys? Or high school boys who want easier reads? It doesn’t perfectly fit any group.

I also just didn’t understand a lot of the motivations. Why is Keeper so important? Why is stealing cookies the mission? How, exactly, is this organization supposed to be evil when it just seems like they’re low-effort troublemakers at best? EVIL seemed like the equivalent of Dr Doofenshmirtz trying desperately to be the evilest villain of all but being terrible about it, except it worked for Doofenshmirtz and just annoyed me here. Why is the group against EVIL (so… theoretically good guys?) actually the most villainous people in the book? Maybe the point is that what is good and evil might be complicated sometimes, but if so, why is EVIL so determined to say it’s an evil villain organization while, again, not really doing much worse than stealing cookies and causing light mischief? Maybe some of those questions were even answered and I was just trying so hard to finish the book I accidentally skipped over them.

To summarize, while this book wasn’t for me, I do think there is an audience that will love it. I don’t think it should be compared to Percy Jackson, and I wouldn’t recommend it to the young readers in my life, but I hope it finds the people who will enjoy it most.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the free copy in exchange for my honest review. The opinions are my own and were not influenced by receiving a copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing for the advanced copy.

Keeper Chance has lived most of his life with his nagging grandma, so when he is approached by the head of E.V.I.L., Keeper decides this may be his way out. Together with fellow new recruit Toby and another mysterious person who claims she is not a recruit, even though Chaos certainly seems to know who she is, they will fight to be sure that evil endures.

The cast of characters in this book is delightful and varied. Keeper is a lovable mess that you will not be able to help but root for. This book also provides an interesting take on good versus evil where the lines are blurred and you’re not really sure who the bad guys are.

I recommend this book for students who are looking for something unique and different. With plenty of laughs and fun, as well as a good measure of chaos and excitement, this book is sure to delight.

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After years of working with her mother, it’s clear Alex Evanovich has learned how to weave an entertaining tale, and she shows off her storyteller skills in Keeper Chance and the Conundrum of Chaos.

Keeper Chance is an underachieving loner. At least that is how he wants people to see him. The truth is he’s really quite brilliant, but he works hard to appear average. And someone knows this and is now trying to recruit him into an organization known as EVIL. If that sounds strange, you haven’t heard anything yet. The story really starts taking some wild twists once Chance and Toby take on their first task. Will Chance be a villain or a hero? With peculiar but endearing characters, plenty of humor, and a wild story, I hope Keeper Chance and the Conundrum of Chaos is only the start of a fun new series. While clearly aimed at the middle grade/YA audience, this one can easily be enjoyed by adults as well. I’d like to thank Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an eARC of Keeper Chance.

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While this is billed as "for graduates of Percy Jackson" I would hardly compare the two. However, this was a fun older teen adventure book that kept the pages turning. Sounds like it might become a series, which I would absolutely continue to read.

Keeper Chance (I cannot get past the oddness of that name...) is a loner and he is firmly okay with that. He lives with his terror of a nana, who has the personality of a hobgoblin (his words) and rules his home with an iron fist. Everyone in town is scared of Nana. Keeper is approached for initiation into a chapter of E.V.IL. as he possesses some kind of special skill, unknown to him, that makes him appealing to this organization. This group of evil doers is more Dr. Evil from Austin Powers than some kind of nefarious group such like Batman's nemeses. They aim to inconvenience people, not completely destroy them for the sheer joy of being a psycho. It's kind of endearing.

Anyway, Keeper is recruited to join and meets Toby, a clear-cut nerd with several special powers and the two quickly become friends. What begins as a harmless initiation crime of stealing cookies from a warehouse turns into a much grander scheme when the cookie maker is kidnapped and members of the E.V.I.L. chapter are going missing. Keeper and Toby are swept into a heroic (yet slightly evil) quest to save the baker and chapter members.

All the characters in this book are endearing, even the bad guy (sorta). I enjoyed the imaginative names and skills of the E.V.I.L members and their formal meetings. The book had me laughing in several places. Alex Evanovich knows how to write adventure suitable for younger audiences. This was a delight to read and if there are more, I would surely love to see what else happens in the 626 chapter of E.V.I.L.

Thank you to Simon and Schuester Books for Young Readers and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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So glad I read this book. I immediately recommended it to our children’s librarian. I also told a friend who’s son has super hearing about this book who has a super hero with super hearing. I like the way these young people came together and solved a problem. If this was ever to be a show, Mayhem should be Chaos !

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Villainy was never this nice. A great read with villains readers will love. Stealing cookies and a mystery to solve provides a quick read that was entertaining as we work to find out the main character's hidden skill.

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There is evil in the world, that Keeper Chance knows well. But then he gets an invitation to join E.V.I.L. (Evil Villains International League), Out of curiosity, he shows up and meets Toby who really want to join. But to become a member, they need to provide a particular set of cookies. But that goes awry leading to Y's involvement, dog-napping, villain-napping, a very strange toiletry store, and plenty of adventures leading up to a massive fight against a true villain! I look forward to more adventures with Keeper, Toby, and Y!

Thanks Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for the opportunity to read this title!

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Fun, fast paced adventure book that hopefully will be a series. Villains but with heart and rules to follow.

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This was the BEST novel for misfit superheroes! I could see them and hear them and I just loved the story. I can't wait to add it for my kiddos!

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Keeper Chance is an interesting guy-so interesting that he's being recruited by rival organizations that use their magic powers for different reasons. No one is quite sure what Keeper's magic is yet, but that's not stopping the recruiting process. Chaos is the first one to get to Keeper and invite him to be part of his E.V.I.L. chapter. Keeper and Toby, another recruit, have to pass a test in order to be considered for the chapter, and their first test is a disaster and things spiral out of the control from there. This is a funny take on villainy and evil-doing. The characters are interesting and there are lots of plot twists and action to keep the story moving. I was sorry when it was over! I think the kids are going to love this one.

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Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!
Clever writing style and lots fun!

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I don't read a lot of young adult books these days but saw this one offered and decided to give this one a try. Overall I enjoyed this book. I liked "meeting" the villains and their interaction with Keeper, Toby and Y. I'm not certain about the kidnapping of the Cookie Maven being of interest to young adults but maybe they'll be more interested than I think. It was an interesting enough story (at least in my opinion). Not sure I agree with the comparison to Percy Jackson but again that is my opinion. Give this one a try in October 2024.

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Keeper is being raised by his nagging grandmother and does OK in school without really trying. When out of the blue a very strange guy approaches him and invites him to a EVIL meeting. When he gets there he meets another recruit named Toby and together their test is to steal several books of a certain cookie for their initiation party. Keeper doesn’t think he has anything special to offer but goes with it anyways. But what they find in the cookie boxes is not what was expected and neither is his new friends disappearing. It is up to Keeper, Toby, and a mysterious girl named Y to solve the mystery save the others and they still need to get those cookies.
Wonderful middle grade book for everyone it is a great book with awesome characters, and full of action. I can't wait to see what happens next with Keeper and his friends.

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(Review will be published on Goodreads and Storygraph closer to publication date.)

A really fun read.. This fast-paced adventure story kept me reading late and starting early the next morning. Between the villainous characters (who may or may not be E.V.I.L.) and the weird superpowers and the added mystery, it's a perfect nod to the superhero genre... with a twist. After all, who really knows who the bad guys are in real life?

My 11yo will love it! And I can't wait to read more.

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