Member Reviews

This was adorable! The world is basic but interesting and there's no info dumping.

The plot is very engaging and really fun. The characters are so cute and likable and I thought the romance would be weird but it was actually very cute and this was just a build up to it. The FMC is sweet and I really want to know more about her and being a fairy.

I love graphic novels but I find that the pacing can be off in most of them but I felt it was perfect here. This is one of the first times I've felt fully immersed in a GN, the story had a great flow.

The art is absolutely gorgeous. It is so captivating and really conveys the emotions of the characters, the beauty of the setting and the intensity of the action. It's just the cutest I loved it!

I loved the bonus chapter about Peres and Baynard and the gay rep, I can't wait to read more about all of these characters!

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This is so much fun! I love the art and the characters are so distinct in design both in appearance and personality. Each character has enough depth and page time to draw you in and be interested in seeing how things play out for them in the coming volumes. The FMC Lucia is sweet, fun, brave and talented and I can't wait to see what's next for her! Perfect for any readers who like stories with magic, romance, fantasy and friendship!

Thank you Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Press | Ten Speed Graphic for the digital arc via NetGalley that I have voluntarily read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.25 ⭐

This has so much potential!! I can't wait for the next volumes I saw *to be released in november 2024* and cried, but I will wait!

With that being said, the art is beautiful, the main character is a sweeetheart, <spoiler> and for someone that can't really say more than 1 word at each time Modeus was hilarious </spoiler>. I have a bunch of questions about the story, the king took Lucia in and hates fairies? He didn't realize Lucia was a fairy when he first found her?? Or is it just a farse so no one finds out about Lucia?

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I loved this webtoon and I'm so excited to see it's getting published. The art is stunning and story is amazing. I can't wait for more!

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I loved this on Webtoon and I loved reading an arc of this! Of course I wish there was an actual romance though.

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"Suitor Armor" tells the story of Lucia, a fairy secretly taken in by another royal family, and her relationship with sentient armor. It's a bit strange, but the story was fast paced and so far made sense. What I loved the most about this book was the art style. The characters are drawn with a lot of detail and I enjoyed the color palette used throughout the graphic novel. The illustrator used bright colors, and the characters have huge manga like eyes that make them super cute. There's some LGBTQ+ representation in this book as well, which was cute. The story so far seems to be about a war between fairies and humans, and Lucia hiding her identity from everyone. There's magic and mages and it's set in a medieval fantasy world. So far the story has been very enjoyable and I would definitely read a second installment.

4/5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Press for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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