Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book for what it is: a pretty standard friends/frenemies-go-on-a-trip-together novel. The book dragged in places since it was hard to see why the characters couldn’t spot the antagonist a mile away. I also didn’t believe the final actions of one of the characters, who’d seemed decent for all of the book. 3/5 stars. Not a waste of time, but forgettable.

Thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for letting me read an ARC of this book.

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A solid vacation thriller set in Thailand 😍 highly recommend NOT reading the goodreads blurb because it has a spoiler in it!

Four friends set off for a vacation and so many bad things keep happening to them such as missing purses, messed up hotel reservations, and creepy notes left in their room while they’re out. Then all of a sudden the same man keeps popping up and inserting himself into their group. We get multiple POV from the start of the trip to when finally all the secrets come out.

It wasn’t super unpredictable but it was a solid memorable book, 4 stars because I did feel the first half was a bit slow. I will definitely check out this author’s other books!

Thanks so much to William Morrow books + NetGalley for my ARC! PUB DATE 10.08.24

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Two British couples embark on a vacation to Thailand. It starts out a little rocky with their first hotel not being available so they find a hostel for the night. From there they start to experience some misfortune.

I love how the story is told from each character and how you quickly learn the dynamics of the couples and the individuals and how they all have their secrets.

A easy summer read that keeps you turning the page.

Thank you to the author and #netgalley for the ARC.

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The trip caught my interest because I love a good thriller that surprises me with every page. This book was well written and a quick read.

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3.5 stars

Note: I received an advanced copy of this book from William Morrow via NetGalley.

This book explores the dark undercurrents of friendship, loyalty, and betrayal. Set against the backdrop of a dream holiday gone wrong, the story follows four friends who find their paradise shattered by a brutal murder. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that each of the friends is hiding something, and that the bonds they once thought unbreakable are fraying under the weight of their secrets.

The premise promises a gripping psychological thriller, but the execution leaves something to be desired. The pacing is slow, making it difficult to stay fully engaged with the story. The character development feels somewhat formulaic, with backstories that come across as forced and overly reliant on stereotypes—the rich guy, the poor guy, and so on. This lack of depth in the characters, particularly in Sashki and Holly, makes it challenging to connect with them from my perspective.

The ending, while intended to be a shocking twist, feels rushed and doesn't deliver the impact it could have. I did find the story as a whole to be intriguing.

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Ooooo!!! This was good! 4 friends head to Thailand for a holiday. But it seems shady from the very beginning. The hotel lost the reservation & they end up in a hostel…& weird things start happening.
I loved this, the suspense was great. A slow burn that had me looking over my own shoulder while reading. But I gotta say, the ending was not my fave! I wish the last chapter had been different. Otherwise this was a great, slow-burn suspense!

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WOW! I originally thought of Pretty Little Liars when I read the description, but wow. I was definitely sucked into this book. Just when I thought I had figured out the plot I was thrown for a loop. The book flowed amazingly. I did not want it to end. I cannot wait to read more by Phoebe.

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Super quick read and very fast paced. My absolute favorite types of murder mystery books! I stayed up until 2am to finish this!

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Four friends traveling in Thailand and a murder happens, I was immediately intrigued! This was very fast paced and a quick read. The suspense kept me glued to my kindle and the discretion was amazing, I felt like I was there. This book was well written with an unreliable narrator and excellent twist.

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Great summer read, full of rich descriptions of the four friends traveling together. The secrets each hold are unearthed in a suspenseful novel that I couldn’t put down. Who dunnit? It’s a quick, exciting read. I will find more books by this author.

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Another brilliantly written thriller by Phoebe Morgan, who is one of my favorite authors. THE TRIP is tense and well-paced. Morgan's books are masterfully written and contain surprising twists. I like the character development and the conclusion. She's a master at building up suspense in her novels.

I love Morgan's descriptions of Thailand, the hostel, the hotel, the villa, and the food. She is a master at writing descriptions.

I highly recommend THE TRIP, and all of her other novels. I eagerly await the release of Morgan's next book.

Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow for a chance to review this book.

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I love reading books where something crazy happens to people on vacation. The Trip by Phoebe Morgan checked those boxes for sure. Saskia, Theo, Holly and Lucas travel to Thailand where one thing after another happens to flub up their trip. Unfortunately, it was a bit dragged out for me as not a whole lot happened in most of the book. Though I did like the ending! I am looking forward to reading more by Phoebe Morgan.

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I received an ARC of this book from William Morrow via NetGalley in exchange for my honest feedback. First of all, don't read the blurb on Goodreads as it contains a major spoiler! However, to be fair, I guessed the dead body's identity pretty early on.

This is a fast read because the chapters are short, and I enjoyed the very vivid descriptions of Thailand. Sometimes the descriptions were a little much, though - a whole paragraph about the decoration of a room, for instance.

There were a lof of allusions to what happened to Saskia in her past, but when we found out what it was, I was left skeptical. I didn't really find her actions in the past or her reaction in the present day to be believable. And then that means that the consequences in the present-day become very far-fetched, in my opinion.

I was waiting for another big twist at the end, which I suppose we received in the very last chapter, but I also found this fairly unbelievable and not consistent with the character's prior actions/ personality.

A not very thrilling thriller for me.

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2.5 stars This book was okay. Reading the plot it sounded like it was going to be a good one, but unfortunately for me it was so slow. 2 couples go on a trip to Thailand and it seems like one couple just gripes about not having money the whole time and the other has too much money. When it finally got to the best part it was over.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book.

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Phoebe Morgan has created an enthralling page turner that leaves you unable to stop until you have reached the end! Saskia, Theo, Lucas, and Holly are on holiday in Thailand when something from the past comes back to haunt them. Initially I thought this book would leave me terrified to travel to unknown worlds, but it quickly turns to show you that secrets are the scariest and most dangerous things of all. This story is ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ meets ‘Revenge’. Very well written and developed, and the ending twist garnered an audible gasp as I took in the last pages. What an excellent read!

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A great atmospheric, eerie, summer thriller with MULTIPLE twists!! Two couples go on the trip of a lifetime to Thailand and a murder ensues. If you like psychological thrillers with secrets and unreliable narrators- this one is for you!!

I received an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of The Trip.

The best thing about The Trip is Thailand, which is on my to-go list of destinations.

The blurb is false advertising; the plot is not heart stopping and the vicious murder doesn't occur until the end of the book.

The narrative is a mishmash of tropes found in all genre thrillers.

The basic gist is the same you've read time and time again; a group of (insert number) friends go on an amazing trip together but all four of them harbor a deeeep, darkkkk secret.

Odd things happen. Stuff goes missing. Stolen. A stranger appears.

We get POVs from Saskia, Holly, and Lucas but Lucas' was useless; Caleb would have been a better perspective.

And why is Saskia and Holly written from first person and Lucas the third person? It was distracting to follow the flow of the writing style every time it shifted.

The perspectives only served as filler and to bump up the word count since the only thing Lucas thinks about is how poor he is and how he's going to afford this trip.

Saskia is constantly fretting, Holly is worried about Saskia and creeped out by Caleb, and those ruminations and descriptions make up 90% of the plot.

The narrative is made up of the friends' travel and sightseeing day trips, which is the less fun version of looking at someone's vacation photos.

None of the characters are well developed and it's never explained how Caleb tracked them down in Thailand.

This was not suspenseful, thrilling or interesting, and sounded like so many previous books I've read.

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I loved this book for the plot. A vacation gone awry, I mean this book checked that box off my anxiety card. It follows 4 friends as they’re on vacation in Thailand, when lo and behold a mysterious man from one of their pasts turns up out of nowhere. Causing their vacation to sour on the drop. I found myself yelling at all 4 characters on each page turn. I gave this book 3 stars on the count that I ended up guessing the big twist, BUT, the other two twists. Did not see coming at all. And on the very last page I said to myself “And that is why I don't have friends”. A reminder that maybe, you don’t really know someone at all.

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Phoebe Morgan's THE TRIP is a relatively engaging, though ultimately forgettable, thriller.

Things don't go as planned almost from the start of the titular trip to Thailand on which the four 30-something Brits at the center of this novel have embarked. Though initially more of an inconvenience than an actual danger, the issues with the trip continue to increase in seriousness - in a manner that would likely induce even the most willing-to-suspend-disbelief reader to slip into a state of incredulity.

Though the author was effective in building tension, she never really succeeded in inducing readers - or, at least, this reader - to feel any real attachment towards her characters.

The finale twists were reasonably well-executed though largely predictable.

I wouldn't disuade a friend from reading this book, but I also wouldn't really encourage him/her to do so.

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The plot and synopsis sounded like a home run for me but it just wasn't. It was very slow and not a lot really happened at all for a thriller. The characters were bland enough that I had a hard time differentiating them and remembering which couple was which. By the end, I just wanted to be finished so I could move on. Just not for me. Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC on exchange for my honest review.

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