Member Reviews

This arc found it's way onto my e reader the week I lost my mother, perhaps a it was a bit of kismet? It deals with grief and joy in equal measures and was certainly a salve for me at my most weary. Readers will love it's whimsical and wild approach it takes at tackling some of the hardest human emotions. It would make a most excellent gift!

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another Rupi Kaur poetry collection Inspiration.
I just can't connect with those type of poems. they just feel so instagram or Tumblr people thinking they were giving literate and intellect, but in reality it's not that yet.
I wouldn't recommend but if that's the vibes you like then go for it.
Some poems were good though, but it was like 3 or 4 poems so it's not a lot.

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The imagery the author conjures up in this collection is goosebump inducing. I was enthralled by the metaphors she found for everyday feelings and circumstances. It's a great collection for anyone looking to dive into contemporary poetry, definitely recommended for students looking for examples of analogies and use of language. Let your imagination take you where the author wants and you shall enjoy this very much! I look forward to pick upo the author's future works.

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Of all the poetry collections I've read lately, this one might be the hardest to categorize. There's a strong current of witchy or natural vibes, but this book also speaks about girlhood and aging, love and loss, little moments and cosmic universal thoughts. The style is ethereal and often cryptic, making use of words that seem like they shouldn't belong together but which create a strong impression if you let them. The first few poems caught my attention immediately, and I glanced at the page count, saddened that the book couldn't possibly have more than 50 such poems. It turned out to have quite a few that didn't work for me. But the few that I absolutely fell in love with made the whole experience worth it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed the imagery in this collection of poetry. I liked the connections with astrology and nature.

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I love the cover!! I liked some poems more than others, as with most poetry collections. I enjoyed some of the lines about getting older and your inner child. For the most part though I didn’t connect with most of the collection and it felt disjointed; more like random words on a tumblr post. I’d be willing to try this author again though!

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Admittedly, I'm not a big poetry reader but this collection intrigued me. I'm glad I read it, I enjoyed the poems and could visualise what I was reading as the pages went on. I'd like to read more of the writer's work in the future.

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"But we are Fables. We are legends. We are our girlhood, forever in our little corner of the cosmos."

I'm always looking for writing that resonates with me and it's really hard to find a lot of the time. This book hits the nail right on the head in the best way. I've often tried to put into words a lot of the feelings that this book so perfectly portrays. Being in your twenties is hard; heck, being human is hard!! Whether it's family members, romantic partners, or just the thoughts swirling in your own head, being able to connect to someone else who feels the same way makes me feel a lot less alone.

This is a beautiful collection of poetry and more than that, a powerful collection of sentiments and feelings. I'm happy to have stumbled across it.

"Girlhood was a millennium and my early twenties was a decade. Only now, at the peak of my happiness, is every year a blink. Nearly thirty and I see fifty peering from between the slants of the blinds."

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I really enjoyed reading this collection of poetry. I found myself impressed by the cohesiveness of the imagery over the entire collection. This book explores heartbreak, disappointment, and resentment with grace and beautiful imagery.

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"I have planted roses in every pore of my body just to pluck them and put them on the graves of all the girls I used to be."

This collection is for people who like poetry with very visceral writing, that takes you through both tender and vivid emotions. The author’s wording has a depth of feeling and a powerful imagery that makes it easy to be embarked on this journey of change.
I was especially moved by the pieces talking about anger or loss and longing, which were the ones I felt had the most beautiful lines.

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This book of poetry was absolutely delightful. I feel like it transported me and brought up so many tender feelings about growing and changing. My favorites were Crowing and A Flicker, but there are so many lines I want to revisit that felt so poignant.

Thank you Net Galley for the ARC.

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Of Elderberry, Fire, & Fables is a magically binding book full of brilliance. This collection of poetry captivates you thoroughly.

This is a very quick reach for an avid reader!

I received an ARC of this via NetGalley. Thank you, endlessly NetGalley and the author!

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This collection of poetry is simply beautifully written. It’s fluid and also has depth.
I weaved in and out of each story, loud with vivid imagery of life and nature.
A quick read that I devoured.

Thank you to NetGalley and Querencia Press for allowing me to read and review Of Elderberry, Fire, & Fables.

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I'll admit I'm picky about poetry, there's a certain format that I enjoy and many that I don't. This hooked me in the ribs on the very first page.

There were many pieces that mirrored a very specific anger and captured the feeling of always having to apologize for or hide or excuse your inner child no matter how old you get. There were lines that made heartbreak easier to swallow. In between were sprinkled small, bright poems that soothed the ones that came before them. It was impactful and familiar.

It reminded me that you're never truly alone in your grief, no matter how alone you might feel.


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Wow... . what a unique way of describing the world... life... This author is fantastic at capturing the essence of things with descriptions that stun you. But it's not pretentious or hoity-toity (is that a real word? lol). She describes things exactly the way you feel about them, but were not able to articulate yourself. Or don't have the talent to put the words together in quite the right way. This author has that talent.

"In another universe, I am not so angry. I'm not somehow lackluster and too intense in the same breath."

"In another universe, I've never crossed paths with someone like me. It never occurs to me."

2 mini examples of a beautiful and special book.

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