Member Reviews

Playmaker is a pretty classic brother’s best friend sexual romp in a way that isn’t really my favorite. Plenty of spice, not a ton of interesting character.

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This was a fun read. Young love, second chances, and cliche moments. Sometimes you just need to read a New adult romance with good spice. Don’t let the cover fool you, there is some good spicy scenes in this one.

I received an arc from netgalley and the publisher.

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Football Sportsmance
Brothers best friend
Childhood friends to strangers to lovers
Reformed playboy
Secret Friends with benefits

Not great, just ok.

I used to love reformed playboy books. Now it’s hit or miss. I don’t want to see a scene with MMC being intimate with anyone other than the FMC, no matter haw brief. This is when I’m ok with closed door/implied and even then I prefer it happen before the story begins. Thefore, Cam’s short hook up scene was a no go. But even if that wasn’t in a he story, I could’t connect to Cameron. The reformed playboy was ick for me with all his talk and thoughts in the beginning about his playboy ways, it was a turn off and made it hard to change my opinion.

I wanted more from Maddie. And the ending in her POV didn’t give me forever HEA vibes.

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Maddie and Cameron are childhood best friends, and he also happens to be her brother's best friend. They both want to suppress their feelings to spare her brother’s feelings, but their constant close contact during spring break complicates things.
This is my first read by Deanna Faison, and I love discovering new authors. I’m a fan of sports romance novels, and I appreciated the childhood flashbacks that laid the foundation for Maddie and Cameron’s relationship. The book is filled with spicy scenes, though at times it felt like there were so many that they detracted from the storyline.
As someone approaching thirty, I found it challenging to fully relate to the characters, particularly since they are both nineteen. This made me feel somewhat detached throughout the novel.
Overall, it was a quick and enjoyable read. If you’re looking for a spicy collegiate sports romance, I think Playmaker might be the perfect choice for you!

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I loved this book! It's super sweet with lots of heat! I was hooked from the beginning and I just couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed reading Maddie and Cameron's love story. The chemistry between them was fantastic. If you like steamy sports romance then this book is for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and Wattpad Books for allowing me to read this book ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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DNF at 52%

tried, I really did. This whole book felt so disjointed. It bounced between past and present without notice. You would be in the past, move on to the next paragraph and it would take you 4 liens to realize you’re back in the present time. It made it very confusing to follow.

I also felt like both MCs were very unlikable. Cam had so many red flags and Maddie all of a sudden became a new person just for him. I’m also fairly sure the first 50% takes place over like 4 days.

This just wasn’t for me.

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This was quick, fun, spicy read with off limits brothers best friend troupe. I liked the flash backs from childhood memories.

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3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

Thank you to Deanna Faison & Netgalley for the E-ARC of this book.

It was a nice palette cleanser. I have been so hooked on fantasy and romantasy books that I burnt myself out and needed something else to get out of my reading slumps.

This book did just that finishing it in 2 1/2 days.

This was a nice little steamy romance! But sometimes got to be too much with the steamy scenes.

Also can I just say I was happy that there was not a proposal or a baby! Those books are just not for me.

Friends to lovers
Dating her brothers best friend

For the most part the characters were pretty likable as well.

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"Love is the strongest force on earth. It's capable of moving mountains if you try hard enough, and your partner should be the driving force of it all." ~Stacy Holden

Perfect for fans of football(American) and spice!

Maddie and Cameron have had feelings for each other for their whole lives. The only thing in the way is Ethan, Maddie's overprotective older brother and Cameron's best friend.
But when a plan of fixing their friendship that went awire years ago get's turned upside down, the two find themselves in a secret, spicy, affair.
Can they rebuild their old friendship and can they admit their feelings not just to each other but everyone else?

I devoured this book in a day!
I've read a few books originally written on Wattpad and Deanna's book is the first one I've enjoyed. I couldn't put the book down.
I loved how easy to read. I sped through so many chapters because of this, but never felt uninterested in the story.
The pacing was spot on, flowing seamlessly from scene to scene. And Deanna's writing style was amazing. The way she brought the characters to life was perfect. I felt like I was right alongside everyone, knowing about their pasts and experiencing the story with them.

I loved Maddie and Cameron's relationship, how it goes from them having feelings for each other but being worried about hurting the people around them, to not caring about anyone but each other.
I love how dedicated Maddie is to her university course work through the entire book, I'd like to see more of her actually at her uni in the next book.
And I'd love to see Cameron playing some football(American) in the next book.

I loved Maddie's relationship with both her brother and Maya(her best friend).
I loved the sibling bond Maddie and Ethan shared and how they wanted the best for each other, whilst also not wanting to hurt each other with the choices they were both making.
Maddie and Maya were such sweet friends. Both there for each other, and ready with some words of advice or an understanding smile when needed. I'd love to see more of that in book 2

Cameron's friendship with Ethan was amazingly done. We spend the whole book thinking they're both the same only tofind out that they couldn't be more different.
But what I loved the most about their relationship was how they were ready to drop everything when the other needed them! When Cameron needed Ethan to find him and give him a hug Ethan didn't shy away from doing so.

I am so glad that Deanna is currently writing a second book about Ethan and Maya's love story! We didn't get much of them together in this book so I'm excited to get to see more of them as a couple in the future.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for more of Deanna's books!

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This book was a cute and fast read for anyone needing a nice little pallet cleanser between books.

Maddie and Cameron are childhood r friends turned lovers.
This cute little college romance shows sports, as well as the amazing brothers best friend trope, and I found myself reading it relatively quickly!

Definitely good if you need something with anything mentioned above.

It also had a nice dusting of spice to round out the plot.

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Deanna Faison wrote a truly captivating and fun romance that is sure to keep you intrigued from start to finish!

I had so much fun reading this one, and the characters were so well thought out and relatable!

Highly recommend this one!

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Playmaker by Deanna Faison follows Maddie and Cameron. They have known each other their whole lives, especially with Cameron being best friends with Maddie’s brother. Cameron was Maddie’s first crush and when she thought they could finally possibly be something more, Cameron decides to basically ignore her for a few years.

When I first started this book I honestly thought it wasn’t going to be for me that I’ve outgrown this genre. But as soon as I pushed through the first 10 chapters, I fell in love with the characters. You could feel the chemistry between Cameron and Maddie. You could feel Cameron’s grief from losing his mother (which hit way too close to home for me) and the abandonment he felt from his father. You can see how beautiful Cameron’s friendship was with Ethan.

My only issue with the book is not being warned whether the chapter or section of the book is written in the past. It also ended a bit abruptly for me and wanted a bit more after their third act breakup.

All in all, I ended up enjoying this book more than I expected. Thank you NetGalley and wattpad for providing me with this arc for my honest review.

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A mood reader and couldn’t quite get into this one. Will revisit at a later time. Love sports romances so hoping to enjoy this soon

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Thank you to Deanna Faison and NetGalley, for this advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review. I loved Playmaker! I didn't want to put it down!! We love a brothers best friend trope! I really think it was a great sports romance with the perfect amount of spice!

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Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book. This book almost brought me back to my Wattpad days. I read books like this all the time. I wasn’t sure how this book wasn’t going to go for me because the beginning I wasn’t feeling. I’m glad I decided to continue the book because Maddie and Cameron story was a cute love story. I enjoyed it however one thing I wish was there was an epilogue to completely wrap up Maddie and Cameron’s love story. I recommend this book definitely check it out and give it a read.

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I loved Playmaker! I didn't want to put it down, but you know, I do have children I have to keep alive as well.

I really liked Deanna Faison's writing style and how she builds the world of Playmaker. I could clearly envision each character and location in my head.

I don't think I've ever read a book from Wattpad WEBTOON, but I know what Wattpad is so I wasn't sure what to expect from this book in the beginning. I am happy that the plot was a good one, but this also had a healthy amount of spice.

I really liked that the author included flashbacks from the FMC and MMC past, as it allowed us to understand both characters more, and in turn allowed empathy and understanding.

If you enjoy a sports romance that also has the brothers best friend trope along with a dual POV and spice, you'll enjoy this book.

Thank you to Deanna Faison, NetGalley, and Wattpad WEBTOON for this advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Such a fun story and I just raced through the whole thing. I love a good book that pulls you in from the first paragraph and this one definitely did that and more. I’m excited to read anything else this author decides to write for us.

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This book had potential but it wasn’t my favorite. I felt like it was something that I have read before which struck me as not unique. I wanted to know more about the MMC and his involvement with the sport of football, as well as more background between him and the FMC.

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There will be spoilers in this review - consider this your warning!
I do love sports romances (which this was marketed as) - but this entire book took place during spring break - so outside of a few gym workouts there actually wasn't any games or practices...

I honestly didn't like either character. Cameron's sluttiness was way too much, and Maddie had no self control over the guy. She hated him, but she only wanted him to take her virginity and didn't hesitate when it came to sleeping with him (despite catching him hooking up with some other random girl in the guest bedroom of HER HOUSE only days earlier).

Look, Cameron, I understand that losing your Mom to cancer is terrible, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone - but it's been like 6 years! Stop using that as your excuse to be a piece of human shit. I was pretty tired of hearing about his "trauma" every second page - just man up and admit you're a cocky, arrogant, hit-it-and-quit-it guy who likes having an excuse to be an asshole.

There's no way this relationship works. Guaranteed Cameron cheats on her with the first sorority girl he sees once he's back at university.

3 stars because I thought about DNFing this, but kept picking it up again and again until I finished...

Thank you Netgalley for the free ARC!

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Oh my goodness yall! What a sexy steamy best friends brother sneaky sexytime sports romance this was! 🔥😍

After nurturing a crush on her brothers best friend since childhood, Maddie is now starting college. A grown woman who no longer has any interest in her brothers hot best friend. Atleast, that's what she tells herself. After a peer pressured game of 7 Minutes in Heaven, they both give into the feelings they've done their best to hide. Only they must do so in secret because brothers best friend.

The absolute game changer for this book is the addidtion of real life struggles and growth. We find out why Cameron pushed Maddie away so long ago, and we watch them both grow in their own ways but also love each other through their own personal growths. And the banter! I love a good witty dialogue in a love story and this was some of the best! While I don't love a third act breakup, atleast this one seemed plausible and wasn't over endless or annoying. In short, this is such a beautiful spicy novel that you absolutely must pick up!


I received an advanced copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley, Deanna Faison, and Wattpad for the copy. ❤️

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