Member Reviews

Wow! Did not see that coming! Queen of Hearts, the first psychological, fast-paced, clean thriller by Heather Day Gilbert is amazing. I was hooked! I suspected everyone and couldn't put this page turner down. I hope you check it out!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read a copy. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for the ARC of this book!

This book hooked me immediately and was a fun twisty thriller. I was so invested in it until about the last 1/4 and then it kind of fell flat. There were too many suspects and in the end it was pretty predictable.

I also never connected with most of the characters and I didn't love another unreliable narrator, as the MC was the only one I connected with. I feel like that's been overdone to the point I can't trust anyone and therefore can't find anyone loveable.

Overall though it was a solid debut thriller and I did enjoy it. I'm excited to see where this author goes next.


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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book.

Oh wow!!! I did not see that plot twist coming!!! This was a first for me by this author but will not be my last! Such a good story!

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I loved the description of this book. While it’s easy to read, I feel that most of the twists in this book were a letdown. It still has a lot of good chapters and the writing is great. I really loved the main character who was written as someone with neurodivergence.

Thanks to NetGalley and WoodHaven Press for the ARC of this book. This is out now!

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I would like to thank Netgalley, Heather Day Gilbert and Woodhaven Press for allowing me a chance to read Queen Of Hearts. I would like to start off by saying what a excellent book. I was captured right away. The main Character Alexandra Dubois was the perfect writer. The way she was able to figure out stuff really set the scene for someone who wanted to know the next thing that was going to happen. The twist was totally not expected. I was totally fooled. I never expected the ending. I was totally thinking it was a different character than who it was. If you want a book that the twist and ending totally is a shock then this is the book for you. It is a must read. I am now going to look for other books by this author since this was the first one by her I have read. I thought I was reading a story by another author I like. This book is that good.

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Rating 3.5

This psychological thriller was intriguing from the first page, starting out with a letter from a very loyal fan, or perhaps stalker, which set the tone that the main character’s life might be in danger, and raised questions of who this stalker could be.

The plot evolved on a fast pace, with multiple possibilities for who the stalker might be, real or fictional with a suspenseful ending.

The author has written books in multiple genres and this new book in the psychological thriller genre show casted the author’s gift in the writing industry.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.*

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“I hate not knowing who to trust.”

Oh, but Alexandra, that’s exactly why I love reading psychological thrillers! Every character (including the protagonist) is suspect, even the narrator, and my mind stays on guard the whole time. While this may not sound very relaxing, it oddly ends up being exactly that. Perhaps because it’s the perfect escape – my mind is so occupied with trying to figure out who the real villain is that I don’t have space left to worry about real life for a while. Needless to say then, I was super excited to see that Heather Day Gilbert had a psychological thriller coming out this week! I love her mysteries and her suspense novels, so it’s a no-brainer that I’d want to read Queen of Hearts too. It did take me a little bit to get into this one, but there were still enough elements that piqued my interest and kept me reading until the story took a turn that had me solidly invested from that point on.

Alexandra is a compelling protagonist, thanks in part to her status as a bestselling suspense author as well as being neurodivergent, and Gilbert does a good job of fleshing out her layers and idiosyncrasies. Alexandra’s trying to finish the last book in her hit series, but being stalked by a ‘highly invested reader’ makes it difficult to stay focused. And even when she escapes Connecticut for her editor’s ritzy mountain hideaway in West Virginia, she’s not as safe as she hoped… and maybe not as alone as she thinks. Little things continue to play with her mind – items out of place, familiar smells/objects that shouldn’t be there, threatening notes, etc. – and the only logical suspect (unless it’s all in her head) is the one she most hopes isn’t responsible. (Cue some mild romance vibes that I was loving… while still being cautious because WE DON’T KNOW WHO WE CAN TRUST! ahem.)

I enjoyed the layers that the West Virginia cast of characters added to the mix in this story. The starstruck bookstore owner. The friendly husband-wife grocers. The ruggedly handsome caretaker and his sick mother. The young woman that people keep telling her about with concerned looks on their faces… I wanted to trust them all to be reliable and safe and ‘what you see is what you get’ but this IS a psychological thriller, after all, so I took everything with a grain of salt and kept one eye open at all times. (Okay, I read with both eyes open, but you get my meaning.) Same goes for all the characters we meet along the way, beginning to end. And while I did have some elements of the thriller correctly pegged, there were some other major twists that I did NOT see coming at all.

Bottom Line: Queen of Hearts by Heather Day Gilbert is twisty and suspenseful with dynamic characters and affectionate nods to Hitchcock, Higgins Clark, and King. Fans of this genre, like me, will appreciate the unexpected turns and unreliable characters that the author weaves in with others that are exactly as they seem, leaving readers to question their own instincts – and delight in doing so – before all is said and done. With all the mystery/suspense/thrillers that I read and watch, it’s difficult to catch me completely off guard, without even the slightest inkling of what’s going to happen. But kudos to Gilbert who managed to do so more than once.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book

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This kept me hooked. I loved it, the writing, the tension and plot. All on point. I can't wait to read more from the author

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Dollycas's Thoughts

New York Times bestselling author Alexandra Dubois writes romantic suspense novels featuring warped serial killers. She is writing the final book in the series and she has an "invested reader" who has definite ideas on how they expect the series to end. They have been sending the author threatening notes to be sure she follows their instructions. It soon becomes clear she is in danger if she stays in her home. Alex's editor offers his huge mountain vacation house in West Virginia as a retreat to stay safe and finish the book. Being autistic makes the move hard but she really doesn't have a choice.

While trying to complete the book she gets distracted by something she finds in a drawer and incidents happening at the "safe house" Alex is worried her "invested reader" has found her. A thunderstorm doesn't ease her fears.


The author has crafted an extraordinary protagonist in Alexandra Dubois. She has had challenges in her life being on the spectrum but she found ways to write and sell a successful romantic suspense series, deal with a narcissistic ex-husband, and a petulant author from her past.  When she arrives in West Virginia she meets several residents but doesn't know who she can trust. With her life on the line, she needs to dig down deep and find even more strength if she is going to survive. I was invested in Alexandra Dubois's life from the start.

I appreciated the time Ms. Gilbert took to set the scenes in this story. Her words made it so easy to picture everything clearly from the "cabin" and its surroundings including the caretaker's home, and the small-town shops in Cedar Gap. The mountain view was amazing and I could feel the thunderstorm with its wind and rain pulsing through the pages.

The book is a complex psychological thriller that turns Alex's world upside down and inside out. A death in the past plays a critical part in the story giving depth to what was happening all around Alex. The author calls the story "A Gripping Psychological Thriller with a Twist" and she doesn't lie. The story grabbed hold of me and held on tight. There are several twists and turns. There are several scary moments too. If I had been watching a movie, it would have been through my fingers over my eyes. I was breathless just reading Alex's journey and then came the huge surprising twist that stopped me short. Talk about a wild ride!

Queen of Hearts is an exceptional suspense thriller with an original protagonist who is easy to root for.  The story is plotted with such precision and detail to draw the reader in that you don't realize how far until the very end and come back into the real world around you. I totally escaped into this book. That is why it receives my Paradise Rating. Look for Queen of Hearts on my Best Reads of 2024. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a story full of suspense with a compelling main character. You can thank me later!

There are no explicit scenes or language in this thriller.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Thank you to WoodHaven Press and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

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I really enjoyed the cabin in the woods aspect of this book. I felt like it was very slow and kind of boring in the beginning and had issues with pacing until about midway through. I also thought the book was slightly predictable. I enjoyed the book, but I don’t know if I would recommend it for everyone. Maybe for people getting into the genre but people who are heavy into thrillers and mysteries they wouldn’t enjoy this one as much. It is labeled as a book for fans of Alfred Hitchcock and Mary Higgens Clark and I’m not quite sure about that.

Thank you to author Heather Day Gilbert, publisher WoodHaven Press, and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC for an honest review.

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*4 Stars*

Copy kindly received via NetGalley for an honest review.

This was a very intriguing read as to who Alexandra's stalker was. Renard was a very manipulative person, and I think Alex did the right thing by divorcing him. There were some unusual characters at Cedar Gap and some of them didn't know how to keep a secret. I found this to be an interesting read with a good ending.

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*4.5 stars rounded up*

All authors want readers to be fans of their work, but what happens when enjoyment becomes obsession?

Alexandra Dubois has a dedicated fanbase & is a full-time author that easily supports herself with the income generated from her popular romantic suspense series, but her writing is interrupted by the persistent attention of an unknown reader/stalker. She decides to take her editor up on their offer of free accommodation far from home, but soon realizes her problem will not be that easy to shake…

I hadn’t heard of this author before but loved the cover & the premise sounded promising! I really enjoyed the author’s note at the beginning regarding autism & the role it played in the story with Alex being on the spectrum. I found this to be a fast read that kept me turning pages, & liked that there was nothing in it that would keep me from recommending it to my grandma if you know what I mean.

Thank you to NetGalley & Victory Editing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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An intense psychological thriller! I was immediately drawn in to Alex’s story. She is a gifted and talented who happens to be autistic. I only mention that because her neurodivergence adds compelling authenticity to her writing, her retreat to safety, and how she confronts danger. There are many twists and red herrings thrown in, which kept the story moving quickly and made it completely believable. I enjoyed Alex’s insights into being an author and some of the rhythms and routines needed to write well. Additionally, her critiques while reading others works were enlightening to the writing process of new authors. Be prepared to be fully immersed and captured in this thriller!
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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Did I predict the "invested reader" about 30% of the way through the story? Yes.
Should that stop you from reading this? NO!

As a neuro✨spicey✨ myself, I enjoyed the representation in this book of the main character and the explanation of her thought process, stems, and more.

This book has non-stop action making you think everyone is guilty...I said I knew who the "invested reader" was early in BUT along the way until the end...I kept second-guessing myself, ha!

Sidenote: If you are a chapter counter, know that these chapters are long but are broken up well with transitions of days/locations. I don’t care about this but I know some people are particularly annoyed when a lot happens in "one chapter".

As always, thank you to NetGalley, Heather Day Gilbert, and WoodHaven Press for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read several books by Heather Day Gilbert and enjoyed them all. Queen of Hearts is more of a psychological suspense tale than the others but wow, what a story!

In it best-selling romantic suspense novelist Alexandra Dubois is haunted by a stalker. When things escalate Alexandra finally agrees to hide out at the remote cabin offered by her editor. Strange events continue at the cabin that cause Alexandra to doubt her sanity and wonder if her stalker has found her again.

Queen of Hearts is masterfully crafted with so many twists and surprises as well as mounting suspense with each page that I couldn’t put it down. I honestly was astonished by the revelation at the end. I thought Alexandra’s character was well rounded and found her autistic actions to be quite believable.

If you enjoy psychological suspense, please take a chance on Queen of Hearts. I believe you will not be disappointed.

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Happy Pub Day to Heather Day Gilbert and her newest novel Queen of Hearts! This cover perfectly conveys the creepy vibes of this compelling story. I stayed up far too late this weekend - reading in the dark - because I had to know how this story resolved.

Alex is a best-selling author whose romantic suspense series is beloved by readers. Her solitary writing career is a good match with her autism, and she’s rebuilt a good life after a divorce. Her peace is shattered when she receives a disturbing letter from a “highly invested reader” at her home. When contact escalates, she travels to another state for safety and to concentrate on writing her current novel, even though changes in routine are disruptive.

Before Alex can settle in, strange things start happening in and around the huge mountain “cabin” where she’s staying. Did her stalker follow her? How could they know where she is? Can she believe what she’s seeing? Who can she trust?

I was fully invested in Alex as an unreliable narrator. I felt I could trust the depiction of a woman with autism because the author’s close family member was her “fact checker.” The plot felt realistic, and the red herrings kept me guessing. One plot twist was more surprising than discovering the stalker’s identity! I also liked that the main character was an author and that other professions in the book world were secondary characters.

Thank you to WoodHaven Press and NetGalley for the review copy of this captivating novel.

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"Queen of Hearts" captivates with its intricate plot and psychological depth, making it a riveting read from start to finish. The protagonist, Alex, is a renowned author plagued by a stalker. Her autism makes the prospect of leaving her home daunting, yet it becomes clear that her safety is compromised. In a bid for security, she relocates from Greenwich to an isolated West Virginia mansion, owned by her editor, to focus on her upcoming novel. Despite the change in scenery, her stalker's persistence is chillingly apparent. The mansion's history is marred by the death of a fellow author, adding to Alex's unease. Aided by a dashing caretaker with a sniper's precision and a few locals, Alex faces the daunting task of discerning friend from foe as her refuge is breached. Suspects range from her egotistic ex-husband to a bitter rival author, among others. As tension mounts, the narrative weaves a tale of fear and intrigue. Even with the perpetrator's identity deduced, the journey remains thoroughly engrossing. This book comes highly recommended for aficionados of suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat mysteries.

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Loved this book finished it in about two days. It kept me at the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. I was constantly going back and forth in my head about what was REALLY going on! It kept me guessing. I love nothing better than a good locked room thriller and this certainly did not disappoint. Loved the main character and I hope the author will write more books with her in them! You won't want to miss this one!

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Not long enough! This book and this character are amazing and I want more. I loved the setting and the basic idea, while not the most original, makes for a really creepy plot line. Fans of Joy Ellis may enjoy this talented author.

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Another great story by this author. I normally read her cozy mysteries so this was a change for me. I really enjoyed the characters in this story and the story line. I look forward to the next one to come.
Thanks for the advanced copy.

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