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I confess that I'm both surprised and disappointed to be writing yet another unpopular opinion review. On paper, Queen Of Hearts should have been a perfect fit. I always love thrillers with a bookish angle and I have a weak spot for a remote setting/bad weather element, so I simply couldn't resist adding this story to my kindle. I was also intrigued by the whole stalker angle, and I couldn't wait to dive in and discover just how far this stalker was willing to go... Sadly, the book itself ended up being surprisingly dull, predictable and not suspenseful at all instead.

I think Queen Of Hearts is one of those books where I appreciated the premise a lot more than the actual story. The plot had SO much potential, and I especially loved the sound of the West Virginia cabin setting. This made for such a great backdrop for this story, and it's not a state I get to visit often in books. I also loved the whole Misery vibe of the plot, with the stalker having very clear ideas about how the main character Alexandra Dubois' romantic suspense series should end. I could also appreciate the autism rep in the main character... BUT. There were also too many things that didn't end up working about the actual story.

I think one of the main struggles has a lot to do with the main characters. It is funny how the author has Alexandra critizing fellow author Jordan's writing, claiming about Jordan's main character that 'we don't get a strong sense of who she is or what her motivations are', when this is EXACTLY what happened with Alexandra herself for me. I found her character to be way too one-dimensional, and her main character trait seems to be mainly based on being autistic and what basically a human doormat. Oh yes, she is also a writer with a stalker! But do we truly ever get to know her on a deeper level? I don't think so. The rest of the characters are likewise cliche and mostly cardboard copies. And the romance? Incredibly lackluster and simply not believable as there is no chemistry at all.

I can't put my finger exactly on the why, but there was also something about the tone and writing style that didn't work for me. I think it might have had to do with the fact that the story used too much explaining and too little simply showing what is happening... Certain parts of the plot were quite repetitive, and I never felt any tension or suspense at all. I also basically guessed who was her stalker straight away, which put a major damper on things. And sure, it was still a quick read and the final part was a bit more eventful, but it also felt like something I have read many times before at the same time. I mean, the storm, the dead phone, the main character making stupid mistakes... I didn't see anything that made this particular story stand out for me. Ok, maybe that twist involving her ex-husband, but since that particular twist credible wasn't exactly credible I don't feel like it counts.

All in all I can't say I was all that impressed by Queen Of Hearts. The premise was extremely promising, but sadly the execution fell rather flat for me. Maybe it's just a sign that I've been reading way too many thrillers? I seem to be in the minority so far though, so don't give up on my account if you think this book might be for you.

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This book reads like an old mystery horror novel and I loved it. Very creepy and suspicious. Too many suspects to count. Highly recommended xx

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This is one of the best thrillers I have read recently! Its fast paced, its creepy, its inclusive to people who have autism, and people with OCD are also represented.

I am from a very small town in West Virginia, which is where a lot of this story takes place. It automatically called to me. I did not guess the twist which is usually easy for me to do. There was not a dull moment in the storyline, I stayed engaged and had to make myself put this down so I could sleep.

I love that this is based on the life of an autistic woman who has OCD and has true everyday struggles, I love that there is a ghostly side to this that make you wonder what kind of book this is, and I love that this kept me guessing.

Thank you NetGalley, Heather Day Gilbert, and Woodhaven Press for allowing me to review this for my honest review.

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The plot twist in this book was a great one. I didn’t see it coming. I enjoyed the main character, I wish she has built her relationship up throughout the book rather at the very end. The plot, the anticipation-both great.

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Queen of Hearts is a thriller that should ideally set the readers off the hook and take them through a roller coaster of a ride as far as plot and character complexities are concerned.

Honestly, I truly enjoyed the author’s writing in this book. The plot was full of action and never got boring: it captivated me throughout the book. Now, the mountain view must be mentioned: the storm was captured so vividly that one could imagine the powerful wind blowing and the rain pouring.

Thank you to WoodHaven Press, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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am always drawn to books about writers, bookstores, libraries, etc. Throw in a mystery/thriller aspect, and it's even better!

'Queen of Hearts' centers around a best-selling author who is in hiding from an unknown fan who demands she end her current series the way that the stalker wants. There are plenty of twists and red herrings throughout, so the reader is kept on his/her toes.

While I did figure out one major twist early on, I admit I was caught quite off guard by another. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and will definitely continue to read Heather Day Gilbert's works.

(Thank you to Netgalley and publisher Woodhaven Press for the chance to read this book early in exchange for an honest review.)

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Alexandra is a best selling author who has a serious stalker. She has autism and avoids people as much as possible. But when her stalker gets too close, knows where she lives, and even tries to break into her house, she has to seek refuge. Her publisher offers her a cabin in another state, owned by her editor. The stalker shouldn’t be able to find her there, but he does. There are plenty of suspects and Alex doesn’t believe the clues in front of her. It is all resolved by the end of the story but plenty of suspense until you get there.

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I just finished Queen of Hearts by Heather Day Gilbert and it was absolutely amazing! I fell in love with the main character almost from the beginning, mostly because I could see so much of myself in her. I love when authors include neurodivergent characters into their stories! I was literally on the edge of my seat reading, trying to figure out what was going on. I highly recommend this book!

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Alex an author with Austim and just stating her new book the sequel, enter the stalker well his brick.

As Alex hides away and starts to write this twisting thriller delivers in bucket or more bath loads is fantastic. The way the special needs or quirks of autism are played out in her life and the fear of the unknown, is for all your requirements for a great thriller and that's exactly what this is. I loved it I loved the story the twists the quirky characters and the odd "normal" one mind what is normal and is anyone ever truly normal , the answer to that is elsewhere this is pure entertainment.

As Physiological Thrillers go there are few authors that I've enjoyed as much the whodunit or is it keeps you guessing till the end plenty of clues or red herrings you have to read to ring the ansa to that. No spoilers in this review, but pure escapism from this book as your catapulted away from reality into the world of fiction of a very high quality in my opinion. I hope you agree.

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“The story I've been pulled into won't have a happy ending, but I'm determined to write it my way...or to die trying.”

“"I have a stalker.”

“Someone is in the house, and I need to hide.”

4.5 Stars

When I heard that my favorite West Virginia author had written a psychological thriller, I was very excited. I’ve enjoyed all of the series I have read by her and love that she writes a variety of different genres. But even though Heather Day Gilbert writes different genres, she always has her trademark writing voice that pulls you into her stories.

I enjoyed The Queen Of Hearts from start to finish. It caught my attention from the beginning and never let go. I like how there was a story within a story (actually two stories within a story if you count not only Alex’s book series but Jordan’s book as well).

Heather Day Gilbert does a great job fleshing out her main character and her autism. As always, she writes some great side characters. I will say that though there were a lot of red herrings on who the villain would be, my initial guess was correct. But it didn’t stop other moments in the book where I began to second guess myself.

I’ve seen comparisons to the Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark and since I have never read one of her books, I will definitely need to! I also loved that this was a clean psychological thriller since a lot in the genre can be vulgar. I hope Heather Day Gilbert continues writing more in this genre.

* I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Woodhaven Press in exchange for an honest review

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Best selling author, Alex, flees to a writing retreat in West Virginia after a stalker threatens her safety. Attempting to finish the last book in her series, she settles in to the remote cabin. But when strange things start happening, she starts to wonder if her stalker has managed to track her down…

The author’s note at the start was beautiful and I was really looking forward to an autistic protagonist.

Unfortunately, it fell a bit flat for me. The story was quite slow and the suspense never seemed to hit its crescendo. I didn’t particularly get behind any of the characters and most disappointingly, I think the author spent too much time trying to convince us that she understood autism. I’d have definitely preferred a more subtle approach to the neurodivergence.

However, it was a quick and easy read that did have some good scenes. I don’t think I’d ever reread it though.

Many thanks to NetGalley and WoodHaven Press for my advanced copy.

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Queen of Hearts is a deliciously twisty, engaging read that keeps readers guessing.

Recovering from a messy divorce and struggling to meet the deadline for the final book in her bestselling suspense series, author Alexandra Dubois receives a threatening letter from a “Highly Invested Reader.”

Determined not to give in to the demands—or to let the stalker’s escalating activity sabotage the focus she needs to finish her novel, Alex escapes to a private hideaway in the West Virginia mountains. As events make her fear the stalker has followed her, she doesn’t know who to trust.

I so enjoyed this novel. The swift-running plot. The mountain scenery—complete with a storm! The small-town characters. The clues that kept me guessing.

Alex as a first-person narrator drew me in and revealed how her autism shapes her perspective and her reactions. It’s hard to understand what look like foibles when they’re only seen externally, but in Alex’s head it all makes sense.

Writers, experienced or novice, will appreciate this book, either nodding in agreement with Alex’s observations about writing or picking up tips to help their own work.

Mostly, it’s the voice or tone of the story that leaves me refreshed like I’ve had a drink from a clear mountain spring. It’s deeper, more energetic than the author’s lighter series (Belinda Blake and Barks ‘n Beans—both of which are good too.) It feels more like her A Murder in the Mountains suspense novels.

Highly recommended for fans of clean psychological suspense, Queen of Hearts is first in a new series.

West Virginia author Heather Day Gilbert is known for her strong characters, frequent mountain settings, and stories where friendship and loyalty play a key role. From Viking historicals to cozy mysteries to suspense and romantic suspense, from clean reads to Christian fiction, her books are sure to engage readers. To find out about the author and her books, visit

[Advance review copy provided via #Netgalley. My opinions are my own.]

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Queen of Hearts is a fast-paced thriller that follows the story of an esteemed author, Alex, that has unfortunately found herself to be a victim of a stalker that's obsessed with her novels. After leaving her home in order to protect herself, Alex's paranoia gets the best of her while trying to continue her final novel in her series while located in a remote cabin in the woods. Is reality all that it seems to be and who can she really trust while being isolated from everyone she knows?

The story is compelling and very easy to read and get through. Alex is an intriguing character who continued to develop through the entirety of the story. I found the writing of Heather Day Gilbert to be incredibly smooth and easy to digest. Queen of Hearts left me interested through its entirety, despite some of my personal shortfalls with it.

I will say that I found a few choices Alex made to be incredibly frustrating and I couldn't wrap my head around why she would do these things. While the twists were decent, I felt like there could have been more done with them. Reading through this, I had a gut feeling on who the stalker was going to be, and I was hoping I wasn't right the entire time. The ending left me wanting so much more and felt a little rushed; however, I loved the parallel to the character in the story she was writing. Overall, this was a solid story that I enjoyed reading.

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and enjoy this novel!

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Alex is a successful author who has a stalker reader. She moves into her editor’s house in West Virginia to escape her stalker. With the help of her editor’s caretaker and the local grocery store owner, Alex attempts to become acclimated to the small West Virginia town. However, she soon begins to experience new occurrences which might lead one to question their sanity. Queen of Hearts is a fast paced thriller that will keep the reader following various twists and turns until the surprising conclusion with characters that are well developed. I received a complimentary copy and this is my honest opinion.

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A fantastic thriller that keeps you constantly guessing! There were times I thought my heart would beat out my chest for Alex. Staying at the huge cabin after learning about what happened to another author would have been a huge no for me. With so much heart pulsing action and mind games you will find yourself on a fast pace roller coaster ride trying to find out who the real killer is. Henry who is the handsome caretaker endeared me right away and I enjoyed how a romance was building between him and Alex. But in the game of cat and mouse everyone is a suspect and no one can be trusted. An exciting thriller with twist and turns that will keep you reading late into the night, if you dare!
Was given a complementary copy. All opinions are my own.

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Alexandra is an autistic author of crime fiction that has a serial killer in them. When a stalker claims her as his/her own she fleas her home to safe haven offered to her. Soon her peace is shattered by her stalker, or is her own mind playing tricks on her pulling her into the fantasy world of her books. She sees things that no one else sees within the locked house she is staying, items are not how she placed them and she smells the scent of her ex husbands cologne.
Is she losing her mind or is someone trying to make her go crazy? Read this very interesting tail of intriguing twist to find out what is happening. A thoroughly enjoyable entertaining book that kept my interest all night. Read it straight throught.

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“Queen of Hearts” is a quick read. There is plenty of suspense as Alex tries to figure out the identity of her stalker, with multiple plausible suspects. The stalker ended up being who I thought it was, but the stalker’s motivation was not what I expected. The way that certain characters were connected was a surprise. I liked the Alex character, although based on how her autism is portrayed as manifesting and based on the type of books she writes and the comments she makes about stalkers, criminals, villains, etc., it is surprising that she neglects to use her phone to photograph or record the strange things she sees so she has more tangible evidence of the stalker and/or gaslighting.

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When I saw Heather Day Gilbert had written another book, I knew that it was one I wanted to read as I have really enjoyed her other books. While the first person present tense was difficult for me to read it first, I settled into the book as if the protagonist was telling me her story as it was happening.

The plot kept me interested and up late through the night towards the end, especially as a teacher who has had several students on the autism spectrum. I loved that this is a story of an author who describes her writing process along the way, while dealing with a stalker and odd things happening around her.

The climax of this book was tricky for me. It was honestly hard to follow the main character through her reality/fantasy. Although I understand that this is the psychological side of the plot and also a part of her ASD, it was challenging to follow what was really happening and almost felt like there were some plot holes, especially regarding Renard and Micah.

However, I was glad that there was an epilogue that tied up one of the winding threads through the story. It just left Alex and Henry a little vague without a solid resolution, although that might have been intentional as that is exactly how the protagonist’s plot concluded.

Overall, this was a great read, and I look forward to more from Heather Day Gilbert.

*I received an advanced e-copy of this book through Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Heather Day Gilbert’s “Queen of Hearts” is a psychological thriller that intertwines the fragility of the human psyche with the dark underbelly of fan obsession. The novel follows Alexandra Dubois, a New York Times bestselling author renowned for her romantic suspense series featuring twisted serial killers. However, art imitates life when an “invested reader” begins to blur the lines between admiration and fixation, leading to a series of escalating threats that force Alex to question her safety.

Gilbert’s narrative prowess shines as she delves into the complexities of Alex’s character, an author with autism who faces the daunting challenge of adapting to a new environment while under duress. I really enjoyed this part of the book, the subject of the protagonist's "quirks" due to her challenges were carefully written, and almost made the character more likeable.

The decision to retreat to her editor’s secluded West Virginia home sets the stage for a claustrophobic and tension-filled experience, reminiscent of the works of Alfred Hitchcock and Mary Higgins Clark.

Gilbert avoids gratuitous violence, instead opting for psychological depth and character-driven suspense. The setting—a storm-ridden mountain hideaway—becomes a character in itself, amplifying the sense of isolation and vulnerability that Alex endures.

“Queen of Hearts” is both a homage to classic thrillers and a fresh take on the genre.

“Queen of Hearts” is a compelling read that will typically appeal to fans of psychological thrillers.

It wasn't my cuppa, as soon as it went into the author being gorgeous "like a young Elizabeth Taylor" and not having any clue, for some reason I started finding the writing slightly sophomoric. The premise was fine, but the content didn't keep my interest.

If the storyline interests you, please give it a read, it may be your new favorite.

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I really enjoyed Queen of Hearts. I was intrigued from the very beginning and I stayed interested the whole time I was reading. I really enjoyed Heather's writing style.

The main character is autistic and knew herself well. I noticed, though, that she explained everything she did and her reasons why throughout the entire book and eventually I felt like the need to explain wasn't necessary. It was established in the beginning she was autistic and had ways of coping, managing and being self aware. I didn't feel like she needed to keep explaining herself. Just do you, girl. You're good.

I did have it figured out very early on in the story, which is fine. That didn't bother me. It was still a good story. I do feel like I got a little confused at the end. There were a few plot holes and loose ends that I don't feel were explained all the way and I kind of had to keep going back and making sure I didn't miss something.

However, I DID enjoy the book. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read it.

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