Member Reviews

This book could not have been more relatable as you follow Naomi’s journey as she navigates adult female relationships, parenthood, keeping secrets, and overall life. Throughout the book you get flashbacks that lead up to the Fall-Out. I had a hard time putting this book down. I needed to know what exactly happened to get this group of friends where they are in the present of the novel.

Read this if you like:
* Dynamic relationships
* Flashbacks
* Short Chapters.

Thank you to Storm Publishing for the ARC.
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This was a really great read and I loved the complex and dynamic characters. I went into this thinking it would be a classic rom com, but it had a lot of heart and emotional pull and really did a good job of showing the aftermath of how a relationship rebuilds after trauma. I was slightly disappointed with how Naomi’s friends were rather easily manipulated by Zara, but on the flip side I was glad they eventually figured it out and that Zara realized her behavior was inappropriate and got the help she needed to work on her behavior. Would highly recommend if you enjoy romance with equal parts humor and emotional depth.

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Well I flew through this one. Not my usual genre but enjoyed it all the same

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Because I'm lazy and unorganised I went into this book without reading the synopsis and expecting a romance/rom-com.
Imagine my surprise when the book starts out with married couple Naomi & Patch going to a funeral...

The Fall-Out wasn't what I expected in the best possible way.

I loved Namoi and her character development through this book! I also like that the characters mostly act their age and not like 13 year olds in the body of 40 year olds!
The only negative for me was how easily the members of the Girlfriends Club let themselves be manipulated. One would think after 1.5 decades of friendship the foundation would be more solid/ there would be more trust, openness and communication...

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When old betrayals resurface, can this group of friends survive the fallout?

Another solid read from Sophie Ranald, the Fall Out is about marriage, friendships, and what happens when those bonds are tested. Three and a half stars!

*I received an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC of this book! The Fall-Out is unlike any other book I’ve read, completely one of a kind and unique. The friendships and relationships in this book seemed pretty toxic and hard to follow at times, and it felt like this book didn’t have much of a plot. Overall though, I did enjoy the idea of this book, as well as how things wrapped up, but just had a difficult time with staying engaged and interested.

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I really enjoyed the Fall Out by Sophie Ranald. I didn’t realize that this was a part of a series as this was my first book by this author but I was still able to understand all the different aspects of the book. Something I really enjoyed about this book was how fast-paced and hooked I was. I finished it in 2 days and it was such a good palette cleanser after the emotional books I’ve been reading. This books was about navigating friendships and relationships. One of the characters caused so many twists and turns which kept me wanting to read. I really enjoyed and would definitely recommend it.

Thanks to Net Galley and Storm Publishing for the eARC!!

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I struggled with this book and didn't really get to grips or engage with th4e main character, it may have been better had i read the previous books but at the time I didn't realise it was part of a series, I do wish Netgalley would say where it is in a series so we could get the full picture.

I didn't finish this book as I just couldn't relate, sorry.

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This book is all about love, love of your partner, love of your friends and love of yourself.

Naomi, Abbie, Kate and Rowan have been friends for years, known as the "Girlfriends Club." There is also the elusive, Zara who has been gone for years and turns up at the funeral of a mutual friend.

When Zara shows up the girls friendships turn upside and no longer become as close as they were.

This book was a little slow to get into and I honestly did understand the first few chapters of the book. I enjoyed seeing Naomi and Patch's relationship evolve and get to where it ended up. This book really shows the powerful story of how your relationships shape who you are.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC of The Fall-Out by Sophie Ranald

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The Fall-Out tells the story of Naomi as she goes through a rough patch with her husband and her best friends after a secret involving someone in their past was revealed.

At first, Naomi seemed like such an insecure person who’s not acting their age. I mean, your ex-best friend dated your now husband like 16 years ago, you are now married with kids, why do you still feel like Zara is out to get you? Well, by the way Zara’s revelation turned the entire Girlfriend’s Club against each other, that just might be the case.

The plot twists–Patch’s confirmation, Zara’s lies and her plans, the camera–it all fell flat for me. I suspected from the start what this “betrayal” would be, but I still expected more. For a bunch of people who are well into adulthood, Kate, Rowan, Abbie, and Naomi couldn't've just called each other and asked for confirmation? I realize that our friends might not be perfect, I get miscommunication, silent treatments and not confronting each other in girl friendships when you’re younger, but in your 40s? At some point I started thinking maybe this friendship is not as strong as the author makes it out to be.

For a character whose death is a major plot point in the book, I really didn’t see that much of Andy. All we know of him is that he was a drug addict whose death deeply affects the Girlfriend’s Club. Outside of his addiction, other than someone who is only mentioned to be blunt and revel in parties, who is Andy? There was no moment that showed his closeness to the friend group. Naomi said he was kind deep down, but we didn’t get any particular moments showing that. I didn’t know him well enough, so I really couldn’t care about him throughout the book.

After years of being married and a mother, Naomi’s ending felt necessary. I’m glad she finally decided to put herself first for once. I do dislike the hint of romance for Patch in the ending. It was unnecessary and didn't feel like it makes sense especially after Naomi repetitively pointed out how bad of a partner he is. Overall, it was a decent read and I enjoyed myself.

Thank you to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and Sophie Ranald for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Net Galley and Storm Publishing for approving me for this eARC as I have enjoyed other books by Sophie Ranald before. Overall this book did seem to drag on though and not exactly have much of a plot. I loved that it was about friendship and that when secrets and lies filtered into a friendship group it can end up hurting not just the friends but the liar themselves. I for some reason couldn’t get over that the author never explained who Andy was, how he actually fit into the group, especially since his funeral is what brought Zara back and all the drama. Even when they mentioned Andy again in different points, you never really were given his story and how he really became friends with the rest of the girls.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.
I had high hopes for "The Fall Out" by Sophie Ranald, but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. From the start, I struggled to understand what the book was supposed to be. The plot felt aimless, and it seemed like absolutely nothing happened. It was so boring that I found myself constantly waiting for something—anything—to occur and hold my interest.

The main female character, who also served as the narrator, was insufferable. Her constant complaints and lack of growth made it difficult to connect with her or care about her journey. This was supposed to be a romance or a book about friendship, but all the characters were just crappy to each other, which made it hard to root for any of them.

In terms of the romance aspect, there was a lack of genuine connection and chemistry between the characters. The friendships also felt shallow and toxic rather than supportive and meaningful.

While reading, I couldn't help but think that this story would have been better suited as a thriller. Introducing some thrilling aspects could have added much-needed excitement and intrigue. Unfortunately, as it stands, "The Fall Out" failed to engage me, and I did not enjoy it.

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Liked this book. Found it a bit slow to start but I persevered and really enjoyed it! Thanks Net Galley

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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Such a fantastic plot! I could not put the book down once I began reading it. I cannot wait for it to be released this month. I will recommend it to everyone I know!

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This book revolves around Naomi and her tightly-knit group of friends who call themselves the Girlfriends' Club who have bonded over the years and have a meet up the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
Naomi is 'happily' married to Patch with twins, and when their friend Andy dies, Zara turns up at the funeral with secrets that need to be told which creates lots of questions within the group. This makes Naomi question her life with Patch and also the girlfriends Club.
The book shows how a toxic friend can ruin a group with secrets and lies.
This would be a good beach read book.
Thanks to Sophie Ranald, NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an advanced copy of this book.

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This book was my first by Sophie Ranald. I liked the idea of the book a lot and you can really see how this is a life-story and how amazing and at the same time exhausting friendships can be. You have to put in a lot of work and won’t be safe of betrayal.
The only thing that kept me a bit stressed is that there was so much happening at once from time to time that it was hard to keep track of everything.

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this book by Sophie Ranald is based around the stories of 5 friends who are a close knit group. this group is rocked by the relevation of one of the group and it's shaken and rocked by the revelations confessed.
a good read

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I'm in two minds about this book.
On the one hand, I loved the friendship group and I loved the flashback scenes and how Naomi and Patch's relationship evolved to where it is now.

What this book's downfall was, it seemed as if this story did not know what it wanted to be about? Was it about the friendship group, was it about the failing marriage between Naomi and Patch or was it about Zara and her antics? I felt this story tried to do too much. If it had focused on one of these avenues, it would have had a stronger and more concise message than trying to squeeze all three of these big storylines into one story.

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This is my first book by this author and I really enjoyed. I didn’t realise until looking at other reviews that this book is apparently part of a series which focuses on all the female characters but it can still be read as a standalone.
I enjoyed the pace of the book and felt it was really relatable with the friendship WhatsApp group. I liked the fact it focused on middle age women and the stresses and strains that come with life such as parenting, marriage etc
I would recommend this book and am definitely going to read the other books in this series .
Thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and Sophie Ranald for an advance copy in exchange of an honest and unbiased review.

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