Member Reviews

When Grace first published Icebreaker, I fell in love with her writing, the dramatics, the romance and relationships. With Wildfire, I was sucked completely into Russ and Aurora's story and I loved that it was separated from the school setting. With Daydream, I really didn't know what to expect. Henry was like our white knight, always there to tell the truth or to save the day. I wasn't sure if I'd end up loving or hating his story, simply because his spotlight could have gone in so many different directions.
Ultimately, Grace did not disappoint. There's always the flair for dramatics, but in the end I felt that Henry and Halle were our most down to earth pair, the ones that reflected every day struggles the most.

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This might have been my favorite read of the year! Having read the other books in the series, I was excited to read Henry’s story. Henry exhibits a lot of “neurodivergent” traits and tendencies and is struggling in one of his classes due to learning differences. He befriends Halle and she helps him with his coursework. Halle has a goal of writing her own book, but is struggling, as she feels she hasn’t lived through enough experiences. Henry and Halle vow to help each other. Along the way, their friendship grows. My favorite thing about the story was the way that Halle made accommodations available for Henry that made things more accessible. Similarly, his support of her was equally beautiful. I loved that the author’s note touched on Henry’s differences and how a medical diagnosis would not be included in the story. I found the characters extremely relatable. The pacing was excellent. I am recommending this to everyone!

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and lovable. The pacing was perfect and left you wanting to read more. I can't wait to read more by this author!

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First thank you to NetGalley and Atria for this arc!

Daydream is the sweetest and romantic book ever! Henry is now captain of the Maple Hills Hockey Team and he is struggling with a class, making sure he’s the best captain. Enter in Halle, Halle is super smart, loves reading, runs a bookstore book club, works at a hotel and the “family manger” as in she does everything for everyone but doesn’t make time for herself. Her longtime boyfriend breaks up with her and now she’s trying to have a fresh start at college by going out more and making friends. She meets Henry and they come up with a deal. She helps him with his class and he helps her with more life experiences like dating. After all if she wants to be a romance author she needs to know some things…..

This book is so cute and romantic, I feel like I could relate to both characters Henry who is outspoken but sometimes struggles to express himself and ask for help and Halle who is trying so hard not to be a people please all the time. These two are perfect for each other and Henry is such a romantic. I love how he took his time with Halle, helped her realize she is beautiful and confident. Halle being extremely patient with Henry and helping him express himself. We love a man who knows he’s not well, communicates it asks for time to work on himself to be better!

I love seeing the whole gang back especially Nate and J.J

The girls are gonna love a certain scene at the end

Oh and the Painting scene with both of them!!!!!! 🔥🥵

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This installment in the Maple Hills series was better than the last! Henry is my favorite character and I felt the tough storylines were touching as he and Halle helped each other through. I think Hannah Grace has a good understanding of problems faced by young adults and turns them into wonderful, and yet still, fun novels.

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I love all of Hannah Graces books and I was so excited for the third book in the Maple Hill series. I forgot how much I loved all of these characters and the this book with Henry and Halle did not disappoint. I loved everything about their relationship, and watching them go as the book progressed. I love how patient and kind Henry was with Halle a true gentleman through and through. Any book Hannah writes in my mind is gold and I will be lining up to read them. This story lives up to the expectations of her other two books and I love how she created the depth of these characters. I can’t wait to read more by this author. Thank you netgalley and publisher for the advanced copy! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!!

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Hannah Grace is amazing and I absolutely love her writing style and books. Daydream had me hooked from the start and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I cannot wait for it to come out so I can share it with my patrons!

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Thank you so much for this arc! I squealed and started it immediately when I received it!

The third in the Maple Hills series brought us Henry’s story. We loved this loyal, quiet friend especially in book 2, Wildfire. But this book really gives us so much more.

Henry has a lot going on. He’s the captain of the hockey team which had responsibilities on and off the ice. He's also working so hard in his classes, and managing a social life. He meets Halle which is dynamic. She’s sort of on her own, but seemingly confident. She’s smart & bookish. She discovers she can help Henry with the class he may fail while he can help give her some dating experience as material for her book. We love a fake date trope- especially knowing exactly where it is headed.

We really get a lot of pieces of Henry without a formal diagnosis- which I really respect the authors choice to do. Both of our characters seem to have it together on the outside but have many internal struggles. It seems Henry may have some autistic qualities and Halle has a lot of self doubt. I love the way these two figure each other out. They really learn how the other works and not only respect it but try their best to help. Of course it’s frustrating to watch them each fall for each other and pretend to the other that they’re not. But that’s a rom-com for you! I did love the community they both built around themselves & how willing that group was to help at a moments notice.

This book was a bit lengthy. And while I’ve been out of college a while- it seemed that some plot lines may be extreme. Maybe a younger demographic wouldn’t feel that way. I truly couldn’t stop reading this book though! It gave me all the feels!

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Wow! The 3rd book in the Maple Hills Series did not disappoint, if anything it was my favorite. Halle and Henry were both so relatable and genuine which made this book impossible to put down. It was fun to see familiar characters such as Nate, Aurora, and Russ popping up throughout the book. I already want to re-read it and can't wait to find out who book 4 is about! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I been really exited about this book for so many reasons. Since book one onthe mapple hills series i want to know Henry more. And i like Wildfire so much. This book is all the things that are good in a romance book. Henry is a unique character. I won´t stop recommend this books and i can´t wait to have one phisical copy in my hands.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5

I was so excited for this one! It mostly lived up to the hype that I had built up for it. Henry has been my absolute favorite character from the Maple Hills series since Icebreaker. Halle is such a great character, and a perfect match for the sweet, incredible Henry. I loved the way that they understood and cared for each other.

Thank you to Net Galley and Atria Books for the ARC copy!

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Love Hannah Grace and I'm so excited to dive into this next installment in her series!!! Thank you so much again to NG and Atria for the opportunity!

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What is the addictive substance that Hannah Grace sprinkles into these books?? DAYDREAM is a ton of fun, and I really liked Halle's "older sister" energy. Sometimes felt a bit on the long side, but I was more than happy to spend more time in this world!

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I LOVED THIS BOOK!! Probably my favorite in the series. Henry has such a sweet soul and his patience and love for Halle made my heart melt. The flirting made me blush the whole book!!

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This book was the weakest of the Maple Hills series. I felt like the author was going overboard with letting us know without letting us know about Henry having AuDHD, which is fine, but it doesn’t need to be shoved down our throats multiple times throughout the book. I did not like how insecure Halle was and just how odd she was about normal situations. I was never able to fully get into the story because both sides (Henry and Halle) were so over the top with sensitivity, feelings and constantly asking for consent.

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I loved this title and learning about how Henry operates! It showed such a healthy relationship of two people that are both working on themselves and working on understanding how the other navigates the world. I love seeing supportive relationships in literature!

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#NetGalleyARC I LOVED this book. The first one in the series was meh but the author has redeemed the series and herself with books 2 and 3. The MCs in this book are amazing. They are super relatable and are written like they could have been you or your best friends. I love the depth of these two MCs and how the authors writing has evolved since book 1.

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I love Henry and Halle so much 😭😭😭😭

I am so incredibly thrilled and grateful to have this ARC. If Hannah Grace wants to keep writing Maple Hills books, I will keep reading them. I didn’t realize how much I missed this groups of friends till I went back to them.

Long story short, I throughly enjoyed reading about Henry & Halle. I loved that I could relate to Halle as an eldest daughter, but that I could also relate to Henry at times with how he processes things. 12/10 will read again and again.

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✨𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐡 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞✨

Halle Jacobs is a role model student, daughter and sister. When her boyfriend/“best friend” breaks up with her, she notices how much of her life surrounded him. Now with so much time in her hands and in a journey of self discovery, she mets athlete and ice hockey captain, Henry Turner. He’s struggling with his grades and needs urgently a tutor if he wants to survive the semester. She offers to help him and in exchange he will give her new experiences for her to write about.

Reading this novel felt like looking through pink heart shaped glasses. Like daydreaming literally. The MMC is like a dream, even when he’s supposed to be this athlete “player”, he’s the sweetest! Not that there’s not trouble in paradise, but the problems are small and easy to handle. I personally felt seen in both characters. I love reading, love baking and I have ADHD. Every time Henry talked about his struggles, was like I was hearing myself and made me very emotional.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this a lot and I felt like I was in the clouds.

I rate this book 4/5

Strangers ➡️ to Friends ➡️ to “Fake Dating” ➡️ to Lovers
Mental health struggles

This book comes out on August 27, 2024! 📚

Huge thanks to netgalley and hannahgrace for the ARC💖

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Hannah Grace’s ICEBREAKER was so sizzling and addictive that I knew I had to read her latest. (Particularly given the focus on Henry, easily my favorite character in the Maple Halls world. But where ICEBREAKER soars, DAYDREAM doesn’t quite reach the same highs. There wasn’t as much romantic tension as I’d have liked to see when it came to the development of friends to something more between Henry and Halle. Perhaps my expectations were a little too unreasonable because of how quickly I read the last two books. (I honestly loved the relationship development between Nate and Stassie, and thoroughly enjoyed the tension between Russ and Aurora.) That said, I really appreciated the ADHD representation and focus in the storyline. And Henry was as lovable as ever.

All in all, DAYDREAM just doesn’t match up to the same unputdownable legacy that the rest of the series should be celebrated for. But it’s still fun, and a great choice for those looking for an easy summer read.

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