Member Reviews

*** I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. ***

This friends-to-lovers novel made me fall in love with the main characters who spoke to me as if they were using part of my own life story. I loved that Hannah Grace created two main characters who were both neurodivergent. I identified strongly with Halle who has difficulty making friends, trusting when someone is actually a friend or not, and giving all her time to pleasing others and not enough to her own interests. I also struggle with making friends as an adult and have felt awkward around other people, never really knowing if they like me for who I am, quirks and all. I enjoyed watching Halle blossom into her own person, making her own friends, pursuing her own hobbies, and not letting toxic men and friendships make up her identity.

I also loved Henry and the ways he helped build Halle up to be more independent and recognize her own strengths. He was such a multi-dimensional character who had great athleticism and leadership qualities, but also struggled with fears of letting people down, of feeling overwhelmed in large groups, and difficulties with sensory overload. I wish he hadn't pushed Halle away so much when he got overwhelmed with responsibility, but I was also glad to see them grow independent of each other.

Great book! Highly recommend!

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This book was EVERYTHING!!! Ugh I loved every second and can not wait to purchase my physical copy when it drops!! Most anticipated drop and I was sooooo fortunate to get an ARC! I loved every second of reading this and truly fell in love with the story! 😭 ALSO ALL THE SWIFITIE CONTENT?!? I loved all the references and bits and pieces. Also tutor x jock? I was sat the entire book eating it up ajflakckaklfks — Best book of the series 🤭

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I really loved Daydream, the 3rd installment of the Maple Hills series. Thanks to Atria Books for the Advance Reader's copy. I have read all three books in this series, and I love the characters more as the series continues. Henry and Halle have an amazing story, and Grace writes about their feelings, interactions and emotions with sensitivity and authenticity. As a reader, I really felt a lot of things while reading this book! I'm not a big sports fan, but I was really rooting for Henry and Halle and their relationship to work out. I loved how Halle was someone who is a caretaker for everyone in her life, which is really accurate for many women, and Henry helped her let go a bit, and pay attention to her own wants and needs. It was great to see characters from the other books, and the friend group in the book has such a fun dynamic. I was happy that Halle was honest with her family, and that they started working on their relationship. This book was wonderful - really great depiction of emotionally/neurologically complex characters and how they fall in love. I highly recommend Daydream, especially to anyone who enjoys a sports/college romance story.

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Daydream is the final book in this trilogy and I think my favorite. I was so glad to finally get Henry's story! I loved how much the two MCs cared for each other, knew each other, and treated each other with kindness. They each helped the other grow. I felt very connected to this story being an eldest daughter (people pleaser cough, cough) like Halle, and having ADHD so I related to the neurodivergent Henry. I also appreciated getting to know Aurora even more in this book. One thing that is great about the Maple Hills series is how emotionally intelligent the hockey team is; they are so supportive of one another and accepting. All these characters are extremely mature for college students (and as a therapist on a college campus I would know.)

I really like how this author shared about her diagnosis and the beautiful representation of someone who may be autistic in this book. There are so many myths about autism, including that folks do not experience emotions. I appreciated how deep Henry's feeling and rich his relationships are. I hope this trend of representation continues.

Of course, as the previous two books, this one is definitely spicy. But it was also a slow burn.

Ugh I hated Will so much. If there is one plot hole in this book it was how Halle could stay with him so long when he was so gross! Her sense of duty and loyalty to her family really made her ignore his toxicity.

This book was long, but nothing felt extraneous. I loved this book and read it in one day. 4.5 stars. Thanks to Net Galley and Atria Books for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Daydream by Hannah Grace is the third installment in the Maple Hills Series & I love, love, love this entire series. I have re-read the first two multiple times & will be doing the same with this one. This entire series is a five star read for me!

Thank you NetGalley & Atria Books for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Hannah Grace can do no wrong. I don't stay up late to read, but I did for this one. The characterization of Henry is absolutely incredible. Catch me reading anything this author writes IMMEDIATELY.

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Literally LOVED this book! Related to the FMC sooo much and loved the storyline! The book made me laugh out loud so much as well as cry a few tears. So glad I received an ARC copy to read early, it was definitely worth it!

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Cute read! It started off slow, but was worth the wait! I didn’t connect with the characters too much, so that made it harder to get through. Overall writing was great and I can see this being a popular read!

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I've been a fan of Hannah since icebreaker, and this delivered just as well! It's been great to see little hints of the MMC through previous works, and to finally see his story. The same funny notes we love from Hannah, with just as much romance and spice! Excited for what's next for her.

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Wow, 5 stars!! I have never, in my life, felt so seen while reading a book! This book is one that I will probably never shut up about for years to come. I loved every second of reading it. I was laughing, crying, kicking my feet, giggling, throwing my Kindle, just feeling all the emotions. There are so many aspects of this book that I LOVE, I don’t even know where to start.

What I loved most about this book was the focus on not only Henry and Halle’s relationship but the focus on friendships and the importance of platonic love as well as romantic love. Yes, I love a romance storyline, don't get me wrong, but I also LOVE a friendship story as well. So often in romance books friendships aren’t made a priority in the plot and it’s always been something that irks me. But Hannah Grace does an incredible job at showing how platonic love is just as important as romantic love, anyway, I digress.

Both Henry and Halle had such important storylines that I rarely see written in romance books. I loved how complex and real they felt. Neither of them was perfect but they both owned it. I loved watching them communicate, listen to each other, and be what the other person needed. Both of their stories are so important and so many people can relate, including myself. That's the thing I loved most about this book. I just loved this book with my entire heart and cannot wait for it to come out so everyone else can experience Henry and Halle’s beautiful love story.

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this book means EVERYTHING to me. i see myself so deeply within halle that it was almost scary. her fears, her apprehension, her interests, her isolation were written in such a way that i forgot that i was reading. hannah grace's books always feel like a combination of reading my own diary and talking to a friend, and daydream was no different. henry might actually be the love of my life. he was so kind, so gentle, so caring, and so real in his own way. i find it uncommon for the male love interests to have their own mental illnesses that serve as a realistic plot point and character trait, but hannah grace handled this so nicely. i honestly can't believe he's not an actual person with how real this character was.

their relationship was so sweet and made me feel so comfortable. i really loved seeing it develop. i also loved seeing how to maple hills world developed in this book! all of the characters that we know and love, plus some new ones, and a fun intermingling of them all. i want to join halle's book club. i want to go to the hockey parties. i wish i was at aurora's birthday sleepover.

this book felt like a warm hug. 5/5 stars, will be rereading every day of my life.

thank you so much to atria for the arc ilysm

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This was adorable! I have to admit, I DNF'd Icebreaker and thought Wildfire was cute, but ultimately not a favorite. Daydream completely took over my brain. I read it in under twenty-four hours to the exclusion of my other hobbies. I would recommend to any romance reader, but especially readers who struggle to get into sports romance. There are some fun easter eggs in here for Taylor Swift fans, too. There were certain points where I felt like I was getting lost in the increasingly large cast of characters, but that's to be expected as the series gets longer (and since I failed to finish the first one, that's probably on me).

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I knew I was going to enjoy Daydream since I loved the previous Maple Hills books, but I think Daydream has been my favorite one yet! I loved Henry and Halle. They were so genuine and I loved seeing their relationship grow and develop. It was also great being able to see glimpses of the characters from the previous books.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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henrys story was so worth the wait and the dynamics both platonically and romantically in the book were so fun to read about. this book was such a fun and enjoyable read and halle is such a perfect addition to the maple hills group <3

“Thank you for giving me the love I could never picture.”

and a big thank you to NetGalley for the arc!

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A HUGE thank you to the author, Hannah Grace, and the publisher, Atria Books, for giving me the chance to read an ARC of this wonderful book and provide my honest opinion about it.

A Maple Hills romance by Hannah Grace always hits the right spot.
Just gorgeous, like the previous books in the series.
(Can the last one get even better than the previous?)

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Daydream is the third book in a series. I really enjoyed this title and have already placed book one on hold so I can read it next. This title would appeal to YA and adult romance readers. It was so cute and fun.

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This book was touching, cute, and drew me in from the very start. I'm looking forward to recommending it to fellow romance readers.

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Okay but how precious was this? The communication. The working on yourself to be ready to be in a relationship?

And taking a step away from Henry but the absolute power of female friendships has me swooning.

Could not put down, and read this in under 48 hours. Will read anything and everything happening at Maple Hills.

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While Hannah Grace's latest couldn't beat Wildfire for me (hey, I'm a camp girlie through and through!), I did enjoy it and find it particularly cute for a slow burn, fake dating, bookish and sports romance. Also, I truly love the diversity and watching a plus-size main character fall in love with a person of color. Love when romances aren't so white-washed, it's just like "been-there-done-that."

Daydream reads quite quickly thanks to intriguing language and plenty (and I mean, plenty) of banter. However, some of the included text messages can be difficult to know who is speaking without proper headers or font changes. It was a little bit confusing at each turn. Overall, Daydream is very cute, I give it that but it's just not my all-time favorite. Can still swoon over Halle and Henry's romance, no question.

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Hannah Grace continues to create characters who you just want to love, flaws and all. As someone with neurodivergent children, reading how Henry thinks and reacts to situations puts into words what my older children struggle to share with me. Henry and Halle are exactly what each other need to bring out the best in one another.. Halle needs to see herself as worthy of admiration and respect and Henry needs to see that even though his brain and body react differently in many situations than others, that it’s not wrong, it’s just one more thing that makes him unique. Daydream is a quick paced love story full of humor, friendship and a bit of spice, that leaves you smiling all the way to the end.

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