Member Reviews

A chance encounter at a bookclub turns into an unanticipated friendship when Halle and Henry meet. Halle finds herself friendless after she splits from her boyfriend and his friend group; she is looking for new experiences to help her write a novel for a contest. Henry is struggling with competing priorities and people's expectations. Halle helps him quiet his brain and supports his educational goals. A friendship grows into something more as the two figure out how to fit in one another's lives.

This was a lovely rom-com filled with well-developed characters. I appreciated the level of kindness and understanding attributed to the neurodivergent characters. There is so much heart in this book.

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I love my annual trip to Maple Hills. Hannah Grace has built a world that feels real and like someplace I genuinely want to visit and meet all my friends.

Henry and Halle were so cute and loveable. Halle is for the mirrorball girlies and this book is for the Swifties without being obnoxious about it.

I generally don’t want a romance book to exceed 350 pages, but I was so immersed in this story that I didn’t mind the extra length. I did enjoy the second half of the book more than the first half.

I did at times feel the amount of characters was overwhelming. I felt I was expected to remember someone that was mentioned in Icebreaker, which I read a while ago. If I read all three books in succession, I am sure it would be a delightful little callback. But with the time between books, I felt like I needed a little more explanation who some people were.


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Henry was my favorite character in the first two books so I was excited to get to know him more. I really enjoyed the adhd representation and felt the author was spot on in describing how adults with adhd can get overwhelmed easily.

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4 stars; I really enjoyed the Halle and Henry's story. As an oldest daughter with ADHD I related well to both characters. I understood Halle's need to people please as well as Henry's procrastination and extreme dislike of reading anything that he didn't want to. I think readers will enjoy this look into their story. The amount of characters was a tad overwhelming. I kept getting everyone confused - Anastasia, Aurora, Poppie, Emilia, Russ, Robbie, etc. And I've read both of the other books in the series. I feel like the book almost needs an index of characters at the beginning to help keep everyone straight.

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Spice: 4 🌶️
Rating: 3 ⭐️

This was ....fine. I loved Wildfire and Icebreaker was good too but this one was very baseline. I still really loved Henry and Halle's story, and I'm so glad we got a glimpse into Henry's mind (more on this in a sec) but that was kinda it. It was aggressively predictable, and while that's a part of why we love romance it was to the point where you could even predict the next line of writing, not just plot points.

The biggest thing that I have to give the author props for is not using Henry's neuro-divergence as the premise of the story. I love that his book was still super ambiguous to what exactly his thing may be. Were there clear signs of him in one neuro-divergent tree? Absolutely. But the book was about HENRY and not his quirks or a potential diagnosis. And I really loved that Halle would pick up on that and not need an explanation or reason, she just loved him as he was. I think these days people are so hyper-focused on labels for everything, but having Henry remain undiagnosed on paper was really refreshing.

Am I obsessed with the Maple Hills series? No, but that's fine. If another book comes out am I going to read the next one? Probably, yeah! These are super quick and sweet, sometimes spicy, books. Even though this one fell a little flat for me, it was still good over all.

Thank you so much for this ARC!

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Get ready for your next massive book hangover, because OMG this book was EVERYTHING! This is the romance I needed in my college days. I related to both Halle and Henry so much. Halle is a chronic people-pleaser who constantly puts everyone else's needs above hers. Henry is very aware his brain doesn't run the same way the rest of his friends do and struggles to figure out how to cope with that and how to get his needs met. Both of those are me to a T!

Halle and Henry are some of the most likable and relatable characters I've read this year. They are both well-rounded, unstereotypical and so freaking sweet. I loved that Henry doesn't have a diagnosis of his differences. he runs differently and people accept that. We don't need a diagnosis to treat people respectfully; this story shows that so well. This story is also a great example of how a friend group should react when their friends are struggling or are different than the status quo. There is no judgment when Halle confesses she's a virgin. There is no drama when Henry pulls away to process his feelings.

While they consider this a fake dating romance it didn't read as fake dating on the page. Sure she is helping him with school and he is helping her gain classic college experiences, it never felt fake or forced. More like friends helping each other out. Also, this book is a thick read. I am a firm believer a romance doesn't need to be more than 350-400 pages max, but this didn't feel too long. Everything felt important to the plot. I also had that familiar pull of wanting the story to go on forever, but needing to know how it ends ASAP. I could go on and on about this book but at the end of the day all you need to take away is that you should pick this book up ASAP!

Read if you like Neurodivergent representation, friends to lovers, and fake dating new adult romances. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review. This book releases 8/27

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This is the only Maple Hill series book I have read. I think it was sweet and a fun rom-com book. I will consider reading the first two books.

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Thank you, Hannah Grace & Netgalley for the e-arc. This review is being made voluntarily & all opinions are my own.

WOW. Henry was worth the wait 🥹

Look, I'm not gonna lie, I was a little nervous I wouldn't like this book, as some of the main tropes is that she is a virgin, and he is her "educator" (giving her the experiences she hasn't had).

However, this book was done so beautifully. Henry stayed true to himself, Halle was as sweet as could be, it just worked. I love these two together so much, and will ride or die for them. I always knew if a character would top Nathan for me, it'd be Henry 😭 The found family in this series is just one of my favorites of all time, and I am so obsessed. I am so happy we didn't have to wait too long for his book, however so sad it's over, and that we won't get him anymore (past being a side character).

You'd enjoy this book if you like:
- College Romance
- Virgin FMC
- Experienced MMC
- Friends to lovers
- Slowburn (seriously, lol)

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I haven't yet read one of her popular books titled "Icebreaker," but I was drawn to this one because I really like her writing style. Her engaging and vivid storytelling made me stick to reading this book from start to finish. It was such a fun read, and I enjoyed every aspect of it.

The characters were well-developed and relatable, which made their journeys all the more captivating. The plot was compelling and kept me hooked, with twists and turns that were both surprising and satisfying. The humor and wit interspersed throughout the story added a delightful touch, making the reading experience even more enjoyable.

I decided to read this book primarily because of the author, and I was not disappointed. Her ability to weave a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking is exceptional. This book has certainly cemented her place as one of my favorite authors. This was an outstanding read that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a well-written and enjoyable book. Whether you're new to this author or a long-time fan, this book is sure to impress.

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I could write a novel about this novel…
No really I could
It’s such an honor to receive this book as an ARC and am genuinely excited to see this hit the shelves in August!
The storyline was so profound and touching I think this book will do a lot of good being in the world. I hope many couples can learn from the give and take of Halle and Henry and I find it so unique the perspective we are given with their story.
From Halle’s first girl , keeper of it all , people pleasing tendencies to Henry’s flight or fight and crisis retreat it’s a story that I’ve never seen done in my time reading.
I love Hannah Grace and continue to applause the unique perspectives she provides and can’t wait to see more of the Maple Hills Hockey team in her next novel 🏒⛸️🥅

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I received an advanced copy of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I will admit that I have not read the other two books in this series, but I still loved this book so much! I finished it in two days, and related to both of the main characters. I will definitely be reading more of Hannah’s Grace’s books! 💕

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Henry’s book is everything I wanted it to be. Why is he just the best, dreamiest guy in Maple Hills? I liked the previous two books, but this was definitely the one I enjoyed the most. Also loved the ADHD and neurodivergent representation in the book and how supportive the other characters are (as they have been with other issues in the previous two books). Gah! If you have been eagerly anticipating Henry’s book (because haven’t we all? He is bae), you will not be disappointed.

Kudos to NetGalley for the arc ❤️

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A pleasant read! I would say.I definitely say the first half was much better than the second. This book probably could've been shortened by 100 pages and I wouldn't notice. Overall it was a nice read, but towards the end got a little bit annoying and repetitive.

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My favorite of the Hannah Grace trio so far! Loved the interactions between Henry and Halle and getting to see Halle experience love from her new friends. Overall I think there was less spice than the first two books, which will be a bonus for some and a downer for others. Either way, I’d recommend this book!

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Hannah Grace is in desperate need of a good editor. I think the bones of her stories have such great potential, and that her as an author has a bright future ahead, but her books are just too bulky and bogged down. It worked for me in "Icebreakers" (I agree with the discourse saying that a romcom really shouldn't be over 400 pages, but sometimes if the silly dating moments are *good* then by all means write me a book of one shots that culminate in a HEA), but in her recent releases (this one in particular) it has resulted in a book that feels like too much and nothing is really happening. Give me a few solid chapters of good banter, crazy hijinks, and swoon-worthy kisses and you're GOLDEN. Once you're getting into 10 different occasions of studying, 10 random parties that neither of the main characters even like to go to, etc. etc. etc. the reader starts to get bored and feel disconnected from the characters. Not to mention the MANY moments in which we're told something fun happened or that these characters feel a certain way, but we aren't shown these things.

PSA TO ALL AUTHORS PLEASE STOP TELLING RATHER THAN SHOWING !!! It makes for an unbelievable story that has awkward pacing and bores the reader. I really really really feel that at the heart of this book was a beautiful love story––I just wish we got to see it through all the unnecessary parts. Another detriment to Grace's series is that there are way too many characters, most of which I do not care about. It dilutes the attention rather than immerse the reader the way a good group of fictional friends should.

Don't even get me started on the dialogue in this book. It was all incredibly weird, awkward, formal, and unnatural. I wanted to scream and throw the book at moments when all I wanted was a great romantic line. I didn't laugh once while reading this book––and I definitely didn't cry! (This upsets me, as an eldest daughter, who must protect all other eldest daughters at all costs.)

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Hannah Grace's third romance novel is the next installment in the Maple Hills series. Henry is struggling in his new role as hockey team captain. Halle is a people-pleaser and offers to help Henry with a class he's struggling with. This is a very long book filled with college parties, college classes, and the everyday life of college students. Other than developing the romance between Henry and Halle, there isn't much else as a plot. I am admittedly not the target audience since this is a New Adult novel, so although this felt like a two-star book to me personally, I do think that objectively it's a three-star read when considering who it is geared towards. Readers who enjoyed the previous two books and have an interest in hearing Henry's story will appreciate this book, but I suspect it will not appeal to a wider audience.

Thank you to Atria for providing me with an advanced copy of this novel via NetGalley.

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I loved this book so much. Love Hannah Grace’s writing style and how there are cross over characters from other books in the Maple Hill series. She is so good at writing banter between characters and painting a picture of the relationship dynamic between characters.

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We are back in Maple Hills for the third installment of this series and this time the focus is on quiet, numero-divergent Henry. As he takes on the new role of captain Henry is struggling finding his footing and his voice, until he meets Halle who is a type A, an almost professional level planner and multi tasker who may be taking on more than she can do. As they grow together and fall in love they realize the best partner is one that can bring out the best and you and love you the way you are. This one seemed longer than the earlier two books and much less steamy. However, Henry seems to be a character near and dear to the authors heart and she has treated him with such care it is impossible not to be engaged and the book and rooting for Henry.

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This book was... Okay. More realistic than Icebreaker, but not quite what I expected. It didn't feel like there was a whole lot of plot other than both characters being stressed about work, school, and family all the time. It also felt so incredibly disjointed at times that I had to go back and make sure I didn't somehow skip a page.

I know a lot of people loved Henry in the other books, so I felt kind of let down by his story, especially since it feels like it was mostly how his life revolved around Halle and her issues. It seemed like there wasn't a whole lot of Henry in Henry's book.

It's decent, but not worth a reread. I found myself disinterested and tempted to DNF at multiple points.

Thanks, NetGalley!

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I don’t know that I have enough good things to say about Daydream. I have read Hannah Grace’s two books before that, and I can genuinely say that her writing keeps getting better and better as she goes. I felt that in ways both Henry and Halle were relatable and I felt so seen by both of them at times. I fell head over heels for Henry, he has become one of my favorite characters. I had high expectations for him from the previous books, and it did not disappoint. The only thing that bothered me was how easily Halle made friends after going on about how she never had friends. I don’t think that plot line was done as well as it could have been. However, I am fully obsessed with this book and I’ll keep thinking about it for a long time to come.

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