Member Reviews

I wanted to like this because Henry is such a golden retriever boyfriend, but the way his neurodivergence was written just didn’t work for me. I didn’t feel a romantic connection between them and I think they would’ve been better off just staying close friends.

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𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁:
💜 Opposites Attract
🏒 Hockey Captain x Book Lover
📚 Tutoring
📓 College Setting

Daydream is the third book of the Maple Hills series and honestly, everyone has been waiting for Henry’s book and it didn’t disappoint!

I think it’s fair to say that Daydream is the least spiciest of the Maple Hills series but that didn’t make me love this book any less.

I’ve been in a reading slump and Daydream was fun, sweet and the breath of fresh air that I needed to pull me out of my slump.

I absolutely loved learning more about Henry and learning about how he came to be the sweetest hockey player at UCMH. Halle is the perfect compliment to Henry. Her love of books and caring personality was just what Henry needed.

The found family aspect of the Maple Hills series always makes me teary eyeed 🥹

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Thank you to NetGalley and Hannah Grace for this book! It was wonderful! I really enjoyed Icebreaker and Wildfire was great, this was much more laidback (which I understand fits the characters 100%) but it was just much more slow paced. I loved it still and look forward to more!

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Gosh I am not sure that I can explain how much I enjoyed this book. I really like how we see the typical characteristics of Hannah Grace’s books shine through but it also added a little bit more of a thoughtful layer in this one that I wasn’t expecting an absolutely loved. I enjoyed the romance and the band her and as always, the author does such a great job of the side characters and group Settings that you really feel immersed in all the friendships, was only makes the book better.

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Nobody talk to me. Henry and Halle are my everything. This romance tickled me in a way I didn't know I wanted to be tickled. Their communication, their flirting, the slow burn, the character development.
Hannah Grace is my queen and I will read everything she publishes forever and always.

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I was over the moon to get this ARC as I loved every book in the Maple Hills series! This book did not disappoint, Henry is amazing and Halle was the most well written characters! I loved the romance sure but the more in depth character arcs really felt like I was in the book and I can't wait for more!

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This book is Hannah Grace at her best! The book has some of the spice of Icebreaker, but with more depth in the main characters personal struggles.

Henry is just as adorable as I thought he'd be, and Halle has quickly become on of my favourite heroines. On paper, Halle seems like a typical romance book heroine, but her character has so much depth and is so relatable.

Overall, this is my favourite Hannah Grace book so far and I will eagerly await her next book!

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4.75⭐️One of my most anticipated reads for 2024 and it well exceeded my expectations😭

I freaking loved this and I wish it was longer honestly. This is the most human / real book I’ve read in a while. The struggles of both Henry and Halle were so raw and real; I related to both of them in more ways than I expected.

The way that Henry and Halle communicate with each other throughout the book stood out to me. They’re so sweet and genuine and honest and I really value that.

I am myself an oldest daughter so I knew going into this that it would hit hard hearing Halle’s perspective and her struggles 🥵 I loved her growth and what she did to learn how to do things for herself and how to say no. I also loved seeing her make new friends, the found family aspect of this book was phenomenal and is honestly what puts this book above Wildfire in ⭐️ rating.

I think Wildfire is still my fave Hannah Grace book even though the star rating for Daydream is higher, if that makes any sense?😂 But that could also be because I’ve reread Wildfire like 5 times.

My sweet baby Henry😭I love his story and his POV. I related to him way more than I anticipated. Watching him retreat into himself / into isolation cut deep because I tend to do the same. I also felt so seen by how he doesn’t know what to do/how to explain his thoughts and feelings to his friends and family.

I LOVE a new “grand gesture”, like one I’ve never seen before in a romance book and/or one I didn’t anticipate. What Henry does for Halle at the end of the book was the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. And I love that both of their friends helped him with it🥹

I also LOVE Hannah’s note at the beginning of the book talking about how Henry isn’t going to get an official diagnosis. It made me cry before even starting the book because I’ve been in a similar boat the last few years going between providers seeking an ADHD diagnosis. I appreciate how Hannah said “It doesn’t make anyone, their wants, or their needs less valid to not have a medical diagnosis”, I really needed to hear that.

I LOVE the way Hannah writes and how raw and touching her stories are. She’s an auto-buy author for me and I love following her on Instagram too🫶can’t wait to go get my physical copy of Daydream in August!!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria for the early e-ARC of this book!

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I was so thrilled to get an ARC of this book. I fell in love with many of the characters in the first boo “Icebreaker” and while I loved Henry then it has NOTHING on the affection I have for him now. It’s insane how much of myself I saw in both Halle and Henry. Oldest daughter responsible for everyone and everything? Check. People pleaser/ fixer? Check. Slightly neurotic with sensitivity to people and a rough time processing? Check. This book was amazing and really spoke to all the things that make up me. It made me feel a little less alone knowing other people have the same thoughts and feelings I do. Slightly less spice in this novel than some of the previous ones but that didn’t bother me at all. I loved how patient Henry was throughout. Halle is for sure one of the most supportive FMC I’ve ever seen in a book and made it easy to love her. Don’t hesitate to read Daydream when it is released!

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Hannah Grace will simply never disappoint me. I was super excited for this book because Henry is one of my favorite characters in the maple hills universe and I was so excited to read his love story. Hannah gave us so much more than a simple rom com though which I’m so grateful for. This book tackled and discussed undiagnosed learning disorders, toxic family dynamics, racism in the medical field and more while managing to also show us the side of Henry people have been itching to see and introducing us to one of our new favorite girls, Halle.
I loved watching their relationship blossom from strangers to friends to lovers. I loved watching Halle discover the love that she deserves, both romantically and platonically, I loved watching them show just how much they loved the other not just through their words but through their actions.
I also want to say that I loved this book as a black girl with undiagnosed ADHD. Getting to see Henry voice all of the things I too have gone through life feeling and not completely understanding until recently was so refreshing and comforting. Additionally, there are not a lot of white authors that tackle black characters correctly or even try to do it at all. Grace found a way to introduce one of the biggest forms of systemic racism into the novel (even if it wasn’t a main point or theme) which will 100% allow people who probably don’t make any other effort to educate themselves, to briefly learn about the struggles the black community faces constantly. Also giving Henry cornrows??? Ok miss Grace. She get down she don’t play.
I genuinely loved this book and I was so so so so so so so excited to get an arc. Thank you so much to the publisher and the author for this opportunity 💘

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Hannah Grace has done it again, she not only made another book that feels like the epitome of cozy, comforting, heartwarming romance WITH spice, but she made me fall in love and connect with a group of characters I wish I could hang out with in real life.

This book truly was everything I wanted it to be. Henry and Halle had so many soft beautiful moments that made this book just so cozy and comforting. It’s crazy how much I can relate to every one of the main female characters in Maple Hills. Anastasia's grumpiness, Aurora’s daddy issues, and Halle’s introverted and bookworm tendencies. Hannah Grace's books are filled with so many little details that just scratch an itch in my brain and make me feel so connected to the characters.

Henry was so well-developed and getting to see inside his brain and how he feels and thinks made this book that much more special. His relationship with Halle going from strangers to friends to lovers was so heartwarming and heartfelt I loved every minute of this book. Seeing not only Halle falling in love with Henry but also making friends who loved her for who she was and stood by her when things got a bit rough gave this book a whole other layer of special. As an only child I related more to Henry than Halle but seeing her struggle with people pleasing and having to manage her family truly made my heart ache for her and everyone who can relate to those issues.

So many little moments that had me gushing and falling in love with these characters include but are not limited to: Henry cuddling with joy, baking cookies, taking care of each other while sick, Henry drawing Halle or joy or flowers, the paint scene, Christmas presents, Halle making friends and being included, Henry winning Halle stuffed animals...

I also want to say that I am Will's biggest hater and there were so many moments in which I wanted to jump into the book and fight him (I'm sorry Halle I know fighting is for fools but he's truly a horrible human). The ending of this book had me so emotional for reasons I can't explain but it was all worth it in the end.

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This book is about Halle and Henry!! It is dual point of view which I loved getting to read both sides!! Halle is a people pleaser with no friends and Henry is a popular hockey player! I don’t want to give any spoilers and ruin the book for fans of Hannah Grace but I will say if you enjoyed Ice Breaker or Wild Fire you will enjoy this book!! I highly reccomend Hannah Grace to anyone who loves romance books!! Preorder it now!!
Thank you NetGalley for providing me the opportunity out to read this book!!

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have not read the last two Hannah Grace books, and I don't think I'm quite the target audience for this kind of romance (I'm 37, and I believe the target audience skews younger).

But I would recommend this book to any 17-30 year olds in my life who enjoyed romance. The themes of taking care of yourself, accepting help from others, and letting go of burdens that you don't need to carry are very important, and it was cool to see them presented in a romance book.

I wasn't a big fan of the meet-cute, and felt like it lacked authenticity and interest. But once the FMC and MMC were a couple I was more interested.

The sex in the book was pretty steamy and well written without being cringe-y. Another plus.

4 stars in general, although the book was more of a 3 star for me personally.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

”Daydream” is the 3rd book in the Maple Hills series however it can be read as a standalone. This book centres around Halle and Henry. The characters were relatable and I found myself wanting to read more and more about them. The plot moved forward at a good pace to keep interest.

I really enjoyed this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me an arc of Daydream. I love learning things about people. Neurodivergent is a new term to me that I feel like I should know being in education. I love also being reminded that we don’t know what everyone is going through, so communicating and trying to understand people’s motives is important.

Halle did an amazing job of working to understand Henry, and Henry worked to not take advantage of her like so many others did in her life. TBH, I enjoyed Icebreaker, and loved Wildfire, and this one did not let me down either. The storyline was very different from her other ones, which shows true talent. Loved Henry because now I understand him. I laughed out loud with some of the banter, and smiled so big with some of the sweet comments to each other.

Excellent book! Thank you and looking forward to the next Hannah Grace!

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Hannah Grace the woman that you are. I ate this book UP! I have loved Henry since I read Icebreaker. So I was incredibly excited when I saw that Daydream was going to be Henry’s story. Then, when I saw that it was dedicated to eldest daughters, I assumed I would love Halle too (I did). It was refreshing to be rooting for characters so hard both as individuals, and in their romance. Daydream’s tropes are not traditionally my favorite but the book is so well written that it didn’t even matter. If you have not read Icebreaker and Wildfire yet STOP and do that first. While it is *technically* a stand alone, there are a lot (!) of characters and it makes it much easier to follow if you know the background when all the names start dropping. While none of the characters get labels, Henry definitely has ADHD (+more) which leads him to struggle with his grades which is unacceptable as he is the captain of the hockey team. Enter Halle, a great tutor due to her history of helping her younger sister (diagnosed with ADHD) through her classes. Henry gets it into his head that he cannot accept Halle’s help without offering her something in return. As luck would have it, Halle does in fact need help with something- experience. She teaches him school, he teaches her relationships; luckily, that trope does not last long as our characters are excellent communicators. What we have instead is a friends to lovers storyline full of self discovery, growth, and as I mentioned earlier, excellent communication. You can expect typical Hannah Grace in the heat. But with a more well rounded plot than Icebreaker, and the most relatable (to me) characters yet, Daydream was by far my favorite out of the three.

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Such a good book! It was funny, heartwarming and very relatable. I was unable to put down the book, it was a thoroughly entertaining book. It also felt really realistic which was very refreshing.

I will read anything that Hannah Grace writes, this one is by far my favourite of hers!

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"Daydream" is the third book in Hannah Grace's "Maple Hills" series. This book centers around Halle, an aspiring author who is trying to learn how to stand up for herself and develop healthy relationships. Halle meets Henry, a hockey superstar who needs help with his college work. Henry has some issues of his own that need to be worked through. While the two of them get closer and closer, they also learn how to provide what the other needs and surprise themselves by falling in love.

I really appreciated how sweet and tender the relationship between the two of them was, and how patient and loving they are towards each other while also having hot chemistry. The two of them are easy to root for, and you want the best for the two of them. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I was SO excited to be given a copy of this ARC and it's easily my favorite out of the Maple Hills trilogy!

Enter Halle, getting dumped on the first page...but she was never really interested in the guy anyway? So she decides to take her grandma-chic self and invest her time into her part time jobs, book club, and tutoring her new friend, Henry. He's cute, sweet, and everything you could want in a guy! They had incredibly chemistry and Grace did an amazing job of sprinkling just the right amount of spice that didn't take away from a well-developed storyline. I can't emphasize my love for this story enough!!

I really enjoyed the character development and diversity, and I especially loved Grace's forward explaining how/why she didn't necessarily have any labels for her characters. I think she did a wonderful job with inclusivity while still making it accessible and relatable for various audiences. I can NOT wait for another novel like this - thanks so much for this ARC!!

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Hannah Grace brings us back to Maple Hills with Halle and Henry's story. This one strikes me different in a positive way. I like the complexity of the characters but also their connection. Hannah has a lovely writing style and brings her books to life.

Thank you NetGalley for an arc of Daydream by Hannah Grace

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