Member Reviews

These were my favorite characters to date. This was the perfect follow up to Wildfire. I think Hannah Grace's character development has improved vastly since the first book and it definitely shows here.
I was so excited to read this early, and I highly recommend this.

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I really enjoyed Daydream. The MMC was a breathe of fresh air. I know this book says it can be read as a stand-alone, but I thought the characters from the other books played a large role and found myself having to look them up on the internet.

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4.5 stars

We have all been patiently waiting for Henry. This book didn’t disappoint. Henry is just the perfect book boyfriend, he’s funny, he’s sweet, he’s personable, but he has depth as well. His character has so many layers and I loved reading about his personality, his neurodivergent mind, his love for art, and his ability to love. Halle is just too good, she’s perfect for Henry and their story is one for the books literally. I saw so much of myself in Halle from the perfectionist, people pleaser, to the Swiftie, cat mom. She’s so lovely but also has so many layers and her personality really showed in this book as well. I really loved how neither of them really over shadowed the other, I loved both of them as characters equally and I am finding that harder to do in dual POV romance books, I usually like one of the characters more. Not here, I loved them separate and together. Another big plus is the found family in this book, it’s so sweet to see how deep we are in the found family between the friend group in this book, and I loved the characters from previous books more so in this book than in their own books. That just made this book all around so so much better. I didn’t want to put this book down, I had so much fun with Halle and Henry, and I can’t wait for everyone else to love them too!

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Few statements before I give my review: I have heard many things about Icebreaker mostly from students that I teach. I did not realize Wildfire was part of the series until Daydream came out as an ARC read in NetGalley. I took the chance and was gifted the ARC. Before I sat down to write my review, I read a few other reviews and was shocked how many readers mentioned the development and character evolving of Henry throughout the three books.

Shocked because I would have said this is a stand alone book. Which compliments Grace’s creativity and ingenuity style of writing.

I enjoyed the slow burn and bantering between Halle and Henry. Both characters are sweet and easy to cheer for. They have a mature, healthy and open communication relationship. As they become more sociable, they begin to know one another and see them for who they are. They confide in one another and talk about their fears and flaws. In return, the partner brings out their inner strength and help them leap the hurdles of learning disabilities, family dilemmas, ex’s, expectations, school, and balancing all the mentioned.

A bit long (almost 450 pages) and was becoming a slow read, hence the four stars. I’m looking forward to reading the two previous books in the series.
Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC in return for my review.

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Hannah Grace novels are as warm and cosey as that TS folklore cardigan on the cover! I can read these curled up in a blanket all day long. And the spice! *fanning myself*

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5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

The third installment of the Maple Hills series delivers a charming blend of academic pressure, unlikely friendship, and blossoming romance. In this novel, Henry Turner, a reluctant hockey team captain facing academic challenges, crosses paths with Halle Jacobs, a brilliant but overwhelmed student juggling multiple responsibilities. Their unexpected alliance, sparked by Henry's intrusion into Halle's book club, leads to a mutually beneficial arrangement: Halle will help Henry with his studies, while Henry will introduce Halle to new experiences to combat her writer's block.

Ugh, Henryyyyy. We already knew that Henry was going to be perfect. I expected this. But, Halle? I did not expect Halle. Truly the most beautiful counterpart to our dear Henry and a leading lady that many women, myself included, can relate to. The friendship that Henry and Halle share feels natural and convincing despite the obvious tension between them and the spice is ✨ quality over quantity. ✨ Overall, this series was such a treat and I can’t wait to see what Hannah Grace dreams up next!

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I’ve been excited for this book since it was announced and it certainly didn’t disappoint.

It was so nice to be back with the Maple Hills gang. Hannah’s books are very much a comfort for me.

Both Henry and Halle’s characters had a lot of depth which I really loved. I feel like it really helps you connect to the characters more and want to care about them. I saw a lot of myself in Halle too which is always nice. I loved that she was into literature and also a swiftie.

I don’t feel like the plot was rushed at all and felt that when the spice hit in the book was perfect for the characters.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend it!

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Wonderful romance with exceptional characters. The depth behind both characters really made me fly through this novel. I loved the romance but the friendship made such a strong foundation! Also, I am obsessed with Halle's grandma-core aesthetic. It sounds gorgeous, fun, and full of life (and great memories).

I must sheepishly admit that despite owning both of the prior books, I have not read them as I prioritize my Net Galley reads and I have been quite busy. You do not have to read the other books for this one to make sense. I did not know much about Aurora or Anastasia as characters but since they are side characters the only spoiler is that they both got their men. And if you are reading romance and don't know that, there are other issues.

I also finished it as an audiobook on my way to work through Spotify, and the narrators are excellent!

Thank you to Net Galley and Atria Books for the eARC! All opinions are my own.

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Oh my goodness it was so so good to be back in the Maple Hills world!!! Henry and Halle’s story has been a long time coming but it was so worth the wait. What I love most about this book is you can tell Hannah took her time and really thought about how Henry and Halle’s love story would unfold. It’s a little bit of a slow burn which I absolutely adored! You could feel the tension and longing between them. 😭 I also love love the found family aspect in this book it’s always so cute when characters from past books make a cameo! I loved this from start to finish and dare I say it’s my favorite book in the series??? Yes it absolutely is!

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I love Halle! I love a bookish, literature, Taylor Swift loving girly! I feel so many readers will fall in love with her, and see themselves within her. I wish there was just a bit more plot line that the couple had to go through; some more factors and forces outside of their own dynamic. However, I can see how other readers would feel that they like seeing strictly more just the couples dynamics! So, it definitely can come down to personal preference.

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Daydream is the third book in the Maple Hills series by Hannah Grace. When Henry Turner accidentally crashes Halle's book club, the two agree to strike up a deal. Henry will take her out on dates so she can have more experiences for her novel and she will tutor him so he can pass his classes. They just need to keep things professional and not catch feelings.
This was so cute and sweet. I loved Henry and Halle's relationship and I loved that we got to see the characters from the previous books.

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Oh my gosh- Daydream was so cute! Halle and Henry’s story was so sweet; I loved their friendship and the way it grew into more and I loved seeing both of them do the work they needed to do to grow individually as well. Henry’s grand gesture slayed me! I love that Hannah Grace’s books keep getting better and better and I think Halle and Henry are her most lovable characters yet! This book is so healing as a people pleaser; the eldest daughters in your life will love and anyone who loves a love story will swoon and kick their little feet while they read it!

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This is the best Maple Hills book yet!! The romance between Halle and Henry is just perfection. I absolutely ADORE Henry as the hero, and I was anxiously awaiting this book. The wait paid off! The spice is perfection, but the story, so real and raw. As an Eldest daughter I totally related to Halle a little too often, and I found myself feeling all the feels. 100/10!!

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Another great book by Hannah Grace in her Maple Hills series. Henry finds himself as captain of the university hockey team and struggling with his class load. Enter Hannah, a great student who offers to help Henry by tutoring him. Their tutoring sessions give way to a mutual attraction that will make you fall in love with these characters.

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4/5 ⭐️

Henry Turner's junior year of college is shaping up to be a challenge—between a tough class with his least favorite professor and the unexpected responsibility of captaining the hockey team, he's got his hands full. Enter Halle Jacobs, a fellow junior who stumbles into Henry's life when he accidentally crashes her book club. Halle, an academic superstar with her own busy schedule, reluctantly agrees to tutor Henry, sparking a friendship that both of them desperately need. But as they navigate their growing connection, they must adhere to one crucial rule: don’t fall in love.

This book was an absolute joy to read, particularly because of how relatable Halle is. Seeing her confront and ultimately embrace qualities she once viewed as flaws was refreshing and inspiring. The relationship between Halle and Henry evolves naturally, with both characters facing and overcoming personal challenges along the way. Their dynamic is one of mutual support and understanding, making their connection all the more satisfying to watch unfold.

Fans of the series will be thrilled to see Henry finally take center stage after his appearance in Icebreaker. The chemistry between Henry and Halle is palpable, and their ability to communicate openly adds a refreshing layer to their romance. While this installment may have less explicit content than previous books in the series, it still delivers plenty of heat and heart.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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I was very fortunate enough to read Daydream! This book was one of my top 5 anticipated reads of the year and I’m so happy I got to read it!
I have to say, this is absolutely my FAVORITE out of the 3 books. The way Hannah makes her characters so relatable is the reason why I love to read her books! But this one hit home and will forever stay with me.

I related so much to Henry and his characteristics and it just felt nice to read about a character like him. She did such a wonderful job in describing the process of his overstimulation and ADHD. I love how Halle was very understanding about Henry’s situation since her sister Gigi has similar characteristics as him.

Henry and Halle are my forever couple. I loved to see how their friends-to-lovers story panned out and how their communication to each other was a priority and they never disregarded one another on how they felt.

Halle is a people pleaser (first child) and one for academics. She is the person that everyone in her family runs to and never asks how she’s doing or if she wants to do the task at hand, they just assume she’ll do it. When her boyfriend, Will, breaks up with her, whom she’s known practically her whole life, she feels relieved and comes to realize how much she gave up for him, how all her ‘friends’ were never really hers to begin with, and how she never loved him in a romantic way. With this realization, the first thing she does for herself is to write a book for a competition she wants to enter. As she tries to learn to put herself first and write said book, she soon comes to terms that she doesn’t have much dating experience to write about, in comes Henry.

Henry is the captain of the UCMH hockey team and feels the pressure of not wanting to let everyone on his team down. Henry loves his alone time and sees things for how it is.

Henry and Halle meet when Henry goes to the bookstore to look for leadership books to learn how to become a great team captain but instead starts eating cookies at the book club Halle is hosting. Henry then becomes a big fan of Halle’s, not just because of the cookies but for how pretty, sweet, and understanding she is. He then discovers she’s taken a class from the same professor he has and is currently struggling in. Luckily for Henry, Halle has a system, that she has used on her sister Gigi, to make things more simpler for him.

To not take advantage of Halle’s kindness, Henry wants to return the favor and he does it by giving Halle more dating experiences for her book by not crossing that friendship boundary. They set ‘rules’ and one of the main rules is for Halle to not fall in love with Henry.

As they go on these date experiences, feelings start to cross the lines they clearly made and it makes them both wonder what if they both abandon the rules and take a chance with each other?

All in all, this book is a 5 star read for me and one of my top 5 of the year! I also enjoyed how Nate, Anastasia, Robbie, Lola, Russ, Aurora, JJ and the rest of the crew made their appearances and we got to see a snippet of what they were doing with their life.

Also a HUGE thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books, & Hannah Grace’s team for letting me read this beauty of a masterpiece early!

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I am so glad I got to read this book! I relate to Halle on more levels than I thought I would! Seeing, what I considered, to by my worst qualities in Halle and how she overcame them and owned them was a breath of fresh air! I enjoyed the characters and seeing how Halle and Henry's relationship grew and how they each overcame their own obstacles! Highly recommend!

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This series is such a delight. I wanted a Henry focused book after reading Icebreaker and was excited to see he is finally getting his story. I loved the dynamic between Hallie and Henry - it is so nice when characters are able to communicate well! This might have the least amount of smut in the series but it still packs some heat. Grace’s forward about Henry’s neurodivergency should not be skipped! And you KNOW I will be proudly wearing my Maple Hills beanie this winter.

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Hannah Grace is such a talented author, and this book just proves why I will immediately run to her new titles as soon as I see them.

The best part of "Daydream" for me (aside from the romance, obviously) was the characterization. I saw myself in both Henry and Halle (and I'm sure that's the case for most readers, too). I think the character of Halle was actually based off of me...

Throw in some Taylor Swift references and hot hockey players, and you've got a hit on your hands.

Thanks to NetGalley and the pubilsher for a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books, and Ms. Grace for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title. An honest review was requested but not required.

In this particular case I think it’s not you (book), it’s me. I just did not love this. I had a serious case of lust for the cover and perhaps that drove my expectations too high, as did the love letter to elder daughters at the beginning (I FEEL SO SEEN!). However, it was at least, at *least*, 100 pages too long. Why was this so long? Ms. Grace, wherefore wert thine editor? Also, every. Single. Thing. (and I do mean EVERY thing) was discussed to death. Communication is always key but there is such a thing as too much. The overabundance and repetitiveness of the communication between all the characters made me want to pull out a red pen and get to work. It also absolutely killed the romance. Consent is one thing. Discussing to death is another. Eh.

IMHO there was, as there often is, not enough time devoted by the student athletes to their sports and all the resultant obligations and commitments. Similarly, Halle way over-committed to pretty much everything and somehow found ways to do it all? Is this girl sleeping 3 hours a night? My goodness. I found her lack of ability to stand up for herself, at all, to be very frustrating to read about. Even her eventual half-hearted attempt was weak and ineffectual. I couldn’t figure why all her awesome new friends (Henry included) didn’t catch on to this? Why NO ONE could tell her, hey, just don’t answer the phone for an evening, it will be okay! And omg. What is up with Will! Girl, why did you go to his house? Why didn’t you tell Henry? Why do you put up with this crap? Having to avoid her own family for the holidays, just to make his life easier?! Ugggggghhhhhhhhh

I liked Henry fine on his own but I felt such a lack of chemistry between him and Halle. I completely disconnected from their storyline. My favorite parts, by far, were the female friendships Halle formed and the time spent with them. It was clear that Halle never really had that before and it was fun to watch. I do wish there a few less characters (it made it a little hard to follow) but perhaps since I skipped Maple Hills #2 that’s on me.

I do see that this was very much enjoyed by the vast majority of readers so, as I said before, I guess it’s a case of it being a “me problem.” YMMV.

2 ½ stars, rounded up because I liked the girl friend group dynamic.

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