Member Reviews

The way that Henry was EVERYTHING!

Halle is the sweetest and she’s been relate all the older sister-people pleaser

I typically don’t love friends to lovers but this was SO good

Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice level: 🌶️🌶️

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Henry Turner and Halle Jacobs are my everything!

“Daydream” follows Henry Turner, the captain of the hockey team, and Halle Jacobs, and aspiring author, as they strike a deal amongst themselves to overcome their respective challenges in a difficult year. In exchange for being Henry’s private tutor to help him maintain his good academic standing, he will give Halle new experiences to beat her writer’s block. They just need to stick to their rule book. Simple enough…right?

First and foremost — Hannah Grace, just in case anyone hasn’t told you this yet, “Daydream” WAS worth waiting for! It is beautifully written and will be held close to my heart from this point forward.

As an eldest daughter, I heavily related to Halle and her people-pleasing tendencies. The loneliness that stemmed from taking on so much and putting everyone else first truly made my heart ache.

Henry faces many obstacles of his own, like the pressure he puts on himself to be a good team captain. I appreciate the way Grace portrays his neurodivergence. It felt realistic and she handles it with care, which is so important in terms of representation. I enjoyed reading from his perspective and learned a lot from how he views the world and processes conflict.

I adore Henry and Halle’s dynamic. Henry puts Halle first and Halle, having a sister with an ADHD diagnosis, makes every effort to understand Henry and his needs. She is very observant of his body language and gives him space when he needs to sort through his feelings. I especially love the pacing of this book surrounding Henry and Halle’s physical intimacy. Halle had a lot of anxiety surrounding it due to her previous relationship and Henry was so patient with her. He made sure to be respectful of her timeline, ask for consent, and check in with her. Throughout the book they maintain a healthy relationship by being open and honest with each other. Not only is it heartwarming, but it contributes to their insane chemistry!

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Thank you so much @atriabooks for my gifted copy!

If you know me then you know I was stalking NetGalley and everywhere else to see if I could get lucky enough for an early release. IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT.

I LOVED Henry so freaking much and I’m so glad we got a Henry book! He’s blunt with this thoughts and he’s hilarious throughout the whole series. He made me laugh and also made me swoon.

Halle is a precious soul who deserves the absolute WORLD! I am a ride or die for her. I will fight anyone she needs. We’re besties now. 😂 She’s everyone’s big sister which is a blessing and a downfall. She loves, supports and bends over backwards for her people in the best ways. She deserved all the happiness.

Read if:
📚 friends to lovers
🏒 hot jockey players 🫣
📚 found family
🏒 opposites attract
📚 fake dating (ish)

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Hannah Grace has done it again. A sweet, sexy, endlessly fun read full of heart and personality. Absolutely adored Halle and Henry (obviously, we all love sweet Henry!) I’m so excited for this book to be published so I can recommend it to everyone!

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I love the Maple Hill series that Hannah Grace has written. This 3rd one in the series continues the spicy college stories. I love that this book is about Henry and Hannah, but it still gives us glimpses of all the other characters that were introduced in our Maple Hill books. The community that these students have together is #friendship goals. I hope that Hannah will write more stories in this series and give other hockey players their HEA too.

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Hannah Grace has done it again! She has created a series that draws readers in. I fell in love with Hannah Grace when she first released Icebreaker and then again with Wildfire and is an author I will read no matter the book. 4.5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free copy of Daydream by Hannah Grace in exchange for my honest review.

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Another novel by Hannah Grace starting the college kids at Maple Hills. Halle and Henry become friends when she starts helping him with his homework, and sparks fly. I would say that this book seemed to move along much slower than her other books. The ending of course was charming and sweet.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. #booksbyashleynicole

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After not particularly enjoying "Wildfire" this was a very pleasant surprise!

I finished this in one sitting. I loved Henry and Halle's story so much! (Still not sure how to pronounce her name- Hah-lee? Hay-lee? No "E" at all?) I also loved the other character's appearances in this book, it reminded me why I like romance books in the series, because in the end it all feels like on big happy family.

This is probably my favorite in the Maple Hills story, I didn't care for Wildfire and I read Icebreaker too long ago to remember anything (and it was in my get back into reading phase so I was very easy to please, I have higher standards now). I loved that throughout the whole story communication was always present. I also loved how this book did not fall into any tropes and the entire thing felt like it flowed naturally. I know the book advertises like a tutor x student, forbidden romance, but it never really plays off that way, with both characters growing a healthy relationship and never questioning it on "just a set up". I also love how the main female character grows more confident not just because of the love interest but also gaining a group of friends she can rely on.

It may because I'm part of the neurodivergent community (ADHD, in case you couldn't tell) but I often found myself connection to Henry and how he perceives the world, it also didn't feel over done that "he's not like other people" and was all communicated clearly, and throughout the relationship Halle respects his boundaries and gives him space when he needs it, even getting him noise cancelers which I find super cute!!

Overall this was a really cute and real romance story, thank you NetGalley for providing the E-ARC!


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Thank you to Netgalley and Atria for the early copy! This was one of my most anticipated romances of the year, due to the tutor x hockey player plot and that folklore cardigan on the cover! I think Hannah Grace's writing has improved with each book, and I found myself relating to Halle the most (more than Anastasia or Aurora). This book also had a really nice message, especially concerning mental health and putting yourself first (which was nice for me to hear too as a #pathologicalpeoplepleaser).

What knocked a star off for me: The constant therapy-speak from college-age kids was a bit forced, and I wish we let the characters be messy without having to always say the right thing. That being said though, I do think that some of the conversations are important for readers around these characters' ages to read, especially for those who are starting to seriously date.

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I just finished reading an ARC of this book, and I want to thank NetGalley for that! The story revolves around Halle, a people pleaser who was recently dumped by her best friend/boyfriend. She meets Henry, and they make a pact to help each other out. She's going to assist him in passing one of his college classes, and he's going to give her life experiences for her novel. However, they struggle to follow their own rules.

This book will be released on August 27th, so mark your calendar!

I really enjoyed the setting of Maple Hills and the portrayal of the hockey boys. I particularly liked Henry's character, and I found myself being able to relate to him due to my ADHD. Halle being a chronic people pleaser also resonated with me. Their relationship was charming, and the slow burn was well-done. However, I didn't like that Henry took a whole month to get it together, but I'll forgive him, especially since Halle finished her book. The banter and flirting were great, and the book provided positive male representation. I'd rate it 4.5 stars out of 5.

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Daydream has quickly become my favorite Hannah Grace book. Being neurodivergent myself, I related so much with Henry. The ways in which Halle cares for him and treats him was so heartwarming to read.

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Halle and Henry and so dang cute, I loved their story. They are both so sweet and attentive and have the cutest blossoming of their relationship. I feel like they also have a healthy example of getting into a relationship.

This will be a 5 star read for you if you’re in the mood for a really heartwarming romance. Personally I would have liked to see some kind of conflict or bump in the road. They do each have their own issues in their personal lives, and issues that they work through.. but those were individual.

Anyway, really cute cozy read!

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In the third volume in the Maple Hills series, We follow the womanizer and fan favorite character Henry, as he navigates his complicated relationship with his tutor, Halle.

Having read and enjoyed the first two books in the series, I knew vaguely what I was getting myself into. Hannah Grace has created one of the most familiarly warm and atmospheric settings with Maple Hills. The backdrop of a college campus along with her layered and lovable characters always makes for a quick read that makes you only wish you were a student at the university of California.

Although I haven’t quite loved the other two books as much as I loved Icebreaker, I still really have enjoyed spending time with the diverse cast of characters. I really liked being able to learn more about Henry and watch his own story unfold. I also found Halle so endearing and ended up really resonating with her as a person. The whole gang from the previous novels also play a bigger role in Daydream which I really loved. It’s got everything you’d want in a book from this world. Witty and entertaining dialogue, Deep explorations into the obstacles college kids face, and just a little spice.

Out of all three, I found Daydream to be the least spicy, but I didn’t mind all that much. Hannah Grace focuses more on themes like friendship and finding your footing as a young adult which I found really refreshing to read.

As someone who doesn’t read (or finish) a lot of series’ I am confidently going to always pick up the next Maple Hills book.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Hannah Grace for allowing me access to the ARC in return for my review :) Can’t wait to pick this one up and have it on my shelf with the others!

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Henry and Halle, you two have my whole heart! They were the cutest, hottest, and most unique couple ever and I know everyone is going to love them. The build up between them was so incredible, and very different from the previous books in the best way possible. Daydream was way more of a slow burn than I was originally anticipating, but it made so much sense for Henry and Halle’s characters when you get to know them, and it made their budding romance so much more strong and beautiful in the end.

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I really adored both these characters and the dynamic they had with each other. I thought they were equally fleshed out and interesting to read about. I loved how gentle and understanding they were with each other and there were some really sweet, heartwarming moments. While I did enjoy the journey they went on as characters, I do think the pacing and plot itself was a bit meandering. It felt like nothing was really happening and there was a lot of explaining and rationalizing and talking through their feelings. While I did appreciate the characters ability to communicate with each other, at a certain point, it started to feel like a lot of telling instead of showing.

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This was such an amazing read. I speed through it, and didn’t want to put it down. I love reading books by this publishing company and author.

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Ok - I think this one has me all kinds of confused, these are my favorite characters of the series, I relate a ton to both of them, yet this one felt like it was dragging on and it was hard to get me to keep picking it back up. I started and finished a few books in between starting this. But it doesn't make sense, because it's perfect on paper.

I'm still giving it a 4, I love the characters (as previously stated), I loved the story, I loved how gentle they were with each others needs (seriously, swoon), and their tension was s.t.e.a.m.y... I mean, the paint

This is a beautiful book that exemplifies how to be gentle with the people in your life. Henry is undiagnosed neurodivergent and Halle meets him where he is in many scenarios, forsaking her initial emotional reactions in favor of giving him the space he needs when he is overwhelmed. Halle in inexperienced with physical intimacy and as they grow closer, Henry is so gentle with her and patiently waits to see if she ever decides she wants to dive into a physical relationship with him. These moments scattered throughout the book were so touching, and I think it would be a great read for anyone looking to see a prime example of selflessness in both friendly as well as romantic relationships.

Thank you to Atria Books and Hannah Grace for the advance to read an advanced eGalley via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review!

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I loved the characters in this book. Sweet Henry found his match in Halle. This book was a bit an emotional rollercoaster, and Hannah Grace writes a long romcom. A sweet story that ran a little long.

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In short, this was FANTASTIC. Fans of this series and readers who particularly fell in love with Henry in the first two books will feel like he is given the romance he deserves with Daydream. Hannah Grace does an incredible job balancing a beautiful love story with accurate portrayals of neurodivergence, healthy communication, and, of course, spice. Not to mention this is particularly bookish, adding a cherry on top to an already loveable story.

I can't wait to handsell this on the floor and to use this release as a way to introduce more romance readers to this entire series.

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This book was the perfect blend of books 1&2 turned into a delightful masterpiece for book 3
I love Henry
I love Halle
I love their personalities, and felt such a bond to both their characters (which never happens).
Still not a fan of hockey, but in this book the hockey loomed in the background. There was a great plot in this book, which i definitely didnt feel in Icebreaker and only sorta felt in Wildfire. I enjoyed seeing the other couples and characters from previous books. The book was funny, the spice was delicious and I just overall enjoyed this book.
This isnt a 5 star book for me because there was not enough groveling for me during the "bad part"

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