Member Reviews

Debbie Macomber knows how to absolutely melt your heart and just completely take you for the sweetest love story ride. I can not get over how darling this book was!!

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I requested to read and review this book for free from Ballantine Books an Imprint of Random House. Author Debbie Macomber has written another great story. Hailey loves writing and creating music but it's not really a safe choice according to her family. So she takes a job that she likes but does t love. When her family starts to put pressure on her to get back together with an old flame. Is it the best decision for her or no? When her friend Katherine offers her a different idea for Christmas will it turn out to be the best decision or her worst? Jay came home to regroup and be with family for Christmas. We it be the best decision? Love of family is powerful and forgiveness. But is spending Christmas by yourself better or no? Can love heal some wounds? Can a dream become reality? This book is for a mature audience but can be read at anytime and anywhere.

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Debbie Macomber always delivers a cozy, warm Christmas romance and this book was no exception. I could see this book being made into a Hallmark movie.

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A Christmas Duet by Debbie Macomber is a very sweet story with an endearing message.
We meet Hailey, a high school band teacher who has always aspired to be a songwriter.
It's Christmastime and Hailey is desperate to get away from her mother and her ex-fiance. She takes up an offer from her friend to use her family's cabin. The cabin has been uninhabited for a while so a local handyman named Jay helps her and it is there she finds the inspiration and encouragement she needs to start composing music again.
As Hailey and Jay become close, Hailey's sister and her ex make appearances that upset everything.
In a Debbie Macomber book, a 'happily ever after' can be found for the main characters but at what cost?
I enjoy reading this author's books and look forward to her Christmas book every year. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A sweet story that has a good message in it. Hailey is desperate to get away from her mother and her ex-fiance so takes up on offer from her friend to use her family's cabin in Podunk. The cabin has been uninhabited for a while so she needs Jay's help to get it set up. There she finds the peace she needs to start composing music again. Jay hears her and encourages her to keep making music as she is talented. Having support for the first time, gives her the freedom to be who she is meant to be. Jay has her play her song at the town's winter festival and it goes viral. Then her sister shows up and upsets the rhythm she was in. Only she realizes her sister is having issues with her life and this is an opportunity to connect. They find a new relationship blossoming. Then come her parents. And the ex-fiance. It is a mess. And only in a Debbie Macomber book can happily ever after be found for the characters after they realize they need to be true to themselves no matter what.

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What a fun holiday romance! Hailey’s plan to spend time alone at her friend’s cabin starts out rough, but thanks to Jay’s help, she’s able to get in the groove of writing music. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but suffice it to say, I really enjoyed this relaxing read. I’d encourage anyone busy with holiday preparations to take time for yourself and read this book. It isn’t long, so it won’t take too much time away from cookie baking and gift wrapping.

I received an advanced readers copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Quite the Christmas gift for Hailey, not only does she meet a wonderful partner for her life but she also gets to do what she always wanted to do and make music. The story and the town of Podunk are very charming and Christmassy with all the Christmas trees and lights and the annual gathering for the seasons. Even Hailey meeting Jay is just irresistible, so I knew that it was to easy to stay that way and sure enough the reasons Hailey tried to get away from it all, all showed up. However, the showing up part came to be the best part of the story because Hailey had to stand her ground to get what she always wanted and it worked. Lets say the music she finally creates isn't the only thing that will make you swoon.

I loved all the characters, Hailey's mom (Kind of stubborn), Father, her sister Daisy, who finally stops running and gets caught, Jay's mom Thelma who is rough around the edges but has a very kind heart. I could go on about how wonderful everyone in town is but I won't. The only exception was Hank, who frankly I would have blocked but then there wouldn't be a story.

I want to thank Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine | Ballantine Books and NetGalley for an advance copy of this wonderful and cozy Christmas story.

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A Christmas Duet is Debbie Macomber at her Christmas best. This is a sweet, feel good holiday read that I truly enjoyed. Hailey Morgan loves Christmas but hers takes an unexpected detour when her mother invites her bothersome ex-boyfriend, Zach, to their family’s Christmas. Her overbearing mother is so desperate to have grandchildren that she turns a deaf ear to Hailey’s protestations that they are done. Though she is now teaching music at a high school, Hailey has loved music and written songs her entire life and her dream has always been to support herself through her music. Zach had demeaned her and her dreams to the point that she ended their relationship but not before her self confidence had been shaken. Unable to face Christmas at home with Zach, she accepts an offer to spend the holidays alone in a remote cabin located near the tiny town of Podunk. Cute name. Much happens after this beginning with Hailey meeting the general store owner’s son, who not only offers help, but who turns out to be a successful musician beginning a a new life as a producer. The book is a holiday fantasy with requisite happy ending. I can imagine watching it on television as a fun holiday movie.

Debbie Macomber is undeniably talented. While this book isn’t deep and probably isn’t for everyone, it is perfect for someone who is just looking for a lighthearted and feel good story and I highly recommend it to just this reader. Four and a half stars.

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I really enjoyed this book, A Christmas Duet by Debbie Macomber. It was a fast read full of Christmas romance, and cheer. Joyful, delightful, fun.

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A Great Read by this author. This a story about Hailey whose dream is to be a professional songwriter. She is a teacher and assistant band at a school in Portland, Oregon.One night Hailey and her best friend Katherine were talking about the above and she offered the use of her family's cabin in Podunk Oregon. Because her old boyfriend Zack has been in touch and then conned his way into spending Christmas with her parents , Hailey decided to take Katherin up on her offer. See what happens does Hailey write her songs,. She does meet Jay as he comes to get a raccoon out of the cabin and she finds out he is a musician and her agrees to help her. Now you can read and see what happens. A Great Christmas story.

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I love reading Christmas books, even in August!

Hailey Morgan is a high school band teacher in Portland. But her heart lies with becoming a songwriter. In order to escape her family and an ex-boyfriend who is wanting to get back together, she decides to spend Christmas at her friend’s family cabin in Podunk, yes, the town is really named Podunk!

When she arrives at the cabin, she finds a wild raccoon inside, and heads to town to ask for help. She meets the town’s main store owner and Mayor, who offers to send her son out to help catch the raccoon. That’s how she meets Jay, who is a former musician and very handsome. They enjoy spending time together, and he encourages her on her journey to being a songwriter. However, there is family drama headed their way. Will they be able to navigate it? Will Jay settle with his old bandmates and be able to move forward with his life?

Macomber always writes wonderful, quick-to-read Christmas books. Loved it!

Thank you, Penguin Random House for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this book. It wouldn’t be Christmas if I didn’t read a Debbie Macomber Christmas book. This was a fast, enjoyable read that I would recommend.

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Debbie never disappoints. Quick easy feel good read to get you in the mood for the Holidays. Love the characters and their evolvement as the story progresses.

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A quick and easy read for the Holidays to bring hope in the celebrating. This book follows aspiring songwriter Hailey, who spends Christmas at a remote cabin in a small town in Oregon. She wants some peace and quiet to work on writing her songs. Once she arrives at the small town, she meets Jay, who also loves music, and the two of them grow close to each other. The book explores the mother daughter relationship. A meddling mother needing to know everything about her love life and ready to try to push an old boyfriend on her that the mother really likes. A daughter who knows she needs time away from her family this Christmas so she can grow emotionally and figure out what's best for herself. I like that Hailey did not cave to the guilt trip her mother tried to implement on her. I think showing a strong independent woman allows other permission to live their lives.
Thank you NetGalley, the author and Random House Publishing

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A Christmas Duet by Debbie Macomber is another wonderful holiday novel from this prolific author and once again she doesn't disappoint. Ms. Macomber's Christmas novels have become part of my required reading every year! This story of a music teacher who longs to compose music full time is the heartwarming strangers to friends to happily ever after novel that we all need at Christmas! Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a tough one for me! It was a cute premise but the only character that I found super likable was Daisy. I used to devour these Christmas books when I was younger, so I think this is just a case of my tastes chanting! From a nostalgia perspective it was cute, but I don’t think I’m the target audience for this one.

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With our protagonists each trying to find escape for their own reasons - Haily to get some peace and quiet for her songwriting and Jethro to come up from a crushing legal case - Podunk, Oregon appears to be the small-town atmosphere that brings them both in the same space and helps their hearts heal together. There's romance, but it's very sweet and clean, and a lot of focus on self-discovery and giving grace. My favorite characters were actually not the main ones, but supporting roles provided by the sister and said partner....I hope to see their story one day! This could easily be turned into a Hallmark movie.

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A Christmas Duet is a charming contemporary romance that beautifully intertwines the worlds of music, love, and self-discovery. The story centers on Hailey, a dedicated teacher with a passion for songwriting. As the winter holidays approach, she decides to escape (especially from her family) by spending Christmas break at a friend’s family cabin nestled in a small town.

From the moment Hailey arrives, the cabin radiates warmth and nostalgia, setting the perfect backdrop for her journey of creativity and connection. It’s in this picturesque setting that she meets Jay, a local who also turns out to be a musician with an easy charm and a deep appreciation for the art of songwriting. Their initial interactions are filled with delightful banter and a shared love for music, which quickly deepens into a connection that feels both authentic and heartwarming. Hailey has never felt more like herself around Jay!

Through in an ex wanting a second chance, family that ultimately finds her and crashes the quiet Christmas she had planned, and Debbie Macomber has weaved together a heartwarming story.

The author captures the nuances of musical creativity. Hailey's struggles with her writing ability with anyone who has ever faced a creative hurdle, and Jay's encouragement acts as a catalyst for her growth. Their collaborations are beautifully depicted, revealing not just their burgeoning romance but also their individual journeys as artists. The author skillfully balances the romantic elements with the more profound themes of self-discovery and the importance of following one’s passion.

The pacing of the story is well-executed, with just the right amount of tension to keep readers invested in the outcome of Hailey and Jay's romance. Overall, A Christmas Duet is a beautifully crafted love story that will resonate with anyone who has ever dreamed of following their passion. It’s a celebration of music, love, and the magic that happens when two souls find harmony in each other. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance and those who appreciate a good holiday story. This novel is a delightful read that captures the spirit of Christmas and the transformative power of love. Highly recommended!

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I always look forward to Debbie Macomber's Christmas book. This book was a really quick read with a very sweet story. If you like small town, cozy love story, Hallmark Christmas movies, you will enjoy this book. I enjoyed the characters and the book flowed well. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this book.

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Thank you, Netgalley, and the publisher, the opportunity to read and review this book. Hailey, a teacher on Christmas break, decides to go to a cabin for some quiet time. Upon arriving, she finds some critters have moved in along with electrical box issues. In entering Jay, who is not only a master fixer, he is also in the music business. Did I mention Hailey wanted peace and quiet to work on songwriting. This was a fun, typical read by the author. Loved the small town feel and the characters.

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