Member Reviews

What an outstanding ending to such a superb fantasy series! This was absolutely stellar. It was definitely a very satisfying ending. The world-building continued to be amazing, and all the plot points were wrapped up beautifully. I loved all the character growth we saw in so many characters and all the fantastic character arcs. I'm sad to see the end of this series because it was so good, but this was the perfect conclusion.

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AHHHHHHHH!!!!! This was everything I wanted and more!!! I’m just so sad it’s over now 😭
I genuinely loved how each character came into their own and was able to stare their challenges down. I’m genuinely going to miss this world, and I only wish I could have more of them.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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After eagerly awaiting the end to this trilogy for over a year (I was lucky enough to get an eARC of part 2 as well!) I'm sat here sort of dazed after the ending! A lot of the book was given to getting the POV characters back together so that an almighty battle could occur to overthrow the Zalaam and end the global problems such as floods, tidewinds etc that using bone marrow for powering magic had caused. Anoor went off with her grandmother at the end of book 2 as she was declared to be "The Child of Fire" - I love Anoor as a character but all throughout the series she has been shown to be incredibly naive and that doesn't stop in this book. Sylah has made her way back to the Warden's Empire after failing to defeat the Tannin and is feeling down in the dumps when she realises that Anoor has left to go off on a spiritual quest, this upsets Hassa who thought that Sylah should get on with the larger plan at hand of helping battle the people seeking to continue the history of segregation and servitude that has befallen people purely due to the colour of their blood. Jond is still hanging around with Kara and a cat he rescued (because sure, why not). So when the battle actually happens, down to it being largely essentially robot based the overall genre of the book seemed to flip - magic has been used for weapons throughout the series but now it's used en masse to have thousands of spider monsters wanting to trash the place and kill everything in sight as well as a SUPER ROBOT that will be powered by a sacrificial lamb. It was really strange to me that from something so historic fantasy feeling in the previous two parts that there was such a focus on these mechanical creations - I know they'd been introduced in book 2 but the scale of them was immense and what was the endgame for the Zalaam if they won? Just that they'd have cleared out all the non-believers and could just sit around praying to a God that really really enjoys sacrifices?! I did really enjoy the book, but did feel that section was quite jarring. I loved the extended POVs we got for the great battle, and I loved that there was a clear ending for all our main characters throughout the series.

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The absolutely amazing end to an amazing story and an amazing series! I felt the ending was a bit rushed, but otherwise great!

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