Member Reviews

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. It's such a fun book about a group of Meerkats that author and photographer Suzi Eszterhas and her team follow around to learn more about.

I was expecting a picture book, but this was so much more. It is set up like a researchers journal. There is a ton of information and pictures. A very interesting read.
4 stars

I received an electronic ARC from Owlkids Books through NetGalley.
Stunning photography accompanies the diary entries as readers travel with the author to observe meerkats up close. The text is informative and reads like a story for younger readers. I appreciate the way Eszterhas shares the encounters with humor. Her folksy style appeals to readers of all ages. Looking forward to sharing this with my students.

A real nice book....uses real photos of cute Meerkats (& other wildlife too), labeled with boxes of short amount of text to explain what the picture is showing. It's all done perfectly, with just the right amount of text & just the right pictures......no one will get bored with this! It's real good for children & adults. I'd sure enjoy sharing this, reading this with my family! And I learned something too......always a plus! I'm going to look for more from this author!
I received an e-ARC of this book from publisher Owlkid Books via NetGalley, giving me an opportunity to read it & offer my own fair/honest review.

Thank you, Netgalley, for allowing me to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book about meerkats. The inclusion of a researcher's diary and actual photos sets it apart from other non-fiction animal-based books. I believe children will also find it as engaging as I did.