Member Reviews

This book was just a little slow for me. Since this was told by multiple pov's I found it hard to keep track of all the characters and found myself having a break and putting it down. I liked it but I couldnt say I loved it.

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Read about family and modern relationships in this upcoming book with main focus on sisters.

The writing Is rather quite accessible however the pace is slow. So please do not expect a fast paced thrilling read.

Try to know the dynamics between the characters if you are picking up this book. Take it slow to enjoy it.

Thank you, CROOKED LANE BOOKS, for the ARC.

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This book is essentially a family drama that explores the complicated relationships within the Bancroft family as they prepare for Ruth's wedding to Teo in a small fishing village. The story is told through different characters' perspectives, revealing the dysfunction and tensions within the family.

The arrival of Ruth's estranged father and the emergence of mysterious anonymous notes add layers of tension to the already strained family dynamics. Secrets and lies simmer beneath the surface, threatening to unravel the seemingly joyous occasion.

The premise of the book intrigued me, but I found myself struggling to fully engage with the narrative. The focus on character development over action resulted in a slower pace that only picked up towards the latter part of the book. Despite this, the exploration of themes such as messy family relationships, betrayal, and human fallibility kept me invested in the unfolding drama.

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What was supposed to be the wedding of the year goes horribly wrong with secrets revealed, a missing guest, gun shots, and family drama. As the investigation into the missing guest continues, it turns out that everyone has something to hide

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The dysfunctional Bancroft family has gathered for the wedding of Ruth and Teo. The story is character driven and told from each of the sisters’s view points. This makes a slow start to the book. The mystery doesn’t take place until the half way point but there is lots of family drama and secrets that unfold before that point. There were some surprises along the way. A good beach read that I enjoyed. Give it a read and stick with thru the slower start and build up!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book.

Oh wow!!! I did not see that plot twist coming!!! This was a first for me by this author but will not be my last! Such a good story!

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The perfect slump book for me. Just what I needed. The perfect mix of suspense and keep you on the edge with page turning and engaging.

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I really wanted to like The Good Bride- the description was engaging and suspenseful, but, unfortunately, the story didn’t deliver for me. I found this story more of a ‘Days of Our Lives’-esque family drama with a side narrative about the social media ethical complexities, more than a thriller. I found the plot slow to develop or go anywhere, and coupled with too many characters (unlikable characters, at that) made it difficult to finish. I also don’t understand the title and how it ties to the story line?

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"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" (Tolstoy). This sums up the book perfectly. "The Good Bride" by Jen Marie Wiggins is a slow-burn family drama told from multiple POVs. I had high expectations for the book, but unfortunately, they weren't fully met.

The book follows the Bancroft family, who are as dysfunctional as they come. Bride-to-be Ruth Bancroft is marrying Teo in a quaint fishing village on the Gulf Coast, where her mother resides. Cracks in the family start to show as the wedding preparations continue.

Weddings are stressful affairs, even more so when secrets and lies bubble under the surface. The arrival of Ruth's estranged father adds to the existing tension. The plot thickens when Ruth begins receiving anonymous notes warning her that "she is next." Things come to a head when gunshots disrupt the rehearsal dinner and a guest goes missing. As secrets start spilling out, what was supposed to be a happy event quickly turns into a debacle.

The story is mostly character-driven, focusing more on the traits and emotions of the characters, with only minimal action. I liked the main characters, Ruth and Teo, although Ruth was more well-developed. The book explores themes of messy family liaisons, modern media, lies, betrayal, and fallible human nature, which I found intriguing.

While the premise intrigued me initially, I struggled to connect with the narrative. It is more of a family drama than a thriller, with not much happening until the last third of the book. Although there are some tense moments, especially towards the end, they aren't quite enough to sustain the plot's momentum. The pace was extremely slow, and I didn’t feel a sense of urgency to keep reading. The plot plods along with limited action, focusing instead on the characters and the setting. Still, there are some interesting turns toward the end.

Overall, I enjoyed the book despite its flaws. The interactions between the characters, their dynamics, and the setting were well done. I also appreciated the writing, felt invested in the characters' fates, and liked the ending. I loved that Ruth finally grew a backbone and learned to stand up for herself. Therefore, I rate the book 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it to fans of slow-burn family dramas. There was definitely drama here.

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I had high hopes for The Good Bride by Jen Marie Wiggins, but unfortunately, it didn’t quite meet my expectations. The storyline had potential, but the pacing was incredibly slow, making it a drag to get through. The characters lacked depth, and the plot didn’t pick up until far too late in the book. If you prefer a faster-paced read, this one might not be for you. ⭐️⭐️

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this Arc!! #NetGalley #Arc

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This was fantastic. I really enjoyed reading it and didn’t want to put it down. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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After a devastating hurricane hits the Florida panhandle, a bride-to-be and her fiancée look forward to their perfect day despite family tensions.

I always try to read at least 20% of a book before declaring it a no-go. This one was a struggle. I did not find the main characters likeable and there was so much drama over the smallest things that it became irritating. It didn't seem that I missed much by skipping to the end and reading the last couple of chapters.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The wedding of the year is pouring money into a little Gulf town that was flatten by a hurricane a year ago. From the wedding shop to the local eateries money is flowing.
One year after a devastating hurricane, bride-to-be Ruth Bancroft is marrying her perfect groom in a quaint fishing village on the Gulf Coast. The weekend is carefully curated, with the displays of pomp and social media magic meant to promote an area still struggling to rebuild, as well as bring Ruth’s estranged family back together.
Yet as good intentions often go, this road to wed is hell and paved in complications. With tensions rising between the family and the bridal party, long-buried secrets come to light and accusations start flying. Some family secrets need to stay undisturbed. A good story by an author I've never read.

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The Good Bride by Jen Marie Wiggins
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 10 December 2024

A year after a catastrophic hurricane, Ruth Bancroft prepares for her dream wedding in a picturesque Gulf Coast fishing village. The meticulously planned weekend serves a dual purpose: showcasing the area's recovery efforts and reuniting Ruth's fractured family. However, beneath the veneer of social media perfection and carefully orchestrated events, tensions simmer and old wounds threaten to reopen.

As the celebration unfolds, the road to matrimonial bliss proves treacherous. Family dynamics grow increasingly strained, and conflicts erupt between relatives and the bridal party. Long-buried secrets begin to surface, casting shadows over the festive atmosphere and leading to heated confrontations.

The situation reaches a breaking point during the lavish oceanfront rehearsal dinner. A series of gunshots shatters the evening's calm, followed by the alarming disappearance of a high-profile guest. As local authorities launch an investigation, it becomes clear that this close-knit group harbours more than just familial resentments.

With suspicions mounting and accusations flying, each member of the wedding party finds themselves under scrutiny. As layers of deception are peeled away, it becomes apparent that everyone present has something to hide – from petty secrets to potentially dangerous ones.

What began as a celebration of love and renewal now teeters on the brink of disaster. Ruth's perfect wedding weekend has transformed into a tense thriller, where uncovering the truth might come at a cost higher than anyone anticipated.

“The Good Bride” starts off at a measured pace, but gradually builds into an engrossing and multifaceted thriller. The author's choice to employ multiple points of view (POVs) proves to be a strength, offering readers a comprehensive view of the unfolding drama from various perspectives. This narrative technique, combined with the book's brisk pacing once it hits its stride, creates a reading experience that is both immersive and exhilarating.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its character development. Sophia, for instance, initially comes across as a somewhat unlikable figure. However, as the story progresses, her character reveals unexpected depths and complexities. This evolution challenges the reader's initial perceptions and adds a layer of intrigue to the overall narrative.

Ruth, the bride-to-be, stands out as a particularly intriguing character. In a genre often populated by unreliable narrators and morally ambiguous figures, it's refreshing to encounter a protagonist who elicits genuine empathy and support from the reader. This emotional investment in Ruth's fate heightens the stakes of the unfolding mystery and keeps the pages turning.

A standout moment in the book is the "fake speech" scene delivered by one of Ruth's sisters. This scene not only provides comic relief but also serves as a sharp commentary on family dynamics and the often-performative nature of social gatherings. It's a testament to the author's observational skills and ability to infuse authenticity into the story's more dramatic elements.

The thriller aspects of the novel are well-executed, with several unexpected twists that catch the reader off guard. These surprises are not merely for shock value but are intricately woven into the plot, enhancing the overall mystery and keeping readers guessing until the very end.

While the slow start might deter some readers, those who persist will be rewarded with a rich, layered story that goes beyond the typical thriller formula. The author skilfully balances character development with plot progression, creating a narrative that is as much about the people involved as it is about the central mystery.

Overall, "The Good “Bride offers a compelling blend of family drama and suspenseful thriller. Its strengths lie in its well-drawn characters, intricate plot twists, and ability to subvert reader expectations. While it may require some patience in the beginning, the payoff is well worth it for fans of the genre looking for a story that offers more than just surface-level thrills.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books, and the author, Jen Marie Wiggins, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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It took me a little while to get into this book, I think it just seemed slow to get going. The story is a family drama told from four different POV’s and I think this contributed to me taking a while to move the story forward in my head, I was trying to keep up with the characters.

Ruth Bancroft comes from a very wealthy family and is about to marry the love of her life, the wedding occurring twelve months after a devastating hurricane on the gulf coast. Members of Ruth’s family have been estranged and it is hopeful that this joyous occasion may bring everyone back together, then again maybe not. As always with this family, everything has been intricately orchestrated and planned, but soon secrets and tensions will rear their ugly heads, and this may not be the happy event everyone is hoping for.

Shots ring out at the rehearsal dinner for the wedding and soon there is bedlam when a guest goes missing and trouble is brewing in the air, secrets and betrayals come to light and soon all who are present will be under scrutiny and it seems everyone has something to hide, some more than others.

The book moved along at a decent enough pace and after my initial concerns I did get into the story but to me it was just ok. I think it is that I enjoy books with a little more complexity in both plot and characterization or maybe it is the choices I am making lately in what I am reading. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own. 3 stars

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I wanted to like The Good Bride so much, but the characters, frankly, drove me up the wall. I'm all for unlikable characters, but these came off one-note and forced. Maybe the plot was good enough to overlook that. I didn't make it far enough to say for sure. However, other readers seemed to really enjoy the book, so hopefully it will find its audience.

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Planning a wedding is always stressful. Planning a wedding when your hometown has been almost flattened after a Cat 4 hurricane is more stressful. And planning a wedding when your long absent, newly sober father has reentered your life, when your mother is planning her own engagement to Mayor Bob and your sisters…well. It’s a lot. Because Ruth Bancroft’s wedding “Gulf Coast’s Wedding of the Year” is just about the biggest thing Blue Compass has ever seen. Add to this a mysterious stranger, shots at the rehearsal dinner, both large and small crimes and surprise thunderstorms and you get the wild ride that is The Good Bride!

The story is told by bride Ruth, Kayla, the owner of Two be Wed, and her father Marcus, police chief. The action is steady and moves toward an unexpected conclusion.The author draws on her own experiences with rebuilding after a hurricane in the Florida panhandle. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books and Jen Marie Wiggins for this ARC.

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This book seamlessly blends mystery, thriller, and romance into a gripping and captivating tale. With twists that keep you guessing and the characters that adds depth, it's a must-read for anyone who enjoys a thrilling ride. Five stars for its suspenseful plot and compelling characters.

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What a great thriller. I loved it! I loved the story line, the characters, the writing. This book is a must read!

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