Member Reviews

**Thank you Harper Collins Co UK and NetGalley for the eARC!**

If I could properly describe to you the squeal I squealed when I was invited to read this, then I think you would understand how truly excited I was to read this novel. I was not disappointed.

Kira, a grumpy wanna be homesteader, and one of the main characters in our story, recently purchased (sight unseen, might I add) a farm in the cold North that is part of our beloved Dream Harbor. Bennett, our sunny other main character, is the Brother of our beloved Jeanie (another resident of Dream Harbor-Please read the Pumpkin Spice Cafè for her story) and is visiting Dream Harbor for the holidays.

Kira is adamant to do everything herself and rely on no one else, especially the overly zealous Mr. Fixer-Upper that is Bennett. Bennett is determined to change his usual patterns, but all of this comes to a head when Kira takes on the old Christmas Tree Farm in Dream Harbor, which needs some serious work. I won’t ruin it, but the novel made me laugh out loud, cry ugly tears, and made me want more!

As per usual with Dream Harbor novels, it feels like I am falling into a warm cup of tea with a side of sugary confections. There is literally nothing else I want in life but to follow these Dream Harbor characters and giggle and cry right along with them.

I cannot wait to read the next installment!

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