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Book review A Little Place In Prague
Leo and Anna knew each other before and have just discovered they are going to be housemates….
I love books with forced proximity, these always make for laughs and a good romcom.
Add a gorgeous city setting in Prague and you know the book is going to be brilliant. I loved it!
The Prague setting really made me wish to be there. Julie captured the place wonderfully and her beautiful writing really drew me in. I loved escaping and felt like I was there experiencing the city and culture. I’ve been Prague once and fell in love with the city and would love to go back. Even more so now!
I loved the chemistry and little moments in this. Second chance is always a winner with me.
Leo was like an excited puppy bouncing around Prague and Anna was sweet, down to earth and loved reading! After going through some issues, she deserved so much happiness.
The friendships in this was heartwarming and special. I enjoyed the group getting to know each other and the adventures they went on together. The neighbour Michaela was hilarious, with her not so subtle ways. She was so funny.
This is the perfect book for to cosy up with on these cold nights.
Favourite quote ‘ Don’t ever think there’s always tomorrow. Do things now because you can, don’t put them off’.
Thank you for having me on the blog tour. Who happy I got to enjoy this and would definitely recommend it.

I love the author's "location" books, especially places I have been. Albeit it's been 20 years since I've been to Prague. Definitely need to rectify that!
A lovely heartwarming story. I really enjoyed how the main characters were so young and had already been married and divorced, a different dynamic to usual.
My favourite quote:
"If everyone liked the same books, we'd all be reading the Bible."

This was bloody brilliant. I didn’t expect it to be a page turner. This is a love letter to Prague. I love how the author captured the life and culture, the sights and sounds and the food in Czech Republic. There were vivid descriptions of tourist attractions that will make you want to pack your bags and visit.
The writing was excellent and the characters amazing. I loved all of the side characters too as they brought a richness to the plot.
The emotional tension was done just right. It had the right temperature to keep readers vested in the plot.
If you are looking for a cozy romantic escape then you should consider this.

How gorgeous is that cover? Doesn’t it make you want to book yourself a winter trip to Prague immediately? And once you’ve read it, you’ll long to go even more!
This book is part of Julie Caplin’s romantic escapes series. Each is entirely standalone, linked by gorgeous romances in beautiful places. (Although I did notice Leo’s brother Raph who has featured in a previous book!) This book sees us off to visit the Czech Republic with Anna and Leo as they take part in a cultural exchange involving learning all about traditional methods of beer production, and taking part in a competition which will end with one of them winning equipment to set up their own micro-brewery.
Anna and Leo are provided with shared accommodation which Anna’s boyfriend isn’t too pleased about. What he doesn’t know, and they manage to hide after their initial shock of seeing who their flatmate is, is that Anna and Leo have history. Oh boy, do they have history! I loved reading about the relationship between the two, as frosty as the weather in Prague to begin with and seeing how they gradually began to remember how much they had loved each other and warm to each other again. Had they changed enough for these lovers-turned-enemies to trust each other and become lovers again in this forced proximity situation? I couldn’t wait to find out.
It was wonderful too reading about Prague as Leo and Anna explored the city, made friends and fell in love with this magical place. I almost felt as if I’d been on a mini-break myself wandering the streets with its beautiful old houses, churches, bridges and castle. I could imagine myself in one of the many restaurants or bars enjoying some Czech beer or wine and perhaps a venison stew with fluffy dumplings. My mouth was watering as Anna and Leo explored the culinary delights of Prague. Julie Caplin really seems to have captured what makes Prague such a special place and I would so love to go!
A Little Place in Prague is a romantic, heart-warming read which will leave you hoping for some chilly weather so you can curl up by the fire and explore Prague with Anna and Leo through its pages. With such a beautiful setting, a female protagonist stepping out from the shadow of family expectations, new friendships, and just maybe a happy-ever-after, this is a perfect escapist read for winter evenings.

Prague is a city that is on my list of places to visit and after reading this book it has certainly been pushed further up. The descriptions of the city and the food are amazing and you could almost visualise yourself there. I certainly didn't know about all the breweries that are there and what a big industry it is.
Unfortunately, I struggled to take to Anna and didn't like her attitude towards Leo and her assumption that he was still the same. I liked Leo and felt sorry for him at times, although he did come across as being a bit too full on. The second chance storyline was good, but I felt it could have been condensed a bit.
I loved Jan and Michaela as supporting characters and they, along with the other locals, definitely added to the story, especially Michaela's matchmaking antics.
If you're looking for a cute, second chance romance read, set in a beautiful location, then I would recommend this one to you.

A Little Place in Prague is a romantic second-chance love story that is sure to sweep you off your feet.
There is just something so magical about Julie's writing. She truly is the master at creating a story that transports you to unique places in our world. No matter where her books are set, Julie masterfully brings to life the culture, the people, and the essence that makes these places so special. In this book, we are transported to the gorgeous city of Prague. I've been lucky enough to have visited Prague around the holiday season and seen how festive and magical the city becomes during this time of year. The city just comes to life in this book. I felt like I was back in this city, eating yummy treats and soaking in the beautiful sights. Beware, the food talk in this book is delicious and will leave you feeling super hungry.
The story and the characters are wonderfully developed and rich. Reading a Julie Caplin story is like being wrapped in a cozy blanket. You just sink into the story, and the world around you disappears. This book has charm and heart that leaps from the pages of her books, and this book is no exception. I love that feeling of escapism that I got when reading this book. The story unfolds interestingly and entertainingly. I enjoyed learning about Czech beer; watching two MCs explore the world of breweries was a lot of fun. Even though there is this light fluffiness to this story, there is this realism that is woven throughout the plot. Both Anna and Leo have emotional baggage, and they are dealing with these tougher emotions that have been plaguing them, which means that there are plenty of ups and downs, especially when rekindling the romance between them. Their struggles and insecurities are relatable to anyone who may have felt they weren't good enough.
Anna and Leo are wonderful MCs. We met Leo in the previous book in the series and he is an absolute delight. He is that cinnamon roll hero who is full of life and a big old flirt. He is the life of the party, and you just cannot help but love him. Leo struggles with feeling like he is not good enough. People often write Leo off as a pretty party boy who will never amount to anything. He is in Prague to prove he can make it in the brewery world and start his own business. Anna is also in Prague to prove to her family that she can play a bigger role in her family's brewery business. Anna sees herself as a prickly-ish person. Her self-esteem isn't the highest, and she doesn't believe that someone like Leo would ever stay in love with her. She doesn't see herself like Leo (who adores her) does.
If you like a good second-chance forced proximity romance, you will enjoy this book. I really enjoyed the chemistry and journey Anna and Leo went on in this book. Julie hooks her readers in by teasing us with the knowledge that these two characters have a past. But we don't know what that past is. I instantly wanted to know what happened between them because that tension was leaping from the pages. I liked Anna and Leo together. They have this great opposite-attract chemistry that I couldn't help but devour. The main obstacle these two have to overcome is clearly past miscommunications and learning to trust one another with their fears.
A Little Place in Prague is a charming, breathtaking romance that is so satisfying to read.

I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.
When I first started reading, I immediately wanted to know more about the two main characters, Anna and Leo. I thought about their situation, and the scenario presented by the author, and something about it went to my heart. I think Anna was the character that I empathised with most, but I found Leo very charming, and he made me smile.
I pictured Prague in my mind as somewhere beautiful, somewhere to escape to. It came to life for me as I was reading, along with the characters.
This book was heartwarming, romantic and sweet, and left me with a nostalgic feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on.
Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, and to the author and publisher, for the opportunity to read and review this.

Whilst the book is the twelfth in the Romantic Escapes series, they are all standalone stories.
I was immediately transported to Prague and with the author's descriptions I was able to drink in the sights, sounds and scenery without leaving the sofa.
The characters are delightful and a second chance romance has always been a favourite trope of mine.
Who knew a book about a beer brewing competition would turn into such a delightful read?

I absolutely loved the description of Prague. It was already on my wish list but has now moved up a notch. The characters are well drawn and their prior relationship made it an interesting flat share. However, the plot was rather contrived in so much as they were the only two candidates, and the ending was predictable. The fun therefore was not so much the plot, rather the way in which it led to its inevitable conclusion. I enjoyed the book, loved the location and if you're looking for a cosy winter read, this book is just the ticket.

Readers are transported to the beautiful city of Prague in this romantic read where Anna and Leo are working against one another in a beer brewing competition. However, it turns out that this pair have a bit of a history, so being housemates raises a few questions about how they are going to get along. It’s fine that they are head-to-head in their work lives, but coming home to one another sends Anna off in a spin of memories and regrets.
Having now read several books in this series, I think it is Caplin’s depiction of the setting that adds to the identity of the novels. This definitely added a whole new level to this story, especially as Prague is not somewhere I have visited before (now on my travel “bucket list” after reading this!). It is evident that Caplin has an affinity with the city and I loved how the writer brings this setting alive. I felt like I was a tourist with Anna and Leo as they discover their new home – from the architect to the traditions of living in Prague, this book was both an education and a tour. Furthermore, the references to language, food and, of course, beer, meant this was a read that truly tickled my senses. It made the story even more appealing beyond the romantic genre of the book.
The beer brewing process doesn’t take centre stage to the story and for this I was quite grateful. Instead, the focus is on the people that Anna and Leo encounter. I loved the apartment block that the characters live in and the contrast between the different floors. Ludmila is like the matriarch of the building and Jan and Michaela befriend Anna and Leo very quickly – helped along by Leo’s friendly and flirtatious manner. In contrast, the head brewers themselves come to symbolise and old and the new which is a bit like Anna and Leo’s connection. The dinner party really came to represent how Anna and Leo have shaped their lives in Prague and what the future may hold for them.
Another warming aspect to this tale is how Leo and Anna are presented, romantically. I liked the fact that it is Anna who is the flawed character. I felt this made the story refreshing to read and I enjoyed seeing how she has to overcome her own vulnerabilities in order to find happiness at last.
A great, wintery read from Caplin, this is a good start to cosying up whilst the temperatures drop outside! It’s not a Christmas story but I think the travelling and the winter months in the latter chapters help to add to the atmosphere of such a warming tale.
With thanks to One More Chapter, NetGalley and Rachel’s Random Resources for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Should you ever be thinking of visiting Prague, I honestly wouldn’t bother with Google or any guidebooks – this wonderful book will transport you there, giving a wonderful taste (and I use that word deliberately – food that makes your mouth water, and if you’ve never tried Czech beer…) of exactly what it would be like to live and work there, lingering at times on the many unmissable sights. I’ve rarely come across a book that had me so immersed in its lovely setting and (if they don’t already) I’m sure the tourist organisations will be rolling out the red carpet for the lovely author every time she visits. She captures everything in such wonderful detail, really bringing the place to life – and you can feel that it’s a place she loves.
And love certainly is a major part of the totally gorgeous story too. Anna is there as part of a competition – working with a brewery to design a new beer, part of an initiative to promote Czech brewing in the UK – hoping to win the prize of the equipment she needs to set up her own microbrewery. The trade attaché department have organised accommodation for the duration of her placement – a shared flat with two bedrooms and a rather lovely terrace. But no furniture, and as boyfriend Steve assembles her bed before heading for home, they discover another problem – she’ll be sharing with Leo, the men take an instant dislike to each other, and (although she keeps it a secret for now) they do have a shared past that she’d really prefer not to revisit. And he’s her competition for the prize that means so much to her – and we do discover the reasons why, and why she feels (perhaps wrongly) that he might not be quite as invested in the outcome.
They’re each assigned a sponsor – Anna’s with a more traditional brewery, Leo’s with an innovative young one, with the additional complication of a rift in the family that’s made the owners enemies. Making the best of things after the initial sparks that fly between them, they enjoy the company of downstairs neighbours Jan and Michaela, drawn in by their circle of friends too. And landlady Ludmilla isn’t quite the cranky presence she seemed to be at first encounter either. And it would be a shame not to see a bit of Prague while they’re there, wouldn’t it? And slowly – very slowly, with a few reversals along the way – their unlikely connection starts to build. Perhaps Anna isn’t the tightly laced-up and entirely focused person she sometimes seems to be – and maybe there’s rather more depth to Leo than his jokey, flirty and friendly front would have you believe.
Enough of the story-telling – the author does it so much better. In fact, she does it quite wonderfully – I so enjoyed the way the ice began to thaw between them, each of them an individual who really won my heart. And as for the book’s central romance – that was so real I could feel it, and something very special indeed. And I haven’t even mentioned that it’s nearly Christmas too, have I? A time of year when emotions always run a little more deeply – and this book entirely captures the magic of the season. I must mention too a particularly welcome cameo appearance from a couple central to one of the earlier books – nothing that need trouble you if you failed to notice, but I thought it was such a lovely touch.
This was such a special book, and I have to say I loved every single moment – the beautifully drawn setting, the gorgeous romance, the emotional ups and downs, the friendships, the happy ever after I so hoped for but doubted would ever happen. Quite magical, and the perfect read for the long dark nights – do add it to your Christmas reading list, because I’m quite sure you’ll love it every bit as much as I did.

Julie Caplin is one of my favourite authors and Prague is one of my favourite places so when I saw this was called a little place in Prague and it was due out before Christmas I felt like my Christmas had come early.
Just like Julie’s previous books had descriptions of the places in settings in the book of gorgeous, it’s one of the reasons I love reading her books as well as the fabulous stories you get a holiday from your armchair. If you haven’t been, it makes you feel like you have and if you have visited the places, it’s even better. It feels like you’re walking down your own memories. It’s fabulous.
But the main reason to read this book is the story (and I add this for all of Julie‘s books) his storytelling skills are brilliant, truly wonderful, her character characters are thoroughly three dimensional, even the supporting characters are so detailed and relatable. When I grow up, I want to live in a Julie Caplin world, but for now will be happy just living in the pages of her books.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This charming winter romance takes us right into the heart of the beautiful city of Prague where we meet Anna Love and Leo Knight who are unexpected housemates when they both arrive in the city to learn more about the art of beer production. There’s a lovely twist to their relationship which I won’t spoil but which adds a delicious frisson of will they, won’t they romance.
A Little Place in Prague is a lovely, descriptive story which brings the beautiful city of Prague alive, as both the place and the people are described in such a way that it feels as if you are following in Anna and Leo’s footsteps as they each adapt to life in the city, enjoying its many attractions and making friends with local people. I especially enjoyed the description of both the food and drink which the author describes in such realistic detail that it becomes an absolute joy to imagine the culinary feasts she sets before your eyes.
Whilst this is now the thirteenth book in the Romantic Escapes series, it is very much a standalone read which is filled with the author’s trademark passion for travel and food and also at its heart is a beautiful second chance love story which warms the soul.

Thank you to @rachelsrandomresources for inviting us onto this book tour.
I really enjoyed this book I really liked Anna and Leo and did not like Anna's boyfriend Steve at all from the off he seemed very selfish and she didn't seem very happy whilst with him. Iys not until a little way into the book I realised Anna and Leo were married when they were younger and now they have both arrived in Prague on a learning trip to see what they can learn about beer and have a completion to see who can win their own beer equipment to make their own drinks. To start with they are both uncomfortable having to live together but straight away you could see they still had feelings for one another it just took them a little while to see everyone around them could tell too. It was lovely having the local area described too I would love to visit one day. I enjoy these books so much as you always get a lovely story and a gorgeous surroundings.

A Little Place in Prague by Julie Caplin
I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
It's been years since Anna has seen Leo Knight. And of all the apartments in all the cities in all the world, he just happens to walk in to her cosy new attic home – as her new housemate.
As the two walk the cobbled streets of Prague, taking in the sights and sounds from Wenceslas Square, frosted with snow, to the soft glow of candlelit Charles Bridge, the enchantment of the City of a Hundred Spires soon starts to work its magic on them…
My Opinion
This is the twelfth book in the series but it could easily be read as a standalone.
This is a second chance romance, that gets off to a slow start but was definitely worth reading. Unexpectedly thrown together Anna and Leo must learn to live with each other following their past. Julie Caplin has written an entertaining tale with some great descriptions. This was such an adorable story with a great setting. Julie Caplin will whisk you away to Prague within pages.
Rating 4/5

Such a fantastic book that combines some of my favourite things! Travel, food and beer, plus one of my favourite tropes, second chance at love. This glorious book was perfect!
I adored the setting, I could completely imagine the apartment from the wonderful descriptions given, I so wanted to be in that community!
Anna and Leo coming together unexpectedly was an interesting story, it was entertaining watching them forced into the situation and it was addictive to find out if they would get together.
This was a wonderful winter themed book that had me longing to visit beautiful Prague and sampling the local beer and food that was so skilfully described.
Another perfect romantic escape with Julie Caplin’s adorable story.

Romantic, sweet, interesting, and oh so cozy, "A Little Place in Prague" is a contemporary romance novel that kept me turning the pages late into the night and early into the morning!
Firstly, this cover is so beautiful!
Julie Caplin's writing is absolutely magical. Each element throughout this novel jumped right off of the page so vividly, and I could envision every character, location, and moment. I truly felt like I had traveled to Prague and was right there with the characters, completely surrounded all around me by the special city. I learned so much about culture, beer brewing, and sights, etc. Prague truly was a character in the book in its own right and brought so much to the story, and, oh my goodness, I would love to travel there even more now!
Anne and Leo truly bring out the best in one another, and they truly are one another's happily-ever-after! Watching them fall in love in this beautiful city was truly so breathtaking!
I highly recommend this book!
Thank you so much to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter, and Julie Caplin for the e-ARC of this novel, and to Rachel's Random Resources. Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter, and Julie Caplin for having me on the blog tour! All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

It is not a joke to say while reading this book and even after I was left with a warm happy glow. I have been experiencing a lot of stressful times recently and this book has made me forget my troubles and I was totally engrossed in it.
A beer competition in Prague has a most exciting prize. The winner who makes, do I call it crafts, or brews (I'm not a beer drinker) the best tasting beer wins beer making equipment to start their own brewery.
Anna is in Prague for several months as she prepares for this contest, sure she'll win. Unbelievably her roommate is none other than Leo, she hasn't seen him in years and she's certainly not happy about this surprise.
The description the author has given of Prague is marvelous, from its architecture work to arts, weather and scrumptious foods. Meeting the locals I almost felt as though I could hear their accent and see their welcoming smiles. The author really writes with an authentic flair with her descriptions.
Can a second chance romance go better the second time around? It can but will it, that's the question as Leo, who is such a charmer around the women and Anna battle their growing feelings for each other and compete in who will have the best beer.
I loved this story, so festively fun, I laughed out loud many times and could empathize with the predicaments the characters found themselves in.
Recommended read!
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

A Little Place in Prague was a wonderful book to read, it felt so cosy and perfect for this season. I fell in love with Prague through the beautiful story telling.
The book focused on Anna and Leo who have moved to Prague for a cultural exchange to learn about beer making. They are living together in an apartment, but they don’t know each other are going to be there, and they have history. I loved reading about how Anna and Leo navigate being together again and how their relationship developed. I thought the characters were well developed and I liked the other characters as well.
I definitely want to read more from this collection of stories, it is a unique idea for the settings of the book. At times, I thought the book was cliche but it was still enjoyable to read. I thought the book was written well and it was an easy book to read as I felt I got into the book immediately. I definitely recommend this book to those who love a romance.

It’s been years since Anna Love has seen Leo Knight until he turns up as her new housemate in Prague where they have both arrived for a brewing competition.
As the two settle into life in Prague and their respective internships at a local brewing company the city works its magic on them.
I enjoyed this story. I was first introduced to Leo as a secondary character in A Villa with a View; he is the main character in this book. It was like a love letter to Prague and I loved all of the characters, especially Jan and Michaela, and the story. I really want to go to Prague and explore it there. It was a fun, cozy romantic read set in a beautiful city. What’s not too like?
I’m looking forward to reading more by this author.
Thanks to @harpercollins, @onechapter, @rachelsrandomresources, @netgalley and the author of this ARC