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Jess decides that she can't take any more from her violent and abusive partner Lewis and moves away from him. It was in a hospital visit that she's given a leaflet for a support group for other victims of domestic abuse. She slowly starts to make friends with the other women but one by one their ex's are being murdered by someone known as The Caretaker and it wasn't who I thought it was!! Great fast paced and empowering book - with women taking back their power!

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Wow, what an addictive book and better yet its the first book of what is promising to be a fabulous series.

I've only ever read one book before from this author, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it referenced in this one too. And it did remind me that I said even years ago that I needed to read more from them, so am glad I've rediscovered them.

What starts as a relatively straight forward psychological thriller with it being made very obvious who the killer is, soon becomes so much more involved and impressive story, with so many levels to it.

And with it comes a moral dilemma, and also brings one rather harrowing issue the forefront of readers minds, and makes me wonder how I would cope, or what I would be willing to do if I was in the same situation.

I loved the core group of women in this story, and Jess is very brave, but at the same time incredibly empathetic too.

I was totally hooked on this, and loved every second of it. And there is no way I could have guessed the ending, that was totally fabulous. Bring on the next book in this series.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Serial Killer Support Group by Saratoga Schaefer
Serial Killer Support Group
by Saratoga Schaefer (Goodreads Author)
Ghoul Von Horror's reviewMar 26, 2025 · edit
did not like it
bookshelves: 1-star-hated-it, almost-dnfed, audio-book, forgettable, gay, netgalley, read-books-2025, stalkerish, started-great-ended-meh, thriller-s

TW/CW: Language, grieving, mourning, drinking, toxic family relationships, alcoholism, death of sibling, abusive relationship, child abandonment, cheating

About the book:
When Cyra Griffin’s younger sister is murdered by a serial killer, Cyra knows better than to expect justice from the hands of the police department. With the investigation already dying its own slow death, Cyra follows the blood trail and finds her own way forward.

Using insider information (don’t ask) Cyra infiltrates a support group for serial killers by pretending to be one herself in the hopes of finding the person who ended her sister’s life. Proving herself to them comes at a cost, but it’s one Cyra is willing to pay in the name of revenge.

Unfortunately, the dangerous men in the group aren’t the only obstacle in Cyra’s path for vengeance, and the further Cyra descends into the deadly world of serial killers, the harder it becomes to hold on to her own humanity.
Release Date: March 18th, 2025
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 320
Rating: ⭐

What I Liked:
1. Each killers story about themselves

What I Didn't Like:
1. Serial Killers are boring and bicker too much
2. Cyra not like other girls
3. Boring
4. Predictable
5. The ending

Final Thoughts:
I rolled my eyes so much reading this book. So stupid. I didn't know serial killers could be so boring. I just can't imagine serial killers getting together to NOT brag about their murders. They join the group and it's banned. Yeah, because serial killers listen.

So much happens in this book that makes little sense. Like a serial killer helping Cyra find the man that killed her sister.

I hated Cyra painted herself as this person out to save innocent people when she's out there killing people too.

I hated how it's beat over our heads that she's taken classes to fight when it's so obvious that it'll come up later and she'll need to fight someone. Of course she wins against this much bigger and stronger man.

The way everyone just throws names around is so comical. Jason gives up his name in like 2 seconds.

It's all so convenient that the group that's on the black web is right in the same area where all these killers live. Plus to get in was so unbelievably easy. It didn't make sense why the police (other than the one) didn't try to get into it more.

I did enjoy how the killers broke down their killing tendencies one by one.

This book did that thing that drives me insane in books;
Our character remembers something one way or forgets to mention it - acting dumb but when we get to the ending it's a reveled that they actually knew everything. It doesn't make any sense to withhold information from the main character in their own brain and no one does that in real life. She did it with PJ. She acted like she was remorseful and an accident when she hit him but at the end we find out that she did it on purpose and actually finished him off with a rock. It makes no sense to spin the inner narrative.

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Was drawn in from the title of this book! It was quite the ride to go along, but I did truly enjoy the message. It’s such an important topic that is covered in this book and I think it was executed well. Will definitely be looking more into this author! Thank for for the ARC, as always!

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When domestic violence survivor Jess Pendle reluctantly joins a support group, she hopes to find solace in shared experiences - but what she discovers is far more dangerous.

This book is an absolute page-turner, masterfully blending psychological suspense with themes of justice, empowerment, and moral ambiguity. A gripping and thought-provoking read, highly recommended for fans of psychological thrillers that push the boundaries of right and wrong.
Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and author D.B. Stephens for the advance copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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D.B. Stephens' 'The Serial Killer Support Group' offers a darkly compelling premise that immediately hooks you. The concept itself is deliciously twisted, and the author crafts an intriguing plot that keeps you guessing. The characters, a motley crew of individuals with disturbingly unique 'talents,' are fascinating. I found myself wanting to know more about their backstories and motivations; a little more depth in their development would have elevated this to a solid five stars.

The idea of a 'caretaker' figure presiding over this bizarre group is particularly captivating. I found myself wishing there was a real-world equivalent, however unsettling that might be! The dynamics within the group are well-written, and the tension is palpable.

My only minor critique is that the red herring, while effective, felt a tad too obvious. A bit more subtlety would have made the final reveal even more impactful. However, this didn't detract significantly from my overall enjoyment.

Despite these minor quibbles, 'The Serial Killer Support Group' is a thoroughly engaging read. It's a dark, twisted, and thought-provoking novel that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. Recommended for fans of psychological thrillers with a macabre twist

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This was a quick, punchy read with a killer premise — quite literally. A support group that turns into something much darker? I was intrigued right away. The story moves fast, and the characters definitely bring some wild energy.

That said, while it was entertaining, it didn’t feel super grounded. The way the group handles things felt more like a revenge fantasy than something that could actually happen in real life. It leaned heavy into the “feminine badass” vibe, which was fun, but at times a little over the top.

Still, if you’re in the mood for a twisty, slightly unhinged take on justice with a side of dark humor, it delivers. Just go in knowing it’s more thriller fantasy than gritty realism.

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This was such a fun book! Chock full of twists and turns I did NOT see coming! Fun writing, I even laughed out loud a few times LOL. Kept me on the edge of my seat right up until the very last page!

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🐝 The Serial Killer Support Group
✍️D B Stephens
📅8 May 2025

Thank you to @netgalley and @harpercollinsuk, @onemorechapterhc for an ARC copy in return for an honest review.

When Jess Pendle agrees to attend a DV support group to meet other women who have lived similar experiences, she doesn’t expect much, but as their ex partners start being exposed one by one, Jess and the group realise they need each others support more than ever…

An enjoyable and twisty read that kept me guessing. I like my thrillers edgy and appreciated that this one went a little further with torture / revenge, making it a little darker than the average thriller (hey, don’t judge me!) The title was a little misleading for me and the story went in a direction I wasn’t expecting with the DV angle, but overall it was an enjoyable read and it lead me to looking for other DB Stephens / Darren O’Sullivan books… I currently have The Players on my TBR pile 👌

3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

#onemorechapterhc #netgalleyreviewer #netgalleyreview #thrillerbookreview #itsbookedup

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Serial Killer Support Group
By D.B. Stephens
Pub date: 5/08/2025

I tried to read this arc twice before I actually got through it. The title and premise promised one thing and the body of writing just didn’t deliver.

The writing style felt a lot like when you write nonsense to hit a word count for an essay due in an hour. There was a lot of fluff and a lot of repetition. It made it hard to read.

The premise was great, and had it been supported by good writing, this would have been a 5 star read.

I’m actually shocked that this is going to be a series.

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Book/Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Book Cover: ⭐️⭐⭐

Trigger Warning(s): Domestic Abuse
POV: Dual, First Person/ Singular, Third Person (at times)
Series/Standalone: Possible Start Of Series
First In Series: Possibly
Genre: Thriller
Safe or Dark: Dark ️️️
Release Date: May 8, 2025

Quick Take Review 💥:

A fast-paced, quick thriller with an interesting concept. A fun buildup that leads to a quick and abrupt conclusion. Overall, enjoyable characters with a few lacking in development. Good to pick up in between denser reads.

Worth checking out.

In Depth Review 👇

Plot/Writing 📄:

Haven’t we all wanted to get back at those who have wronged us in one way or another? Especially when it’s done in such a devastating, possibly life-altering way?

Wouldn’t we all love to stumble upon a group that can relate to what you’re dealing with and be willing to help you handle matters by any means necessary?

Meet Jess Pendle, a woman who’s been able to do both of the above-mentioned things. She got back at those who hurt her and found a group willing to help her every step of the way.

While things start out as a typical support group for victims of domestic violence, chaos quickly ensues once someone starts to get revenge on all the women who’d been wronged. Chaos in the most illegal form.

Hey, sometimes when the law falls short, people gotta do what they gotta do. Justice is usually a dish best served cold.

D.B. Stephen’s writing is easy to follow and comprehend. It’s straightforward and not overly flowery. The writing is engaging without being complicated.

Although a bit farfetched at times, this is a fun, fast-paced thriller that hits the ground running from the very first chapter. It is definitely more of a popcorn thriller that lacks deep substance. A perfect palate cleanser to read when you don’t want to use too much of your mind.

I love a good revenge story, and this definitely fits the bill.

Characters 👫:

Jessica “Jess” Pendle— Our main protagonist. Overall, I enjoyed her character. Despite her faults and at times slip-ups, she did her best to move on from life after leaving her abusive ex, Lewis. I liked that she took the initiative to get help and found comfort in the support group. Jess didn’t let what happened to her hold her down and control her life, despite at times wanting to.

The Caretaker— Who doesn’t like a person that takes revenge on those who abuse others?

Lewis— He was a piece of crap. That’s it. That’s all I have to say about Lewis.

Detective Sergeant Sophie Salam— I liked Sophie in the sense that she took no shit while on the job and always tried to do what she felt was best for her daughter. Despite her struggles, she tried to build a better life for herself and her family. However, there was something about her character that I couldn’t get behind. I’m not sure what it was, but something about her bothered me.

Law Enforcement—Other than DS Salam, all of the police officers in this story sucked big time. They did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help the women who were abused and lived in fear of their former partners/spouses.

Pros 🙂:

- This book managed to address a very important issue in a simple and straightforward manner.

- This story more or less kept my attention from start to finish.

- This is a fun twist on the typical thriller, the whodunit being revealed fairly early on and in a very untypical way.

- The red herrings had me fooled. I was unable to figure out who The Caretaker was. I thought I had it all figured out, only to eventually realize (much to my entertainment) that I was very wrong. I love when an author is able to throw readers off the killer's trail.

(About half way through the book I told my husband, “I’m pretty sure I know who the killer is.” Needless to say I didn’t.)

- The creepy vibes of the story were done so well. I got actual goosebumps thinking about being completely unaware of someone staring into my home, looking in my windows, and watching me sleep. It’s so eerie. YUCK!

- The plot twist was PLOT TWISTING! Oh man, this baby was perfectly placed and so wonderfully done. Hats off to D.B Stephens.

- The short chapters make this book a breeze to get through. I was able to read good chunks of the book in one sitting.

- A nice representation about children with autism. Not overly dramatized or stereotypical. You can tell the author did thorough research for this part of the book.

Cons 😟:

- Most of the characters would have benefited from a bit more development and at times were flat/two-dimensional. I think Jess had the best growth out of the lot of them.

- The ending was a bit rushed and concluded rather abruptly. It left me feeling unsatisfied and wanting more. Although I’ve been told that this might possibly be a series, so hopefully some unanswered questions will be tied up in the next book.

- Above I mentioned that this book wasn’t heavy when it came to substance. While that is fine for this type of thriller, I was hoping for something deeper out of this one given its serious subject matter.

- While I did enjoy Stephen’s writing style (as mentioned above), it did tend to get repetitive at times, with the same words being used multiple times in only two or three sentences.

Other Thoughts 💭:

- This book did make me sit and think about the morality surrounding humanity. How do we determine who is deemed a hero for their actions and who isn’t? Why do we find murder acceptable in some situations and not others? Do we all have bad in us to counteract the good?

- It appears the author has set this up to get another book and the start of a possible series. I am interested in seeing where things go. You could also stop with this one book and view the ending as just more of an open-ended one.

- Things did tend to get pretty far-fetched at times. You have to suspend a good amount of belief for about 50% of the story. Despite this, the overall plot managed to stay entertaining and engaging.

- The second half of the book slows down a bit after the big reveal in the middle, but once things start to go downhill, they go down fast. Seeing how it all came unraveled for everyone involved with The Caretaker was very fun and pulled me back into the story.

Favorite Quotes 💕:

“Life just didn’t allow you to stop when it got tough.”

“The world had gone to shit, accountability was lost.”

“The court of public opinion was not a good place.”

As always, please remember that reading is subjective, and that’s what makes it so great. 😊

I would like to thank HarperCollins UK/One More Chapter and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this book.

This is my voluntary, unbiased, and honest review.

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3.5 rounded to 4 stars. I enjoyed the overall story and the characters. The premise was really good. The pacing wasn't great. It felt like there was either too much build up or too much unnecessary detail. But even with the pacing issues or length issues when I got to the end of the story it didn't feel complete. I had a lot of unanswered questions. I noticed from there that this book is mean to be the start of a series. So that likely explain it. But I did struggle.
Thank you to NetGalley and the published for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was a fast-paced quick read. Very simple and straightforward. No huge surprises or twists, and you will probably figure it out before it's all revealed, but it was enjoyable read.

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If I could give this 3.5 stars on here, I would. The way this book made it really easy to read, due to the short chapters. Although it didn’t give me the shock factor, it was still an enjoyable read.

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Jess joins a support group for women who have experienced domestic violence. When their therapist departs, a few of the group members decide to take justice into their own hands, adopting lethal methods to protect and avenge one another.

This was a powerful read, and although the subject is heavy and it gets graphic at times, there’s also a light, cozy vibe to balance things out.

Jess was immediately likable, as were all the women in the support group. The detective in charge was also likable; in fact, the only unlikables were the abusive men.

I would have enjoyed more differentiation among the women, as they all kind of blended into one kickass persona. When Jess joins, I would have loved an ’80s-style montage where she works out, tries on outfits, and trains to fight! As it was, it felt too “easy” and quick. I also wanted the murders to be less obvious because it was so unbelievable.

At the same time, I loved it and was gripped! The chapters are short, and the pace is fast. Although there’s no twist, the excitement came from the epicness of their emergence and power.

If you’re looking for a realistic portrayal of domestic violence, this isn’t it. But if you’re a fan of karma and love a kickass woman, this could be the series you’ve been waiting for!

Thanks to @Netgalley and @onemorechapterhc for access to this advanced readers copy

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I hadn’t realised when I requested this book that DB Stephens is a pseudonym for Darren O’Sullivan. I previously read The Players and really enjoyed it, so I was excited to read this one!

When Jess finds herself in hospital in New Years Eve, being asked if her ‘trip down the stairs’ was really an accident, she decides to take her life into her own hands and leave her abusive boyfriend. However, when the exes of those in her support group begin to be murdered, she starts to question who may be behind the killings.

I should mention straight away that The Serial Killer Support Group may be triggering to those who have experienced domestic violence, but it does have a good message at its heart. From the outset I was hooked, with the easy writing style keeping me engaged. I particularly enjoyed the chapters from The Caretakers perspective, and I had initially thought I had guessed the twist – how wrong I was! All three perspectives – Jess, Detective Sophie and The Caretaker all felt distinct and different as well.

The book references a previous case a few times which I think is from The Players, (it was a very long time ago that I read it though, so apologies if I’m wrong on this). I love an author creating a world that links their novel together, but this felt strange, as The Players was published under Darren’s main name and not his pseudonym.

The ending may divide people – the book is so cat-and-mouse throughout, but this fizzles out a bit in the conclusion. However, the after-notes mention that this is the first book in a series which I was not expecting - so this is not the end of the story! It can easily be read as a standalone book though, so don’t let that put you off!

Overall, The Serial Killer Support Group is a twisty narrative and a great spin on an important subject. Thank you to NetGalley & Harper Collins UK – One More Chapter for the chance to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Jess reached her breaking point on New Years Eve and this changes everything. More than she could imagine. After joining a support group for female victims of domestic violence, Jess makes many new friends. Including the detective…

This book addresses domestic violence and morale dilemmas wrapped up in a gripping thriller and I couldn’t put it down. A one sitting job for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my copy of this publication ⭐️

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The Serial Killer Support Group discusses serious topics of domestic abuse. The story follows a group of women who have are currently in abusive relationships. They meet every Friday and share their traumas and form special bonds. Enter The Caretaker, who knows every detail of each of these women's abuse and secretly stalks their abusers to teach them a lesson. Who is he and how does he know so much?
This book captivated me right from the beginning. It was stressful and intense at times. The author addresses how there is so much unfairness and frustration for women stuck in an abusive relationship. Men are so easily able to be controlling, intimidating, gaslighting, and overpowering. Where as women are seen as being dramatic and lairs. The end was a bit of a let down and made me wanting a bit more. It could have done with an epilogue.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review The Serial Killer Support Group!

This book was a fun, fast read!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review

3.5 stars

While this had a really interesting premise, and dealt with a difficult topic like domestic violence pretty well, I did find some of it a bit predictable and found myself almost wishing for more - more tension, more character development. Having said that, it's a very easily palatable thriller featuring a killer with complex motivations, and the blurring of right and wrong, as well as doing a good job at addressing the injustices of the justice system in the UK when it comes to domestic and intimate partner violence.

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