Member Reviews

Heidi is coparenting her two children. She’s also holding down a job struggling with the menopause.

As her symptoms increase her mood gets even darker. So when she receives an email from HR for women of a certain age, she finds the content particularly patronising and irks her fury. She types an email (a very funny one) to vent her emotions. She never intends to send it. It’s just to get her thoughts together.

However what should’ve been an email that she intended to delete she accidentally send to all within her company. The next day she is a global sensation all be it not with her boss. To make amends. She must send a global apology and form a menopause support group.

What starts off feeling like a punishment to Heidi ends up becoming one of the highlights of her life.

This is a highly entertaining read. Being of a similar age to the character Heidi I could certainly relate to a lot of the things she was going through. This is certainly a book that I will be recommending to my female friends although some of my male friends could learn from it too.

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I really enjoyed this book.
I could totally relate to it, going through the menopause myself!
It made me laugh.

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It's great to see more books available for women of a certain age hitting that special time in their lives and not shying away from the realities - Hot Not Bothered does that unapologetically!

Heidi Hobbes is in her early 50s and definitely perimenopausal (whatever that means) resulting in mental and physical changes she doesn't really understand and has no control over. One particularly stressful work day this sees Blondie the Rage Monster take over and Heidi sends a company-wide email that wasn't meant for public consumption.

This kickstarts a series of events which sees Heidi face her current situation head-on instead of hiding away and hibernating which is what her anxiety is telling her to do.

I loved this book, the way it deals with menopause and its effects of women is incredibly relatable - as is the lack of information, misinformation and poor support options available in the real world. I could very much empathise with some of the character's experiences and it references a few things I have googled to check out myself.

This is a great story in itself, but I would love to see what happens next for Heidi and her friends and family!

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A hilarious insightful look at menopause and how it effects Heidi and her new thrust upon friends.
A wrongly sent email in the throes of menopausal anger brings the most wonderful and different women into Heidi’s life, all women tackling menopause.
These are great but different characters who possibly would have never been friends in other circumstances, all have different symptoms and deal with them differently.
This is a journey I’m about to start and hope I can do so with the same hilarious attitude as Hailey, preferably without the diarrhoea.

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This book should be available on the NHS and given to all peri/menopausal woman !!! Very relatable for woman going through the same struggles as Heidi and her friends … informative about menopause and the many many symptoms as well as having a great storyline and characters .. loved this book !!

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Buckle up for a real fun, feel-good read about women, menopause and life in general.

Heidi works at a university, is mum to two lovely girls, has her ex-husband living next door, positively involved in their upbringing. It all should be wonderful. But Heidi is hitting the menopause and is really struggling. Then she receives a patronising email from the university (I worked in one for over 20 years and could just envisage this happening!) offering help to women going through the menopause, and she drafts an email back telling him exactly what she thinks of him, his policy and his bright ideas. Unfortunately the email is sent to all staff... and Heidi faces disciplinary action, or the chance to step up and help her colleagues.

The result is heart-warming, slightly twee but offset by some real laugh out loud moments as she and her friends cope with these distressing symptoms. A great read for anyone, menopausal or not.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Hot Not Bothered was hysterical! Every perimenopausal woman should read this, it told me things I hadn’t heard of even though I am perimenopausal and have visited the doctor and googled!
Partners of said women should also read it to understand the rage and anxiety alone!
I have never felt so seen!!!

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I absolutely loved everything about this book and was hooked from the first page. It was so true to life and the characters were totally relatable.

The story is focused on Heidi and how she is navigating life as a single mum of 2 girls while dealing with work, life in general and the menopause.
Heidi was a fantastic character who I could totally relate to and I just wanted to be her friend and part of the M&Ms.

Parts of the story had me laughing out loud, while other parts had me crying or shouting out with solidarity. The reunion chapters were fantastic and (no spoilers)the morning after was brilliant.

The book touched on some important themes but showed the importance of friendship and family.

I didn’t want this book to end and am definitely buying this for all of my friends. I am also hoping for a sequel to see what happens next for Heidi.

Thanks to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and Harper Ford for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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I’m keeping this simple - Heidi is damn fresh outta F***s - this book had me howling! I didn’t need to know anymore my gosh…. A fab story of the normal life of someone going through a medical problem, trying to get support and having other roles too…. I was frustrated for her but totally understand both sides here…

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A great book that I'm sure a lot of women of a certain age will relate to! Really on the mark about menopause and how it affects so many women. Really funny in places and handles the subject exceptionally well. Highly recommended.

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Having enjoyed Harper Ford’s previous book Divorced (not dead) very much, this is another laugh out loud story that has serious undertones dealt with in a sympathetic but funny way.

We follow Heidi through mid-life dealing with the menopause, single motherhood with 2 children and then accidentally sending a ‘reply to all’ work email which she really didn’t mean to do.

The blurb to this book gives you an idea this is going to be a fun but sweary story which is a really hilarious read. Refreshingly honest, I thoroughly enjoyed this heartwarming tale with genuine characters that made it such a delight to read. Highly recommended.

Many thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Harper Ford has done it again - by which I mean, written about something that every woman will go through but with such intelligent humour that you can't help but laugh. Protagonist, Heidi, is 'one of us': a woman in the midst of menopause, single mother, loathsome job. This is a timely novel, given the drive for organisations to have 'menopause policies', but also given that what Ford does so well is pitch the humour, and the romance, at just the right point. Reading this novel is like having a conversation with a friend, and that's a really tricky narrative effect to pull off. Another excellent one from Harper Ford. My grateful thanks to NetGalley and to the publishers for the ARC. More please :).

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I wasn’t sure about this initially mostly due to the protagonist’s ignorance about perimenopause in the initial chapters as there’s been so much more open discussion on it in recent years that it just felt a bit behind the times. After that though I really got into it with her response to the ‘generous’ concession made by her employers to menopausal employees, the varying attitudes of medical professionals and most of all her fellow menopausal employees who are all struggling in different ways. This is all well balanced with an invite to a university reunion and reconnecting with her two university housemates which added a good extra aspect to her life. The issues covered are very real and well represented in all seriousness but the writing style is littered with humour which makes it very engaging. There’s some really good characters and it does well to cover different attitudes and opinions with no judgement but also being no holds barred about the less glamorous aspects of menopause.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for this ARC.

"I’m Heidi Hobbes. And I’m fresh out of f**ks."

Heidi is a busy 52 year old divorced mother of two daughters, working in a mind-numbing admin job in Oxford. She is deep in the throes of peri-menopause which doesn't just mean hot flushes but also now and then uncontrollable rage. When management send a deeply unhelpful and patronising email round about support for menopausal women by letting them buy overpriced desk fans, she lets rip in a glorious, expletive-laden 'reply all'. She doesn't mean to actually send it but somehow it finds its way into every inbox in the company. Luckily, instead of getting fired she is tasked with starting a support group for menopausal women. At the same time she reconnects with two guys from her past, Luke and Nate, prior to an upcoming 30 year school reunion.

The tone of the book is light-hearted and extremely funny, but
it is at its strongest when it tackles the problems of the five women in the Menopause Group (the M&M's), their physical but also mental issues including horrible husbands, judgy parents and loneliness. Menopause and its symptoms are discussed at length - symptoms which are more encompassing than many people realise. The problems with access to and understanding from doctors and nurses are also very realistically portrayed.

I'm 53 myself, with many menopausal symptoms and this book felt like it was written for me. I could relate so hard with those overlooked and raging women who had to fight for every little bit of HRT.

The side characters are fantastic and round the story off with interesting friends, funny family and an enigmatic cat.

I didn't care much about the second chances love triangle though, with a third-act breakup that makes no sense whatsoever. The school reunion party was a hoot though!

Altogether this is a fresh, entertaining and searingly honest account of navigating life when your hormones are all over the shop, you can't remember the word for cauliflower and have put the lamb in the dishwasher instead of the oven. When you get digestive issues and pertaining to that develop anxiety and a fear of travel. When you look in the mirror and find yourself completely unattractive. There is a strong sense of female bonding, friendship and empowerment in this story - the morale is you can and should accept help because you're all in it together.

I have put the author's other novel "Divorced Not Dead" on my library list, and if it's anything like this, I know I will enjoy it immensely.

4.75 stars

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Title: Hot Not Bothered

Author: Harper Ford
Genre: Romance, Women Fiction

Rating: ★★★★1/2

If you're in the mood for a laugh-out-loud, no-holds-barred dive into the chaotic rollercoaster of menopause, then Hot Not Bothered by Harper Ford is your next must-read! This novel is a heartfelt and hilarious exploration of midlife's many surprises and loved every bit of it.

Meet Heidi—she's exhausted, irritable, and burning up from the inside out. Balancing a stressful job with the demands of parenting two kids with a significant age gap has left her with zero patience and even fewer f**ks to give. When her menopause symptoms ramp up, Heidi finds herself submerged in a whirlpool of contradictory advice, absurd doctors' appointments, and the wonderfully bizarre world of online menopause forums.

The turning point comes when Heidi accidentally hits ‘reply all’ to a patronising company-wide HR email meant to support ‘women of a certain age’. Her candid response makes her the unexpected poster woman for menopause at her office, and things get even more entertaining from there.

Why I Loved It:

Hot Not Bothered is an absolute riot! Harper Ford captures the trials and tribulations of menopause with a perfect blend of humour and honesty. Heidi's journey through hot flushes, HRT, and finding her tribe is both relatable and uplifting. The novel's wit and warmth shine through every page, making it impossible not to root for Heidi as she navigates the absurdities of midlife.

The book's portrayal of online support forums is especially amusing, highlighting the spectrum of advice—from the cult-like to the totally batshit—that women encounter. Heidi’s accidental rise to menopause spokesperson in her office adds another layer of hilarity, showing how one moment of candour can unexpectedly change everything.

Hot Not Bothered is a delightful read that will make you laugh until you cry. It's a 4.5 star celebration of second (or third) chance love, the power of community, and finding joy in the most unexpected places. If you're looking for a book that tackles menopause with humour and heart, this one’s for you!

Thank you to Avon Books UK, The Author Harper Ford & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely love this author’s light hearted comical style of storytelling. She can certainly entertain and knows how to create relatable characters who have realistic and modern situations. So much in fact I want to be part of the M&Ms. I could do with them in my own life right now!

I was gripped from the very beginning and was able to read this completely within 2 sessions. The little author’s note at the end made me smile, like the label on curling tongs that says “for external use only!” (IYKYK!)

This is a highly recommended romantic comedy, blended together flawlessly with woman empowerment and would make a great bookclub read.

I am super excited to read more from this author in the future, and Harper Ford has become an auto buy author for me!

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Absolutely hilarious read.
A middle age story from this fabulous storyteller.
The dreaded menopause and Heidi Hobbes is tired grumpy and hot, working in a stressful job a lone parent with two children, she's feeling like a volcano ready to erupt.
A laughed out load at some of these chapters, Absolutely brilliantly put by Miss Ford right too a T.
Reader's will love this book, it's fun, it's witty, and it's true. I loved it, certainly brightened up my reading day.

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