Member Reviews

It took a while to get into this. Was almost a dnf, and felt like a bit of a chore to read initially. But I’m glad I persevered as it had me hooked towards the end.

It’s a shame the beginning is written so clunky and quite difficult to follow because it is an interesting premise and a good plot.

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Scarlett returns home after 10 years to deal with magic gone wrong in her perfect magical home town. Her almost-boyfriend (they never dated) is still there (men can't leave or they'll forget the town exists) with unfinished feelings. Scarlett's sisters and mother are part of the town's history, adding weight onto "screw-up Scarlett's" shoulders, especially after the incident 10 years ago.

I started reading and was almost immediately put off by the number of pop culture references - not least "a wizard school in England". The references slowed down and the story was intriguing. Then it all went weird. This book seems to set up a series - who are the "bosses" and who is the woman tasked with keeping the evidence safe? Mama Melrose is right to question why they let one of the magicians escape when they could get more information. The book also says it takes 3 days to forget if you've been in the town long enough - he's gone a few hours and forgets, even after staying for months and figuring out how to get around the spell, where's the consistency? How did no one notice some magicians in top hats lurking in the background when the final spell took all day. Why did the magicians hang around so long?

The book ends happily but unconvincingly. The sister has been gone for a year after she's (partly) kidnapped - but there's no mention of anyone being bothered about finding out who attacked their magic (maybe it's Penn and Teller?! They have a throw away appearance if you're paying attention) or why.

The story idea has a great opportunity to create a world of magic and mystery. The pop culture references date this book immediately and it feels like more plot points were shoehorned for the sake of it. Nothing is really explained, there's no explanation of the magical systems or what the point is (or why everyone needs to forget the town really). The relationship between the sisters immediately reverts to childish and resentful (understandably for Delilah) and their mother is a "character". All their issues are eventually resolved with a sentence and a hug.

As I said, it seems to be setting up a series with the unresolved questions but I'm just not interested in finding out what happens. I'd read this concept again - if it was more focused and had less pop culture references.

I happened to spot the author biography (as the arc first page) part way into reading, which is a touch of whimsy and made me laugh, but in the context of everything else feels like another forced pop culture reference. Not everything needs to relate to the Gilmore Girls - the pen name and biography are a step too far for this story.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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DNF …. This book gave me the ick so badly and then the Donald Trump reference? What was the reason for mentioning Trump in a book? Thank you to NetGalley and Avon UK but this is a big ick and I can’t look past the reference to Trump.

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The premise had such potential, and the cover was really cute, but it didn't live up to it. It had no heart, and it felt as if the words were just a vessel for strange pop culture references that didn't fit the story. The whole thing was disjointed.

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Impractical magic was a fun read, but it managed to tackle the subject of grief in a good, well researched way.
I liked the idea of magic needing the woodland to thrive.
The romance was nice but fairly slow going. I did really like the ending and I wanted the main characters to end up together.

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Such a great story! Loved reading this just in time for halloween! Overall a cute and quick read for halloween

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DNF at 57%.

Thank you AvonUK & NetGalley for the e-ARC, but this was not for me. I typically love your cozy, witchy fall romances but this felt like it was written by a teenage girl or AI. The writing style was all over the place; way too descriptive on unnecessary parts and zero description for others.

The FMC was unbearable, immature and so negative. Her toxic relationships with her mother and older sister were not pleasant to read either.

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Many thanks for the ARC of this book.

As soon as I read the description and saw on the cover that it was perfect for people who loved Charmed and Gilmore Girls, I was excited to get my hands on this book. Unfortunately it did not live up to my expectations.

I found myself bored and not very interested in continuing. I found the characters quite irritating and very changeable from one page to the next which I found quite jarring.

I also found it very difficult to get into the romance as it was very drawn out with very little pay off.

It was OK but I won't be rushing to read it again and wouldn't recommend it.

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Thanks Avon UK and NetGalley for the e-ARC. The opinions are my own.

DNF'd at 25% because woof. Is AI in the room with us? Because no way this was written by a grown woman. What is it with modern romance novels being so incredibly immature? This FMC in this novel and her sisters are meant to be in their 20s or 30s, but they talk like teenagers.

I also think we need to stop with the Mad Libs pick n choose of pop culture references that include Gilmore Girls, Harry potter (in 2024?!) and Taylor Swift. Now we're throwing in Trump 😮‍💨 But please leave Tom Hardy out of this. also weird flex to have a grown woman's first thought about male witches is "do you think they enlarge their penises?" 😒

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I liked the premise of this book- prodigal witch returns home to help her cursed hometown- it had potential, it just did not work for me. It leans really heavily on quirkiness and banter and pop culture references, and there’s not enough heart or focus on the characters and their relationships.

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Thank you to Net Galley for the e-arc.

Overall, this book fell short of my expectations. I found myself putting it down multiple times due to a lack of engagement with the storyline. However, I pushed through to the end in order to provide a fair review.

One of the major issues with this book was the lack of context. I often found myself confused about the characters' motivations and the overall setting of the story. Additionally, the relationships between the characters felt underdeveloped and lacking in depth. This made it difficult for me to fully invest in their journeys.

Furthermore, I found reading the book to be incredibly slow, which made it a struggle to stay interested. It seemed to drag on without much excitement or momentum. And to top it off, the ending was unsatisfying.

In conclusion, this book needed a lot more work in order to reach its full potential. With more attention to detail, character development, and pacing, it could have been a much more enjoyable read. Unfortunately, as it stands, I would not recommend this book to others.

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Thank you netgalley and avon for the gifted arc.

I was really excited for this book bc I’m a huge lover of Gilmore girls and fall. I didn’t make it very far before deciding this just wasn’t for me.

I feel like it’s trying too hard to be Gilmore girls. I was hoping for something that just had the cozy, quirky vibes of Gilmore girls, not something with a very similar plot and characters. The town sounds really cute, but I wasn’t vibing with the characters.

I think a big issue I had while trying to get into this is the dialogue. I just feel like the nonstop banter from Rory and Lorelei is hard to replicate and it didn’t feel genuine here. It felt really choppy and awkward imo.

This book just isn’t for me!

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I can see why this has appeal. However, while it attempts to be cozy, it’s just…boring and hard to get through. It is light and fluffy but, it could do with a little more oomph. Especially when the premise is so intriguing!

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This story gives the same vibes as the tv show Charmed. Cozy town, magical mystery, saving the day, and a splash of romance.
The story was really cute, and I enjoyed the quirkiness of all of its residents. I was a bit disappointed that we were left in the dark as to why Scarlet felt it was her fault her dad died until the very end, but that was a minor thing. I also wish there would have almost been less side characters so that the main ones could have more space for deeper development.

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NetGalley ARC Review✨

Impractical Magic
By Emily Grimoire
Pub Date: 10/01/24

After leaving home and living in San Francisco for 10 years, Scarlet is called home because there is something making the magic in her hometown glitch. As she confronts hard things from her past (her father's death, her former best friend, her mom and sisters) she must also try to figure out why the magic is reacking havoc.

Her hometown is a magic haven and the women of the town are witches. It is deep rooted in history and when the magic broke in the past, Scarlet helped fix it. So she must be able to fix it again, right? After a couple failures she only had one person that believes in her...her former best friend, Nate.

When she left her hometown behind, she also left her friendship with Nate behind. They were on the brink of more but then she ran away. Can they overcome their differences and rekindle their friendship? Or has Nate moved on?

Will Scarlet be able to fix the magic before the town in no longer filled with magic? Will the magic die?

This story is perfect for people who love small town settings, sweet romance with second chance tropes, and complicated family dynamics.

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I loved the beginning of this book, but felt like the story was too drawn out and at about 50% through, I decided not to finish it. I enjoyed the banter, but didn’t find the story captivated me. While I can see many enjoying it and I wished that I did, I could not seem to gain enough interest in the storyline.

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Warm and cute.
I wouldn't mind rereading it next year around the autumn season again...
But it needs some good editing and more relatable dialogue and phasing, I think.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books and author Emily Grimoire for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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**Book Review: *Impractical Magic***

*Impractical Magic* is the perfect read for anyone seeking cozy fall vibes, complete with a dash of witchcraft, heartwarming friendships, and small-town charm. Set in the enchanting town of Oak Hollow, a quaint little witchy haven where magic lurks around every corner, this novel exudes autumn warmth in every page, making it the ideal book to curl up with on a chilly day.

The story follows a lovable young witch who is struggling to master her powers while juggling the demands of her magical lineage. The town itself feels alive, with cobblestone streets, bustling local shops, and a close-knit community of quirky characters that make Oak Hollow a place you'd love to visit. The author does an excellent job of weaving together magic and mundane life, giving the story an almost tangible coziness that mirrors the beauty of fall.

What stands out most in *Impractical Magic* is how well-written it is. The prose flows effortlessly, with vivid descriptions that bring the magical town and its inhabitants to life. The characters are charming and relatable, and their relationships—whether familial, romantic, or platonic—are warm and genuine. There’s a sense of nostalgia in the way the book captures the magic of small-town life, layered with just the right amount of whimsy and witchy wonder.

For fans of magic, friendship, and heartwarming stories set against the backdrop of a vibrant autumn landscape, *Impractical Magic* is a must-read. It’s the kind of book that makes you want to light a candle, pour a cup of tea, and immerse yourself in its cozy, magical world.

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A cozy read sure to inspire Fall vibes, “Impractical Magic” tells the story of Scarlett, who left her magical East Coast town of Oak Haven a decade ago and now must return from her self-isolation in San Francisco to help put the town back to rights.

I found this story to be highly predictable, but charming. While I feel the book could do with some more editing, it has potential.

Advertised as Gilmore Girls meets Charmed,
at its core, this is a story about family and all the chaos that comes with being in one. The sisters rely on each other and simultaneously bicker like schoolchildren. Mom reserves praise for those she feels have most earned it, regardless of the situation.

While shenanigans ensue (doorways turning into portals to other towns and even countries; a dining room that can’t decide its theme and a bookstore where the characters come to life from the pages) the relationship of Scarlett, Delilah and Luna is only strengthened.

The love story at the heart of this book has its starts and stops that only add another layer of meaning to the story.

Ultimately, Impractical Magic is a story about learning to trust yourself and a message to communicate well with loved ones, and to not bear grief alone.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books and author Emily Grimoire for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Unfortunately, I’m not one to DNF, or I would have put this down a while ago—simply not for me

The whole book could have spent a bit more time on the editing table. The dialogue especially felt weirdly stilted; the conversations were reminiscent of the books 1st-3rd grade students use to learn to read. I think this could have been better suited to a middle-grade designation. The “villain” would make more sense, and the sex scene (by the time it hits, it’s like, oh, uh, okay!) could have been nixed

The Harry Potter references were just baffling. Muggle is just being used as a regular term??? Wink/nodding to a school in England where they use wands? Too muddy!! Simplify!

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