Member Reviews

This is definitely a fall read but unfortunately it was not the book for me.

It was too slow and then felt rushed at the end.

I wish there were more magic, in deed and romance.

Ultimately, yes it gives the fall vibes and it’s cute but it missed so much and just did not hit the mark for me. I struggle bussed through this book.

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Thank you so much for letting me read this ahead of time! Sadly, it just didn’t hit the mark for me. The characters, especially the fmc, were so immature. These weren’t 28+ year olds. They read as 14 year olds, if that. I didn’t like the insta love between Scarlett and Nate either. Everything happened too quickly and didn’t flow very nicely. The story in the whole was very cheesy. And who were the “bosses”? And how did she survive for a whole year in that cage?! I have too many questions still. Just not my cup of tea.

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Impractical Magic is a fun, fall read with a witchy twist. This was such a quick read, I couldn't put it down once I started, they story just flowed so well. This returning home story makes for a cozy autumn read.

Scarlet's conversation with the Uber driver first thing pulled me into this book. I loved how throughout the book they would make little jokes about how no one would remember being there.

Although the main plot was serious the author did an amazing job of making the story and the characters so much fun. I enjoyed that the romance element was mostly a sub plot and didn't feel forced on you.

This is one of my new top favorite fall books and I will eagerly be waiting to see what comes next from Emily Grimoire.

My only con with this book is that the ending felt rushed, the story was built up so beautifully just to end the story with flashes of scenes.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this book! I went into this one hoping for a cozy witchy read to kick off the fall season and it was just that! I would have liked more romance but it being such a cozy read, that was OK too. It was a fun witchy read!

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This was an easy fall romance read. Overall, I’d liked it, but didn’t love it. I liked the characters, especially Luna. I liked the premise of the story, but it was a bit repetitive and didn’t really hold my attention. I also thought the ending went on for a bit too long. However, I would read another book by this author. Thank you, Nick and Avon Harper UK for the chance to read and leave my honest opinion.

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Impractical Magic is a charming, heartwarming read filled with witchy vibes and a sprinkle of romance. The story centres around Scarlett, who receives a call from her estranged sisters that something is amiss. Though she hasn’t returned home in years, she knows she must. Her mother’s inn is cursed, and it's up to Scarlett to set things right. As a witch in a magical town, she quickly realises something is wrong with the magic itself. During her time back, Scarlett crosses paths with her old flame, Nate, and alongside helping the town, old feelings begin to resurface.

The romantic subplot, however, felt a bit rushed and underdeveloped, with only brief glimpses of it, likely due to its YA focus. The story as a whole could have benefited from a bit more depth, as some aspects felt frustratingly underexplored. Nevertheless, it’s action-packed, and while some of the twists are predictable, it doesn’t take away from the fun.

For those seeking cosy autumn vibes or a charming YA magical tale, this book is a solid pick!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK | Avon for this ARC! *"Impractical Magic* by Emily Grimoire is a captivating read that weaves together enchanting elements with a touch of whimsy. Grimoire’s prose sparkles with vivid descriptions and imaginative world-building, drawing readers into a magical realm where nothing is quite as it seems. The characters are well-developed and their personal journeys are both compelling and relatable, adding depth to the fantastical narrative. While the plot occasionally meanders, the charm of Grimoire’s storytelling keeps readers engaged and entertained. Overall, it's a delightful escape for fans of magical realism and whimsical adventures."

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Book Review: Impractical Magic by Emily Grimoire

Impractical Magic is a delightful blend of whimsy, romance, and mystery, with just the right dash of magical charm. From the moment I started reading, I was drawn into the quirky, magical world that Emily Grimoire has crafted. The characters are vibrant and full of personality, and I especially loved the unique magical elements sprinkled throughout the story.

The plot moves at a good pace, with enough twists to keep things interesting without feeling rushed. The magical components felt well-integrated into the world, adding a sense of enchantment without overpowering the character development and relationships. The romance was sweet and playful, balancing out the mystery and adventure in the plot.

If you enjoy lighthearted, magical reads with a mix of romance and mystery, Impractical Magic will be right up your alley. Emily Grimoire has created an enchanting tale that leaves you wanting more, and I’m definitely looking forward to her future works!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC! and Emily!

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I have been very firmly in my cozy fantasy romance/mystery era since the start of false Fall in Atlanta, so I was extremely excited for the opportunity to review what sounded like a very promising book.

From nearly the first page, however, I knew I was not going to enjoy the book. That said, I did try both to like the book, and then to finish the book. I did not succeed on either front. The issue with the magic system, like so many other things in this book, felt more suited to YA. I recently finished Brewed With Love by Shelly Page, and any issues I had with immaturity over oversimplification or, for lack of a better word, cartoonishness was explained by the genre. "They're in high school." I kept reminding myself. This book did not have the same crutch.

This book also did a lot of telling and not showing, which led to dialogue that felt stilted. For instance, "Everyone's confused. And panic is setting in... Did you notice downtown, Scarlett, and how it isn't as heavily decorated as you remember?" reads to me like a conversation that someone who has never spoken to another human person would write.

I also believe pretty strongly that books should not rely on pop culture references too heavily, and they were mentioned too frequently throughout for my taste. Especially in a cozy fantasy romance, I should not be reminded who Taylor Swift is.

I am hopeful that because this is Emily Grimoire's first novel (to my knowledge) that there is room for improvement. I really liked the concept and feel sad that I disliked the execution too much to finish the novel.

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I really REALLY wanted to love this book...and I just couldn't connect. The idea is there, but it felt very rushed and half-hearted. Truthfully, I kind of felt like I was reading a first draft. I do love that I felt warm and cozy vibes, but I honestly felt like it was manufactured and the author just thought "okay how can I make fall BookTok like this?" and I don't want to feel that way when reading.

Honestly, Scarlett was really unlikeable and so rude. If you hate Oak Haven so much, why are you even back? It was just giving entitled and mean girl...not estranged. And every SINGLE miscommunication (there were so many) could have been solved with one sentence.

I also feel like the author took direct scenes from Gilmore Girls, added magic, and called it a just felt a little too close. Like we literally had a hardware store with coffee, a family inn, prodigal daughter, and "oy with the poodles already" which was wild. And I searched and searched for any kind of "inspired by" or "based on" in the notes and could not find any... Just feels a little off to me.

This review kind of hurts to write, and I wish I had a better time reading this... I'm looking forward to giving Emily another try.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc, my opinions are my own.

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I actually really enjoyed this! It was a cute cozy tiny bit spicy fall read. The self deprecating and the family drama got a bit annoying but overall this was a cute story. The final conflict was odd and I feel like the timeline could’ve been shorter but overall I liked this. Pick this up for a fun easy read this spooky season!

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This book felt like a warm hug! When they said if you like Gilmore girls you will like this book… they were not kidding! I love that this book got me in the fall spirit even though it’s 99 degrees outside.

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It was a bit too cheesy for me. Cute and easy to read but it felt a little silly at times. It is warm and fuzzy. So if you’re looking for a palette cleanser from serious reads or just want something light and the feeling of watching a Hallmark movie. Then this is for you. Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for this ARC.

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Eh, it was alright. It did feel like the author was trying to capture popular vibes (fall, Gilmore Girls), but the story felt weak. I wanted more depth and more character development.

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2.5⭐️ This book has all the qualities of a fall/witchy book that I would love, but this one just falls flat for me.

I found the main character unrelatable and unlikable, and certain elements of the story felt very rushed. I think there is a lot of potential here, but I wish more of the storyline was explored.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the opportunity to read this eARC for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are solely my own.

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A big thank you to Avon books for this review copy!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was everything that I wished ‘The Pumpkin Spice Cafe’ had been last year for me…a whimsical, slightly cliche, small town, autumnal romance but this time with witches and magic!!!

I instantly fell in love with the small town setting and the little references to Gilmore Girls that were sprinkled in; He runs a hardware store with a little nod to how he makes great coffee and should sell that too…and has a sign behind the counter ‘featuring a magic wand in a red circle with a slash, and the words "NO SPELLS."’ sound familiar?

My one negative was that I thought that the pace picked up towards the end a bit too much compared to the start and we jumped over some things quite quickly to get to the end. I would have happily read more pages to have fleshed out these things a little more but that being said, this was definitely an enjoyable and cozy read, perfect for the upcoming autumnal season!!!

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I DNF'ed this at about 20%. I really, really wanted to like it but I just couldn't get into it. It seemed like it would be a quick read, and I was totally fine with it being lighthearted and cheesy, but I really couldn't get through it or find interest in it. I am bummed-I really hoped that I would like this and it would give cozy, fall vibes but it was just meh. One chapter would say one thing, another chapter would contradict it. I think at one point it was said that Luna's magic was unpredictable, but then just a couple of chapters later it said that her magic was perfect, or orderly or something like that?

Everything also just felt very surface level. I couldn't really picture the town or hotel very easily despite the descriptions, and I didn't really like any of the characters. I think the readers need more "showing" rather than "telling" from the author. It was really repetitive that the main character left for a decade and everyone kept snarking about it. The subtle mentions of what happened to her father were not subtle at all, and it was just really obvious to me how the story would end (which I'm sometimes fine with, but this time I really didn't feel like lugging through this book to see an ending that I didn't really care much about).

The concept is great, the magic mishaps have potential to be really funny, it just needs some fine tuning!

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Thank you for the digital arc of Impractical Magic

This book had a few issues for me and I didn’t enjoy it.
The female mc wasn’t very likable and I think a dual timeline would’ve helped us understand her past more.

My number one issue was the way the author took advantage of the statement “for the fans of Gilmore Girls” it was taken too far with the direct quotes taken from the show without crediting it until the acknowledgements

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Gilmore girls meets practical magic! An absolute must read this fall season! I loved every character and the charming townsfolk. Such a fun and cozy read that should be on every fall lovers to read list!

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Think pumpkin spice lattes + witches + beautiful autumn setting all in one book--you'd get this book. It was just as cliche and heartwarming as a starbucks PSL and I wasn't mad at it-you come in knowing what you want and you get it.

Impractical Magic is about 3 sisters in the enchanted town of Oak Haven, which is full of magic and witches. Main character and middle sister Scarlett is brought back to the town from San Francisco when the magic in the little town is going haywire. Scarlett had been gone for 10 years because of mistakes she made and has to face both the current problems and her own problems when she comes back.

The setting was so cute, lots of little magic bookstores, hardware stores, a magical inn, pumpkins, pretty leaves, etc etc. It made me super excited for fall to start and to do all the related activities. The magical inn that Scarlett's family owns was really entertaining as it brought in quirky guests and kept doing randomly funny things because of the haywire magic.

Unfortunately, the book felt super slow and the main character was really annoying. She spent the entire book going "its all my fault that ___ and I suck at magic!!" and the whining got very old very fast. She had almost no character development and was insufferable to read about. The other characters felt very flat and either pandered to her whining or yelled at her, making it worse. The plot progressed extremely slowly and was mostly Scarlett going around town to various magical businesses and talking to the owners.

Minor spoilers but it was quite funny when Scarlett was chasing this bad guy with her sister and they have an intermission mid-chase to eat at a Las Vegas buffet. It made no sense considering the situation and the gravity of catching up to the person but made me laugh.

So, is this book the best fall book this year? No. Is it a fun time and has all the fall vibes? Yes. Just don't go into it with a ton of expectations past context and you'll have a great time.

Thank you to NetGalley + Avon Books for this ARC!

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