Member Reviews

This was an interesting combination of advice/wisdom that is useful for life - entrepreneurial life, athletics, and just overall life. While they aren't new concepts, it was a great reminder mixed with inspirational stories from his career and iron man trainings.

Some ideas to hold onto:
1. Embrace the grind - The grind is tough but perseverance needs to be there to do the stuff other people don't want to do.
2. One mistake doesn't define you, don't define someone else by their one mistake. Allow yourself to mourn, but carry on.
3. Showing up is the big part - success will follow and be ready for the next big opportunity
4. Celebrate small wins - some people only focus on the home runs but enough singles will win you the game too.
5. Pace yourself - create the foundation before you race ahead - monitor and preserve your body and business
6. Use quality shortcuts -never people. It takes longer to recover from a botched shortcut than to do it right the first time.
7. Overtraining syndrome - doing more doesn't always give you more, so don't overextend yourself - balance obtaining information with how extended you are
8. Always be closing your books - keep track of details along the way so you are disciplined/prepared to take it when an opportunity comes
9. Don't focus on luck/chance, be thoughtful of life partners, focus on the goal, and plan for pitfalls - make your own luck.
10. Be prepared, pick who you surround yourself with, and enjoy the journey
11. What you give power to has power over you if you allow it and will control your destiny. Invite positivity in so you can draw on it when you need to.
12. Envision the finish from day 1 and make it visible so you can't forget what you're working toward. Break down larger goals, visualize each day, execute through small actions.
13. Be elastic - do you allow yourself to stretch and grow and use ? Real adventure begins at the end of your comfort zone
14. Failures are a natural part of trying, of living, how you bounce back is more important. True failure is falling short of your goals and never going after them again.
15. Don’t fear the exit embrace it - you are judged not by what you start but what you finish.

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Let me be honest with you. I’m not a fan of business or motivational books. That’s why I was so surprised when the very first book I picked up on NetGalley was Built to Finish. I don’t know if it was the cover or the title, but something caught my attention. And I’m so glad it did.

This book is full of great insights. I really enjoyed the connections built between life, business and sports. After each chapter, Steven shared some key takeaways, which was very helpful.. Whether it was about perseverance and accepting your mistakes, embracing the journey rather than the destination, etc., I was inspired by his rational and structured approach even during the most difficult times.

After finishing the book, I tried to formulate my own takeaway. And here it goes. Yes, your journey won’t be easy. Yes, probably you’ll make some mistakes and face some challenges in life. But everything you want to achieve and dream about is still out there for you as long as you keep moving forward.

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Similar to "Delivering Happinness" the story of Zappos founder, the author is telling personal stories and his train of thought, with much less partying. More of a memoir than a business book, imo. Valuable lesson: appreciate the grind, because that is where you grow.
The author shares life lessons learnt through his experiences.

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